On The Floor (Second Story) (19 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaCross

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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He has my shirt up around my breasts and his hands start to work my panties down. I lift off the bed as he pulls them down my legs and drops them next to the bed. His mouth continues its path until his tongue lands right where I want it.

I lift my hips to meet his mouth, as he runs his tongue along my folds slowly. He continues this until I am begging for him to put his mouth on my clit.

I feel him chuckle against me. I know he likes having this kind of control over my reactions. I can’t help but beg him when he works me this way.

He slides two fingers into me and hooks them, reaching the most amazing spot that I never knew existed until he found it. His lips find my clit as he kisses me, sucking it into his mouth. He flicks my nub with his tongue, as I bite back a scream. Instead, I moan and grind onto his face.

He reaches up with his free hand and finds my breast. He rolls my nipple between his fingers. I feel my insides tighten with the oncoming release as he pinches my nipple. My orgasm crashes through me, causing me to lose control and moan loudly as I hold his head against me, riding out the wave of pleasure.

When I come down, I release his head and he kisses his way back up my stomach, over my chest, up my neck, to my ear. “Good morning, babe,” he says, taking my earlobe into his mouth.

I smile, closing my eyes and basking in the way this man makes me feel. He reaches my mouth and kisses me, sliding his tongue against mine. I can taste myself in the kiss, and I love it. I never have in the past, but there is something about the way I taste mixed with Jake that I love.


“Your turn,” I say reaching down and stroking his hard on through his boxers.

He pulls away and groans, grabbing my hand and bringing it up above my head. “As much as I want that, as much as I want you… I’m running late. Band practice this morning,” he says with his words. But his body is telling me something else, as he grinds his erection into me, groaning again.

“That’s right…” I sigh, lifting my hips and moving against him.

He leans down and kisses me hard, then he quickly pushes up off the bed, grabbing jeans and pulling them on. “You’re killing me…” he says chuckling. He adjusts himself, and then throws on a shirt. Grabbing his toothbrush he heads to the bathroom.

When he comes back, he smiles at me still in his bed. “Stay as long as you want,” he says coming over and giving me a kiss. “I’ll be back in a few hours and don’t forget that tonight we’re leaving at like seven to grab something to eat before we go out.”

“I know,” I say smiling up at him. “Can’t wait. Jenna’s coming too, so let’s try to stay away from The Grove. She broke up with Will.”

“I heard,” Jake says, moving towards the door.

“See you later,” I say blowing him a kiss.

My horny boyfriend catches the kiss and puts it on the front of his jeans. “Later…” he says winking at me as he walks out and shuts the door.

I laugh and reach over to his nightstand and grab my phone, texting Jenna to see if she can meet to get ready later. Before she can respond, I put my phone down and snuggle into Jake’s bed, quickly falling back asleep.

I wake up an hour later and climb out of bed, throwing on one of his t-shirts and my jeans. I grab the rest of my clothes and my phone and head back to my room. I drop everything off in my room, grabbing my shower stuff and a change of clothes and head to the bathroom.

I take a long shower, as I daydream about my boyfriend. I get out and go back to my room, realizing I was in there for a little longer than I thought.

I use the time before I head to Jenna’s to do some reading for school and call my sister. Before I know it, it’s after three.

I text Jenna letting her know that I’ll be up in a few. I look through my clothes, deciding what to wear. I pick out a pair of jeans and a black v-neck shirt, hoping Jenna will let me borrow her leather jacket again. I throw my black boots into the bag, along with my make-up and flat-iron, and head to Jenna’s room.

I get to the door, and hear music blaring. I knock, but get no response, so I try the handle and walk in. Jenna is sitting on the floor in front of her mirror doing her hair. She must not have heard me come in, because when she sees me in the reflection, she jumps nearly burning her neck on the flat-iron she’s using.

“Oh my fuck, Rachel! You scared me!” she says with her hand to her chest.

“I knocked…” I say, as I put my stuff down on her bed. I pull out my flat-iron and plug it in.

She turns down her music. “Show me what you’re wearing tonight,” she says sitting back down in front of the mirror.

I pull out my outfit and shoes. “I was hoping to borrow your black leather jacket.”

