Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (17 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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Up for it?
Damn, his cock was nearly splitting his pants open.

“Uh … yeah.”

“Okay. First things first. Ty, why don’t you sit on the couch. Marie, the drinks.”

“Yes, Master.”

Oh God, he loved hearing her say that.

She turned and disappeared through the kitchen door. Ty sat down, folding his hands together on his knees. Why the hell wasn’t he racing for the door?

Marie returned, her breasts softly bouncing as she carried a tray to the coffee table in front of him. He couldn’t prise his gaze from her breasts.
Yeah, that would be why.

They swayed nicely as she bent in front of him to set down the tray. She picked up one of the tall, frosty glasses of beer and handed it to him, then picked up the other one and carried it to Zeke. Her nearly naked ass also swayed nicely as she walked.

“Thank you,” Zeke said.

She stood beside him and waited.

Zeke took a sip of his beer, then stood up. Ty followed suit.

“I’ll go first,” Zeke said. “Marie, come here.”

She leaned close and he whispered something in her ear.

“But, Master—”

“No buts. Just do as you’re told.”

She hung her head. “Yes, Master.” She walked toward Ty, then crouched in front of him. Despite her mock resistance, her dusky rose nipples were tight beads.

She placed her hand on his cheek, her fingers curling around his ear, and she pressed her lips to his. Her tongue pressed between his lips and curled inside his mouth. He wrapped his free arm around her waist and drew her closer and sucked her tongue deep inside, then stroked it with his own.

He kissed her hungrily. Her hard nipples spiked against his chest as they elongated even more. He tugged her against him, gliding his tongue inside her, kissing her more deeply.

Finally, he released her. She nearly panted for breath as she pushed herself to her feet, then stood beside him, awaiting his command.

“Your turn,” Zeke said.



Okay, this could get very interesting.

“Go to Zeke and take off his shirt.”

Ty watched her walk toward Zeke, her gorgeous behind swaying. She stroked her hands over Zeke’s shoulders, then down his chest to his shirt button and released it, then the next. With each new button released, his shirt parted more, revealing hard muscle and ink beneath. She eased the fabric from his shoulders and the shirt fell to the floor, revealing Zeke’s broad chest.

An impressive tattoo of a heavily scaled dragon, its long serpentine body coiled around his upper left arm, extended across his chest. Rather than fierce, its expression seemed almost benevolent. The three claws and the slender body indicated a Japanese dragon, which often represented strength, power, and protection. The golden color of the striking creature indicated attributes such as wisdom, kindness, and perseverance.

Zeke had grown since their younger days, stepping away from the fierce western dragons that represented dark emotions, such as anger and aggression. Like the matching ones they’d had inked on their backs. That’s why Ty had had his reworked to be a phoenix, wanting to leave that fierceness behind him.

“Stroke the dragon,” Ty said and watched in fascination as Marie’s delicate hand stroked over Zeke’s chest, following the line of his elegant tattoo. “Now kiss it.”

She leaned forward and kissed the dragon’s nose, then along its head. Her hand flattened below his right shoulder as she glided down to the dragon’s mouth, then dragged her tongue along its tongue.

He wanted to stroke his cock as he watched her tongue caress Zeke’s chest, but he held himself back. His gaze glided over Zeke’s hard nipples and he wanted Marie to do more.

“Toy with his nipples.”

Her fingers found Zeke’s nipple and Ty licked his lips as he watched her tweak it, then take the other in her mouth and nibble, then suck. Ty’s own nipples hardened to beads and his mouth went dry.

He couldn’t decide what he wanted more. To be Zeke feeling Marie’s hand and mouth cajoling his nipples to hard arousal. Or to be Marie, toying with Zeke’s hard little bead in his mouth, and feeling the firmness of his other nipple between his fingertips.

“Now stroke his cock,” Ty said, barely aware he’d spoken, mesmerized by Marie’s hand stroking over Zeke’s chest.

