Playing With Fire (Guarded Hearts) (19 page)

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Guarded Hearts)
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"Carter! What are you doing?"

"Taking you home!" He put me down, but grabbed my hand and continued walking toward the car. As much as I wished we could leave, there was no way. My afternoon classes were just as crazy as my morning ones. I pulled my hand away and started to walk toward the cafeteria, knowing that he'd follow me eventually.

I turned back to make sure he actually was following me and saw that he was, even though he had a huge pout on his face.

When we got there, Shawn and Jason were waiting for us. I gave Jason a hug, then moved to Shawn. When I put my arms around him, he winced. I looked up at him. "Are you okay?"

He smiled back at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've been working out more lately so I'm a little sore."

"Keep on working, Shawn!" Jason shouted. I punched him in the arm. He could be such an ass sometimes. I loved hanging out with these boys so much. Everyone had been so busy lately, so we all decided to start doing dinners as a family on Sunday nights. This Sunday was going to be the first and I was so excited.

I felt like I was getting to live the life I missed out on growing up. I now had things I never thought I'd be able to have like family dinners, best friends, brothers, and unconditional love. Jason pushed a tray of food in front of me and when I looked down, I saw it had a bunch of my favorite foods on it.

"So, I'm not as whipped as Carter, but I grabbed your lunch for you, Mads. Happy Valentine's Day, sis."

"Aw, thanks, J!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat down.

"I got you this, too, Maddy." Shawn handed me a DVD and, when I looked at it, I saw that it was the movie "The Last Song."

"Shawn! I love it!" They all heard about how Carter and I always watched the sappy movies together. They also loved to make fun of him because he liked them. "Well, I have something for you guys too." I took out an envelope and gave it to Carter. He opened it and, as he read it, I saw his face light up.

"Well, what is it?" Shawn asked.

Carter grabbed me and hugged me, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Carter, what the hell! Tell us already!" Jason yelled. These boys really needed to work on their patience.

"Maddy got us gift certificates to go play paintball." Both guys looked so excited, and I couldn't be happier. They'd been helping me so much that I was glad I could give them something.

The rest of the afternoon was just as great. Both Chris and Alyssa shot me death glares during class but, at this point, I could care less.

We were driving home when Carter asked me to get a paper out of his book bag for him. I opened it and saw something wrapped in pink paper. I looked over at him and he smiled. "Open it."

What could this be? I took it out and unwrapped it. My mouth dropped open...he got me a Kindle! Oh my God! "Carter! This is amazing! I love it! I can't believe you got me one. Aren't they expensive?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you like it, babe. You just have to promise me one thing."

Oh, no. "What?"

He smirked at me. "You'll always love me more than your book boyfriends."

We both started cracking up. "I'll always love you more than anything, babe." He reached over and grabbed my hand. I wanted him so bad right now. Desire was starting to pool in my belly.

When we walked through the door, I threw myself at him. Carter had been so gentle with me, but I didn't want gentle now.

He was shocked at first, but I heard a low groan come from his chest. He turned me around and held me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him and started kissing his neck and collarbone. Every time I gave him a little love bite, I could feel him tense. "Babe, do you wanna go to bed?"

"No, Carter, I don't. You've been so great and gentle with me. Right now, though, I want you to show me how much you want me."

I ran my hands up his hard chest and twisted them through his hair. I reached down and started to pull Carter's shirt over his head. "Fuck, baby, are you sure about this?"

He had me braced against the wall and was holding me up by my ass. I gripped the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head. I heard him groan and then his hands were on me. He ripped off my bra, then put my feet down on the floor. Carter tore down my pants, taking my underwear with them, and then he disposed of his too. I grabbed his neck and pulled him back to me.

I needed him so bad right now, it was like torture. Carter lifted me back up and, in the same motion, slammed into me. "God, Carter, yes!"

This was incredible. There was so much urgency and need. "Damn, baby, this is hot. You feel like fucking heaven, Maddy."

Carter was pumping into me so fast, and it felt fantastic. We were sweaty and panting. He started kissing my neck and nipping his way down to my breasts. I was so close
and I couldn't believe the sounds that were coming out of my mouth

Carter used the wall to hold me up and moved his hands to my breasts. He flicked my nipples
and my orgasm ripped through me.

"Fuck, Maddy!" Carter pumped me full of him, and began to lower me to the floor. He lay on his back and pulled me close to him. "That was so good, babe. What got into you?"

I smiled and looked up at him. "I just wanted it so bad, I couldn't wait. You've been so great with me Carter, but you need to know that I won't break. I want you to be free to have me the way you want me."

He tightened his arms around me. "If you want more of that, I definitely won't object."

Carter told me that we were going out to dinner tonight and to get dressed. I grabbed what I'd bought for him so I could slip it on under my dress.

I couldn't wait to see what he was going do when he saw this.





When Maddy walked out of the bedroom, she had on a short pink dress that showed off all of her curves. I wanted to pick her up and throw her onto the bed. She looked gorgeous. Her long hair was down, and she had on one of the sexiest pairs of black heels that I'd ever seen.

I still wasn't over what happened with us earlier. I'd been going easy on Maddy lately because I thought she needed it. However, I was definitely up for what she wanted.

"You look incredible, babe." I went over and kissed her although, at this point, I wanted to take her in the bedroom and do so much more.

