Read Out of The Box Awakening Online

Authors: Jennifer Theriot

Out of The Box Awakening (33 page)

BOOK: Out of The Box Awakening
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“Ha! Yeah that’s what you do now days. Tommy said he’s taking you one night this week to look for Mr. Harper’s Christmas gift. He told me what you’re getting him and I think that’s awesome!”

“Well, he’s a very hard man to buy for. He has everything, and if he doesn’t, then he’s the type to just go buy it for himself.” Our lunch break ends and when we get back to the shop, on the front counter there is a stunningly beautiful floral arrangement done in all pink. It’s got roses, tulips, daisies and lilies all in hues of pink.

“Ahhemmm…Emily, someone sent you flowers!” Sarah says.

“Really?” Her face lights up. She opens the card and gets teary eyed.

“So, read the card to us!”

She collects herself, and reads, “Exactly one month ago, I was introduced to the most beautiful and amazing girl. I just wanted her to know how much she means to me! Dinner tonight? T”

“Okay,” Sarah says, “what is it with these Harper men? I’m really missing out here; you’re killing me, you two! And you do know that these flowers signify romance don’t you? So, are you going to dinner with him Emily?”

“What? Oh, of course!”

“Well, you’d better call or text him. And if you’d like to get off early, just say the word. I’m in a very giving spirit today!”

I smile to myself, and once again find myself thinking of how lucky I am and how lucky Emily is to have found men like Ash and Tommy. Love has a really funny way of finding you when you least expect it. Lainey has her white knight as well, and I only hope my boys can find women who bring joy into their lives.

Tommy comes to pick me up after work on Thursday for my Christmas shopping. Ash is still in the city, so I text and let him know that Tommy and I are going to dinner.

“Well, what a nice surprise! What prompted this?” he texts.

“Well, Mr. Harper, your son is just as thoughtful as you! See you later…you okay on your own for dinner?”

“I’ll grab something. No worries. But I’ll be hungry for dessert when you get home! ILY! A”

I smile, reading his text.

“So, are you texting with Dad?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Hmmm, sexting are you?”

“You kids are too funny! That’s what Todd asks me when I text your dad. What is it with you kids and sexting?”

“Hey! I don’t do that…Todd probably does, though. Don’t want a visual on that!”

We get to the guitar store. Sam, the owner, is there to greet us.

“Tommy! My man! How the hell are you?”

“Great, Sam! This is Olivia, my dad’s girlfriend, and she wants to look at some twelve-strings. She’s getting dad one for Christmas, and I told her you were the best in the business. Fix her up?”

“Absolutely! So, what’s your price range?”

“I am looking for the best twelve-string I can find.”

“Well, if you’re looking for the Rolls Royce of twelve-strings, I would hands down go with the Martin D1228. It’s got rosewood back and sides, a Sitka spruce top, and an exquisite black ebony bridge. Sound quality is second to none. Martin is by far the best. Don’t you agree Tommy?”

“Damn straight, Sam!”

“Well, then this is the one I would like. Do we need a case?”

“Well, the case is included. Price-wise, this baby sells for around $3,200, but I can give you a musician’s discount and put you at $2,400. Is that in your price range?”

“Yes! I’ll take it!”

“Good choice, Olivia. Dad’s gonna die when he opens it.”

“I can’t take it home. Can it go live with you until Christmas?”

“Sure thing! I’ll take good care of her.”

“So, it’s a she?”

“Oh, hell yeah, it’s a she!”

I am elated, and just hope Ash likes it. I’m actually glad Tommy’s taking it to his house, because knowing me. I wouldn’t be able to wait until Christmas to give it to Ash.

I’ve taken Friday off to have a girl’s day with Lainey. We head into the City to do some shopping and to tour the Chicago Architecture Museum. She is, of course, totally taken with the place.

“Oh, Mom! This is amazing! I can’t believe I’m here!”

We buy some Frank Lloyd Wright scarves for ourselves and some other souvenirs for her staff. I just love our mother-daughter days, and can’t wait to have my grandchild included. Whatever it is, a he or a she, I’ll just love my Gigi time!

“So, are you going to find out the sex of the baby before it’s born?”

“Well, at first, we thought we would, but Kellan said it really doesn’t matter, just as long as we have a healthy baby, so we’ve decided now to just wait and see what God gives us.”

“Oh, Lainey! How wonderful! That will make the waiting all the better!”

“That’s kind of how we feel. I mean, it’s nice to know ahead of time for shopping and decorating the room, but I really don’t care one way or the other.”

“So, any names yet?”

“Well, if it’s a girl, we were thinking Katherine Olivia, and if it’s a boy, Carson David—David after Kellan’s dad and Olivia after you.”

