Perv (24 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Perv
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She felt Mason stiffen beneath her hands. He swiveled his neck and smiled at her. “I did have something in mind if you’re up to it. And it’s called Shibari.”

Jenna grinned back.

Mason shook his head. “You suck as a submissive, you know.”

She stuck her lower lip out in a fake pout. “I do not.”

He nodded. “Yes, you do. I never feel like I have the upper hand when I’m with you. Even in this, you suggested it before I could bring the subject up.” He stood, running his hands up her body until he cupped her breasts, and she sucked in a breath.

“Would you rather I remained silent and coy and let you make all the moves?” She lifted up on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

“No. For some reason I’ve fallen for you just the way you are. I can’t believe it myself. I never dreamed I’d be in this position with a woman.”

“I feel such a weight of responsibility.”
And like the most special woman alive

Mason took her hand and led her down the hall to his bedroom. “As much as I love this dress, I’m going to want you naked for what I have in mind.” He backed her up to the bed as he untied the material at the nape of her neck. He knew how the fabric was held together because he’d been the one to tie it earlier in the evening.

Jenna looked down as the silky black dress she’d felt exposed in all evening fell to the ground. It had hugged her body perfectly, and with nothing under it, her nipples had been clearly visible beneath the thin material. Mason ensured no one could possibly miss that fact by continuously pinching them and stroking his thumbs over the distended tips every chance he had.

Now he kneeled in front of her and sucked one nipple into his mouth.

Jenna grasped his head and wove her fingers into his hair. She leaned into his mouth, loving the feel of his lips on her skin.

When he was satisfied and Jenna was short on breath, he switched to the other nipple, holding her waist with both hands.

Finally he pulled back with a pop. “I love how sensitive your breasts are.” He thumbed both tips at once while he looked up at her. Her face flushed, and she felt the heat spread down her neck.

He stood, kissed her lips, and then smiled. “Wait here.”

She watched as he left the room, a chill sending goose bumps all over her heated skin.

A minute later he returned, carrying the coffee table from the living room on its end. It looked heavy, but the man was so muscular, she doubted he noticed its weight.

“Lie down on your back.” He pointed at the table after he settled it in the center of the room. The legs and frame were wood, but the glass inlays all over the surface would be cold against her back and butt. “Don’t hesitate.” He shook his head as he sauntered across the room for the duffle bag of tricks she had slowly learned the contents of.

What he pulled out from the bag this time made her giggle—the long lengths of ribbon from the gaudy bows he’d ordered for her roses and chocolates that first day.

Mason ignored her laughter and pulled her arms over her head. He proceeded to wrap the ribbon around them until she couldn’t move to separate them from each other. And then he tied the ribbon to the two legs of the coffee table at her head.

Jenna sobered at the thought of being so secured. She squirmed against the glass, already immobile from having her arms secured.

Mason grabbed another length of ribbon and threaded it under the table. He brought the two long ends over her and wrapped them across her chest, crisscrossing the ribbon so her breasts were squeezed to points.

“God, Jenna. That’s so fucking sexy,” Mason muttered as he leaned back. “I’ve never used ribbon before. You look like a gift.” He reached for another length and started at her ankles this time, winding the ribbon up her shins as he forced them apart and attached them to the legs of the table.

Jenna breathed heavier as he worked. She felt more exposed than ever with her pussy wide and her breasts restrained.

When he finished and stood to circle her, she lifted her head to survey his work. Amazing. She couldn’t believe the body she stared down at was her own. Renewed moisture filled her pussy. A tight ball of need pulsed low in her hollowed belly. She moaned as she set her head back down and closed her eyes, trying to get a grip on herself.

She hoped he didn’t notice. She needed him to touch her—everywhere. But she knew he would do what he pleased on his own watch. Anything she said would only make things worse.

Long moments passed before she felt the lightest touch on her arm and opened her eyes.

Mason hovered over her with a long feather in his hand. He stroked it up her forearm while staring into her eyes.

Goose bumps rose all over her body.

