Read On The Floor (Second Story) Online

Authors: Jennifer LaCross

On The Floor (Second Story) (20 page)

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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We’ve been ordering pitchers all night, and everybody has a good buzz going. We’ve been laughing, joking, and having a really good time. Everyone gets along and I can tell that Jake has a really good group of friends.

“Okay, okay, okay, everybody!” Jenna says, as she finishes topping off her beer. “I think it’s time for a little I Never…”

Everyone starts laughing.

“What? Are we in high school?” Toby asks, laughing and shaking his head.

“What? Are you scared?” Jenna teases.

“Nope. I’m down,” he responds, jokingly narrowing his eyes at her.

She looks over at me and smiles. “Guys like Toby never back down from a dare,” she says winking. I laugh at her.

“Damn straight,” Toby says, filling up his glass.

“I’m in,” Brian says.

“Me too,” Nate says, nodding at Toby to pass him the pitcher.

Jake looks down at me. “You in?” he asks, giving me a smile that nearly makes me fall out my chair and into his lap.

“Sure,” I say smiling back.

His eyes darken and I can see he is about to do something that will either make me mad, or make me hot. Hotter than I already am.

He looks at the group. “I’m in, on one condition. That this is a game of…” he pauses, looking back at me to say the last part. “…
I nevers…”

Is it possible to be mad and hot at the same time? Because that is what I am. I can feel my face heat with embarrassment and… something else. “Jake…” I say. “No way!”

“C’mon, girlfriend. It’s only fun if it’s sexual. No one wants to hear about how someone else never used cinnamon toothpaste before.”

He’s lucky I’m buzzing. “Fine…”

“YES!!!” Jenna squeals. “Okay. So everyone knows the rules. You claim something you’ve never done, sexually. Everyone who has done it takes a drink. Those who haven’t abstain. Any questions?”

“Seriously, if anyone here hasn’t played I Never before, we’re not friends,” Nate says.

I notice Jenna smile and look at him out of the corner at her eye.

Jake shakes his head, laughing. “So who’s first?”

“I’ll go!” Jenna nearly shouts, raising her hand. “I never…” she looks up thinking.

Nate starts a drum roll on the edge of the table, making everyone laugh.

“Shh! I’m thinking! Oh!” she exclaims. “I’ve never gone down on a girl before.” She smiles.

All the guys drink with big smiles on their faces.

“I’m damn proud of that drink I just took,” Brian says, finishing off his beer and reaching for the pitcher.

Jake leans over close to me and whispers, “Me too,” and then he kisses me in the spot right below my ear, giving me goose bumps. He chuckles against my skin and then pulls away.

“I guess I’m next if we’re going clock wise,” Nate says. “I’ve never given a blow job.”

“That was too easy,” Jenna says, as her and I both take a drink.

“You earned that drink, babe,” Jake says just loud enough for everyone to hear.

I blush and I know Jake is expecting me to act embarrassed, so instead I say, “Damn right I did.” And give him a big smile. Everyone starts laughing and cheering.

“Classic,” Toby says, slapping Jake on the back.

“Okay, Rach. Your turn,” Jenna says.

“Alright. Hmmm… I never…” I take a moment to stop and think before I give my answer. “Oh! I’ve never had sex in a hotel.”

“Ugh… Boooorrrriiiinnggg!” Toby says taking a drink, along with everyone else.

“Leave her alone,” says Brian. “I thought that was an interesting one. Now Jake knows that he can pop her hotel cherry.”

be popping that, thank you very much!” Jake exclaims. “And I believe it is my turn. Let’s see… I’ve never been fucked in the ass.”

All the guys crack up and stare at Toby as he shakes his head and takes a drink. “You guys are never going to let me forget that, are you?”

They all start laughing harder and shaking their heads. “No way, dude!” Nate says. “That was hilarious!”

“You should’ve just kept it to yourself,” Brian adds.

“What happened?” Jenna says after she takes her drink.

“He had a girl who wanted to top him… so he let her,” Jake tells us.

“She was hot! And I’ll try anything once,” he says, looking at Jenna and winking.

While all of the attention is on Toby, I put my lips to my glass and take a small sip, hoping nobody sees me. If we’re swapping stories, I’d rather keep mine to myself.