He imagined he was one with Marie, her hand now stroking down Zeke’s abs, feeling those sculpted muscles beneath his fingertips, then over his low-hanging jeans. She stopped, just a hairbreadth from the bulge pushing along his fly.

“Our slave is resisting,” Zeke said.

“Do as I commanded, slave,” Ty said, his excitement lending a sharpness to his voice.

She ran her fingers along the tip of the bulge, then stroked up and down several times, slowly. Ty could imagine the feel of Zeke’s big cock under the denim, pushing against it to be freed.

Ty licked his lips again, his own cock squeezing hard against his jeans.

Zeke took her hand and guided it to the tab of his zipper. “I’m sure Ty meant my naked cock. Right, Ty?”

He should say no.

But he couldn’t. He wanted to see Zeke’s cock.

Damn, he wanted to
Zeke’s cock.

“Do it, slave,” Ty commanded.

She tugged down the zipper and reached inside, then drew out Zeke’s impressive erection. Her lovely hand wrapped around it and she stroked. Zeke murmured approval.

Ty’s gaze shifted to Zeke’s face and the expression of pleasure lighting his features. A deep yearning burned through Ty.

Ty drew in a breath, collecting his composure.

“Your turn, Zeke,” he said.

Marie released Zeke’s cock, but he grasped her wrist and held it in place, then urged her to stroke a couple more times. Ty gazed longingly at the huge cock. Finally, Zeke let go of Marie’s wrist and she stood up.

Zeke sucked in a deep breath, then released it slowly. “Okay.” He grinned at Ty.

The smile sent tremors through Ty. He’d missed Zeke more than he’d realized and he savored this opportunity to get to know him again. And, he couldn’t believe how much he wanted to share a woman with him again, despite all the pain he’d suffered after the last time.

“Take Ty’s shirt off,” Zeke said.

Ty’s gaze switched from Zeke’s cock to Marie’s breasts as she walked toward him. She stroked her hands along his shoulders and down his chest, then she grasped the hem of his T-shirt and lifted it up his body, slowly revealing his stomach, then his chest. Just before she pulled it over his head, Ty glanced toward Zeke and noticed a hungry look in his eyes. He raised his arms and as the black fabric blocked his vision, he realized that Zeke had not been staring hungrily at Marie’s delightful naked backside, but at Ty’s chest.

Did Zeke feel it, too? This strange attraction between them? Or had it been only his imagination?

The shirt disappeared and she discarded it.

“Now turn around and press against Ty. Take his hands and place them on your breasts.”

“Oh, Master, I can’t do that.”

Ty grasped her shoulders and turned her around, then drew her tight against his body. Despite her resistance, she pressed her beautiful ass against his groin. His cock twitched at her softness against him.

“Keep going, Marie,” Zeke urged in a steely voice.

She took Ty’s hands and placed them over her round breasts. He cupped her, her nipples pressing into his palms. Watching Zeke, he lightly squeezed, then cupped underneath and opened his curled fingers, allowing her nipples to peek out, her lovely mounds of flesh resting in his hands.

“Very nice,” Zeke said. “Now press your lovely ass back against Ty’s cock.”

Marie obeyed, her round naked flesh pressing harder against his rock-hard cock.

“Good. Now turn around and take it out.”

She moved away from Ty and turned, then unfastened the metal button on his jeans and dragged the zipper down.

She hesitated, but her eyes gleamed with hunger as she gazed at his crotch.

“Do you want me to come over there and punish you?” Zeke threatened.

“No, Master.”

But Ty could see the flash of excitement in her eyes at Zeke’s suggestion. Her fingers slipped inside his jeans, and when her soft hand grasped his cock, he sucked in a breath. She drew his erection out of his jeans and continued holding it in her hand.

“Now kneel down in front of him.”

She obeyed and Ty’s cock twitched at the thought of her lips surrounding his cockhead … of her sucking him deep into her mouth.

But instead, Zeke said, “Now describe it to me.”

She gazed at his cock, her soft blue eyes almost adoring. “It’s big and hard. Almost too big to get my hand around.”

