Read On The Floor (Second Story) Online

Authors: Jennifer LaCross

On The Floor (Second Story) (22 page)

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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“Tell me what I feel like inside you,” he demands, watching my breasts move as I ride him hard.

“You feel so good… so big…”

He groans.

I moan. “I’m gonna come again… Jake…” I start to chant his name.

He lifts one of my nipples to his mouth and sucks right as I start to pulse around him, my orgasm hitting me hard. Releasing my nipple from his mouth, he presses his face to my neck. His tongue darts out trailing up the column of my neck, licking the sweat from my skin. His hands trail down to grip my hips, holding me down as he thrusts up into me once more, groaning his release. He moves my hips in circles against him as his body jerks through his orgasm, stilling inside me when he comes down.

He kisses up my neck and licks the shell of my ear, before putting his lips on my mouth. Putting one of his hands in my hair, he pulls me in for a lazy, sated kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and press myself as close to him as I can, wishing I could be closer.

The sex with Jake just keeps getting better and better. And when I pull away from the kiss, the look in his eyes causes my heart to swell. I know we haven’t said it yet, but I know he loves me. Right now, it is written all over his face.

“Rachel, I…” he whispers, before clearing his throat. He pauses briefly, but it feels like the moment lasts forever. “I, uh…”

“Jake?” I say after he pauses again.
Please tell me you love me

He clears his throat again and his eyes close and he nuzzles his face into my neck before mumbling, “You’re amazing.”

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath trying to hide my disappointment. “Thanks Jake,” I say trying to sound sated instead of let down. “You’re pretty amazing yourself,” I finish before placing a kiss on the top of his head.

He chuckles, and rolls us so that we are lying down in my bed. He pulls out of me and leaves me only long enough to throw away the condom. When he comes back, he spoons me from behind, caressing me softly. His fingertips trail up and down my arm, breasts, stomach, leg, leaving a trail of goose bumps behind them. He kisses my neck, humming against my skin.

“What is that you’re humming?” I ask him.

“Huh? Oh… it’s one of the songs we’ve been working on,” he responds before going back to his tender caresses and kisses.

“I like it. What is the song about?”

“Stuff…” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

“What kind of stuff?”

“Good stuff…” I can hear him holding back a laugh.

“Fine. Don’t tell me…” I say, faking a pout.

He chuckles and continues to hum the song.

I’m not sure how long we lay there before he breaks the silence.

“So did you and Jenna talk about anything else today?” he asks, sounding a little sleepy.

I roll over a little to check the clock before answering, noticing that it is later than I thought. It’s amazing how fast time flies when you want a moment to last forever.

“Actually yes… a certain band member…” I say. I can play coy too.

“Oh yeah? Brian or Toby?” he asks, stifling a yawn.

“Who do
think?” I say. It might be interesting to see who he thinks my friend would go for.

“You said she was looking for a one night thing. So I’m going with Toby,” he says with confidence.


“Brian then,” he says.

“Wrong again…”

“Nate?” he says surprised.


“Huh… Isn’t that a little weird?” he says, clearing his throat. “I mean, you guys, um, dated… or whatever.” He sounds so uncomfortable acknowledging the fact that I dated his friend.

“Two dates, Jake. And we only kissed a handful of times. It’s not that weird…” I say. I mean, it’s a little weird, but I’m with Jake and I’m happy.

“She knows he’s not into casual sex, right? He’s… uh… he had a bad experience. He doesn’t sleep with a girl unless she means something to him,” Jake says, sounding concerned.

“I told her something along those lines, but she thinks that anyone is down for it if you offer.”

“Not Nate…” he says.

Chapter 16




Fifteen days.

Fifteen days of hugs.

Fifteen days of kisses.

Fifteen days of touching.

Fifteen days of talking.

Fifteen days of sex.

Fifteen days of pure bliss.

Fifteen days of perfection.

Fifteen days of Jake.

