Perfectly Mixed (4 page)

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Authors: Ancelli

BOOK: Perfectly Mixed
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Chapter Five


Shane checked up on his son one last time before going to bed. He tucked the Spiderman sheets around Grayson. He couldn’t imagine his life without his little boy, but sometimes he did regret whom he had him with. “Buddy, she said yes.” Shane whispered. He couldn’t stop smiling since she answered. Larissa was everything he wasn’t looking for. She brought laughter to his life. Shane’s childhood wasn’t easy, but he pulled forward, and look at him now. His own home, car, and a job he loved.  He’d been doing everything by himself until he met Larissa; she was his better half. Shane knew he was an asshole, and Larissa was a sweetheart, they completed each other. The personality he lacked, Larissa made up for it. He was able to love and trust for the first time in his life. Shane was a bit nervous when Larissa didn’t answer right away. He thought she was about to say no, because of all his baby mama drama.

Grayson was three and a half now, so when would Liza get it through her head that he didn’t want her anymore. He stopped wanting anything to do with Liza after he found out the truth about her and Ned. He assumed she’d moved on, knowing that Liza had dated throughout the years, even moved a couple of them into her house. Shane hadn’t said shit about whom she chose to bang, he only warned her about the way they treated his son.

He walked out of Grayson’s room, closing the door behind him, and walked down the hall to his. He pushed the door open and smiled. Larissa was in the bed rubbing her cherry blossom lotion on her legs. “Let me,” he strolled up.

“Here,” she handed him the red bottle. “I hope you didn’t mind me talking to Liza.”

“Why would I mind?” Shane poured the fruity cream on his palms, rubbing them together. “You’re my soon to be wife.” He began massaging her thighs down to her calves.

“You mean your fiancée,” she lifted her left hand in the air, waving her ring finger. “I love it.” Larissa grinned. “Aren’t you curious to know what we talked about?”

“No,” Shane continued massaging the lotion on her legs. He was getting aroused from her soft skin, and the way her body reacted to his touch. Her chest heaved up and down every time his thumb gently dug into her.  Just being around Larissa gave him joy, even when they were arguing about nothing.

“I can’t believe you proposed.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “Damn, that feels good…”

“That’s what a man does when he loves his woman,” his fingers crawled up her legs, pushing the robe to the side, and to his surprise she had on panties. “Why are you wearing these?” he pulled on the lacy material with his index finger.

Larissa gave him a naughty smile, placing one of her legs on his shoulder. “I love it when you take them off with your teeth.” She touched his cheek with her toes, playing around.

Shane turned his face to the side, kissing her foot, and then grabbed her ankle. He seductively sucked on her big toe.

“Oh God…” she moaned leaning back. He knew all her special spots on her body, and her feet and toes were one. Shane brushed his lips down her ankle, to her calves, raising her leg higher, rubbing his finger against her brown skin. Her red panties were playing peek a boo. “This pussy is yours…” She moaned, touching herself.

He smirked, “All mine.” he loved it when she said those words, making his inner animal roar. Shane placed her foot on the mattress, and dived in headfirst. He nibbled, and licked his way from her inner thighs to her panties. With his teeth, he grabbed the sexy fabric, pulling it down her radiant skin to her ankles.

Larissa rapidly sat up, slipping the material off, throwing it to the floor. She lay back down, leaning up on her elbows, gazing into his eyes. “All of me belongs to only you, Shane.”

“Babe…” he settled between her thighs.

“I love you, big daddy.” she chuckled, and moaned as soon as he gently flicked his tongue on her clit.




The sound echoing around his room was skin-to-skin contact and moaning. Shane’s cock was deep inside her, thrusting in and out. “Fuck… babe… damn… you feel real…” he grunted between breathes, “good.” His strokes were long, and slow, taking his time loving her. “Woman…” he groaned. “You’re mine.”

“Yes… ohhhh… Shane, yes… right…” Larissa wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. She opened her thighs wider, giving him better access to her core. Shane plunged into her with no mercy, and she followed his lead. “Awww… don’t stop!”

