Of Love and Deception (22 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

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She calmed after Falcon had covered her and slowly scooted down on the cold vinyl.

“Okay, good.” He stood and proceeded to reach down and pull out stirrups on either side of the table. “Now lift your legs and place one on each of these.” He glanced up at her and gave a slight smile.

Humiliation didn’t come close to how she was feeling at the moment. She tried to keep her eyes closed as if this would change the fact that her most private areas were now on display for Falcon, but the brush of his knuckles against her inner thighs caused her eyes to fly open and to look between her legs. She swore pleasure was written all over his face as he slipped one of his gloved hands along her labia and continued until his finger was inside of her. Daniella let out a small whimper when he pushed a second finger inside.

“Sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you, but I’ve got to know where your cervix is located before I can insert the catheter,” Falcon said. He looked over at Meg. Daniella turned to catch the warning on Meg’s face.

“The speculum is on the tray, Falcon. You should try using it.” Meg turned back to the screen, which wasn’t in a location where either Daniella or Cruz could see it.

“Almost there. Just barely move the tip to the right.” Meg shifted in her seat, glanced at Falcon and said, “I can take it from here. You can leave now, Falcon.”

Meg finished the procedure, which Daniella hardly felt a thing, and then she dismissed herself.

Daniella stewed over the whole episode while she lay tilted, practically upside down, which was part of the post procedure protocol. When finally allowed to get up, she’d been so infuriated over the situation, and the fact that Meg completely lied to her and Cruz, she shoved herself back on the table, swung her legs over and slid off.

Cruz bolted upright. “Take it easy, Daniella,” he hissed.

“Don’t be pissy with me, Cruz. You have no right. I’m the one who was humiliated. Not you.” She gathered her clothes, marched into the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it. It took everything within her not to scream and cry. Maybe she was a tad bit hormonal.

When Daniella emerged, she hadn’t expected to see Meg and Falcon in the room. All eyes focused on her, and she wanted nothing more than to escape and go home. Falcon was no longer in scrubs, but wore black slacks and his white doctor’s jacket. He smiled and went to speak, but she continued to walk away from them and escaped into the cool hallway of the clinic. The bright orange light of an exit sign caught Daniella’s eye, and she ran toward it and fled.

After rushing across the parking lot, she slid into her car and took off. She had originally planned to go home after the procedure, but changed her mind and headed to work.


It took a lot of persuasion to calm Daniella down. Cruz did a lot of petting, and she realized it really wasn’t his fault. She lay in bed staring at the ceiling, arms crossed over her chest.

Cruz leaned over her and traced the outline of her angry face. He pressed his thumb and forefinger against her pursed lips and spread them in opposite directions, creating a smile instead of a pout. “I only wanted you to be happy. I thought you wanted the sooner rather than the later so I didn’t think twice about Falcon assisting in the procedure. I despise knowing he’s seen a part of you belonging to me, but he is a renowned fertility specialist, one of the best with a highly reputable repertoire.”

He rolled her into his arms, and kissed her forehead. “I want us to have what we both want. And that’s a baby. I’m sorry it was humiliating for you, it was for me as well.” He kissed each eyelid, then each cheek until he hovered near her lips, forcing her to look at him.

Damn him!

If he wasn’t so darn beautiful and sexy, she wouldn’t have caved. His eyes pleaded and his words were genuine, and he was right. How could she be mad at him when he only did what he thought she wanted, even against his own better judgment.

She inched closer to him, draped her free arm over his side and buried her head into his chest. “I’m sorry. I have no right to be mad at you, and I love you for always thinking of me first. I’m exhausted from all the stress lately. I just hope luck’s on our side and this procedure worked. I don’t want to do it again.” She inhaled a deep breath and savored every bit of him.


Four weeks later, Daniella’s cell phone rang and she ignored it. It continued to ring until it finally infuriated her to the point of answering the damn thing.

“Hello?” she snapped.

“About time you answered!”

“Sheesh, Meg. What’s the urgency? And why are you calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be bathing in the sun in Cancun?”

“Forget Cancun! Guess what, guess what!”

“What?” Daniella’s tone was flat.

“It’s confirmed! It’s official, out in the open. I am pregnant!” She squealed.