The last couple of weeks have been amazing. I can feel us both falling further and further. Feeling something that we won’t tell each other. I have almost said it a million times, but I always hold back. I can’t tell him yet because there is this little voice in the back of my head telling me that this is too good.

Things are never

I have a hard time admitting to
exactly what I am feeling, let alone Jake. And thank goodness Jenna never brought up the fact that I almost admitted to her that I am falling in… gah! I almost thought it.

It feels like a jinx. Now that everything is so good, it feels like if I think it, speak it, admit that I feel it, everything will fall apart.

But that’s silly, right?


Definitely silly.

Fine!!! LOVE! I am in love with Jake!

There. I thought it. I admitted it.

If only I could say it.

If only he would say it back.




It’s Tuesday evening and we just got back from one of Second Story’s band practices. I have been to watch them two times in the last few weeks and they sound great. And their original songs are amazing, even though I haven’t heard the lyrics yet.

Jake told me he was still working on them.
Fine tuning
. But Toby, Nate, and Brian seemed surprised when he told them they would be rehearsing them without lyrics tonight. I don’t really know what to make of that, but the same kind of thing happened the last time I went to watch them rehearse.

Maybe Jake just doesn’t want to sing them in front of me. He’s told me before that he uses music to express things he can’t
. The sentiment is tattooed on his ribs. He’s used music to tell me something before when he sang to me at The Grove.

But I wonder why he wouldn’t want me to hear the lyrics to the songs he’s written…

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Jake’s hand squeezes mine as he tugs me down onto his bed. “How did you like the new song?” he asks me as he pulls me to sit between his legs. He grabs the remote and turns on the TV, starting to flip through the channels.

“It was really great!” And it was. The music is phenomenal, building emotion and excitement. If only I could hear the lyrics that go with it. “Are you almost done with the lyrics?”

“I’m still working on them. Trying to get them perfect…” he says, a smile on his face.

Fine tuning
?” I ask, smiling back at him.

“Exactly! See, I knew you understood my artistic process,” he says, leaning down to kiss me.

He finally settles on a movie. It’s half over and we watch about fifteen minutes of it before Jake starts to talk to me again.


“Yeah, Jake?”

“I wanted to ask you something,” he says nervously.

“Ask away,” I respond smiling, trying to ease his nerves.

“Before I ask, I want to tell you that you can absolutely say no. I wouldn’t even want to say yes if the situation were reversed, so…”

Wow. What does he want to ask me? “Okay…”

“It’s just, uh, my dad? He called me today and told me he’s coming to town on Thursday. He wants to meet for lunch.” He stops talking, looking at me expectantly.

“Okay,” I say waiting for him to finish. “I don’t really know what you’re asking, Jake.”

He chuckles. “I guess I didn’t ask a question, huh? Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. It will be really awkward. It will be horribly boring. He’s kind of dull and I haven’t seen him in over six months. I guess I just feel like you might make the lunch way more manageable. You have this positivity that you bring with you wherever you go. Maybe it will rub off on us.”

I smile. “Of course I’ll go.”

“Are you sure? It will be
awkward and uncomfortable. It always is. I just don’t want to deal with him by myself this time. This is totally selfish of me to ask you to do this.” This doesn’t sound like the Jake I know. He’s almost rambling. That’s
thing. Jake is always so self-assured and confident. If I can make this situation better for him, then I will. That is what you do for the people you love.

“I understand, Jake. I still want to go.” The worry is still on his face. His dad must really make him uneasy. Emotional. And there is one sure fire way I can bring my Jake back. “But there is one
condition,” I say smiling in way that I hope he finds sexy.

His confusion almost makes me laugh. “Um… okay?”

get to be the selfish one tonight,” I say leaning up to kiss him. I shift so I am kneeling in front of him and I pull his head down to mine, deepening the kiss. Eventually, I pull away and look up at him. I can see how turned on he is. His eyes half mast, his cock full mast. “Do we have a deal?”

“Fuck yeah, Rach. You can be selfish any day you want,” he says smiling and running his hands down my sides before gripping my hips.

