Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (19 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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Ty sucked hard on her nipple and she groaned.

She drew back and lay down on the big comfy ottoman in front of the couch, opening her legs in invitation. Zeke knelt between her legs and licked her navel, then nibbled downward until the tip of his tongue dragged over her clit. Ty captured her mouth in a passionate kiss, then cupped her breasts as he watched Zeke lick her slit. Zeke’s mouth settled over her clit. Pleasure spiked higher and higher as he cajoled it with his tongue, alternating between sucking and licking. She covered Ty’s hands, pressing them tight to her breasts as she rode a wave of intense pleasure, then wailed her release.

Zeke gazed up at her with a twinkle in his green eyes, then she felt his cock press against her wet opening … and slide inside. He stroked a couple of times, his cockhead dragging along the walls of her vagina, then he pulled free. Ty drew his hands from her breasts and positioned himself at her opening and pushed inside. His bigger cock stuffed her to the point of pleasure-pain. He plunged in and out, igniting her arousal to a new level.

Long slow strokes. Her body trembled with the intensity of the sensations rocketing through her. Then Zeke wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her, then shifted her around until she lay bent over the ottoman. He pressed against her slippery opening, then slowly pushed forward until his cock impaled her. Ty stepped toward her, his huge erection pointing straight forward. She wrapped her fingers around it, then took it in her mouth. She squeezed her lips around his corona while licking his tip. As he moaned, she glided forward, relaxing and opening her throat to take him as deep as she could.

Zeke pushed forward again, gliding his cock deeper into her, inch by inch. Finally, both men were fully impaled in her. Zeke kissed the back of her neck, then began to move. Both cocks glided within her—Ty with short strokes, Zeke with long, deep strokes—filling her … easing back … then filling her again.

Pleasure rose within her, then fluttered along every nerve ending. Ty reached forward and stroked his finger into her folds, finding her clit. She caught her breath as ecstasy spiraled through her, then moaned—barely keeping Ty’s cock in her mouth—as it burst in an explosion of intense joy. She squeezed her mouth around Ty’s big cock and clenched around Zeke. Both men tensed and groaned as they released inside her.

Oh God, these men knew how to make love to her.

Finally, Marie shifted between them. Zeke pushed himself up and slipped away from her, then helped her stand up. He took her in his arms and kissed her. Ty stood beside her and when Zeke’s lips released hers, Ty kissed her. She slid her arms around each of them, pulling them close in a loose hug, an arm around each male waist.

She nuzzled Ty’s neck as Zeke kissed her temple.

“Come back to bed.” She took Ty’s hand and Zeke’s and led them both to the bedroom.

*   *   *


Marie gazed at Zeke as the morning sun caressed his strong features. She mentally traced a finger along his square jawline. Felt the sandpaper texture of his whisker-roughened face. She glanced at the pillow on the other side of her, the indentation of Ty’s head still visible. But no Ty.

Like a bandit, he’d stolen away in the middle of the night. It had been incredibly sexy being commanded by them. First by one, then the other. Zeke telling her to do erotic things to Ty. Ty telling her to do erotic things to Zeke in return.

Almost as if they’d wanted to do those things to each other.

Zeke rolled onto his side and his hand glided along her hip.

“Hey, sweet thing. You look deep in thought.”

She gazed at his face. His olive eyes glowed warmly in the crystal clear morning light. She smiled and stroked her fingertip over the metal studs in his eyebrow.

“Just thinking about last night.”

He chuckled. “It was pretty incredible.” He glanced over her shoulder. “So where’s our partner in crime?”

“I assume he decided to head back to his place. It’s not like it’s far to go.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close to his hot and hard body. “How he could prefer being alone in his bed when he could be so close to you, I can’t figure.”

His words sent a flush of pleasure through her, but she shrugged.

“Zeke, I know what caused the problem between you and Ty. He told me about the threesome with you and his girlfriend.”

“And he told you I tried to steal her?”

“Yes. He also told me you denied it. I didn’t understand why he hadn’t believed you, but clearly the whole thing hit him pretty hard.” She gazed at him. “Was he in love with her?”

“Maybe he thought he was, but he should have known better. She wasn’t the type to settle into a committed relationship.” He pushed himself up on his elbow. “Why are you asking about this?”

“Well, I’m just wondering … are you trying to make up to Ty for what happened? Maybe by … helping him win me?”

“Marie, how much of our conversation did you hear last night?”

“I came in when you were telling him that I like to be dominated and that if he put his mind to it, he could win me over.”

Zeke nodded. “He could.”

“Why would you help him? Do you want to get rid of me?”

“Marie, if you were listening, you heard me tell him that it’s what you want that’s important.” He tugged her to his body and kissed her, his lips brushing hers in a tender, persuasive caress. “As much as I want you, if it turns out you’re truly meant to be with him, then it doesn’t do any of us any good if you stay with me.”

She rested her hand on his cheek, a soft smile on her lips. “That is so sweet. I never realized what a true romantic you are.” She stroked his raspy jawline. “And it only makes me love you more.”

His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “You’re saying you love me?”

She nodded, and gazed deeply into his eyes. “I do love you, Zeke.”

His grin faded as her words sank in.

“Marie … I—”

She captured his lips, gliding her tongue deep into his mouth, staving off his words. She didn’t want to know his response. Maybe he loved her. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t know. But it wasn’t a great sign that he was willing to push her into another man’s arms. Still, she had to tell him what was in her heart.

Now she wanted to show him—physically—that she was his. She wrapped her hand around his swelling cock and stroked, while nuzzling the base of his neck. Within seconds, his erection was rock-hard. She climbed over him, then pushed herself down on his stiff rod, taking him deep. She moaned into his mouth, then kissed him with more passion as she lifted herself, then lowered again, impaling herself on his shaft.

