Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (11 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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Startled, Zeke stood frozen. Ty’s tongue—warm and firm—delved inside his mouth. Marie’s hand stroked Zeke’s straining cock and hormones raged through him. Suddenly, Zeke found himself kissing Ty back. Ty’s hands stroked down Zeke’s back and he pulled him closer. Another hand encircled his cock. A bigger, firmer hand.

Zeke jerked back and gazed down to see Marie and Ty holding his cock. Marie released him and Ty knelt down in front of him. When Ty’s lips encircled Zeke’s cockhead, then drew him inside, Zeke could feel an intense need building in his gut.

He wanted this. Oh God, he wanted Ty to suck his cock. To give him an orgasm.

Ty dove down, taking Zeke deep, then slowly glided back. Forward again, then back. Pleasure washed through Zeke in intense waves. Two more strokes and Zeke felt it happening. His balls tightened. His nerve endings quivered. Heat shot through him as he ejaculated inside Ty’s mouth.

*   *   *


Zeke’s eyelids jerked open and he stared at the darkness around him. A
. It had been a fucking

As he felt the damp, sticky fluid on his belly, he realized it had been a very hot … and very
 … dream.

What the fuck was going on?

*   *   *


Marie felt Ty’s firm masculine back against her cheek. She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggled closer, and sighed. Slowly, she opened her eyelids to the bright morning sunlight streaming into the room.

A blue eye stared back at her.

She started, then realized it was a tattoo.

Tattoo? But Ty didn’t have a tattoo. A fog surrounded her brain as she grasped at memories of last night. It had been Ty she’d gone to bed with, not Zeke. Hadn’t it? But …

She stared at the tattoo, then lurched back.


Something was very wrong. The dragon on Zeke’s
had blue eyes, but wasn’t the tattoo on Zeke’s back a large green-eyed dragon? But this was a bird of some sort. Long and stylized with blue eyes, and crimson and blue feathers.

Abruptly, he rolled over and glared at her. Strands of straight sandy brown hair—not black waves—fell across his forehead.

“Ty!” Oh God, what the heck was going on?

“That’s right. And don’t forget it.”

The brimstone in his brown eyes and the commanding note in his voice startled her. It was so unlike him. So … intimidating. So …

He grabbed her and dragged her into his arms, then captured her lips in an aggressive, passionate kiss. Overpowering her with intense masculinity.

the one who made love to you last night. Not Zeke.”

She nodded, wide-eyed. Saturday morning Ty had found her sprawled on her bed, naked and bound. He had made love to her then … and again later. And again in the evening. They hadn’t been able to get enough of each other. They had finally collapsed in each other’s arms and fallen asleep.

“I know…” she said. “I … It’s just that … I didn’t know you had a tattoo. I thought I must have … gotten confused.”

The thunderous expression seeped from his face.

“Tattoo? Right. I was going to explain about that. I—”

He seemed about to apologize, so she silenced him with a finger over his lips.

“No, I like it. I find it … sexy.”

He smiled. “Really?” Then his smile faded. “Because it reminds you of Zeke?”

“No, because it shows me another side of you. A sort of …

His eyebrows lowered. “And you like that?”

She smiled. “Oh yeah.”

She cupped his whisker-roughened cheeks. The sheer masculinity of it sent chills through her. Oh God, he was so intensely sexy! She brushed her lips against his. His arms tightened around her and he pulled her closer, crushing her breasts against his solid chest. Her nipples puckered immediately. His hand glided down her back and he pulled her hips tight to his pelvis. His hard cock pressed against her belly.

When he released her lips she gazed up at him, catching her breath.

“I … want you to turn around,” she said.


“I…” She licked her lips. “I want to see it.”

“Okay, but that’s the wrong direction.”

She smacked him lightly. “I mean your tattoo.”

He grinned, then rolled over. She traced her finger along the bird’s head, which curved up across his left shoulder blade, then down the feathers along its back, which roughly paralleled Ty’s spine.

“It’s a phoenix,” he said.


“That’s right. I had it reworked from a dragon—in fact an exact duplicate of Zeke’s—but then I decided to … change some things in my life, so I thought it was appropriate.”

She wanted to ask if it had anything to do with what had happened between him and Zeke, but decided now wasn’t the time.

“Sit up. I want to have a better look,” she said.

He pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor. She sat behind him and traced the large tattoo with her finger. It stretched about twelve inches long, covering most of the left side of his back. She sat with her pelvis tight to his back, her legs dangling over the edge of the bed, and snuggled her cheek against his sexy tattoo. She reached around his waist and stroked his belly … then lower, until she found the tip of his erection. Her hand glided over his shaft, then she wrapped her hand around his hard cock.

“Mmm. I like that,” he murmured.

“Me, too.”

She hooked her legs around his thighs and pulled her pelvis tighter against him. As she stroked his cock up and down, she pulsed her hot opening against his hard butt. His muscular cheeks stroked her sex, her soft flesh pressing between them, not quite giving her the stimulation she needed. His hand slid around behind him and his finger glided along her slick slit. He found her clit with his fingertip and stroked it.

“Oh yes. That’s good,” she murmured against his back.

She rocked her pelvis as she stroked his long cock. Up and down. His breathing accelerated right along with hers as he toyed with her clit, sending pleasure catapulting along her nerve endings. She nuzzled the phoenix as she stroked, then moaned at the blissful waves flooding her senses. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

He squeezed her button and she gasped. The feel of his rigid cock gliding past her palms heightened the delightful sensations streaming through her … then sparks flared behind her eyelids as she shot off to heaven.