“Damn…” Shane circled his strong arms around her waist lifting Larissa’s ass, “let’s get married tomorrow,” he said while thrusting deeper into her pussy.

Her eyes widened, and then she moaned. “Tomo… rrow?”

“Yes…” he tapped her ass with his palm, slowing down his movements. “Why wait?”

“Because…” Her legs started shaking as she squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh… shit… I’m about…”

There was a loud thump, it sounded like someone was pounding on the front door.

“Did you…” she paused… “Hear that?” Larissa looked over at the bedroom door.

Shane stopped mid stroke, they heard the loud sound again.

She leaned up on her elbows. “Who would be knocking on your door so late?”

He was pissed to say the least. Larissa was about to cum, her toes were still curled up. Shane regrettably pulled out of her, and sat. “Whoever it is will be sorry for interrupting.” Shane slipped out of the bed, his hands tightened into fists. The forceful noise became louder with each pounding. “Who the fuck?”

Larissa sat in the bed with the sheets covering her torso. “Grayson.”

“I’ll check on him, as soon as I see who’s knocking on my front door.” Shane grabbed his shorts off the floor, and pulled them on. “You better be on all fours when I return.”

She chuckled, “Are you going to spank me?”

“Have you been a bad girl lately?” He wiggled his eyebrow.

“I’m always a bad girl for you.” Larissa placed her feet on the plush rug, searching for his robe. She found it on the floor, walked over and picked it up. “Your guest is going wake up the entire neighborhood.”

The doorbell chimed in combination with the bashing.

Shane’s jaw clenched as he marched to the bedroom door swinging it open and walked down the hallway. He looked through the peephole, and balled his fist. “They want to play, let the fucking games begin.” He moved away and walked back to his bedroom.

“Back so soon,” she stepped closer to the bed. “I’m not ready yet,” she smiled, until she saw his face. She must have seen his face contorted in anger, his nostrils flaring, and his hands closing into fists.

Shane continued slurring words under his breaths. How many times had he warned those SOBs not to mess with what was his? This time, action would speak louder than words.

“Who is it?” Larissa slipped the robe on, watching him amble to the closet, and grabbed a grey metal box. He pressed six numbers into the digital screen, opening the box. Shane pulled out his gun, making her gasp. “What’s going on?” Her eyes widened. “Do you really need that?”

“Yes,” he picked up his cellphone. “Babe… I’m not afraid of no one. I’m going to end this once and for all tonight.”

“Whatever it is I have your back,” Larissa tied the straps to her robe.

He shook his head, “Nah… stay here.”

“I don’t think so.” She didn’t back down, grabbing her purse from the chair in the corner of the room, and searched inside. She pulled out her can of pepper spray. “I’ll say it again, I have your back.”

“Stay behind me.” Shane couldn’t love her more than he did at that very moment. He would do anything to keep Grayson and Larissa safe. He was thankful she was still in his life after all the drama it had caused hers. He took a deep breath, hoping he wasn’t going to lose her over this.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she strolled up next to him. “We’re in this together,” she played with her ring. “I told you before. I don’t scare easily. I can handle anything thrown our way.”

He remembered what his cousin Deborah always told him growing up, ‘the greatest things in life don’t come easy, that’s why we have to fight for what we love, because nothing is worth having if we don’t fight for it.’ It seemed Shane fought for everything he ever wanted in life, but this was his biggest battle, to keep the woman he loved, and his son.

He swiped his phone to life, and dialed.

“911 what’s your emergency?” the operator asked.

“I have three trespassers in my home,” Shane gave the operator his address, and then made sure the gun had bullets. “You have ten minutes to get here before I fuck them up,” he placed the phone on his dresser, and rushed out the room. “Mother fuckers will learn tonight.”

“Yes they will,” Larissa followed.


Chapter Six


His doorbell no longer chimed from the beating they were giving it, and they continued banging on his front door with what appeared to be a heavy metal. “Open the fucking door!” they yelled.

Shane hid the gun behind his back in his shorts, and Larissa placed the can of pepper spray in her pocket. “If things get out of hand, please stay out of my way.” He would protect his woman with his life if he had to.