We went to dinner at this Italian restaurant that I'd always wanted to try. When the waiter came to take our order, his eyes lingered a little too long on Maddy. If he wanted a tip, he better knock it off.

I'd requested a semi-circle booth so we could sit together. I held my arm out to her. "Come here." She scooted over to me and I held her to my side.

The way Maddy had been with me earlier was still in my mind, and I was getting turned on just thinking about it. She was never aggressive like that, but I was hoping that she did it more often.

After we ordered our food, I decided that now was as good of a time as any to give her the last present I'd gotten for her. I hoped she liked it because this one actually meant something. I took the box out of my pocket. "So, I have one more thing to give you."

Her eyes got wide with surprise. "Carter, you already got me so much today!"

"I could never do enough for you. I want to give you everything." She didn't understand how true that was. Maddy was it for me. I knew I'd eventually marry her and start a family.

I slipped the box out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked up at me and gave me one of those amazing smiles. When she opened the box, her mouth dropped open and she looked up at me.

She kept looking back and forth between me and the box, and I had to laugh. I'd gotten her a charm bracelet and put a couple charms on it already. "The red heel is for our first time," I said, as I ran my fingers over it. "The martini glass is for the first drinks you ever had with me. The music note is for the first time we ever danced together. The number one is for all of the firsts I've given you and that I can't wait to give you. Last, but not least, the heart is because I want you to always remember that you have my heart and I love you with every inch of it."

Shit, Jason was right. I was so whipped, but I couldn't be happier about it.

She had a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Carter, I love it. This is…God, I don't even know. This is amazing. It's the best thing anyone had ever given me. I love you so much."

She leaned over and kissed me
"Will you put it on me?"

baby, come here." I put the bracelet on her wrist and
I have to say
I loved the way it looked there.

"You know
I have a present for you too
" I looked up at her and she was smiling. "I'm actually wearing it now." I started to inspect her to see if I could find anything and she laughed. She leaned in close to my ear. "It's under my dress."

This was going to be the longest dinner ever. The entire dinner, I was touching Maddy any chance that I got. I was trying to see if I could feel what she was wearing. I had absolutely no luck, and the suspense was killing me.

Once we got home, I grabbed Maddy and started to kiss her, but she wiggled out of my grasp. "Uh-uh, come here. I've been dying ever since you said that at dinner."

She laughed and ran toward the bedroom. I followed her and when I got in, she was just standing there looking at me. "Sit down on the bed, Carter."

I did like she asked me to, as she leaned down and placed a sweet, sexy kiss on my lips. She backed away from me, reached around, and started to unzip the dress. Once she finished, she slipped the straps off her shoulders and it fell around her feet.

My eyes bulged and if I were a cartoon character, my mouth would have hit the floor. She had on a back corset that laced up the front with a bright pink ribbon. Her breasts looked like they were straining to break free, and I couldn't wait to release them. She also had on pink lace boy shorts that hugged her ass just right. She stepped away from the dress and spun in a slow circle.

I started to get up and move toward her but she shook her head at me. I groaned. She just might kill me. I was still standing when she walked over to me and pressed her mouth to mine. I could feel her desire and passion in that kiss. Our tongues teased and intertwined with each other, causing her to make one of those little whimpers I loved.

Maddy lifted my shirt over my head, then pulled my jeans and boxers off simultaneously.

"Lie down on the bed, Carter."

Fuck, yes!

Chapter Ten






My nerves were getting to me, but I could tell just how much Carter loved this. He lay down and rested his head on the pillow. I crawled over to him and ran my nails from his foot to his chest.

"I want to open myself up to you tonight, Carter. I've been afraid to be aggressive in here because of things that happened in the past. I want to be able to be free with you and not be ashamed."

I reached down and grabbed his hard length in my hand and encircled the tip of it with my thumb. I heard him exhale sharply and I continued pumping him as he throbbed against my hand.

Carter ran his hand down my back and gripped my ass, hard. I lowered my head and licked the tip of his cock, and then I took him all the way into my mouth. I heard a ripping sound and, the next thing I knew, my panties were shredded and on the floor.

I moaned while he was still in my mouth, causing Carter to groan. "Fuck, Maddy, baby, I need to touch you."

"You want me to stop?"

"Yes, baby, because if you don't, once we get going I'll be a two pump chump."

I laughed and Carter tackled me to the bed. He started to unlace my top and every time he uncovered new skin, he kissed it. Once he had it off, it joined my ruined panties on the floor.

Carter started by kissing my neck while his hand moved down me. I wanted him to touch me so bad that I felt like I'd explode as soon as he did.

He slipped one finger and then another inside of me. "Carter!" With his other hand, he was massaging my aching breasts. The two sensations at the same time were almost too much.

He started moving down me until his head was close to where I wanted him. He kissed a line along my hipbone, and I got goose bumps all over from imagining what he'd do next.

"I want you to let me fuck you with not only these…" he said while running his fingers over my clit. "…but with this too." He kissed my inner thigh. "Tell me what you want, baby."

I moaned. I really loved it when he talked like this during sex. "I want you to kiss me down there, Carter."

He ran a finger from one end of me to the other. "Right here?"

"God, Carter, please!"

He lowered his head and began to lick me slowly up and down, while his fingers continued their torture. I felt myself tighten as he savored me, and I lifted my hips to meet him while I dug my fingers into his hair.

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