“Gorgeous, baby,” he whispered. He lifted the feather and set it back down on her neck, dragging the tip in tiny circles. Gradually moving lower, Mason tickled her breasts.

When he danced the feather over her nipples, she came undone, bucking futilely. She moaned.

Mason ignored her. “I’ve never seen your nipples so erect. It’s very sexy.” He set the feather aside and pinched them both at once.

Jenna squealed. “Mason…”

He picked the feather back up and trailed down her belly until he reached her thighs. The tickling sensation on the insides of her legs made her stiffen. She needed something inside her worse than ever in her life.

“Do you like Shibari?” He chuckled. “I’m going with yes, judging by the moisture between your legs.” Mason swiped a finger between her folds as he spoke, not penetrating enough to give her any satisfaction, but bringing her wetness out and stroking it across her clit.

She would come. She knew it. Any second now she would come from this brief contact. He ruled her body.

Mason continued down her legs with the feather, easing her need marginally. She wanted more, and she fought to keep from begging. He knew what he was doing.

Finally he put the feather back in the bag and pulled out something else. The rustling noise was all Jenna had to judge his movements. She couldn’t see what he held now.

A low hum filled the silence, and she widened her eyes, straining to lift her head enough to see.

“Set your head back down, baby. Just feel. If you can’t keep still, I’ll cover your eyes and secure your forehead.”

Oh God
. Jenna laid her head back on the glass and rolled it from side to side. She swallowed, but her mouth was dry.

The buzzing grew louder as he approached. She knew that noise. She had a vibrator at home she was very familiar with.

Mason used one hand to pull her lower lips apart and pressed the dildo inside her without preamble.

Jenna squealed. The phallic object was bigger than she’d expected. He stroked in and out in several quick thrusts before he removed it.

The vibrating stopped as he must have set it aside. “Don’t come yet. Control the urge.”

How the hell could she avoid coming?

Jenna fought to lift her hips, unsuccessfully. Not a millimeter of space was available to her. She panted, trying to think of anything but her need to come.

Mason stroked her thighs with both hands, so lightly she could barely feel his touch. “So smooth…”

She shivered. Her pussy felt swollen.

Mason caressed the outer lips, his fingers dancing around her sex until she wanted to scream at him. When he left her pussy altogether, trailing his fingers up her body, she whimpered uncontrollably as he leaned over her. She turned her head to one side and stared at her arm.

He pinched her nipples firmly and then squeezed both globes of her breasts, already swollen from the pressure of the ribbon. “Look at me,” he commanded.

Jenna turned her head back to the center, her eyes glazed as she tried to focus on his face.

“You’re so horny.”

“Yes…Sir.” She swallowed. The words came out gravelly.

“Now do you understand the purpose of bondage?”

“Yes, Sir.” She licked her lips, her tongue too dry to do any good. “Please.”

“You need to come don’t you?”

She nodded subtly.

Mason kneeled between her legs, leaving her vision. He pulled her sex open with one hand and pressed two fingers into her with the other. “So pink and swollen. So needy. I think you’re starting to understand submission.” He spoke softly as he stroked in and out of her with not enough pressure, not enough fingers.

Jenna tensed, her pussy grasping at his fingers.

“So wet…”

Her mind swam as she concentrated on his hands, his words, his warm breath brushing across her pussy as he spoke.

Just when she thought she would come, he stopped again. Jenna gasped.

She lifted her head and watched as he unbuttoned his jeans and shimmied them and his underwear down his legs. In seconds he was naked. He gazed into her eyes as he rolled a condom over his cock. He lay over her body and entered her to the hilt so fast the fullness took her by surprise. He held steady deep inside her, his face strained.

Good. She affected him too.

He shook his head at her. “You make me feel things I never thought possible.” He stroked her face with both hands on either side of her.

She didn’t speak. She simply nodded. Did he know he did the same to her?

Not releasing her gaze, he pulled almost out of her and then plunged back into her depths. “Oh, baby…” His eyes fluttered.