“Shane,” he could see the fear in her eyes. “I’m not leaving your side.” She was about to follow him out of the living room to the entryway.

“Larissa I don’t want to hurt you. Please stay here,” Shane thought about the situation, he didn’t know what other weapons they had. He wasn’t going to put her in harm’s way. “These people can be dangerous. If something happens to you. I won’t be able to control myself. Besides your dad will bury me alive if I let anything happen to his only daughter.” He touched her cheek, and gave her a feather kiss on her lips. “Do you want to be responsible for me killing a motherfucker?”

Larissa shook her head. “No…”

Shane took several strides and forcefully swung the door open. Liza’s two hillbilly brothers stood with bats in their hands and Ned slapped a crowbar in his palm. Shane glared at the dents and holes in his front door, and then at the three morons. “You’re paying for the damages on my fucking door.”

“You threatened my sister. Did you think you were going to get away with it?” Liza’s older brother Scott smacked the bat against his palm, staring at Larissa.

“I don’t make threats,” Shane cracked his neck.

Scott gripped his weapon of choice. “Your bitch did,” he stared inside of the house at Larissa.

“Bitch,” Shane smirked. “You mean Candy.” He mentioned Scott’s wife. “Isn’t she stripping tonight?”

“You son of a bitch,” he inched closer, and pointed at Larissa in the back. “Blackie over there.”

Strike two, Shane thought. Scott disrespected Larissa twice, without a care in the world. Shane took a deep breath, counting to ten.

“Excuse me!” Larissa raised her voice. “You racist asshole.”

“You told my sister Shane was taking Grayson away from her. Who the fuck do you think you are?” Liza’s other brother Bob decided to add.

“I never threatened your sister,” Larissa ambled forward, but Shane shook his head, making her pause. “Shane…”

Shane glanced back at Larissa. He’d had enough, she wouldn’t tell Liza anything like that. He’d never mentioned taking Grayson away from his mother, however he was really pondering the idea right now.

“You Africans make me sick,” Scott spat. “Why don’t you take your sorry asses back to where you came from?”

Strike three…“Babe,” that was Shane’s warning to Larissa. “Go check on Grayson.” Shane was trying to remain calm, not to scare her, but his patience was running out.

“No, I didn’t tell her that.” She stepped back, and went to move.

“Stay away from my nephew!” Bob yelled.

“Take another step, and Shane will pay for it,” Scott’s grip on his bat got tighter.

Instead of going to his son’s room, Larissa reached into her pocket about to grab her pepper spray. Shane knew what was about to happen, if anything happened to her, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.

“Larissa!” he roared, “I need you to go check on Grayson now!”

She glared at him with tears shimmering in her eyes, and marched out of the living room.

Shane stepped outside, making them draw back. He closed the door behind him. He would protect her at any cost. He knew Liza’s family was crazy, but not insane enough to come to his home. Shane was beyond crazy when it came to what he loved, and the two people he loved the most were inside his house.

Shane’s face contorted with rage. “I’m giving you my first and last warning, get the fuck off my property,” his voice was thunderous.

“We’re not leaving without Grayson,” Ned demanded.

“Do you think, you have a say in my son’s life because you’re fucking his mother again?” Shane narrowed his eyes, and clenched his jaw.

Scott raised the bat, moving forward, and swung it, ready to attack Shane. In one swift move Shane grabbed his gun, clicked the safety off and pointed the weapon at Liza’s older brother. He pulled the trigger. Pieces of wood scattered everywhere. “Are you fucking crazy?” he dropped the damaged bat, shaking his hand in pain. “You hit me,” his finger gushed.

Ned waved the crowbar at him. Shane avoided the tool leaning back and pulled the trigger again, shooting his old buddy in the right leg, blood splattered, and the tool landed on the ground.

“You shot me!” Ned yelled like a bitch. “You shot me,” he pressed on his wound.

“You tried to kill my brother,” Bob dug in his pocket, getting his cellphone.

“Did you boys forget who I am?” Shane pointed the gun right at Liza’s other brother’s forehead. He was an expert shooter, one of the best in his force. “If I wanted to kill you, believe me you’d be dead,” he said and gently squeezed the trigger.




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