Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (13 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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His fingers stroked through her hair. “Oh sweetheart, that feels incredible.”

She licked around and around, encouraged by his increasingly rapid breathing and his fingers tightening around her scalp.

She glided downward, taking him as deep as she could. She squeezed him in her mouth, then sucked. She dipped a hand into his boxers and stroked his balls lightly with her fingertips. She glided up, then down again, squeezing his cock within her mouth in a pulsing motion.

“Damn, sweetheart, I won’t last with you doing that.”

She sucked harder, then bobbed up and down on him faster. His breathing accelerated and she cradled his balls and stroked delicately as she sucked and squeezed, continuing to move up and down. He stiffened, then groaned. Liquid heat pulsed into her mouth.

When he was done and slumped back in the chair, she released him and smiled.

He drew her to her feet and tugged her onto his lap, then kissed her, his lips caressing hers with passion. His hands stroked over her back. She reached for the hem of her T-shirt and started drawing it up, wanting to feel his hands on her breasts.


She stopped, and gazed at him. He took her hands and kissed them, then slid his arm around her waist and stood up, taking her with him. He wrapped his hand around hers and led her to the couch.

“Bring me a silk scarf.” His authoritative tone sent a chill through her. Goose bumps quivered across her flesh.

Zeke had commanded her many times, but Ty’s tone had an incredibly sexy effect on her. Maybe because of the contrast to his usual sweet, considerate demeanor.

“Yes, Master.”

She scurried to her bedroom, pulled open the top drawer of her dresser and scooped up a handful of scarves, then grabbed the black glittery one. It wasn’t silk, but it was a soft delicate texture and that’s probably all he cared about.

When she returned to the living room, he was just saying good-bye to someone on his cell phone. She handed him the scarf.

“Good choice. Now turn around.”

He placed the scarf over her eyes, then tied it behind her head.

“Can you see anything?” he asked.

“No, Master.”

“Very good.”

She felt his hands grasp her hips and he guided her forward, then he let go.

“Now, take off your clothes.” From the direction of his voice, he was in front of her now. Maybe he was sitting in the armchair.

Her nipples hardened and heat melted inside her as she grasped the hem of her T-shirt and drew it over her head, then let go of it. She unfastened her silver-edged denim belt, then unzipped her jeans and pushed them over her hips. They fell to the floor and she kicked them aside.

She stood there in only her bra and thong, totally aware of Ty’s gaze on her. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She suddenly felt a little shy. He could see her but she couldn’t see him. It felt … wicked … sexy. She stroked her hands over her breasts, still covered by the lacy cups of her bra … then slowly eased the fabric forward. Cool air caressed her skin as she dropped the garment to the floor. Her nipples grew harder still.

“Lovely.” He seemed to be across the room now.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“I’m just getting my coffee mug. Keep going.”

As she tucked her thumbs under the waistband of her thong, a knock sounded at the door. Damn, what rotten timing.

“I’ll get that,” Ty said.

She reached for the blindfold to pull it off. “Uh … I’d better—”

“Leave the blindfold,” he commanded.

Her fingers jerked from the fabric at his tone.

“I just looked through the peephole. It’s Zeke.”

A quiver raced along her spine. What would Zeke think if he saw her like this with Ty? Sure, he set things up so Ty would find her bound to her bed and make love to her, but maybe he’d only meant for them to have that one encounter. Maybe the fact Ty had even slept over was more than Zeke had intended, let alone the sexy encounters they’d already had this morning. Guilt crept through her. Had she been cheating on Zeke?

A knock sounded again.

“You stay exactly as you are. I’m going to get it.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll just step outside and talk to him.”

She heard the door open, then close again. She stood in the room, practically naked, goose bumps quivering along her flesh. A couple of minutes later, the door opened again, then closed.

“I told Zeke a little of our conversation. That I think you would like the idea of him watching us make love. He’s willing if you are.”

A quiver raced through her.

“You mean … now? He’d come in and … watch us?”

“That’s right.”

Oh God, Zeke was standing outside the door right now, awaiting her answer. Did he know she was practically naked?

“He’s really excited by the idea, Marie.”

Her head started to nod before she’d even consciously decided, but she knew it’s what she wanted.


She heard the door open, then close a few seconds later. She trembled and felt a little weak in the knees.

“Zeke wants you to pretend he’s not here. He wants us to carry on as if we’re alone.”

She nodded. She might be able to
he wasn’t here, but she sure wouldn’t be able to ignore the effect of knowing he sat in the same room as she stood here naked … as Ty touched her, then made love to her.

“Zeke is sitting in the easy chair, watching you. I can tell by his face that he is totally turned on by the sight of you.”

“I thought I was supposed to pretend he wasn’t here.”

“Let’s say it’s more that he wants you to
as if he’s not here. Now, take off your panties.”

“Yes, Master.”

What would Zeke think of her calling Ty “master” instead of him? Would he be angry? Would he punish her? And why did the idea of being punished make her so hot?

She sucked in a breath and hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her thong, then pushed it down her legs. She flicked it over her feet, then tossed it aside … then slowly stood up, quite aware that as soon as she straightened up both men would see her entirely naked body.

“Gorgeous. Zeke has pulled out his cock and is stroking it as he watches you.”

