Perv (26 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Perv
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Hell, the circular drive alone was so long she couldn’t get off the property for several minutes.

He didn’t have to chase her, though. She was leaning against the car door, her head tipped to the ground. At least she had faith he would follow her.

He approached on a sigh and pulled her against his chest. When she didn’t respond to him, not lifting her arms around him, he set her aside and opened the door.

She climbed into the car without a word. Unshed tears filled her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. She was strong. He’d give her that.

Considering everything he’d just learned, he thought she was amazing.


Chapter Eighteen

They drove back to his place in silence. She didn’t argue for him to take her home. They needed to talk. She recognized that. When they entered, she collapsed on the couch and leaned her head back, her eyes closed.

Mason reached for the phone and ordered a pizza.

She wasn’t hungry, but they’d run out without eating a bite. Mason had to be starving.

He unbuttoned the top few buttons on his shirt as he sat next to her. “I’m sorry, especially if I made things worse or made you uncomfortable. Can we talk about this?”

She rolled her eyes.

Mason chuckled. “Well, I only said that to be polite. You can’t actually expect me to let it go.” He took one of her limp hands in his own and rubbed her palm with his thumb. “Tell me the whole story from the beginning. I’ll listen. I should have listened to you the other day. Obviously you were right. There’s way more going on with your family than I understand.”

A few moments passed before she lifted her head and opened her eyes. “I’m sorry I brought you there. I knew that would happen, and I didn’t warn you properly. Although to be fair, you weren’t really interested in hearing what I had to say. You were only worried about your fantasy of what family should be like. Do you believe me now?”

She lifted a hand when Mason tried to interject. “Don’t. I understand what you’ve been through and I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make my situation any less important.”

Mason nodded.

“My parents have manipulated me my entire life to fit their mold.” She paused. “It’s so much more than that.” She swallowed. “Does the name Mathews mean anything to you?”

“Sure. It’s your last name. So?”

“Ever picked up medication from Mathews drug store?”

“Of course, but— Wait. Are you telling me your family owns Mathews?”

“Yes.” She nodded.


“Yeah, there isn’t much to add to that is there?” She gave him a half smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It isn’t something I go around bragging about. I’m not proud of it. The cost for owning that surname is high. My parents haven’t worked a day in their lives. They pay other people to do everything for them, and they expect me and my sister to do the same and follow in the family footsteps, carrying on their life of leisure.

“I hated it my entire life. I want to
something. They have no pride. When I wanted to go to college, they humored me and decided it would make me look polished. Ha.” She tugged her hand free. “From the moment I graduated, I knew I was going to get out. It took me a few years, and when I declared I was going to move out and open a flower shop, they went ballistic. No daughter of theirs was going to
for a living and demean the family name.”

“But you did.” He furrowed his brow.

“Yes, and they have lied about where I’ve been for two years. None of their friends has any idea I’ve been working and out on my own.”

“They aren’t proud of your accomplishments?”

Jenna laughed sardonically. “My accomplishments? They have no idea what I’ve done. They could care less as long as no one finds out their daughter has been working for a living.”

“God, baby. I’m so sorry. That’s a horrible way to live.”

“My parents want only one thing. Conformity. If they don’t get it, they won’t ever be happy. It’s not something you can fix. It’s not something anyone can fix. Not with words.”


She paused and narrowed her gaze at him. “Okay?”

“Yes.” He grinned at her and tipped his head to one side. “You sure you want to give up this Charles guy, though? He sounds like a winner.”

She punched his side. “God almighty. What did they say to you after I left?” Oh God. She could only imagine.

“They told me to convince you to leave the no-good, lowlife scum you’re dating now and return to marry this Charles guy, whose family name and status in society will make all your dreams come true.” He kissed the top of her head.

She smiled and lifted her gaze, tipping her head back until she met his eyes. “What did you say?”

“I assured them I would indeed talk to you, that you did in fact deserve better, and I would see that you got it.” He grinned.

Her heart beat rapidly. “And you came to me then,” she whispered.

“I did.” He grasped her head with both hands. “I love you, Jenna.”

“I’m a disaster with enough baggage to fill a subway tunnel.” A tear trickled down her face. Had she heard him correctly? Could he overlook her family issues and still want her?

“I love you,” he repeated. “I know we have a lot of ground to cover, and I’m just learning how to be a regular boyfriend, but I don’t want to waste another minute of my life without you in it.”

She swallowed as tears continued to multiply on her face. “I love you too.”

“Good.” He exhaled as though he’d been uncertain what she might say in response.

“You’ll stop trying to get me to make peace with my parents?” She narrowed her gaze at him.

He nodded. “Some things are more important than family. You taught me that. Family is the people who love you, not blood relatives.”

She smiled. He was getting it.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go home and marry Charles instead?” He stiffened, and she realized he was wondering what sort of relationship she’d had with Charles.

“I’ve only met him a few times. He’s a pompous ass with a chip on his shoulder a mile wide. I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with him, let alone marry the guy.” She shivered and then settled into Mason’s arms.

He held her tight as she propped her chin on his chest. “Would you consider moving in with me? Your place makes me nervous.”