Jenna came. Hard and fast with no warning. She couldn’t have stopped it if he’d commanded her to. Her entire body shook with the pulsing of her pussy. She strained against her bindings to no avail. The low moan she heard came from her. The only movement she could make was to tip her head back, which exposed her neck to Mason.

He dipped his face and nuzzled her throat, nibbling toward one ear as he stiffened inside her and came on the heels of her orgasm. “Oh… My… God… Jenna.” His words were garbled, but she got the gist.

She heaved for air as her body relaxed onto the table.

Mason inhaled slow and deep against her neck, over and over for several minutes until he finally lifted his gaze. “You’re so fucking sexy.” He glanced down at her body as he lifted farther off her. “I love these ribbons.” He trailed a finger between her breasts. “You can’t imagine how hot that made me.”

“I bet I can.” She felt the same. Unbelievable, but being restrained had made her head swim with need. She grinned. “I loved it.”

He paused and held her gaze. “I want to take pictures of you trussed up like this one day.”

She froze, her eyes widening.

He chuckled. “Not today. When you’re ready.”

When would she ever be ready for that?

Mason stood. He walked away for a few seconds out of sight and returned without the condom. He reached for one end of the ribbon and pulled. It seemed so simple how easily he removed her bindings. A simple bow held her in place. And yet she’d been unable to move an inch…

Mason lifted her off the table and carried her to the bed. He settled her on his sheets and spooned himself behind her. Kisses landed on her neck and ear as she closed her eyes. The last thing she remembered was him whispering in her ear. “Sleep, baby…”


Chapter Seventeen

On Sunday night at six o’clock sharp, Mason reached for the bell next to the front door of the Mathews’ home. He held Jenna’s hand tighter than necessary and silently cursed his choice of clothing.

He wore khaki Dockers and a button-up shirt, but somehow now that they’d arrived, he felt underdressed. Perhaps Jenna could have mentioned the level of opulence he would be stepping into. Judging by the size of the mansion her parents owned, he guessed they must be from very old money. Why was Jenna working her ass off to make ends meet and living in such a tiny old apartment? It made him cringe every time he pulled up to it. He worried about her safety. The area wasn’t the best.

When he let his gaze land on Jenna’s face, he couldn’t feel anger, however. She chewed on her lower lip and seemed to have slipped into a much younger version of herself. The woman was petrified. This was not her idea of a good time. Perhaps he should have listened to her. Clearly, pressuring her into dinner with her family had been almost more than she could bear.

The door opened, and Mason straightened up taller, flicking his gaze from Jenna to the man standing in the entrance.

“Dad,” Jenna mumbled.

“Welcome home.” He opened the door wider, allowing them entrance. “Patrick Mathews,” he said as he reached for Mason’s hand.

“Mason Simmons. Nice to meet you, sir.”

The man was stern, but didn’t appear nearly as stuffy or hoity as his wife, Joann.

He turned to his daughter. “I’m glad you decided to grace us with your presence, Jenna. Your mother will be thrilled you’re back at home.”

The way he worded his phrase made Mason’s skin crawl. His tone was…accusatory. This situation definitely screamed at him to keep all his senses on alert.

Mason held Jenna’s hand as they followed her father into what Mason assumed was the library. He almost chuckled as he pictured grown men from a historical romance novel enjoying a brandy and a cigar after dinner while the womenfolk discussed embroidery in another parlor somewhere.

That would never happen because Mason had no intention of releasing Jenna at any point during the evening, or at least not letting her out of his sight.

His skin crawled in discomfort as she dug her nails into his palm seemingly without realizing it. Her face was paler than normal, and she barely released her lower lip from her teeth. No smile passed over her expression at any moment, and she glanced around the room as though some secret hidden escape route might be present behind one of the bookcases. Or maybe it was worse than that, and she feared she’d get sucked into the mansion at some corner and never be released.

Obviously Jenna had had a falling out with her parents, and she wasn’t interested in reconciliation. Mason’s throat clenched at the thought. Family members needed to stick together, work things out through thick and thin. Mason couldn’t stand the idea of Jenna living year after year without working out her differences with her family. She was so lucky to have family. Why couldn’t she see that?

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