“Tell me more.”

She leaned in close. Ty could feel her breath on his cockhead.

“The head is really big. It would fill my mouth.”

“Show me,” Zeke said.

When she hesitated, Ty wrapped his hand around her head and drew her forward until her lips brushed him. She wrapped her lips around his corona and took him in her mouth. The feel of her surrounding him sent heat rocketing through him.

“Very good,” Zeke said. “Now tell me more.”

She released Ty’s cock from her mouth and stroked her fingertip down the shaft. Her delicate touch sent tremors through him.

“It’s very long,” she said. “Probably about twelve inches.”

Ty figured about ten, but clearly Marie knew being generous was better for a man’s ego. She cupped his balls and stroked lightly with one hand while the other stroked the length of his shaft again, then circled under the corona.

“The head is purple and very firm. There’s a clear drop of liquid on the tip.”

Ty couldn’t help feeling somewhat … exposed … with both their attention so focused on his cock. Marie’s soft touch. Zeke’s intense gaze.

“Okay, good. Take off his jeans and boxers.”

Marie stood up, reluctantly releasing Ty’s cock. She tugged his jeans down his legs, then pulled his boxers down. Ty stepped out of them.

Zeke grinned at Ty. “Your turn.”

“Okay,” Ty said. “Marie, kneel down in front of Zeke and stroke his cock.”

She moved to Zeke, then knelt in front of him. She wrapped her hand around his long, hard cock and stroked. Ty watched her hand move along Zeke’s shaft in fascination.

“Now, kiss the tip,” Ty instructed.

She leaned closer and puckered her lips, then kissed the tip.

“Lick it.”

Her pink tongue lapped over the tip of his cockhead.

“Take it in your mouth,” Ty said.

At her hesitation, Zeke grasped her head and pressed his cock to her mouth. As she wrapped her lips around Zeke’s cock and took it into her mouth, Ty’s cock twitched, the memory of her hot mouth surrounding his own cockhead still fresh in his mind.

“Now make him come.” Ty’s commanding tone made it clear he would brook no disobedience. When she didn’t immediately start to move, he added, “Do not fail, or you will be punished. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

Shivers danced along his spine at her response.

Her hand slipped underneath and she cradled Zeke’s balls in her hand while she dove down on his cock, taking him deep. Zeke groaned as she drew back then dove deep again. She sucked, her cheeks hollowing. She drew back and stroked up and down his shaft with her hand, as she sucked his cockhead, probably swirling her tongue around the tip.

Ty’s insides thrummed as he watched her, wanting her mouth on him, too. He wanted to stand beside Zeke and have her switch from one cock to the other so they could both enjoy her together. But that wasn’t what they were doing tonight. Maybe next time.

Damn it. There shouldn’t be a next time, but … this was just so fucking

He could see Zeke’s balls tighten and pull close to his body, then Zeke groaned and Ty knew he was coming. Pulsing into Marie’s hot mouth.

Finally, Marie released Zeke’s cock, then stood up.

Zeke took a few deep breaths, then smiled. “Yeah, okay. Now, Marie, go stand in front of Ty.”

As Marie walked toward Ty, he noticed her distended nipples, her flushed face. Clearly, she was as turned on as he was.

“Take Ty’s hand and kiss it.”

She lifted his hand and pressed her delicate lips against his palm, setting his heartbeat racing.

“Are you wet, Marie?” Zeke asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“Good. Place Ty’s hand on your pussy. Let him feel how wet you are.”

“But, Master, I can’t—”

Ty grasped her hand and tugged her to him, turning her around to face Zeke, then he wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her tight to his body. He glided his fingertips down the soft skin of her stomach, then underneath the leather, past her silky curls. Then he cupped her mound. She grabbed his wrist and drew it back, as if resisting his caresses, causing him to stroke her pussy. It was so soft. With his other hand, he grabbed her wrist and drew it upward, until her fingers
rested on her breast, then he extended his middle finger to run along her slit. He slid a finger into her silky wetness. So hot and juicy.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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