Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (18 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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“Marie, lie down on the floor and open your legs,” Zeke said.

Ty released her and watched her lie down, his cock twitching at the sight of her breasts staring straight upward … her long legs opening to him.

Zeke knelt beside her and tugged on the leather covering her. It unsnapped from the straps, revealing her cute little pussy. Ty loved how she’d trimmed it into a neat little heart. Zeke tossed aside the scrap of leather.

“Do you want Ty to lick your pussy?”

“Um … no.” But the low timbre of her voice and her heated gaze betrayed just how much she really did want it.

“I think you do. Tell him.”

She gazed at Ty with wanton need in her eyes.

“Ty, please lick my pussy.”

Ty dropped to his knees between her open thighs and leaned forward. He kissed her navel, then stroked her inner thighs. She moaned and he couldn’t wait. He leaned forward and licked her hot, wet slit. When she moaned again, he drove his tongue into her. She arched against him and he found her clit with his finger and stroked it lightly. She cried out. He left it, not wanting her to come just yet, then drove two fingers inside her.

Oh God, she felt so good. He sat up, watching her face as pleasure washed across her features. He glanced toward Zeke, now standing a foot from her head, his cock standing straight up while he stroked it. Ty had to willfully stop himself from reaching forward and grasping that cock in his hand to take over the stroking, then … God help him … from taking it in his mouth and sucking it until it blew.

He gazed back to Marie. Her glorious breasts, nipples puckered to tight nubs … her pelvis arching up against his hand …

Damn, but he needed to release this insane tension.

“Marie, do you want Ty to fuck you?” Zeke asked.

“Oh yes. Ty, please fuck me. Please fuck me now.” All pretence of resistance had faded.

Ty almost burst on the spot. He grabbed his swollen shaft and pressed his tip to her wet slit, then eased forward. Slowly entering her. Enjoying the feel of her wet passage swallowing him.

She arched her pelvis forward. “Oh God, please fuck me. I’m going to come.”

He thrust forward, fully impaling her. She gazed up at him, blue eyes bright. He twitched inside her and …

“Oh God, I’m…” She threw her head back and moaned. “I’m … coming.”

She tightened around him and he realized she was in full orgasm. He began to thrust, the sight of her flushed cheeks and pleasure-washed face driving his need higher. He drove into her, again and again, as she clung to his shoulders, wailing in ecstasy.

He thrust deep again and … yeah … heat washed through him … his balls tightened and … the tension released as wild pleasure pounded through him like a herd of wild stallions.

“God, you two are so fucking hot.” Zeke’s hand stroked up and down his hard cock.

Ty caught his breath as he watched, his own cock still buried within Marie’s tight passage.

“My turn,” Ty said, brushing aside his desire to stroke Zeke’s cock. “Marie, do you want Zeke inside you, too?”

“Yes,” she replied eagerly.

Ty held her close to him and drew her forward. “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart.”

He felt her long legs twine around him and her ankles cross behind his back. He moved to the desk and turned around, then leaned back against it for support.

“Tell Zeke what you want,” he murmured in her ear.

“Zeke, I want you to fuck me from behind … while Ty is still inside me.”

Ty watched Zeke as he stepped toward them. Zeke’s olive green eyes had darkened. He grabbed a tube of lubricant from the desktop—trust Zeke to be prepared—and he slathered his cock with the gel, then pressed the tip to Marie’s ass.

“Are you ready, sweet thing?” Zeke asked.


Zeke pushed forward. Ty watched Zeke’s long cock disappear into her ass. Marie sighed against Ty’s shoulder.

Ty gazed into Zeke’s eyes, now inches from his own … and saw a mirror of his own desire. Not just for Marie, but for Ty. Ty was sure of it. Zeke wanted Ty, too.

Before he could freak out about it, Zeke began to move, his cock gliding in and out of Marie. She gazed up at Ty as she clung to his shoulders, desire filling her features.

“I am so close,” she murmured.