“I love them both! Did you have a hard time picking names?”

“Nope! That’s the one thing we agreed on as soon as I found out I was pregnant.”

We venture out to State Street and do the window-shopping thing. Marshall Field is famous for their window decorations and today is the perfect day. Cold, not too sunny, and Christmas is definitely in the air. My phone rings. The ringtone is definitely Maroon Five and something about a tattoo stuck on my body. It startles me.

“Mom! Who is that?”

“I have no idea—who put that on my phone?”

I look at the caller ID and it’s Todd. I start laughing as I answer. “Hello?”

“Olivia, so do you like your ringtone for me?”

“How did it get on my phone you nut?”

“Well, you know I have a ringtone for you, so figured you had to have one for me. What’s up, girl?”

“Wait…you put this on my phone? When did you do that?”

“At dinner the other night. Your phone was on the table, so I fixed you up. You like?”

Lainey is laughing in the background and shaking her head.

“Yeah, I do. You’re pretty sneaky, Mr. Todd! You’ll have to show me how to do that!”

“So, Tommy said you and Lainey are in the city today shopping. I’m downtown too—had to do some shopping. Where are you guys?”

“Well, we’re on State Street right now. Where are you?”

“I’m actually at Marshall Field’s. Wanna grab some lunch?”

“Sure! Where and when?”

“Come into Field’s. Meet me on the first floor by Santa. I’m givin’ him my list!”

“You nut! We’ll be there shortly!”

The three of us have lunch, and Todd fills us in on all of the band news. They’ve been asked to go on tour with one of the bigger bands in the spring, which is a phenomenal career move for them.

“So who-all knows?”

“Well, you and Lainey are actually the first to know. I just found out from our agent. I haven’t even told Tommy and the rest of the guys yet. You and Lainey are literally the first to know. We’ll be on the road for six months. Freakin’ awesome huh?”

“Totally! I’m so happy for you.”




Chapter 27


The week flies by and its Saturday. Wesley and Hayden are due in today. I’ve made my roasted leg of lamb with Dijon-roasted new potatoes, salad, and my famous shallot vinaigrette. I’m really trying to impress Ash’s sons, and hope they will enjoy the meal. They finally arrive at the house in their rental car. Lainey is upstairs napping, and my boys are out by the dock having a beer. Tommy and Emily are on the way. I hear the front door open. Ash goes to meet them.

“Hey guys! So glad you’re finally here!”

“Dad, who are all these people?” Wesley says.

“Well, it’s Olivia and her kids.”

I go into the entry wiping my hands on my apron. Ash puts his arm around me. “Wesley, Hayden, this is Olivia, my ummm girlfriend.”

I’m expecting maybe a hug, like Tommy did when he met me, or feel-good smiles. The twins just extend their hands. A very cold reception—just a handshake. No smiles on their faces.

“Nice to meet you.” Hayden says.

“Same for me.” Wesley says.

This is awkward. Ash, looking a bit embarrassed, says, “Let’s get your bags in.”

“I thought you said this was a family holiday.”

Feeling very uneasy, I make my way back into the kitchen to finish cooking. Somehow, I feel this is not well received. My heart sinks into my stomach. I just want to find a corner and sit down and cry. At this moment, I’m glad my boys are outside and Lainey is upstairs. I feel totally humiliated, and I have a feeling the twins are not happy to see us all here.

“Dad, are all these people staying here?”

“Yes, they are. Is that a problem?”

“Well, we just thought it was us. When did you start seeing Olivia?”

“Well, it’s kind of complicated. She and her husband Alan were staying with me and they are in the process of a divorce.”

“So, she’s moved in? What’s that about?”

I sense tension, so I can only hope dinner will bring some comfort in their assessment of me. Ash takes the boys into the den. “Let’s get your bags in.”

Wesley speaks up, and even though I’m in the kitchen, I can hear their discussion. “Look dad, I think we’ll just go stay at the condo after dinner. We weren’t expecting other people staying here, so we’ll just go.”

“Wesley, Hayden, you know we have five bedrooms. There’s room for everyone. Olivia has cooked a great dinner for you, so please, just stay. Tommy and his girlfriend will be here soon as well.

“He has a girlfriend? How random! Is he still playing around with music?”

“Yes, he is, and I expect you to not cause any problems. Please, this is Christmas, and I want us all to have a nice holiday. Why are you acting like this?”

“Whatever, Dad. You could have at least told us what was going on.”

At this moment, I just want to get my kids and leave. I feel like an outsider, and I don’t want to put Ash on the spot. What do I do? My inner self tells me to calm down and just get through dinner. I have the table set and have prepared an incredible dinner, hoping to impress these two guys who obviously don’t give a damn about me. Okay. I can do this!

