Playing With Fire (Guarded Hearts) (14 page)

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Guarded Hearts)
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He let out a loud groan, "Maddy! If you keep doing that, this will be over really soon."

"Carter, please! I need you now!"

He got the message and began thrusting into me, filling me with not only all of him, but with love. He was going so slow and being so tender with me.

"God, baby, you are so fucking tight."

"Go faster, Carter, please!"

He picked up the pace and I started meeting him thrust for thrust. My head was spinning and I was getting lightheaded from the feeling of Carter moving inside me. I felt myself begin to tighten around him. I knew what was coming, but I wasn't ready for the intensity of it. "Carter! Oh my God!"

I was spiraling down when he thrust into me a couple more times, then buried his head in my shoulder and found his own release. "Fuck, Maddy!"

I opened my eyes to see him watching me. His blue eyes were brighter than I'd ever seen them before. We just stayed there like that for a few minutes.

"God, I love you so much." He was kissing my neck and along my jaw line. "That was perfect. Are you okay?" He slowly pulled out of me, then lay on his side facing me.

"I'm better than okay," I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Carter, I never knew it would feel that good."

"I'm so happy you enjoyed it, baby. I've never experienced that with anyone. Everything is so much better with you."

I smiled at him and laid my head on his chest. Before I knew it, I was asleep, dreaming of doing it again with him.

Waking up Christmas morning with Carter was like a dream. I felt bad because I was so broke that I couldn't get him anything. I started working but I hadn't even gotten my first paycheck yet. I snuck out from under him and went into the living room. I figured if I couldn't buy him something, I was going to make it. I finished it about ten minutes before Carter walked out of the room.

He looked at me and gave me a cute sleepy smile. "Morning, baby. Merry Christmas."

I walked over to him and threw my arms around him. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Merry Christmas!" I kissed him, not a desperate hungry kiss, but one that showed him how much I loved him. "I am so excited to spend Christmas with you!"

"Me too, babe, but I'm even more excited to give you your gift."

He led me over to our tree and handed me a rectangular box. I started to unwrap it while all of the possibilities of what it could be ran through my head. When I finally got it open, my mouth dropped. He got me an iPhone! Weren't these things really expensive? I looked up at him and he had the biggest grin on his face. "Oh my God, Carter! I can't believe you! This is too much!"

"I knew you were going to freak out about this." Of course I was. This boy was crazy! "This isn't just a gift for you, it's one for me too. This way, I'm not going crazy at work while you're here alone with no way to get in touch with anyone. Shawn and Jason are also in favor of this. I added you to my plan so don't worry about having to pay for it. I know you don't make a lot of money."

"Neither do you! Carter, I don't want you to waste all of your money on me."

"Nothing I do for you is a waste. I make enough money to take care of you and me right now, baby. I want to take care of you. Please let me."

He was the most wonderful person I'd ever known. "Okay. I know I'm difficult, but I'm just not used to someone caring. Thank you, Carter. I love it." I opened the box and turned it on. There was already a lot of stuff downloaded on it-apps, music, and he added Nicole, Shawn, Jason, and himself to my contacts.

"There is already some music on there. It's from Nicole and the boys. I downloaded you a bunch of apps and games I thought you might like."

Everyone else had chipped in too? To think that, four months ago, I had no one who cared about me, and now I had all these wonderful people in my life. It brought tears to my eyes. I felt like such an annoying girl. All I did was cry anymore. I went to my messages and sent texts to Nicole and the boys, telling them Merry Christmas and thanking them for the gift. Then, I got up and grabbed what I made for Carter. He watched me, trying to figure out what I had.

I handed it to him but, after what he just gave me, this was nothing. He started to unwrap it, and I could tell he didn't know what to make of it at first.

"It's a relationship coupon book. There are coupons for things like massages, cooking dinner for you, and other things in the…um…bedroom. I haven't gotten my first paycheck yet so I didn't have any money to get you anything, so I figured-" He grabbed me and started kissing me, then scooped me up and started carrying me to the bedroom. "I'm sorry, sir, but you're going to need to show your coupon before I can perform any services."

I saw a fire in his eyes that made my whole body feel hot.





Her gift just might have been the sexiest thing I'd ever been given. I had to have her now.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you're going to need to show your coupon before I can perform any services."

We'll see about that. I threw her onto the bed and she shrieked. I immediately pounced on top of her and started kissing every available surface of flesh that was exposed. I took her T-shirt off and started to kiss and suck on her breasts. "Do you want me to stop and go look for the coupon?"

"Don't you dare!"

I chuckled and finished undressing her. I pulled her pants and underwear off, then kissed my way back up her body. Her little moans were turning me on so much and they
only made me want to prolong so I could listen to them. "What do you want me to do, baby?"

She looked at me, confused. "What do you mean?"

I knew hearing her say the things she wanted would drive me crazy, and I wanted her to open up and not be embarrassed about sex. "Tell me what you want me to do to you. I won't do anything until you tell me to."

"I…um…I want you to touch me."


I could see her blushing. "Carter James! Why are you doing this to me?"

I slid up her body, the whole time gently brushing my lips over her skin until I got to her ear. Then I whispered, "Because hearing you tell me what you want me to do to that sexy little pussy of yours will make me very happy and when I'm happy, you'll be screaming."

"Carter, I don't know if I can do this."

"You don't need to be embarrassed, baby. It's just me. I'm not going to force you to do it, but I'd really like if you tried it."

