On the Prowl (9 page)

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Authors: T J Michaels

BOOK: On the Prowl
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“Y-Yes, sir.”

The call was disconnected. Two more phone calls revealed Baker’s plans for the next couple of days. And little did he know, Justin would be right there with him at each of his destinations. So much for spending time with Delaine this weekend. Strangely enough, knowing he’d see her when she came back to work made him look forward to Monday morning for the first time in his entire career.



Chapter Six



“Justin? What are you doing here?” Delaine’s eyes went wide for a split second then her instinctive game face snapped into place. Thank goodness her body knew what to do because her brain had completely checked out.

“Hey, beautiful! It’s nice to see you. What are you doing here?”

“I asked you first,” she countered, unable to think of anything else to say.

“I’m a contractor for Quality Control. I’m usually up in the QC labs.”

“Really? I don’t recall you saying you worked here in our previous conversations.” A grimace almost peeked through her painted-on smile when Sapa began to growl. And she was growling at Delaine, not Justin. The man had called her every day since they met and she’d purposely avoided the subject of work. The guilt was eating her alive.

“We didn’t really talk much about work. You told me you were a production process something-or-other but I didn’t know you worked in this facility. There are several pharma and biotech companies in South Charlotte these days. But you’re a contractor, right? How long will you be here?”

Was that a flicker of guilt in his eye? Maybe it was her own conscience getting to her. Whatever it was disappeared so quickly all she had to go on was her own unease as Sapa’s thoughts insinuated into her head.

You will tell him in time, Suta, but not today. Ask him to lunch.
* Before Delaine knew it, she was doing exactly what Sapa told her to. Now that was a first.

“Uh, how about lunch, Justin?” His smile lit up her world.

Very good, Suta. You have just made our mate very happy

‘Will you stop calling him that?’ Delaine blushed in her head. Sapa just seemed so sure, but she just wasn’t. It wasn’t a feeling she was familiar with.

Ceasing to call him mate will not make him any less ours

‘Damn it, Sapa…’ Justin’s deep voice snapped her out of her private conversation.

“Listen, I just need to return these samples to the lab and I’ll meet you…uh, where?” he asked.

“I’m parked in Lot J, Slot 2. Say, ten minutes?”

* * * * *

“Derrick, I’m in deep here. I just ran into Delaine Jeris in a secured elevator. I can almost guarantee she was on her way down to The Vault.”

“How do you know?”

“Because that’s where I was going, damn it. If she hadn’t gotten on that elevator I’d be down there right now looking for evidence. And I have a feeling she’s thinking the same thing.”

“And how’s that?”

Justin wanted to say “relieved” but held his tongue. The last place he wanted Delaine to be was down in those labs. The thought of her running into Baker down there made his gut clench so tight he had to fight to breathe. A subject change was in order.

“I’ve managed to keep out of Delaine’s sight while managing to watch her all week.”

“It’s not your job to watch her. You’re after Baker, not a piece of Jeris’ ass.”

“Last I checked you were my partner, not my boss, Derrick!”

“Whoa, slow your roll, Justin,” Derrick said firmly. Justin didn’t miss the long drawn out sigh from his partner before he continued. “Look, Jus, I’m just concerned about you getting sidetracked. We’ve been boys for ten years and I’m just looking out for you, man.”

Justin felt contrite for his outburst to his friend. Well, almost. Delaine was nobody’s business, except his.

“I appreciate your concern, Derrick, but I’m all good. I can handle it. I know what my job is, but part of that job is to not get caught. If I rush this I could blow it. Listen, I think Delaine is being followed and I want you to check it out for me. I’ve seen a woman around Delaine, ducking in and out of Baker’s offices…”


“…and down in The Vault.”

“Aw, hell.”

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I’ve already sent you a digital of the woman. Check her out and get back to me.”

Justin clicked the cell shut, dropped off the sample cart and headed out of the building to Lot J. He was amazed no one was on to him yet. If he was lucky, it would stay that way until he could get the goods on Baker and get himself and his woman out of here in one piece.

He shook his head and sighed. He already saw Delaine as his, and he couldn’t tell her a damned thing about what he suspected was going on in this place.

* * * * *

“So where do you want to go?” Delaine asked as he slipped into the passenger side of her Jag. As soon as the door shut Sapa started dancing around her head as she did every time she heard this man’s voice. It was damned disconcerting to have her spirit guide behave so giddily. Even when talking on the phone the lioness pranced, growled and rolled around like a loon. Amazing. Sapa’s actions mirrored what she wished she could do. She looked toward him and his smile twisted her brain. Lord, could she even string two words together?

They pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the highway. “It’s cold as I-don’t-know-what outside. Pam told me about this place on South Kings Street called Austin’s. If you’re up for some nice, hot Caribbean food we could go there,” she suggested kindly. His startling blue eyes darkened to a sultry midnight hue, glittering as if she were the treat of a lifetime.

“Nice and hot?” his voice smooth as silk. “Yeah, I think I could go for some of that.”

“Lord, you are such a flirt,” she grinned back.

“Guilty, baby.” His hand reached across and slid underneath her cloak to rest on her thigh. The skin tingled but she didn’t flinch or pull away. His fingers felt like they belonged there, even when her breathing took off and her grin split her face in two. She knew she was blushing so hard, her scalp felt on fire, but she just couldn’t help it. It might have been forty degrees outside, but underneath her coat was at least ninety-two!