She would make him want her more than ever. He was sexy and strong and … exactly the right man for her. She squeezed him inside her and he groaned.

She released his lips. “Do you want me, Zeke?”

He rolled her beneath him and drove deep. “Are you kidding? I’ve never wanted a woman more.”

He drew back and thrust deep again.

Her eyelids fluttered at the wild sensations pulsing through her as his cock stroked inside her.

“Show me how much.”

He kissed her again as he drove his cock deep … pulled back, then drove deep again.

As the first waves of ecstasy blossomed over her, she heard his guttural words.

“I love you, Marie.”

Then he drove deep and fast until he sent her screaming over the edge in a mind-shattering orgasm.

*   *   *


Warm water streamed over Zeke’s head as Marie stroked a soapy hand along his spine then in a meandering path across his shoulder blade.

“Why dragons?” she asked.

He smiled. He loved her fascination with his tattoos.

“Dragons represent strength and, in the case of western dragons like that one, aggression, both traits I needed when growing up.”

“And the other dragon?” Her hand stroked along the dragon that coiled along his upper arm.

He turned and scooped her into his arms, her wet naked body pressing against his in a most enticing fashion. His cock hardened.

“That dragon is an eastern dragon. A protector. Strong, but wise.”

She stroked around the dragon’s ears. “Very nice.” She leaned forward and kissed the dragon’s nose. “I think I’ll call her Julie.”

His eyes narrowed. “You think my dragon’s a girl?”

She gazed up at him, her blue eyes glittering. “Well … strong and wise.” She shrugged.

He chuckled and pulled her tight against him, then captured her mouth. Her soft lips caressed his and his cock swelled against her stomach.

“Let’s get this straight right now,” he said as he gazed into her vivid blue eyes. “Every part of my body is totally male.”

Her fingers stroked down his stomach, then wrapped around his growing cock.

“Well, this part certainly is.” Holding his shaft firmly, she kissed along his chest, then licked his nipple, sending exciting tingles along his spine. “You don’t want to think about me kissing your girl dragon?” She smiled, then licked along the dragon’s mouth. “I could stroke Julie and lick the length of her body.” Her tongue stroked along his chest, following the lines of his tattoo, then she sucked his nipple into her mouth. “Oh, I found Julie’s nipple.” She gazed up at him. “Do you like me sucking on Julie’s nipple?”

His cock certainly did. He backed her against the tile wall and pinned her hands above her head.

“Of course, the thought of you licking and sucking on another woman’s nipple gets me hot.” He licked her breast, then wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked hard until she moaned. He raised his head, then captured her lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth, plunging in and out until she was totally breathless. He pressed his forehead to hers. “But my body parts are male. Including the dragons. Got it?”

She gazed into his eyes, her blue eyes dark with desire. “Yes, Master.”

“That’s what I want to hear.”

He released her hands and offered her the bar of soap from the wire holder on the wall. “Here, wash my back.”

She took the bar and he turned around. Her soft, slippery hands stroked across his back and over his shoulders. Up and around in long strokes. Before long, her strokes focused on a winding path along his left back.

“You aren’t coming up with names for that one, are you?”

“Would you like me to?”

“No.” He could just imagine what she might suggest. He scrubbed his chest firmly. “You know Ty had one done exactly the same.”

“But his is a phoenix.”

“It is now, but when we had them done, they were both dragons. He’s had his reworked. A talented tattoo artist can do phenomenal things. I had mine reworked, too, but just to enhance the detail and color.”

“You didn’t want to change it to an eastern dragon like the one on the front?”

“No, he’s a part of my history.”

“Just like Ty.”

“That’s true.”

“Do you think you and I … being together … do you think that will jeopardize you and Ty being friends again?”

He turned to face her. “I hope not.”

“But … you both think there’s a chance he’ll win me away from you?”

Zeke kept his expression fixed. In fact, Zeke was
Ty could win her away from him. But he wouldn’t tell her that.

She’d told him she loved him. And he
her to love him. Forever. But if he didn’t give her the opportunity to see the real Ty … he would simply be hiding from reality. If she was meant to be with Ty, she and Zeke would never find true happiness.

On the other hand, if she didn’t fall for Ty after experiencing his true dominant personality, then Zeke could truly accept her love.

“What should we do, Zeke? I don’t want to lose Ty as a friend either.”

“What about our current arrangement? Do you want the threesome to continue?”

“Oh, yeah. The sex is great. But … I’m just wondering if that’s fair to Ty. Wouldn’t that be leading him on?”

He drew her into his arms and kissed her, then held her with his arms loosely around her waist. “Here’s an idea. I know this quaint little getaway where the three of us could go for an exciting weekend together. We could enjoy each other’s company, go a little crazy, and figure out what we want to do as far as continuing our threesome goes. And don’t worry, before we go I’ll have a talk with him. Hint that you and I are getting pretty serious. Get him thinking about where he wants to fit in this relationship.”

She pushed herself on her toes and kissed him, her eyes twinkling. “That sounds like a very interesting idea.”

*   *   *


Ty peered through the peephole to see Marie’s smiling face.

She knocked again. “Let me in, Ty.”

He pulled open the door and Marie swept into his apartment carrying a large covered casserole dish, followed by Zeke carrying a plate of toast in one hand and a basket of pastries in the other.

“We brought breakfast.” She set the casserole dish on the table and took off the lid, revealing a pile of fluffy scrambled eggs surrounded by bacon and sausage, the wonderful aroma filling the room.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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