She smiled, warmth spreading to every limb. He wanted her. She kept repeating that to herself. “That seems kind of fast.” She lifted her face. “What’s wrong with my apartment?”

Mason shrugged. “I don’t want to make it seem like you’re turning from one domineering home to another. I would never treat you like they do or take your accomplishments for granted. But I would love to wake up to you pressed into my side every day of the week. Plus, your apartment isn’t very safe, baby. Just think about it. Okay?”

She nodded.

“And one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Your parents are cutting you off from the family on December twenty-fourth at the stroke of midnight, apparently.” He raised an eyebrow. “Think you can lower yourself to living with an accountant who dabbles in MMA and likes a bit of kink on the side?”

“Can’t think of anything I’d like more.”

“The whole thing sucks, and I feel horrible for you, but you know way more about the history of your life than I do. I’ll shut up now. You’re a grown woman. If you need to cut off contact with your family, you should do it.”

She nodded. “It’s never going to be that simple. I’ll warn you now. They will hound me. At least until Christmas day, and then we’ll see if they’re capable of letting me go for real.”

“I’ll be right next to you.”

She nodded, relief flooding her. She hadn’t realized how much she valued his support until she had it. Maybe that was half the reason she hadn’t told him about her family before today. In the back of her mind, she always feared people only saw dollar signs when they met her, not Jenna.

But Mason was different. First of all, he hadn’t known there was money behind her name. And second of all, he’d chosen to support her instead of nagging her to maintain her position as the family heir. Even when he’d fought her on the issue, his motivation had been strictly based on his concern for her to maintain blood relationships.

He pulled her closer. “Hey, relax. It’s all going to be fine.”

Jenna was exhausted. She needed time to process everything that had happened. “Will you please take me home?”

He stiffened. “Now?”

“Yes. I just want some time alone. I’m tired. I need some space.”

She watched his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. Then he nodded. “If it’s what you want, of course.”

She smiled wanly. “Just give me tonight, okay? Don’t read anything into it. I’m just done for the day. I want to be alone.”

He stood, lifting her off his lap and righting her on the floor. He cupped her face in both hands and kissed her lips. And then he led her to the door.

They didn’t say much during the drive. When Mason pulled up in front of her apartment, he circled the car and walked her to the door. At the last second, he grabbed her hand and held it up to his cheek. “Call me if you change your mind.”

She nodded, trying not to cry. She was wrung out from the stress.

“I mean it. I hate leaving you alone like this.”


He held out a hand to stop her. “I get it. I’m not saying I don’t. But I hate it.” He glanced around. “It’s not the best neighborhood.”

“I’m a big girl.”

He rolled his eyes. “I never said you weren’t, but stuff happens. I meant it when I said you should move in with me. Think about it.”

“I will.” She lifted on tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Thank you.”

“Any time.”


Mason reluctantly left her at the ratty apartment. While her family lived like the king and queen of some foreign country, she lived in a run-down building, barely making ends meet. Intentionally.

Frustrated and needing release, he headed straight for the gym. He skidded into his usual spot, grateful not for the first time that he kept workout clothes on hand in his locker for an occasion such as this one. In minutes he was on the gym floor beating the hell out of a punching bag. He flexed his fingers a few times and set into a rhythm of pounding the bag until it would have been dead if it had been human.

“Mason…” The voice to his left startled him. He had no idea how long he’d been at it. He lifted his gaze to find Rafe and Rider strolling toward him.

“Dude, who pissed you off?” Rafe asked.

Mason shook his head. “No one. I’m just working out.”

Rafe raised a brow. “Joe called us. He said you’ve been beating the shit out of that bag for an hour without looking up. You have to be exhausted.” Rafe stepped up behind the bag and held it steady, his face leaning around one side.

Rider stepped up behind Rafe.
What is this? An intervention?

Mason sucked in oxygen, out of breath. “I guess I’ve been at it a while.” He turned away and grabbed his bottle of water.

“Everything okay with Jenna?” Rider asked.

“Yeah. Sure.” He finished the bottle. “I mean, no.”

“What happened?” Rafe cringed.

Rider stood next to him in his all-business stance. He wasn’t there to work out. He’d been on the job when Joe had called him. And Rider was formidable in his police uniform, gun hanging at the side.

Mason turned back toward Rafe. “Nothing like that. We just had dinner at her parents’ house.” He paused. “Shit. No we didn’t. I need to eat.” He pulled his gloves off and set them aside, flexing his hands several times. He chuckled. “Hell, I left a pizza man hanging too.” He’d forgotten all about that.

“You aren’t making any sense, dude.”

Mason chuckled again. “Yeah. The situation with her family is pretty fucked up. I didn’t know.”

“Ah. So she told you who she really is. I see.”

Mason lifted his gaze to his best friend. “You knew.”

Rafe nodded. “I was sworn to secrecy. She likes people to treat her normally and not spend all their time thinking about her wealth. Which is nonexistent if you consider her family’s unwillingness to help her reach her own dreams.”

Mason took a drink of his water. “Do you think they’d really cut her off entirely?”

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