Lainey comes down to help me in the kitchen. I quietly tell her that Ash’s sons from Seattle have arrived, and that I seriously don’t think they are on board with the Petersen-Harper family thing.

“Oh, Mom! I’m so sorry. Please don’t let this spoil your night. They’re probably just not used to their dad having another woman in his life.”

Ash comes into the kitchen. “You okay, hon?”

“Yes, I just don’t want to intrude on your time with your boys. I don’t think they are cool with the idea that their dad has a girlfriend.”

“Well, to hell with them! I don’t give a damn!”

“Of course you do, Ash! You should care about how they feel.  Look, after dinner, the kids and I can head over to Grammy’s and stay for a few nights.”

“Liv, absolutely not! I won’t have you leaving because these two are acting like asses!”

“Nonsense! Let me just get dinner on the table and we’ll talk after dinner.”

I give him a kiss. I can tell he totally didn’t expect this reaction from the twins.

Tommy and Emily arrive and go out to talk to my kids. Wesley and Hayden have isolated themselves in the den and are being completely anti-social. I figure it’s their loss. I wonder, deep down, why they are so cold. They just exude this sense of entitlement, like we are all beneath them. They don’t even talk to Tommy—their own brother.

We all sit down to dinner. I’ve gone to extra lengths to make sure this dinner is superb. My kids and Tommy all comment how good the food is. I try to engage in conversation with Wesley and Hayden, only to have my questions answered in one-word answers. The tension is thick. You could cut it with a knife. Even Lainey can’t break through the barrier of Wesley and Hayden. If anyone can, it’s Lainey, and she can’t make a dent. Ash is markedly uncomfortable.

Hayden makes a comment to Tommy. “So, you still playing around with music, or have you gotten a real job yet?”

It seems like they are all about talking down to everyone. “Still playing music. Going out on tour for six months in the spring. It’s a pretty big deal, something we’ve been really working hard for.”

“Yeah, right. Gotten any more artwork on your body?” Wesley asks.

“Nope, no new tattoos since I last saw you. Well, thanks for the support.”

No one eats much. It’s a shame, because I’ve gone out of my friggin’ way to prepare this wonderful meal. There are no champagne toasts like we did at Thanksgiving. The only thing that’s prevalent tonight is tension… pure tension. I clear the table and force myself to bring dessert and coffee. I’ve made a crème Brule and have espresso. Lainey and Emily help me serve dessert. We all somehow get through dessert. No conversation to speak of. Everyone is on edge.

After dessert, Lainey and Emily jump up to help me clear the table and go in to clean the kitchen. I’ve never known Lainey to jump up so fast to help clean up. Once we get into the kitchen, Lainey comes up to hug me.

“Mom, what the hell is up with those two?”

“Yeah, what’s their problem?” Emily comments.

“I have no idea. I’m totally at a loss. I don’t know what to do.”

“So, do you think we should leave?”

“Lainey, I think that would be best. Just give me a minute, honey.” I get my phone and go into the laundry room to call Todd. He answers on the first ring.

“Hey there, my Amigo! Whas’ up?”

“Todd, where are you?”

“I’m at my place. Why?”

“Well, Wesley and Hayden got in tonight, and I really think the kids and I need to let Ash and the boys have some family time. It’s kinda complicated. Is it okay if we head over to Grammy’s for a few nights?”

“Oh, so the dickheads are in town?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Of course you can go to Grammy’s! When are you guys headed over?”

“Well, I have to clean up the kitchen and let the kids get some things packed, and then we’ll head over. I’d say we’ll be there in forty-five minutes. Is that okay?”

“Of course! I’ll head over now, open up and get the heat turned on. You can fill me in when you get there. Those fuckin’guys are a piece of work, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Well, you and your ‘something like that’ happy ass can head on over to Grammy’s! We’ll talk. I’m out and over there. No problem, Olivia!”

“Thanks, Todd. You’re the best!”

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been told.”

That makes me feel so much better. I discreetly tell Lainey to let the boys know that we’re headed out soon, and to pack a bag.

Ash comes into the kitchen. “Everything okay, hon?”

“Ash, everything is fine. Look, the kids and I are going over to Grammy’s to spend the night. I think you need a night alone with just your boys, and we don’t want to intrude on a family night.”

“Bullshit! I don’t need a family night. You and your kids are my family. Please don’t do this, don’t leave!”