‘Sapa, send me some relaxation or something, quick! This man is sending my temp through the roof!’

“So how’s your process hierarchy thing going at work?” he asked, his thumb tracing lazy little circles across her knee.

Her face fell, like she’d been doused with cold water. No need for Sapa to help her calm down after all. What could she say to him other than the typical oh-my-project-is-fine? She certainly couldn’t say “oh, well my surveillance is going fine, I’m on to the bad guy and I’ve managed to elude the woman who’s been following me.”

“You all right, Del?”

A tremulous smile replaced her giddy one. All she could afford to spare him was a glance as she said, “Sure, Justin. Just great.”

* * * * *

Justin could have kicked himself in the teeth. His question about her work had put her completely on edge. And that was the last place he wanted her. He knew what it was like to be asked that question. He hoped Delaine wouldn’t go there and ask him—he didn’t want to lie to her. But she was a smart woman and would probably pick up on his hedging sooner rather than later.

When they pulled into the parking lot at Austin’s, before she could get out of the car, he turned in his seat, reached for her and practically hauled her into his lap. Justin poured everything into that kiss. Everything he couldn’t say and everything he wasn’t supposed to feel rippled through him as his lips unerringly found hers. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so anxious.

Delaine pulled back with an alarmed expression on her face. Breathing ceased and he just knew he was busted. Why else would she be looking at him like that? Then the deep lines in her forehead softened. He leaned into her hands as the smooth leather of her gloves glided over one side of his face.

“Justin, honey, what’s wrong? What is it?” He liked it when she called him honey.

“Nothing, beautiful. Just,” he sighed, “a lot of things on my mind.” That was putting it lightly. “One of which is when I’ll have some time alone with you. Rain check, remember?”

Her smile twinkled up to her eyes and the iron grip around his lungs loosened. Maybe she hadn’t figured him out after all. At least, not yet.

Inside the luncheon spot, she ordered for him and he enjoyed ox tails, jerk chicken, beans and rice and some kind of meat pie that was out of this world. And she’d been right. It was nice and warm, with the perfect amount of spicy heat. Just like her.

Back at Astin, he jumped out of the car, ran around to her side and opened the door for her. She gaped up at him, drew her brows down into a serious frown, then her expression brightened again. What the hell was going on with these cartwheeling emotions he’d felt rolling off her the whole time they’d been together today? They’d shared an easy conversation over lunch, along with soft touches of hands and sweet kisses. But when it was time to return to the office Delaine had been all over the map. One minute she was happy and smiling, the next she was wary and then sad. And seeing her in such a tangle of emotions just wasn’t palatable. The need to protect her welled up in his chest. Even if it meant shielding her from her own feelings.

He stood in front of the car door, not letting her out.

“The weekend starts tonight and I’m still waiting on my answer.” He was glad she didn’t pretend not to know what he was talking about.

“Call me in the morning,” her voice sultry and warm as she traced a finger over his bottom lip before snatching her hand back with a giggle when he tried to bite her.

Backing up a step, Justin watched her climb out of the car with fluid grace and walk toward the building. The wink she cast over her shoulder made his heart flip-flop in his chest. He tried not to watch her move away, but damned if he could help it. Even through her long wool cloak, her ass seemed to call to him on a cellular level, along with her smile, her charm, her strong but sweet personality. Damn, he could really love a woman like her.



Chapter Seven



Delaine groaned and rolled over on her back, shielding her eyes from the bright light seeping through the drawn curtains. Lately it seemed like she was always waking up to the ringing of her telephone. One eye cracked open to check the clock. Ten a.m. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up with a start. Crap! Here she was again with only an hour to make it to Pam’s.

The ring of the phone was beginning to get on her nerves. Maybe she’d just hit the shower and let the answering machine get it. Thoughts of warm water sliding over bare skin caused Justin’s face to pop into her mind. She wasn’t going to call him, so she called out to her spirit guide instead.

‘Come to me, Sapa.’ Delaine wiggled her toes in the thick fur on Sapa’s back when the lioness appeared underneath her feet, sprawled out on the carpet.

Wondering what our mate is doing?

“I am not,” she denied weakly, knowing she’d never successfully lied to Sapa before. And she did wonder what he was doing. On the fourth ring she picked up the phone.


“Time for that rain check, beautiful. Pick you up in half an hour for breakfast?”

Justin! Damn, speak of the devil. Her stomach started doing the jelly-jiggle thing at the sound of his sexy voice. She thought about the way her name sounded on his lips and all the jiggle went bye-bye. After all, it wasn’t her name. “Can’t. I’ve got just enough time to shower, grab a bite then make my hair appointment.”

“You spend a lot of time at your friend’s beauty salon.”

“So,” she teased, ready with a retort of how all women needed to be pampered.

“I like it. Your hair makes me want to play in it.”

Dayum! Not the answer she expected. And his voice was all smooth silk. Oooh, the quivering tummy was back with a vengeance. Sapa’s corporeal form stalked back and forth across the room, her tail swishing in what Delaine called her ‘happy ass’.

“Well, if we can’t do breakfast would you allow a man to cook dinner for you?”

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