Perigee Moon (19 page)

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Authors: Tara Fuller

BOOK: Perigee Moon
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“You’ve been through a lot today Rowan. I don’t even think you’ve grasped the half of it yet.” He traced his fingers lightly over the finger-shaped bruises on my shoulder and looked away.

“You should rest. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you,” he said.

Panic shot through me like ice and the warmth disappeared. I was shaking. I grabbed his arm as I tried to make sense of the sobs swelling in my chest.

“No. Please don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me alone,” I said through tears. I couldn’t understand the sheer terror that was rattling through me like an earthquake. Not until Max’s twisted grin flashed across my mind. Yet another thing to add to the nightmares. Great.

His eyes widened and he pulled me tight against his chest.

“Rowan it’s alright. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s alright,” he said softly as he pulled the blanket up over us both and eased back onto the bed. His arms wound around me, locking me into a safe embrace.

“Please stay,” I whispered against the pillow.

He paused and then I could feel his warm breath against the back of my neck as he spoke. “Alright. I’ll stay.”

“You won’t be in trouble will you?” I asked remembering how tightly his Aunt had him bound.

“I don’t care anymore,” he said and kissed the back of my neck. “All I care about is you.”

The darkness enveloped us in silence after that. The sounds of our breathing and the gentle swell of Alex’s chest against my back were slowly lulling me to sleep and I welcomed it. I should have been afraid of the awaiting nightmares but I wasn’t. It seemed impossible to be afraid of anything when I was wrapped in Alex’s embrace. I gave in as the darkness and tiny flashes of color began to pull me under. And just before I succumbed, my heart swelled and I knew I had to say it.

“I love you Alex.”

Chapter 17

For the first time in my life I used dark magic. That fool of a boy is lucky that a string of hellish nightmares is all he has to endure after what he did to her. The spell was simple enough, but still. This morning I find myself swimming in remorse for what I have done. Am I no better than Marion now? It can’t happen again. And to top it all off, she is a witch! God in heaven Rowan is a witch! The power I felt flowing from her last night was amazing. Power only a true blood witch could be capable of. It’s obvious she knows nothing of what she holds inside. So I must tread carefully while introducing her to this new world. God how I love her.

~ Alexander 1692


When I woke up I was alone. I stretched out, letting my fingers venture across the rumpled sheets beside me. They were cold. I sat up and squinted as the yellow sunshine flashed across my face. The blood began to rush back through my body and I cringed. Whatever that trick was that Alex had pulled with me last night was gone. Pain exploded and seeped though my body like acid. Every part of me was sore and achy and the tender space just below my right eye was throbbing. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and splashed some cool water over my face before I decided to face my reflection. When I finally did I gasped. I had a black eye.
. Real flattering Rowan, I thought to myself. I was suddenly very happy that Alex hadn’t been here to witness this. My legs were wobbly and I was slightly shaking so I abandoned the idea of a shower and instead climbed back into bed. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything other than the pain. Instead I concentrated on the memory of Alex’s lips on mine and the woodsy scent of his skin. As strong as the memory was, it was still difficult to not think about the nightmares. If once wasn’t enough I had been forced to endure the entire disgusting experience over again in my sleep. The gritty soil cutting into my palms. The cold, empty look in Max's eyes. The feeling of utter helplessness. I squeezed my eyes tighter to fight back the tears. Why did I have to go to that stupid party? Served me right for not listening to my instincts. I knew better.

My eyes flew open when a soft knock at my door invaded my thoughts. My heart stopped. I wasn’t ready to talk to Grams. I looked down at my exposed shoulders and the finger shaped bruises that were branded into them. How would I explain that? I scrambled for the covers but when Paige peeked into the room I relaxed and tossed them away. I motioned for her to come in and sat up, tucking my tousled hair behind my ears.

“Oh my God… Rowan.” Her voice broke as she rushed into the room. I glanced up, surprised when I saw Tyler shuffling in behind her. My face flushed. Tyler wasn’t much better than Grams. He closed the door behind him and nervously crossed the room. They both looked like they were at a funeral, their eyes filled with remorse and pain.

I laughed nervously. “I’m fine guys, really.”

“Are you kidding? Have you seen yourself this morning?” Paige gaped, running her fingertip over the bruise under my eye.

I flinched away and sighed. “Yes. Why do you think I’m still up here? You didn’t say anything to Grams did you?” I prayed that they hadn’t. I hadn’t had a chance to get my story straight with them. If Grams knew the truth I’d never be allowed to leave the house again.

shook his head. “No. We didn’t know what you’d told her so we kind of let her take the lead.” He cocked his head to the side and looked at me. “Must have been a pretty nasty fall down those steps.”

I laughed in spite of the situation and the tension in the room seemed to lighten considerably.

“Geez Rowan. You seriously couldn’t have come up with anything better than that?” Paige joked.

“Well I was going to tell her that I got into a fight but this was more believable.”

They both laughed, but Tyler’s eyes were still tight. He didn’t look like he’d slept.

“So who was he?” Paige finally asked like the question had been burning in her all night.

“Who?” I asked innocently. I knew who she meant.

“The guy who laid the smack down on Max then took you home.”

“Oh. That was Alex,” I said and watched her mouth drop.

“Well va va voom, Rowan. Way to bag yourself a hottie. And the hero kind at that. Nice.” I glanced over to Tyler and cringed.
Smooth Paige. Real smooth
. She was joking but I could tell it was just to take my mind off of things. She felt wary of Alex.