“I’m talking, like, four or five times kind of selfish. You up for the challenge, big guy?” I say smiling and running my hands through his hair.

He smirks at me. “Big guy, huh?”

“Oh yeah,” I say my smile growing.

“I think I’m up for that kind of challenge,” he says.

?” I challenge.

He chuckles. “I

Before I can even respond, he grabs me and flips me so I am underneath him. I gasp and then laugh as he starts kissing down my neck.

He leans up and looks into my eyes. “No laughing. This is a very serious challenge,” he says trying not to smile.

I put on a mock serious face. “You’re right, Jake. Very serious.”

He chuckles. Then he kisses. Then he licks. Then he nibbles. Then he rubs. Then he fucks his way across the finish line.

But I’m not selfish four or five times.

I’m selfish six times.




The Thursday lunch date with Jake’s dad is here in the blink of an eye. The vulnerability Jake had when he asked me to lunch with his dad is nowhere to be found as we sit at a table in a restaurant downtown. Jake just looks relaxed and bored. Greg, Jake’s dad, is running late.

Jake tells me this is normal.

I think it’s rude.

I didn’t have the best opinion of this guy to begin with and it’s only getting worse.

Greg finally shows up thirty minutes late. He walks up while reading something on his phone and glances up at us briefly before sitting down. And he stays on his phone. No greeting. No smile. Nothing.

“Hey Greg,” Jake says, putting on a fake smile. “This is Rachel, my girlfriend.”

Greg glances up from his phone. “Hi,” he says his eyes flicking between me and Jake. “Give me just a second to finish reading this email.”

Wow. This guy is a serious prick.

I can tell that my feelings for him are written all over my face. And they are not good.

Jake squeezes my hand and I try to put a supportive face on before I turn to look at him. I smile and it’s genuine because it’s for Jake, not for Greg. He smiles back, but his smile looks apologetic. My heart is breaking for Jake. This is his dad and Greg doesn’t seem to care at all that the son he hasn’t seen in over half a year is sitting right in front of him.

, Greg puts down his phone. It’s still on the table, but at least he’s looking at us now, his eyes once again flicking back and forth between us.

There is silence until Jake reintroduces me. “Greg, this is Rachel, my girlfriend.”

Greg puts on a big fake smile, “Nice to meet you, Rachel.”

I plaster a fake smile of my own on. “Hello, Greg.” And I don’t say it’s nice to meet him. Because it's not.

Then silence again. Luckily, the waitress comes over and asks Greg for his drink order. Jake and I are both ready to order and apparently so is Greg because he starts to order without checking if we are ready or not.

When the waitress leaves, the silence starts again. I clear my throat and try to be the positive force that Jake needs me to be. “So, Greg, you’re here on business?”

“Yep,” he says before looking down at his phone.

“Um, what kind of business are you in?”


“Cool…” I say. This guy is giving me nothing.

Greg looks up from his phone. “So, Rachel, are you a fan of Jake’s band? Is that how you met?” That is a reasonable enough question, even if it sounds like he is implying I am some sort of groupie. But the way he says band, like it is some kind of a joke, infuriates me.

I plaster on a fake smile. “I am actually, but that’s not how we met. We work together in the dorm.”

“That’s nice you got a job, Jake,” he says, before looking down at his all-important phone.

nice that Jake got
job. You know, in addition to working with children with disabilities.” I am so angry at this man. He is condescending and rude and horrible and terrible and… the worst!

“I didn’t know you had a job already, Jake,” Greg says, feigning interest.

“I do actually,” Jake says. “I even have a really great full time job lined up there when I graduate. I told you about it the last time I saw you,” Jake replies sounding annoyed.

“Really? Huh… So you got a job with your type of degree?” he responds surprised.

“Yep.” Jake’s response is short and angry. I would sound that way too if my dad acted this way towards me.

Thankfully, our food arrives and we are able to busy ourselves with eating. The silence doesn’t last long when, surprisingly, Greg asks me a question. “So you go to this music school too?”

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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