“Oh God, sweetheart.” He turned and rolled her backward as he spoke, then climbed over her. “I want to—”

But his cock exploded in a stream of white, pooling on her chest, as he groaned. She grabbed his cock and stroked while he continued to climax, his face taut with pleasure.

Then he stared down at her and the white fluid covering her breasts.

“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She dragged her finger through the pool, then licked her fingertip.

His eyes darkened as he watched her intently. She cupped her breasts and pushed them upward, the nipples standing tall and proud.

“Oh God, you are so sexy.” He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around one taut nipple, then sucked.

Tremors of need shot through her. She grabbed his cock and squeezed. It immediately grew hard in her hands. Thick and long.

“Fuck me, Ty.”

His eyes widened, but he pressed his finger to her wet slit and glided along it.

“I want that hard cock of yours inside me,” she insisted. “Now.”

“Whatever the lady wants.”

He pressed his tip to her opening and propelled forward, skewering her with one deep thrust. She gasped at the exquisite pleasure.

He drew back and pulsed deep again. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him deeper still.

He leaned forward and kissed her. Deep and passionate. Then he began to thrust with a vengeance. Hard. And fast.

Her internal muscles tightened around him as she rode the wave of intense sensations. Magnificent pleasure seared every nerve ending. She clung to him as an incredible orgasm tore through her, flinging her to a place of pure ecstasy.

He groaned as he filled her with liquid heat.

As she lay in his arms, his cock still buried deep inside her, he kissed her cheek. She snuggled against him, not wanting this closeness to end. But knowing it would. It had to.

*   *   *


Ty gazed at her and felt his heart compress. This was uncharted territory for them, and he knew he had to tread lightly.

He didn’t want to turn her off by overanalyzing things, but he had to know what this meant to her. Did this mean they were together now, or had Zeke merely pulled him in as a one-time thing?

He watched as she hopped from the bed and grabbed her robe.

“Marie, I have to know. Are you with me or are you with Zeke?”



Marie had to be careful here. She didn’t want him to feel used, but she didn’t want him to think they were more than friends either.

She had been clutching her robe around her waist, not having wasted time tying it. Now she allowed it to slip from her shoulders, intent on keeping his full attention.

“Zeke suggested what we did last night. But the truth is, I’ve been attracted to you for some time.”

The robe dropped lower, and his gaze remained fixed on the sliding fabric. She allowed it to fall to the floor. His brown eyes darkened as he stared at her hardening nipples.

“How attracted?”

She noticed his cock rising.

She stepped toward him. “
attracted.” She pressed her hand to his chest and pressed him back until he sat down, then she settled on the bed next to him. “But I think that’s a perfectly natural response. I mean, we’re very compatible as friends—there’s definitely a strong connection between us. And you’re a great-looking guy—”

“And you’re a beautiful woman.” He put his hand on top of hers.

She closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth.

“But relationships come and go … For me anyway,” she said. “I’m still figuring out what I need in a guy. But I feel like our friendship is something that can last forever and I want to hold on to that.”

He cupped her cheeks and stared into her eyes. “If you think our friendship can last forever, then maybe a relationship could, too.”

Uh-oh. This was going in the wrong direction.

“I’m not willing to take that chance.”

She saw a stricken look in his eyes, and knew she’d just hurt his feelings.

“I’m just trying to be clear about things so neither of us ends up hurt. You’re my best friend, Ty, and knowing I hurt you would break my heart. The only thing worse would be losing you.”

“I understand where you’re coming from. But there’s something I want to know. If Zeke weren’t in the picture, would you and I have a chance?”

“Ty, don’t ask me that.”

“I am asking.” He squeezed her hand and gazed deep into her eyes. “Tell me.”

“Zeke is a little wild. A little … dangerous.”

“Whereas I’m like every other guy you’ve ever dated.”

“Ty, you mean the world to me.”

“But I’m safe? Predictable?”

“Of course you are, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re also kind, thoughtful, sensitive—”

“What if I was dominating and … dangerous.”

“Ty, that’s not it.”

“What is it then? Tell me.”

“I’ve already told you … There isn’t much more to it. Romantic relationships end. If I go out with you … and it doesn’t work out, then … I might lose you.” She stroked his sandy brown hair, her gut tensing at the thought. “I couldn’t bear that.”

“You’ll never lose me,” he murmured, then kissed her temple.

*   *   *


Ty strolled into the kitchen and started the coffee, then grabbed the eggs from the fridge. The fur-ball rubbed around his legs, meowing. He picked her up and stroked her back, enjoying the soothing purring sound emanating from the small creature.

He still couldn’t believe what had happened last night, and this morning. Making love to Marie … holding her in his arms … had been a dream come true. A dream he couldn’t bear to have come to an end.

He grabbed a cat treat from the little tin on the counter and held it in front of the cat. She sniffed it, then Ty placed the animal on the floor with the treat in front of her. She picked up the morsel gingerly, then carried it to the window to devour.

But Marie was dating Zeke, and if Ty stole her away, wouldn’t he be repeating exactly what Zeke had done when he’d stolen Ashley? Except that Ty had had his sights on Marie long before Zeke stepped into the picture.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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