That’s it? The urgent matter at hand? Did she forget I already know she’s pregnant!

There was a long pause.

“Daniella! Now you also know it’s time to see if you are too. Hurry up and get your butt to the clinic! I have such a good feeling about this. I think we were meant to be pregnant together, to share our joy and having our little ones grow up together—wait. You… you haven’t had a period have you?”

Come to think of it, no, she hadn’t had her period since? “No, I should have been due… oh, a long time ago? I don’t even know when my last period was.”

“Get your butt down to the clinic A-S-A-P! It’ll be just you and I so let’s hope we can share some much needed cheers. I won’t take no for an answer. See you shortly.” Meg hung up.

There was no hurry to get to the clinic. Daniella almost dreaded going there fearing she’d only find out she wasn’t pregnant. And Meg being Meg, well, she’d still gloat in her glory and rub it in that she was pregnant, and then try to reassure that it would happen for her too, eventually.

Daniella parked her car and stepped out. She stood momentarily, gazing at the evening sky as it started to cloud up. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and ran her hands along her scalp. Slowly releasing her negative energy, she opened her eyes and made her way into the reproductive clinic.

“Come, come. Take this and go leave a specimen.” Meg ushered her into the bathroom with a specimen cup.

“Jeez, Meg. Do you want to hold the cup for me too?” Daniella teased.

Meg grinned. “I sure would if you needed me to. Now scoot, scoot.”

After Daniella left her specimen, she stood at Meg’s side, uncertain if she really wanted to watch Meg run the test and view the negative results. She closed her eyes after Meg put three drops into the well.

“O-M-G! Daniella. Look!”

Daniella slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Meg, who grabbed her cheeks and made her look down. “At this, Daniella. You’re pregnant! You’re… pregnant.” She wrapped her arms around her.

I’m… I’m. Am I?
Daniella was too stunned to move or say anything. It took Meg lifting her shirt up and pinching her belly to snap Daniella out of it.

“Look, Daniella. You already have a teeny pooch.”

Daniella glanced at her tummy.
“I kind of do, don’t I?”

“This is just so exciting. I knew it. I knew you’d be pregnant. We were meant to have babies together.” Meg rubbed her own tummy. “I think you’re going to be much bigger than me, though.”

Is she for real? Wow. So Jekyll and Hyde.
“Maybe. Maybe not. Um. Gosh, Meg. I’m numb. I think I just want to go home and, wow. I’m pregnant. I’m really pregnant. I have to go.” Daniella took long strides toward the front doors.

“Are you going to call Cruz and give him the good news, or are you going to wait until he gets home?” Meg asked.

How would she know Cruz was out of town? Maybe he told Falcon and Falcon told Meg. “I… I’m not sure yet, Meg. I just really need to go. I’ll call you later.” Daniella slipped into her car and took off.

18 - Sweet & Sour

When Daniella pulled into the garage, she noticed Cruz’s BMW. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He’d come home early.

Cruz glanced up when Daniella stepped into the kitchen. He had just removed the burrito he’d warmed up from the microwave. “Hey, where’ve you been? I tried to call you several times but you didn’t answer your—what’s wrong?”

She could only smile through her tears. She was still shaken over the positive pregnancy test.

“Babe? Why are you crying?” Cruz rushed to her side and wrapped her in a warm embrace, which only made her turn into a blubbery mess. He pulled back and cupped her cheeks in his palms. “Babe?”

“We… we are.”

“We are… what?” His brows furrowed. “Daniella?”

She sniffled. “Positive.”

“Positive…” His eyes widened. “You… are…”

“Pregnant. I’m pregnant. Meg tested—that’s where I was.” She gave him a rather shy smile as she glanced up at him through her damp lashes.

He wrapped her in his arms and twirled her around. “Oh, baby! Baby, baby, baby!” He pulled back and stared at her.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Cruz had the biggest smile on his face when he said, “You have a glow about you. Something different—your skin—” He circled her cheeks with his thumbs. “Silky smooth, a hint of blush to your cheeks…”

“You’re just being sweet,” she said bashfully, not looking at him but staring at his loosened belt and unfastened button on his charcoal dress pants.