“Of course,” she says nodding to a hot pink dress hanging on the back of her door. “I was going to wear my white leather jacket with that. Thoughts?”

“It’s a tight dress. I think you’ll look hot, but you might be cold.”

She laughs. “I won’t be cold when I find a new man to snuggle with,” she says winking at me.

“Oh my god, Jen. What’s worse is I know you are one hundred percent serious,” I say shaking my head and laughing.

“You know…” she says, putting down her flat-iron and facing me. “I haven’t hooked-up with a musician in a while. The guys in Jake’s band are pretty hot…”

“Jenna. No. I am with Jake and if you hook-up with one of the guys in his band, it might be weird. We are probably going to see them a lot.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to date one of them,” she says rolling her eyes at me. “I said I wanted to hook-up. Guys who play guitar know how to use their fingers to play me just right. You know what I mean, Rach. You are the one who is currently sleeping with one…” she says trying to hold back a laugh. She loves trying to make me blush.

And I do. “Jenna!” I scold. "But seriously, don’t make it weird with his band.”

“Relax. Those guys are used to no strings attached hook-ups. All guys in bands are…” she says, trailing off at the end. Her eyes get wide, and she knows she’s hit a sore spot.

“Thanks, Jen…” I say. Now I can’t stop thinking about all the no strings hook-ups that Jake has had. I just have to try to remember that even though he may have been with a lot of girls in the past, I am the only one he has wanted to attach strings to. I just have to hope neither of us cuts those strings…

“Hey. I didn’t mean it like that. You know Jake is totally into you. You can’t think about the past with a guy like Jake. You just have to look at the commitment he is willing to make to you now. Look at the guy he is with you, not the guy he was before you.” BFF damage control. She can tell exactly where my mind is going.

“I know.”



“Now let’s stop all that serious talk and have a dance party!” she says turning up the music. She starts doing the robot, and I can’t help but laugh.

And then I join in.

We take our time getting ready taking frequent breaks to dance to our favorite songs. Which is almost every song. What would normally take us an hour or so, takes us nearly three.

My phone chirps with a text from Jake, telling me that he’ll be at my room in ten minutes to pick us up. I smile at the text, and let Jenna know.

“So based on the face your making, I’m going to guess that things are going well with that hunk of man meat,” she says, bumping my shoulder with hers and she fixes her hair in the mirror.

I laugh. “Where do you come up with these things, Jen?”

“They just come to me,” she says shrugging. “Now answer the question.”

“Things are really good. I talked to him about my mom last night,” I tell her looking at her in the reflection of the mirror.

“Really…?” she says, trying not to look too surprised.

“Yeah… And my dad.”

“What?!” This time she can’t help it when her jaw drops. I may tell people a little about my mom, but I don’t tell anyone about what happened with my dad.

“Yeah. I didn’t plan on it, but we were talking about my mom and it just came up. It felt good to tell him. I feel like he understands,” I tell her, a sad smile growing on my face.

“You told him everything?” she asks.

“Yep. Even about the therapy sessions.”

“Wow. He must mean a lot to you,” she says fishing for how I’m feeling about him.

“He does. I think I’m fal…” I start to say when there is a knock on the door.

The smile that was growing on her face falls as she scrunches it, expressing her annoyance at the fact that we just got interrupted.

finish that later,” she says, moving to open the door.

Jake is standing there, looking amazing in jeans and white and grey pinstripe button-down shirt, which he has rolled at the sleeves. He has a worn black leather jacket hanging from his arm. “You weren’t in your room. I figured you were here causing trouble with, Jenna,” he says looking at me.

“You caught me,” I say, a nervous smile on face. I hope that he didn’t hear what I was about to say. It doesn’t look like it. Thank god. I may be falling in love with him, but I am definitely not ready to tell him yet.

“Ready?” he asks us.

Chapter 14




The three of us are going to dinner and then meeting the rest of the guys at a bar near campus called, Charlie’s Tavern. I’m nervous for dinner because Jenna doesn’t always like to behave herself. And given the fact that I was about to tell her that I am falling in love with Jake, the bombs that she could drop on him have the potential to be nuclear.