"Okay, but I don't think I'll be good at it."

She was always so unsure of herself. "You'll be fine, baby. Now, where do you want me to touch you?"

"I…um…I want you to…um…touch my…" She exhaled a deep breath and covered her eyes. "Pussy."

I moved down her body and ran my fingers over her wet folds. "You are so wet and ready, baby. I love that about you." I slipped a finger inside of her and she moaned. "I love how tight you are, too, baby." I started to massage her clit with my other hand.

"Oh God, Carter! That feels so good! I want more."

"Just tell me, baby." She was getting into it. I could hear it in her voice.

"Kiss me…down there."

I kept massaging her insides with my finger and lowered my head to her pussy. I ran my tongue up it from top to bottom, and she thrust her hips up. Then, I sucked her clit into my mouth. She tasted so fucking good. I felt her start to clench around me, and I withdrew my finger and mouth. "You're close, aren't you, baby?"

"Yes! Why did you stop?"

"Because before I make you come, baby, I need to hear you tell me who it belongs to."

"Really, Carter?"

I winked at her and gave her a smirk. "Yes."

"It's yours, Carter, now finish...please!"

"Yes, ma'am." This time, I put two fingers inside her and she yelled out. I put my mouth back on her and gently nipped at her.

"Carter!" She came apart in my mouth, and I loved it. I moved my way back up her and saw the content smile on her face. God, I fucking loved her so much. "I actually liked that."

I knew she would. "I know, baby, you just need to get more comfortable with me."

"Carter, I want you to take me. I want you inside of me."

Fuck, yes. "With pleasure." I positioned myself over her opening. "Are you sore at all, baby?"

"Um…a little bit."

"Okay, I'll try to be easy with you then."

"I don't want you to."

"Oh, really? Whatever you want, babe." I eased myself into her and let her get used to the feeling before I started to move. She was so tight and having sex without a condom on was still new to me, not to mention all the foreplay. I gave myself about five minutes before I was ready to blow. She had her arms wrapped around me and her nails were digging into my back, and I loved it. I could tell she was close and that was good. "Baby, I know you're close. Your tight little pussy is squeezing my dick and it feels so good."

"Oh, God!"

"Fuck, Maddy!" We came apart together, and it just showed how in sync we really were. I didn't think I could ever have enough of her. She was so amazing. I moved up to place a kiss on her lips, wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep.





I never thought I'd enjoy sex this much, but Carter made it amazing. I woke up before him and took advantage of being able to watch him. He really was gorgeous and he treated me like a princess.

Most little girls grew up wanting to be a princess. I grew up just wanting to be loved. Carter gave me that and so much more. I felt so safe with him, even after everything that had happened. I thought about Chris every day. I was terrified he'd show up and wreak havoc on my life. I think I was more scared for Carter than I was for myself. I tried to relax. I refused to let my past affect my present or my future anymore. I felt Carter's arms tighten around me. I looked down and saw him watching me.

"Hey, what were you doing? You seemed like you were in another world."

"I was just thinking about how amazing you are and how much I love you."

He smiled. "Well, don't stop on my account."

I laughed. I don't think anyone had ever made me laugh as much as he did. No one had ever made me as happy as he did, either. "When do you want to go to your dad's?"

"That's up to you, baby. What time is it?"

"It's around eleven." I was really excited to see Carter's family again. "I'm good to go when you are. Did you wrap their presents, or did you need help?"

"I didn't get them anything."

I shot up in bed. I couldn't believe him! "Why not? That's horrible! I don't want to show up empty-handed! We need to figure something out! CVS and Walgreens are open twenty-four hours. Let's go!"

I jumped up and started to get dressed. I couldn't believe I didn't think to ask him before. I thought he would have it handled, though. Ugh! Men! I looked over and he was just sitting up in bed, laughing at me! I walked over and put my hands on my hips, which was girl code for ‘I'm pissed.' "Why are you laughing at me, Carter?"

He pulled me down onto the bed and moved on top of me. "You are so damn adorable." He leaned down and kissed me. "Come on. Let's go shopping." He got up and started to get dressed. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched him. He turned around, saw me, and gave me one of those smiles that could melt my insides. "Enjoying the view?"

"Very much." I got up, finished getting ready and we got in the car.





I couldn't believe she wanted to go buy gifts for my family. She was always so caring and thoughtful.

"Shit, Carter, I just remembered I'm broke. Maybe I can make your family coupon books too."

I had to laugh out loud at that. "As much as I'm sure Anthony would love that, I'll pay for the gifts." I saw her smile fade. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I hate that you always need to pay for me. I don't want to be a burden. I mean, I'm living in your house, you're paying all the bills, and you buy all the food. You got me this amazing Christmas present, and all I got you were some scraps of paper. Not to mention that you paid for that paper too!"

I loved taking care of her and it made me feel good to know I had the means too. However, I understood where she was coming from. "If you want to start giving me money when you get paid, that's fine. I like being able to take care of you, though. You've been on your own your whole life and it makes me feel good to be able to do things for you." She smiled and looked up at me. "Although, if you want to repay me, I'm sure I could think of a couple different ways."

Her mouth dropped open and I winked at her. "Carter James!" She punched me in the arm. "I'm telling your father."

"That's okay. I'm sure he'll just be happy that I'm finally getting some. Four months was a record for me, baby."

We spent over an hour shopping. Maddy drove herself crazy picking out gifts for my family. On the drive there, I was happy to see that
she was finally exploring her phone.

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