“Hey Paige, why don’t you get Rowan some coffee,” Tyler said, never taking his eyes off of me.

She glanced between the two of us and nodded, then made her way to the door. “Yeah sure. But Rowan doesn’t drink coffee. O.J. okay?” she paused by the doorway to ask.

I nodded and smiled, watching as she disappeared into the hall.

“Are you okay?” Tyler asked as he eased down on the bed next to me and brushed the hair back from my face. Not in a seductive way, but as if to examine the damage.

“Yeah, just sore,” I said.

He grimaced and looked away.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you last night,” he said.

“It’s not your fault,” I insisted.

“It is. I should have been there.”

I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. “It’s not. If anybody’s to blame it’s Max.” He grabbed my hand from his face and held it. My eyes were locked on his and I couldn’t look away.

Adrenaline, cold and swift, swept through me when Tyler looked down to my upturned wrist. My bands. I didn’t have my armbands and I felt naked, exposed, like my secret had been stolen.

“Rowan…did you…” Tyler stuttered then closed his eyes and shook his head. “When did you do this?” He rubbed a thumb softly over the pink scar.

I shrugged. “About a month before I moved here.”

“What exactly were you trying to do?” He sounded angry and concerned all at once. Once again his face fit his emotions.

I stared back at him and surprised myself by telling him the truth. “Kill myself. Why else would I slice my wrists open?”

I watched the smooth tan lines on his face harden, making him look at least five years older. He looked like my dad had on so many occasions before.


“Because my mom burned to death. Because Dad and Cam were on a camping trip and I was supposed to be home with her but I snuck out with Bevin instead.” I looked away, focusing on the sunshine spilling in through the window. “I got there before the fire department did. I could hear her screaming. Bevin wouldn’t let me go in. When they found her…” I stopped to swallow some of the pain. “She was in my room. She couldn’t get out.” I stopped when I realized I was shaking. Tyler squeezed my hands tighter.

“It wasn’t your fault,” he said. I didn’t mention the other reason I’d done it. That I was so swallowed up from feeling everyone else’s pain with my gift that I just wanted to escape. To go to sleep and never have to wake up to a world where my mom didn’t exist again.

“Rowan you wouldn’t try to do anything like this again? Right?” He looked like he wasn’t sure and in that moment I probably looked capable of anything, bruised and battered from the inside out.

“I may be selfish but I’m not stupid Tyler. It was a moment of weakness. I was entitled to it and now it’s over.”

He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. When he opened them again there was something else there.

“Rowan, how well do you know the Alex guy?” he asked.

It caught me off guard. I blinked, trying to process his question. “I don’t know. Well enough, why?”

He took a deep breath and glanced over his shoulder to check for Paige. I could still hear her banging around in the kitchen. Knowing Paige she was probably taking her sweet time so that Tyler could make a move.

“Rowan, Max is in the hospital. In the psyche ward.” He stopped, searching my eyes for some kind of understanding. “Alex did something to him.”

I drew my hand back defensively. “Do you have any idea what he was about to do to me? He can rot in hell for all I care.” I fought back the tears as betrayal washed through me.

“No. That’s not it. If he hadn’t already been, well the way he was I would have kicked the crap out of him myself. But Rowan it’s weird. He’s not him anymore. He’s…terrified. He won’t talk to anyone about what happened.”

I though back to Alex’s vague explanation of it all.
A trick.
It didn’t make any sense. I shook it off.

“So what, am I supposed to feel sorry for him?”

Surprise flitted across his face. “No. Of course not. He got what he deserved. I just want you to be careful.”

I averted my gaze and bit my lip. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it between his.

“I don’t trust him Rowan. Not with you. Not after that.”

“He saved me. He’s not the bad guy here Tyler.”

“No he’s not. But he could be if you’re not careful. I mean think about it. Nobody at that party had ever even seen the guy before. And what he did to Max, Rowan that wasn’t normal.”

I looked away again and watched the sunshine spill in through the yellow drapes.

“He’s dangerous Rowan.” He brushed the hair back from my face again, but this time it
different. I could feel it in the way he touched me. Gentle and hopeful. A floorboard creaked and I inched away from him, not wanting Paige to see us like this.

“Who’s dangerous?” Alex asked. My heart nearly leapt from my chest as I jerked away from Tyler’s touch. Alex was standing in the doorway with Paige. His eyes were dark and narrow, darting between Tyler and I before settling on Tyler’s hand wrapped around mine. A sudden flare of jealousy broke away from him and I could feel it charring my senses. I pulled my hand away and smiled.

“Max,” I quickly lied.

rolled his eyes and stood up. “Yeah, Max,” he agreed sullenly.

Alex’s eyes flashed. “Not anymore he’s not.” His face seethed with satisfaction, but I could feel what was going on inside. He was ashamed. As much as it hurt to feel his pain, I was so relived his block was down now. I felt like I could breathe.

shot me a sharp glance from across the room that screamed:
I told you so.

Alex knelt down in front of me and slipped his hands around mine as if no one else in the room existed. I could see Paige and Tyler exchange an awkward glance out of the corner of my eye. Alex slipped a black bag off of his shoulder and raised a hand to my face. He supported my chin gingerly with his fingers while he inspected my eye.

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