I look up, and notice that everyone’s attention is still on Toby… except Jake’s.

“Interesting…” he says.

“What?” I ask him.

“It’s just interesting learning this stuff about you. We haven’t really had much of a sex talk. This takes a little of the pressure off… making it a game,” he says smiling at me.

I smile back. “Even though this is fun, I like talking sex with you one on one,” I say winking at him.

He starts laughing. He quiets down just in time for us to hear the end of Toby’s I never.

“…on a banana,” he finishes.

“What did you say?” Jake asks as Jenna takes a drink.

“I’ve never put a condom on a banana,” Toby says.

Nate looks at Jenna with a brow raised. “They always do it in movies, and I was curious. And hey! I wasn’t the one who did that weird I Never anyways…” she says laughing.

“Okay, Bri. You’re up!” says Nate, smiling back at Jenna.

“I’ve never been with a chick with a clit piercing.”

Jake and Toby both take a drink. I’m starting to think there isn’t much Toby hasn’t done.

We go for three more rounds around the table, and I learn some pretty interesting things about Jake. He had sex in a lot of places, but not on the beach or in an elevator. And in turn, he learned a lot about my past experiences. Including the fact that I’ve never had sex to music, been to a strip club, had sex with more than one person in a twenty-four hour period, or had a threesome.

Let’s just say Jake has had a few more experiences than I have had, and I kind of wish I didn’t know about them.

After our game of I Never, Jake and I decide to call it a night and head out. Jenna stays behind still on her mission to hook-up. And based on where her attention was focused most of the night, she’s looking to hook-up with Nate.

That could get awkward…

We get back to the dorm and we head up to my room. I shut and lock the door and turn around to see Jake standing near my bed, looking at me like he wants to completely devour me. This man can make me hot and wanting with only a look. He has my breath speeding, my heart pounding, and my sex clenching. His smile grows bigger when he sees how I respond to him.

He approaches me slowly, keeping his gaze locked with mine. When he gets right in front me, he leans down to my ear, running his tongue along the shell before he says, “Sit down in your chair and log in to your computer.”

What? “Um… okay,” I say breathlessly.

I do as he asks, as he hovers over me from behind. When I’m done, he grabs the chair and pulls it away from the desk with me still sitting in it. Moving to stand in front of me, he leans down and starts messing with my computer.

“Um, Jake? What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Just give me a second…” he says turning around and giving me a smile that makes me melt.

“Sure,” I say. “At least I have something to look at while you do whatever it is you’re doing,” I say as I smack his delicious rear end, which is currently right in front of my face as he leans over the desk.

He laughs and then says, “There we go… perfect!”

“Wha…” I start, but before I can finish what I’m saying he turns around to face me. Leaning down, he puts his hands on the armrests of the chair and kisses me. The kiss is sensual. Sexy. Arousing.

Then he turns the chair around so I’m facing away from the desk, steps back, and smiles.

“So… I learned a few things about you tonight,” he says looking at me.

“Yeah?” I say. His mood is playful and I love it.

“Yep,” he says nodding. “I would like you to experience one of your nevers… with me.”

“Which one?” I say getting excited. I don’t think there is much I wouldn’t do for or with Jake. He puts on a sexy smile and walks to the middle of my room.

“Welcome, lovely lady, to your very first strip show,” he says, his smile growing. I raise an eyebrow as he continues. “I’m Jake, and I’ll be your private dancer tonight.”

“Lucky me…” I say, smiling back.

“Just a few rules before we begin.”


“Yep. Number one. No touching the stripper, unless he gives permission. Number two. Even though you can’t freely touch the strippers, feel free to touch yourself,” he says raising and eyebrow and smirking at me.

I laugh at his playfulness.

“Number three. The strippers here
work on tips. And your stripper tonight works on tips in the form of sexual favors,” he says walking back towards me. He walks around the chair and presses a button on my computer before he goes back to the middle of the floor.

“Enjoy,” he says, as
by Ginuwine starts to play.

This should be fun.

I laugh softly, but then stop as soon as he starts. He unbuttons his shirt, his eyes on me the entire time and when he releases the last button, he takes it off. He has a white undershirt on underneath and is still mostly dressed, so I can’t see his body yet. But I’ve seen it before. And thinking about it has me shifting in my chair.

