On the Prowl (4 page)

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Authors: T J Michaels

BOOK: On the Prowl
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“I can be a good girl, Mr. Baker. I swear I can!”

He thrust a hand roughly into her hair, tightened his fingers at her scalp and snatched her head backward, effectively quieting her too-loud pleas.

He snarled directly into her face, “Prove it.”

She was off her knees in a flash. Baker looked down at her bobbing head and gasped as she stroked him expertly with lips and tongue. Her cheeks hollowed as she took him so far down her throat, he felt his engorged head bump against her tonsils. He kept hold of her hair, driving himself brutally into the back of her throat over and over, until his balls tightened and the tips of his toes start to tingle.

Just the sight of her swollen, wet lips wrapped around his shaft turned him on more than the tongue that stroked his length. Her mouth made him think of another pair of wet, glistening lips he’d much rather slide between. Suddenly he pulled away, ignoring the confusion in her wide eyes as she looked up at him.

Without bothering to tuck himself back into his pants, he strode across the room to a line of several dark pine file cabinets fitted into the wall of the elegantly appointed office. He reached into one of the drawers, opened a small safe hidden in the bottom and retrieved a small brown bottle. From it came half of a single tiny pink tablet,, the remainder, of which he put back into the bottle and secured in the safe. The little pink half-tablet teetered on the edge of his finger. Sarah Ann watched it hungrily as he approached.

“Remove your clothes,” he commanded blandly, not really caring whether she obeyed or not.

Baker watched through hooded eyes as she stood and yanked off her sterile white lab coat and tossed it on the floor. His lips twitched up into a sardonic smile when the chit almost ripped her blouse and the buttons on her pants in her haste. She had a gorgeous body. A bit short for his tastes, but what she lacked in height was made up for with lush, full breasts, a tight hot cunt and a willingness to do any nasty, gutter trash sex act he wanted. And she was a good scientist. Expendable, but good.

When she was completely naked, he gave his next instruction.

“Sit on the desk and spread your legs.”

He stood between her thighs and raised his hand. She automatically opened her mouth and lifted her tongue, sighing as the little piece of tablet was placed underneath. Baker took a step back, dug a small stopwatch and notepad out of his lab coat pocket and marked down the exact second the reaction began. He watched closely as her eyes glazed over slightly. Her breathing deepened, her small hands smoothed up and down her body, finally settling on her sensitive breasts. She squeezed them softly at first then brutally as she threw her head back on a ragged moan. Her fingers tweaked and twisted the hard, elongated nipples until they were swollen and red. She keened pitifully while her legs opened and closed as her clit swelled rapidly, painfully.

Thirty seconds this time. Baker was impressed with the progress he’d made in how quickly the drug began to work. He set the watch down on the dark wood top of his large desk and stepped closer to the writhing feast laid out before him. He was glad he’d had the foresight to cover the desktop with a thin sheet of plastic. It simply wouldn’t do for Sarah Ann’s juices to ruin the fine lacquered finish.

“Sink your fingers into that wet pussy and spread some of your cream over your ass.”

Her limbs trembled uncontrollably as she obeyed, spreading her own dewy liquid over herself. Baker’s eyebrow lifted at the unexpected turn of events—the trembling was new. Somehow, the effect of the drug had escalated. He’d have to look into that.

Sarah Ann shook, whimpered and undulated her hips, begging, ready and willing to have him any way he would take her.

“Please, Mr. Baker!”

“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked sarcastically, teasing the very tip of his throbbing cock up and down the length of her weeping slit. He didn’t care whether she was ready or not. Neither did Sarah Ann. The drug saw to that.

“Yes, yes I’m ready. Now, please.”

Her pussy leaked so much, her juices ran down around her ass to coat the tiny opening more. He raised her legs over his shoulders and pushed against the tight, slick hole, gasping when the head popped past her sphincter. She ground down hard and tried to impale herself on him, but he pulled back each time so just the tip remained inside. He held her firmly by her hips, dipped his head and sucked one of her breasts with hard, rough strokes of his tongue until he felt her pussy flutter through the thin barrier between him and her cunt. Just as he bit down on her nipple, he plunged and sunk deep.

She screamed. The pain tore into her, pushed away the haze of the drug for a moment as he ravaged her ass. A part of her brain was thankful he wasn’t all that big, disgusted that she gave herself to such a devious man, let alone spy and risk her career for him. Another part of her, the part affected by the drug she craved, didn’t care about the pain or the consequences. That part only wanted to be pounded by a hard cock until her eyebrows burned.

Baker continued to pump in and out while he observed the mental tug-of-war going on behind Sarah Ann’s eyes. He was pleased when the drug won the argument. A blond brow shot up when Sarah Ann sank her own fingers into her pussy, stuffing her sex as he filled her ass. The extra stimulation of her fingers against his rod triggered his own release. His head fell back on a shallow gasp as he pumped into her once, twice more, and blasted his seed deep.

The drug was more potent than the last lab tests confirmed. The woman had come four times to his one and still begged for more. He pulled out of her with a plop, cleaned himself with a wet sanitary wipe from his desk drawer and tucked himself back into his pants. He tossed a bottle of sterilizing solution and a roll of paper towels onto the desk next to her naked thighs.

“Clean my desk, get dressed and get out,” he called over his shoulder, stopping at the file cabinet again. A strong antibiotic was in order seeing he’d taken Sarah Ann’s backside without a condom. He popped a dose of Zithromax penicillin, locked the cabinet and walked out. He didn’t bother to lock the office door behind him.