Lifting his hand, he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, glided his fingers along her jaw and tilted her chin upward. He stared at her—admiration, love, passion and desire all mixed together in his aqua blue eyes, and then he leaned down, pressed his lips against her ear, and in a husky voice he whispered, “The way you just lowered your eyelids totally makes me want to take you upstairs and strip you naked.”

She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and with her lips parted slightly, she said, “Then do.”

Making love was different that night. Maybe it was knowing they shared a piece of each other, knowing a little life was now growing inside of her. Every kiss, every touch, and the way he made love to her heightened every bit of love she felt for him. Life was beautiful.

Each day brought new excitement. When Cruz left in the morning and returned in the evening, he’d greeted Daniella with kisses and whispers of love. But he hadn’t only kissed her lips or whispered into her ear, he’d touched her heart and soul with every word he spoke.


Their first ultrasound gave them a glimpse at their baby. The spine and body was visible as well as the outline of its head. Hands and feet were developing, but still webbed. The heartbeat appeared as if it were beating a million miles a minute. It was exciting and scary, and real.

“Wow. This is amazing. Our little football player right there in your belly,” Cruz whispered and smiled against Daniella’s cheek. She turned to face him, and crinkled her eyebrows. He chuckled and recanted, “Or maybe our little cheerleader,” which had earned him a grin and a kiss.

A tear glided down her cheek and he swept it away with his thumb. “Babe, I know exactly how you’re feeling because I’m feeling it too. Such a beautiful thing we’ve created. So much love…” his eyes shifted toward the screen. “…in that little package right there.”

And that’s how things went between them for the first few months.

At five months, and many appointments later, the joy, anxiety, and uncertainty of it all had finally settled in.

Daniella thought Cruz would share every aspect of her pregnancy with her. Appointments, ultrasounds, shopping for maternity clothes…but instead he seemed to be busier than ever, always on the road. When he was home his ear was glued to the cell phone or his eyes were stuck to his laptop.

Cruz’s moods were impossible to gauge and there were sudden spikes in his travels. Always the unexpected business trips, and his never ending excuse—
Better to work my ass off now, before the baby comes, right?
NO! She’d wanted to shout, but held her tongue.

“I have an appointment and another ultrasound tomorrow. Do you think you’ll be able to go with me this time?” Daniella asked with a slight bite in her tone. She waited, knowing his response would be the same, distant and cold.

“And what are your plans after the exam tomorrow?” he asked in an accusatory tone, as if she were… cheating?

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m going to work, as usual.” She was flustered. What the hell did he think she’d do? Whatever his problem was, Daniella was beginning to have doubts. His short, clipped remarks reminded her of Blake. He’d had that same attitude when she suspected he’d been seeing someone else.

“Can’t make it. I’m headed to Dallas in the morning.”

Unable to control the anger mixed with pain, Daniella dropped her fork onto her dinner plate and pushed herself up so abruptly that her chair fell backward and made a loud smacking noise as it hit the tiled floor.

Cruz shot a startled gaze at her. “What the fuck, Daniella?”

Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry!
“I… I’m done! I’m done! I can’t live with you anymore! And… and, and I wish I didn’t get p-preg—” She caught herself, guilt filling her heart for almost speaking that terrible thought. She attempted to run, but her legs trembled so bad that she wasn’t fast enough to dodge the now furious Cruz, who had caught her by the wrist, pulled her toward him, and backed her up against the wall.

Pressing his forehead to hers, he squeezed his eyes shut and released her wrist only to pound his fists against the wall above her head. “Goddam…” was the only thing he said, and then, without warning, he shoved his hands into her hair, clenching and releasing, and pulled her head back to stare with fire burning in his eyes. He brought his mouth over hers, barely touching, but breathing heavy against her parted lips.

Anger, fear, excitement and an unquenchable need to feel him against her, inside of her, shut out the sane part of her brain that screamed to push him away. She raised her hands, sliding her fingers into his hair and tugged his head down, crushing their lips together. He didn’t hesitate to force his tongue deep into her mouth, colliding and controlling her as it swirled in a flurry of danger and lust. He slid his hands down her sides and continued by pushing her shorts and panties until they pooled at her feet. Breaking the kiss, he dragged his open mouth against her cheek and stopped at her ear.

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