“Ash, really, it’s not a problem. I’ve got the kitchen all cleaned up. There’s coffee made. Lainey and the boys have their bags packed and I think it will be best if we just go to Grammy’s for the night. Please, don’t take this the wrong way. I’m not trying to be difficult; I just think you need your time with the boys. Honestly, I’m not mad or upset.”

“I goddamn can’t believe they are acting like this. You prepared a wonderful meal and they’re acting like spoiled brats!”

“Ash, please, just go be with your boys and we’ll just sneak out the back door. Emily can go with us and Tommy can come get her later.”

Sensing that he isn’t going to change my mind, he takes me into his arms. “Liv, you do know that I love you more than life, don’t you?”

“Yes, Ash of course I do! We’ll talk later.”

The kids, Emily and I head over to Grammy’s in our two cars. When we get there, Todd is already there and has the heat on and all the lights on. He’s made a nice fire in the fireplace and has a bottle of wine opened for me. He opens the door for us bows, and waves us in.

“Welcome to Casa O’Malley!”

My kids all laugh. They seem to be okay with all of this. Dalton, sensing this is really bothering me says, “Look mom, Ash probably didn’t tell those two about you guys, so cut them some slack. It’s new to them. They were caught off-guard. Just chill, okay?”

I get a text from Ash after about an hour. “Did you make it okay?”

I text back, “Yep. Everything’s good. Kids are out back talking and having a good time.”

“I’m headed over soon.”

I immediately text back, “Not necessary, really. Please, don’t come. Just enjoy your son time! It’s the holidays, for God’s sake! We’re fine! ILY!”

“No, coming over. WE NEED TO TALK! Be there in an hour. Make a pot of coffee!”

We need to talk in all caps in a text does not resonate too well, and I immediately think the worst. He’s talked to the boys. They definitely don’t like me. Blood is thicker than water and I fear that he’s going to tell me that this isn’t going to work between us. I immediately start to hyperventilate and cry. Todd comes in the kitchen to get a beer and sees me having a meltdown. “Olivia, Holy Crap! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay! And I don’t want to talk about it. Do you have any cigarettes?”

“Yeah, I do, but you can’t even catch your breath and you definitely don’t need one right now. Here, just calm down, deep breath. Now, just please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Not in a talking mood just now and, if you won’t give me a cigarette, I’m going up to my room. Will you just tell the kids that I have a headache and am going to bed?”

“Do what?”

“Please, Todd, just cover for me! I can’t face them right now. Honestly, right now I feel like Cinderella. Its midnight and I have to go back to being me. Ash texted me that he’s on his way over and that we need to talk and I have a feeling he’s coming over to tell me that this isn’t going to work out…that his kids mean more to him than us.”

“That’s fucking bullshit, Olivia, and you know it! So what, are you gonna do, just fucking give up? You just immediately jump to conclusions? Is that what you’re made of? Because the Olivia I know isn’t like that! Look, those two dickheads that are his sons are just like their fucking bitch of a mother! They aren’t shit! I know Tommy doesn’t feel like they do and I would think that he’s about three minutes away from being here too. Come on! Have some balls! Come here. I think you need a big Todd hug.” He takes me into his arms and I cry like a baby. “Olivia, come on, man, please don’t cry. It’s gonna be okay. I promise!”

“Oh, Todd, I just can’t face another family being torn apart. This just isn’t worth it!”

“It fucking is worth it, don’t you see? Mr. H. is fucking head over heels in love with you…he said it the other night. You heard it. I heard it, he is! Come on, babe. Get it together!” He gently wipes the tears from my face.

“Can you just let me have some time alone? I just want to get into my pajamas and go to bed…try to forget tonight ever happened.”

He lifts my chin up. “Okay, here’s the deal…I’ll let you go to bed. I’ll tell your kids that you have a headache, but this isn’t over! Look, you’re one of the most awesome ladies I know and I don’t mean to sound girly, but I goddamn love you, Olivia! Mr. H. loves you, we all do! So go to bed, I’ll run defense for you and I’ll have coffee ready in the morning. I’ll come back over early. Nighty-night! Okay?”

“Thanks, Todd. Love you too!”

He pats my head and gives me a hug. “Go on. Go to bed.”

I can’t wait to get into bed and curl up in the ever-comforting fetal position to cry myself to sleep. Just as I feel myself dozing off, there is a knock on my bedroom door.

“Liv? Honey, are you asleep?”

I cringe. I don’t answer. I can’t answer. I just don’t want to hear what he has to say. My heart is beating really fast. My inner self is telling me, Cinderella, it’s midnight and the ball has ended.

“Liv, I’m coming in…”

I shut my eyes really tight hoping he’ll go away. He doesn’t. He comes into my room and sits down on the bed. “Hey there!”

BOOK: Out of The Box Awakening
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