Ty lost it. He began to thrust along with Zeke. Marie’s face pressed to Ty’s cheek. Zeke’s face only inches away. His cock throbbed with the need to come again. Marie moaned and her head fell back on Zeke’s shoulder. Zeke kissed her cheek, then smiled at Ty, still with that heated expression in his eyes. Ty could almost believe Zeke was going to lean forward and …

Marie moaned. “Oh God … This feels … so good.”

Zeke groaned. His hand stroked over Marie’s hip, then between them. Ty felt Zeke’s hand stroke down Marie’s stomach to her clit, but at the same time, his fingertips brushed Ty’s cock as it thrust in and out of Marie. Ty gazed into Zeke’s intense olive green eyes. Zeke’s eyes darkened and he turned his hand, then his fingers glided under Ty to cup his balls. As Zeke kneaded him, Ty sucked in a breath, intense heat washing through him.

Marie gasped. Ty’s balls tightened painfully, then he erupted inside her in a huge explosion of pleasure, catapulting him to a state of ecstasy beyond mind-expanding. He groaned, and Zeke immediately followed suit. As he continued to pump into Marie, pleasure continued to flood through him. She wailed in her own ecstatic orgasm.

Finally, Ty slowed and she collapsed against him. He held her tight, intensely aware of Zeke’s closeness, too.

Ty had never experienced such intense pleasure before.

God, how the hell could he say no to continuing this sexual relationship?

*   *   *


Ty awoke to the feel of Marie’s soft, warm body snuggled against his chest, her arm around his waist, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. He could feel the wisp of her breathing against his skin. He pressed his lips to the top of her head, then wrapped his arms a little tighter around her.

Moonlight washed across her features, so relaxed in sleep. His heart ached for her. He wanted her in his life. Just the two of them. His gaze shifted to the pillow behind her … and Zeke’s sleeping face.

Zeke lay facing Marie, moonlight glinting off the metal studs in his eyebrow and his dark hair hanging over one eye. Ty had to stop himself from stroking the hair back, then dragging his hand along Zeke’s whisker-roughened cheek. He looked incredibly sexy, his arm slung carelessly across the pillow, his full lips slightly parted.

God damn it, I shouldn’t be feeling these things.

Ty slowly rolled to his back, then carefully drew Marie’s arm from his waist and slipped off the side of the bed. He glanced around the floor, the moonlight barely illuminating his surroundings, and found his boxers. He pulled them on then sought the rest of his clothes, gathering them up in a heap. He couldn’t find his socks in the darkness, so he gave up and simply pulled on his jeans, then turned toward the door, his shirt in his hand.

“Where are you going?”

Zeke stood in front of him, a softly illuminated shadow between Ty and the bedroom door.

Ty glanced at Marie, still sleeping on the bed. Zeke jerked his head toward the door and Ty nodded, then followed Zeke out of the room. Ty closed the door behind him, quietly so as not to awaken Marie, then followed Zeke to the living room.

Zeke leaned against the back of the couch. “Where are you going, Ty?”

“I thought I’d give the two of you space.”

“Why? You want Marie. We both know that. You should be taking all the time you can to get close to her and convince her you’re the right guy for her.”

“But you’re the one she’s dating. I’m just a sexual accessory.”

*   *   *


Zeke stared at Ty, knowing the bitterness in his voice and his need to flee had nothing to do with the fact they were both vying for the same woman. It had more to do with the look on Ty’s face as he’d stared back at Zeke with hunger in his eyes.

It wasn’t just shared lust for Marie. Ty wanted Zeke. And, Zeke realized, he wanted Ty, too. Zeke had gotten caught up in the moment, and that had scared the shit out of Ty.

“Ty, there’s something more going on here besides the two of us wanting the same woman. When the three of us were together earlier … you and I … felt something.”

Ty stared at him warily.

“Yeah, we both wanted to fuck Marie.”

“That’s not what I mean.” He reached out and placed his hand on Ty’s shoulder but Ty pulled back. “Hey, man, I don’t get this any more than you do, but I want to understand what’s going on.”

“Two guys in bed with the same woman … both turned on. What’s to get? It’s pretty fucking straightforward. I’m hot for Marie. I look your way and you think my lust is directed at you.” Ty shrugged. “That’s it. Nothing to get bent out of shape over.”