Sarah Ann ignored the bottle of sterilizing solution and frantically pulled and rubbed her clit until she exploded against her fingers three more times. When her legs steadied enough to hold her weight, she slid off the desk and cleaned it and herself. Once dressed, she slipped out of his office and practically ran back to her cubicle in the Research department.

The whole episode had taken less than fifteen minutes.



Chapter Three



Pam had been right. The Duke Mansion was definitely high class. Delaine stoically oooh’d and aaah’d as she walked up the front stairs of the columned entrance and across the expansive patios. Once inside, she blended in with a few other ladies as she walked through the large French doors. She admired the historic paintings and tapestries on the walls until they reached the entrance of a soaring double foyer where a good-sized crowd merged into a growing line. Obviously this was the place to be on a Friday night.

A smartly dressed, balding gentleman walked down the long line and through the crowd, checking names against a list. Delaine was so far down the line, one more step and she’d be practically outside. She mentally kicked herself for not coming a few minutes earlier. When the man reached her, he checked her name twice before giving a tight-lipped smile.

“Pardon me, madam. You are not required to wait in line. If you would follow me please?” He extended his arm and personally escorted her forward to the great hall. Delaine made a mental note to thank Pam for hooking her up.

An attendant in jet-black livery retrieved her from the great hall and led her to an elegant dining room. He waited while she slipped her heavy wool cloak off her shoulders and handed it to the woman manning the coat check at the door. He then showed her to one of many small round tables, the perfect size for four people and a full-course meal. She ordered a glass of sparkling wine and discreetly surveyed the poised and professional men and women filling the room.

She wasn’t sure why, but as her tablemates for the evening were seated, she grew nervous. It wasn’t like she’d never found herself in a group of veritable strangers before. Her job required her to frequently acquaint herself with people she didn’t know, get into their circle, obtain information they had no intention of giving her and get out. But this wasn’t work. This was no mission. Work, Gary and her kids had been her life, and she hadn’t been out to play as herself in a long time. Perhaps the fact that this particular soiree was for pleasure rather than work had her uncomfortable in her true skin. Or was something else rattling her cage?


I am here. Why are you concerned? There is no danger here

‘I don’t know why I’m nervous. I feel like something is going to happen, or someone is watching.’

It is the latter

And that’s all Delaine could get out of the damned cat.

* * * * *

Justin looked up from the Earl Grey tea he was drinking and almost choked. The woman he’d seen down in The Vault a few days ago was being escorted to one of the dinner tables across the room. Her table filled up quickly with other women, but none as gorgeous as her. She seemed to hold herself apart, observing rather than participating while the others at her table introduced themselves, ordered their dinner and chatted. He was sure the guy and two ladies at his own table were mingling as well, but he tuned them out as soon as he’d laid eyes on the beauty across the room.

He set his cup down, leaned back in his chair and stared long and hard. Damn she was sexy. There was confidence in the set of her shoulders, just as he’d seen in the few seconds he’d watched her before she disappeared down the tunnel in The Vault.

Her little black dress, high-heeled pumps with matching leather handbag and upswept hair all oozed class and femininity, but her strong legs and toned arms screamed “fighter”. Her natural curls were swept up into an elegant chignon, with wisps curling around her face and down her neck. Justin even liked the shade of lipstick she wore. It reminded him of ripe Bing cherries and complimented her dark skin.

Her mouth looked just perfect for kissing, and anything else his mind could conjure. He had no business even thinking about getting with her until he knew who or whose she was. And her appearance here tonight didn’t change the fact he’d seen her walking around in a place she certainly shouldn’t have had access to. She either worked with Baker or she was the agent he’d been keeping an eye out for. He couldn’t compromise his mission sniffing after her. But damn, he couldn’t help himself.

He picked up his cup and took a gulp. The beauty chose that moment to look away from her chattering tablemates and directly at him. He raised his cup in salute and grinned when both her brows shot up a good inch. He chuckled when she craned her neck to look behind her. When she turned back around she seemed genuinely surprised he still watched. He held her gaze until she lowered her eyes and looked away.

Justin reluctantly gave his attention to the waitress taking his order, or rather, trying to take his order. She cleared her throat for the third time and asked him again what he wished to eat. With emphasis on the word eat, the waitress’ eyes slid boldly over his body, settling on the crotch of his pants. There was no doubt what the waitress offered off-menu. His tablemates’ shocked expressions had him suppressing a grin. The girl’s invitation was blatant, but Justin couldn’t have cared less. His mind was full of the beautiful woman across the room who was now completely ignoring him.

He ordered a steak, rare, with a side of mashed potatoes and mustard greens, then tried to focus on the people at his table. He was supposed to be getting to know them, but his eyes kept straying to the tastefully dressed woman whose dimples appeared when she laughed. Who motioned with her hands when she talked. And eyes, so mysterious and exotic looking.

A chime sounded, marking the beginning of the social. Until dinner was served everyone was expected to stroll around the room and drop in on any table with an empty seat. The point was to make a new acquaintance, chat a bit then move on to the next table. The beauty never got up to mingle. She didn’t have to. Justin clenched his jaw, surprised at the impatience he felt at not being able to speak to her. Every time he got ready to make his way over, any empty chair at her table was quickly filled with another man.

It was almost comical to watch them time their arrival with the departure of the man before. Justin watched the I-want-you musical chairs go on until the dinner bell chimed and everyone returned to their original tables to dine.

He watched her smile up at the waiter who brought her dinner, then attack her food like she was mad at it. She’d seemed to be enjoying herself, but now she looked stiff and annoyed. Her back was ramrod straight and brows drawn tightly together. Had one of the men who’d dropped in said something to make her feel uncomfortable? If he found out who’d done it, he’d give them a little wall-to-wall counseling for upsetting her.

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