The thought sent a thrill through her.

She heard a zipper, then the clunk of pants and a belt hitting the floor. A moment later, Ty’s hands stroked over her back, then settled on her shoulders and he drew her back against his hot—and very naked—body.

He stroked around her body and cupped her breasts. The nipples pressed into his palms. One hand continued downward, over her belly, then over her pubic curls. He cupped her mound, then he stroked her, gliding over her damp slit.

“You’re very wet.” One finger dipped into her. Then a second. “Do you like that, Marie?”

Tingles raced through her insides.


Zeke could see her … could hear her … responding to Ty.

He kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry about Zeke,” he murmured in her ear. “He’s very excited watching you.”

“Ty, is—”

Ty’s finger swirled inside her and she sucked in air.

He kissed her neck. “What is it?”

“Is … uh … Zeke really here?”

He slid his hands to her waist and drew her tighter to his body.

“Do you want me to take off the blindfold so you can see?” His fingers settled lightly on the back of the scarf.

She wondered if he’d only told her Zeke was here to increase the excitement … which certainly was working.

Did she want to know?

She shook her head, almost sure Zeke wasn’t there, but unwilling to give up the fantasy.

“I’m sitting down on the couch.” Ty’s hands glided down to her hips. “I want you to sit on my lap.”

He eased her down and she followed. She felt his legs beneath her and settled onto his lap. His hard cock pressed against her back.

“Bring your legs up and kneel on me.”

She lifted one foot and tucked it beside him, then the other, settling on her knees facing away from him.

“Now I’m going to shove my cock inside you and fuck you in front of Zeke.”

His words sent a thrill through her. Zeke watching them while Ty thrust into her, bringing her to orgasm.

His cockhead nudged her slick slit, then glided inside, filling her with his thick length. He went deep, stretching her all the way. She squeezed him as his hands stroked over her breasts. She arched forward, filling his hands.

“You are so God damned sexy,” he murmured in her ear.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and guided her body upward. The ridge of his cock stroked her inner walls, sending intensely erotic sensations dancing through her. He guided her downward again, and she gasped as his huge cock filled her again.

She moved up and down as waves of pleasure rose within her. Zeke watching her. Ty fucking her. She moaned as his cock thrust deep … then drew back. Then thrust deep again. Her body tightened, then exploded in blissful waves of intense pleasure. Ty groaned, filling her with liquid heat and she gasped, then wailed in ecstasy. Still Ty thrust into her, extending her pleasure on … and on.

Finally she collapsed against him. His arms curled around her waist and they sat together, catching their breath.

A few moments later, Ty nuzzled her neck.

“Zeke’s gone now,” he said as he drew the blindfold from her eyes.

As soon as the fabric pulled free, her gaze dodged to the armchair where Zeke had supposedly been sitting. No sign of him.

She had no idea if he’d really been there or not.

*   *   *


Zeke walked toward the phone and reached for the handset, wanting to call Marie and tell her he wanted to come over. He wanted to hear all about what had happened with her and Ty … to have her tell him every last, intimate detail.

He clenched his fist, resisting the urge to just pick up the phone and call her. The whole idea had been to give Ty a chance with her. If things had gone well, Ty would still be with her. Zeke didn’t want to mess things up by getting in the way.

No matter how much he wanted to see Marie.

He turned away from the phone and walked toward his computer. He’d distract himself by reading e-mails, then maybe hop on his Harley and go for a ride. Clear his head.

He turned on his monitor and opened the browser. His inbox popped into view. Of the ten unread messages, the one on the top caught his attention. It was from someone called yes.master.0. He would have thought it was a spam message trying to attract him to some porn site, but the subject was “Don’t tell Zeke.”

What the hell?



Zeke opened the message and noticed Marie’s name at the bottom. Had she mistakenly e-mailed it to him instead of Ty? He began to read.


Master Ty,
Thank you for fucking me while I was tied up and gagged last night. Your huge cock driving into me made me come … and come … and come.

Zeke’s cock shot to attention. This did not sound at all like Marie. In fact, he was pretty sure Ty had written it—Marie glancing over his shoulder—with the express intention of sending it to Zeke. A way to include him in the experience.

He leaned back in his chair, settling in to enjoy the e-mail.


The four times you fucked me this morning were sensational, too. I’m still aching from your big cock driving into me. Even as I stand here, bent over the counter, my arms tied to the other side, ready for whenever you want to drive into me, I long for your cock inside me.

He grinned. They were really getting into it all right. Knowing Marie, she’d probably pointed out that she couldn’t very well be writing this e-mail if she was tied up, but Ty would have assured her that accuracy wasn’t the main point of this e-mail.


As instructed, I will meet you at the indoor swimming pool tomorrow morning at 6:00
It’s great that your friend in maintenance can arrange for us to have access to the pool two hours before it opens. Knowing no one can see us (unless they know that your friend will set a temporary combination on the door of 5, 6, 2, 9) means I’ll be delighted to skinny-dip with you. I’m looking forward to you stripping off my clothes and fucking me on the diving board … in the water … or anywhere else you please.


Looking forward to tomorrow.
Your servant,

Well, Zeke certainly knew where he was going to be at six o’clock tomorrow morning!

*   *   *

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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