Clearly, Ty wasn’t ready to handle this. In fact, Zeke had a hunch Ty had been struggling with it for a long time. Maybe he’d never be ready, which was too bad because Zeke was finally starting to understand why he’d missed Ty so much over the years. Why he wanted to do anything he could to fix their friendship, even risk the woman he knew he was falling in love with because … the truth was … Zeke realized he just might be in love with Ty, too.

That’s why they’d always been so close. That’s why it had hurt so much when Ty had walked away. That’s why Zeke needed so desperately to make things right again between them.

And he suspected that’s why Ty had walked away in the first place. He couldn’t cope with the thought of being attracted to another man … especially his best friend. So he’d convinced himself that Zeke had tried to steal Ashley, even though they’d both known she’d flitted from man to man in the blink of an eye.

Ty had convinced himself Zeke had betrayed him because that was easier to accept than that he’d fallen for his best friend.

Now Ty had met a woman he truly loved … Zeke could see it in his eyes. The funny thing was, if he would just embrace his dominant personality again, he could win Marie’s whole heart in the blink of an eye.

Damn it, maybe Zeke didn’t have a chance in hell of winning Ty’s heart, but he could be instrumental in Ty finding his true happiness. Right now, Zeke had the girl Ty loved. As much as Zeke would love to keep Marie for himself, two wrongs didn’t make a right.

If Ty accepting his real self again—his dominant sexual self—would win Marie away from Zeke, then she was never really meant to be with Zeke. Zeke didn’t want to win by default. He wanted to win because he was the right man.

And he really didn’t want to hurt Ty.

“Okay, let’s put this aside for now. Let’s talk about Marie,” Zeke said.

Ty’s eyebrows quirked. “What about her?”

“In case you haven’t noticed, Marie likes being dominated. And you, my friend, are the master of Domination. At least, you used to be. So if you want to win the girl, all you have to do is bring your full game.”

Ty’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you telling me this? Don’t you want her anymore?”

“Of course I do. She’s incredible. But what you and I want isn’t really relevant. The question is, who does she want?”

“Would it make it easier or harder if I said I wanted both of you?” Marie stood in the doorway, a silk robe loosely wrapped around her body.

“How long have you been there, Marie?” Ty asked.



Zeke couldn’t tear his gaze from Marie’s softly swaying, incredibly sexy body, the silk of her robe caressing her curves as she moved toward them. She rested her hand on Ty’s cheek.

“Long enough to know that you both want me.” She opened her robe and dropped it to the floor, revealing her totally naked body. She ran her hands along the sides of her waist and up her ribs, then cupped under her breasts and lifted. Her thumbs stroked over her nipples, which instantly grew hard. “I want you both to show me how much you want me. I’d love to feel both of you sucking on my nipples.”

Ty reached for one soft, round breast and stroked it. Her hand fell away as he cupped her, then glided his fingers over her hard nub.

*   *   *


Marie sucked in a breath as Ty’s lips captured her nipple. Zeke stepped toward her and nuzzled her neck, then kissed down her chest and covered her other nipple with his mouth. They both sucked and she gasped at the wildly erotic pleasure spiking through her. Her knees went weak, but Ty’s hands coiled around her waist and held her steady. Zeke’s hand brushed over her behind and he stroked. She pressed her hands against each man’s stomach, swirling over hard, sculpted abs. She slipped one inside Zeke’s boxers and grasped his hard cock. Ty released his zipper and kicked away his pants and boxers, then guided her hand to his cock. Her hand wrapped around him, too.

Two cocks. One in each hand. So big and hard.

As she stroked the length of their shafts, spurred on by the pleasure pulsing through her at their repeated sucking on her nipples and the stroking of their hands along her ass, hips, and thighs, she could feel melting heat between her legs. Zeke’s hand stroked over her slit and she felt his fingers explore her wet folds. Ty’s finger glided right inside her. Zeke slid a finger into her, too, and the two of them swirled inside her in unison.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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