She is on her best behavior during dinner. No leading questions. No innuendo. She keeps everything that I almost told her to herself and we make it to Charlie’s around nine. Even though Charlie’s is practically on campus, the vibe here is very different than the other places near it. One of the reasons for this is the fact that they actually card. Every person, every time. And they are really good at catching fakes, so the crowd here is all over twenty-one. Another reason is the fact that they will cut you off. They don’t serve you until your stupid drunk. They’ll serve you until your just drunk enough. The measures they take keep the place low key and off the radar of all the people out to party hard.

And that makes it a perfect place to spend time really getting to know the guys in Jake’s band, as Jake’s girlfriend. I’ve obviously spent time with Nate, but not as just a friend and I have barely spent any time with Brian and Toby.

The guys are sitting at a table in the back when we get there. I’m really nervous about seeing Nate again because even though I may have wanted to be with Jake, I didn’t
want to be with Nate. I just wanted to be with Jake more. I had feelings for Nate and connected with him enough to want to try to be with him.

This is going to be awkward.

We get to the table and before anyone can say anything, I realize that Jenna was serious about trying to hook-up with one of the guys. “Hello again boys,” she says in her flirty voice, wiggling her fingers at them. She slides onto the chair next to Brian and crosses her legs, leaning towards him. “Sorry if we kept you waiting,” she says eyeing Brian. I guess she picked her target.

Jake looks at me with the question written all over his face.

I nod. Yep. My best friend is trying to get with your bass player.

He laughs and shakes his head.

I was so freaked out about seeing Jake the last time I met them, I didn’t take the time to really look at the guys. They are both good looking guys. In totally different ways.

Brian has brown hair that is cut close to his head, piercing blue eyes, and a nice smile. He looks like a clean cut, all-American type guy. Jake told me that he was the quarterback of their high school. He goes to another college in San Diego, majoring in business.

Toby is the opposite of clean cut. He has a short black Mohawk and dark brown eyes. He has the same eyebrow pierced twice, and his lip pierced as well. He has gages in his ears that I could stick a pencil through and tattoos that cover his neck and arms, and I’m sure most of his body. Jake told me that he and Nate came out here together from the Midwest and that Toby graduated from the same college as Nate, but with a degree in mechanical engineering. He works with a company designing motors that run on alternative sources of energy.

I sit down next to Jake, not realizing that the spot I took puts me directly across from Nate. I look up at him with a nervous smile on my face, only to realize that he is giving me a genuine smile.

“Hey Rachel. How have you been?” he asks me. And he actually looks interested in the answer.

“Good,” I say, the nervousness slowly leaving my body. “You?”

“Been good,” he tells me, the smile still on his face.

And now I don’t know why I was so nervous. Nate is a good guy, and even though we broke up, we did it on good terms. Well, at least the best terms that we could, given that I started dating one of his best friends.

I look over at Jake to see that he is engrossed in the conversation that he is having with Toby and Brian about the set list for an upcoming show. I decide to take advantage of the opportunity, and apologize. Again.

“Hey, Nate… I’m sorry about everything. I think you’re a really great guy, but I just already had this thing with Jake.” I don’t know why I brought it up again, but I feel like kind if a bitch for sort of leading him on.

“It’s okay, Rachel.” His smile is easy, and I can tell he means it. “It kind of sucked at first, but I understand. You and Jake are really great together. I think you’re good for him. I’ll eventually find the girl I’m looking for,” he says.

“Or she may find you…” I say, looking over at Jenna. I can tell that she has been listening to our conversation. She keeps throwing sideways looks at Nate as we sit there and listen to the end of the boys’ conversation.

Jenna continues to pay special attention to Nate throughout the night. She seemed to start the night nearly on top of Brian, and has slowly shifted her body so she is closer to Nate. I think she might have a thing for my ex-sort-of-boyfriend.

While Brian and Toby are hot, their personality isn’t really the type she normally goes for. No matter what the guy looks like, she normally likes going out with nice, corruptible guys. Brian is nice, but he is a little straight laced for Jenna. Toby is already corrupted. He would be perfect for the one time hook-up she was talking about earlier tonight, but she doesn’t seem interested in him.

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