Ginuwine starts to sing and Jake rolls his body slowly, running his hand down his covered chest until he gets to the waist of his jeans, popping the button open. When his hand starts to glide back up his body it slides under his shirt, lifting it as his hand travels higher. He runs his hand over his body, feeling the muscles on the way up. He’s biting his bottom lip and his eyes are closed. He’s touching himself the way I want to be touching him.

This has to be the most erotic moment of my life. And he is still mostly clothed.

I can see the outline of his hand as it moves to his pec, rubbing over his nipple with his thumb. And that’s when I notice he is using his other hand to stroke himself through his jeans. All the while still rolling his body, thrusting into his touch.

I squeeze my thighs together and grip the armrests of the chair. My breathing is shallow, and I wonder if it is possible to orgasm just watching him.

His hand moves back down his body and he lowers his zipper, adjusting his erection. Then he reaches up over his shoulders and takes his shirt off, pulling it over his head, and tossing it at me with a smirk.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and whimper. I want him. Bad.

He puts his hand back on his growing hard on and runs his palm along the length. “Remember rule number two, babe,” he says, his voice husky with arousal.

I flush, a little embarrassed that he can tell how turned on I am. “It’ll turn me on. Watching you touching yourself…” he says, moving against his own hand.

I love when he talks to me like that.

I slide my hands up to cover my breasts and run my thumb over my hardened nipples through the fabric of my shirt. I squeeze my thighs together and shift in my chair, my tight jeans rubbing against me. He groans and I realize I’ve closed my eyes. They pop open and I see that he’s taken his jeans off and is standing right in front of me. The only things between my mouth and his cock are his boxer briefs and a few inches.

My eyes flick up to his as he reaches his hand out for me and I put my hand in his. He pulls me to a stand and moves in close. I can feel him hard against my stomach, as he moves his body against mine. He walks behind me, gripping my hips and pulling me against him. I reach behind me to grip his ass and bring him closer.

“Rule number one. No touching the dancer,” he says taking my hands and placing them on my breasts and kneading, his hands over mine. Then he slides his hands down my front possessively, feeling my body, lighting it up. When he reaches the top of my jeans, he unbuttons and unzips them before taking one of my hands from my breast and sliding it down my body and into my jeans. “Touch yourself…” he whispers in my ear.

I slide my fingers over the lacy fabric and touch my warmth. I can feel how wet I am and I can’t wait until he’s the one touching me here. I feel him kneel behind me as he slides my jeans over my hips and down my legs. He kisses down my backside and one of my legs, tapping my legs when he wants me to step out.

He starts to stand back up, kissing a trail up my other leg, his hands feeling the way after his lips. The sensation of his warm breath, stubbled jaw, and rough hands driving me wild as I press my fingers harder on my clit. On his path up my body, he takes my shirt with him, pulling it over my head. My arms lift into the air so he can take the shirt off and then fall to my sides. He unhooks my bra and I let it fall down my arms and to the ground. Then he hooks his fingers through my panties and pulls them down.

When he stands back up and presses into me, I feel his cock pressed against my back, his boxers missing. I inhale a sharp breath and he chuckles in my ear sending tingles through my body. He spins me around so I’m facing him, and does one more roll against me, before he grabs my hand and wraps it around his erection.

“Touch me…” he says, looking right into my eyes. His hand over mine, we start to slide our hands from the base to the tip of his length. I run my thumb over the tip, collecting the pre-cum and then slide back down to the base. After he works his cock with me a few more times, he lets me take over and moves his hands to my breasts, teasing my nipples. Leaning down, his lips crash into mine and he kisses me hard, pumping his length into my hand.

And with the song on repeat, we cross the second thing off my never list, as he fucks me to my new favorite song.

Chapter 15




“Sooo...” Jenna says as we sit down with our salads. We’re at lunch on Sunday and I think this is her favorite part of the week. She knows that today is the day she gets her sex story about Jake and me.

I kind of think it’s weird how excited she is for this.

When I told Jake about it, he thought it was funny.

BOOK: On The Floor (Second Story)
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