Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (20 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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“You have coffee on?” Marie asked. “If not, we’ve got a pot brewed at my place. We can bring it over.”

Ty followed her into the kitchen. She grabbed plates and cutlery while Zeke headed straight for the coffeepot. Ty grabbed some mugs and followed them back into the dining room.

“You skipped out on us. What gives?” Marie asked.



“I thought you two would be more comfortable without a third wheel crowding you.”

“Very noble of you,” she said, “but I hate it when a man leaves in the middle of the night. Makes me feel like he wants to get away from me.”

Ty’s gaze caught hers. “That’s not it at all. I love being with you.”

Damn, he shouldn’t be admitting that. Right now, she was dating Zeke.

“Sweet thing, I think we’re going to need more coffee. Why don’t you go grab that pot from your kitchen after all?”

She glanced at Ty, then back to Zeke. “Okay.” She turned and headed for the door.

“What’s up?” Ty asked. He knew Zeke had gotten rid of Marie so they could talk.

“Marie and I are going to a getaway next weekend and we’re inviting you along. This is your opportunity to pull out all the stops and win her over.”

“A romantic weekend for three?”

“That’s right. And I’ve got to warn you. This thing between me and Marie is getting serious, so this’ll be your last shot. So make it count.”

Damn it. Ty’s gut clenched at the thought of having to keep a leash on his wild reactions to Zeke for an entire weekend of close quarters. But he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to win Marie. Especially since time was running out.

Marie returned with a thermos jug of coffee and set it on the dining table. “So, ready for breakfast?”

“Looks great,” Ty said as he approached the table.

“Marie, I asked Ty if he’d join us next weekend.” Zeke glanced at Ty. “So, will you come?”

“Where is this place?” Ty asked.

“It’s the Forbidden Sanctuary.”

Ty raised his eyebrows. He’d heard about the place. A BDSM bed-and-breakfast. Being there would certainly fire up their imaginations. If Zeke was right and Marie wanted the full experience of being dominated, that was the place to go. He gazed at Marie, imagining her naked and bound, her ankles strapped to a spreader bar, forcing her legs wide apart, leaving her open and accessible for all kinds of fun. His cock swelled.

Would she be ready and willing to do all he commanded? How far would he be able to push her?

Suddenly, he desperately wanted to know the answer. He pulled out a chair and sat across from her.

“Yes. I believe I will.”

*   *   *


At five o’clock on the dot Friday, Marie plucked her bag from her desk drawer and headed to the elevator. Once on the street in front of her office building, she glanced around, watching for Ty’s car.

She had packed her bags last night and left them in Ty’s apartment before she left for work this morning. He’d planned to drive to work today, then pick her up from the office.

Excitement skittered through her. As the week had progressed, Marie had found herself getting more and more excited about the weekend. Well, who wouldn’t. A whole weekend with two sexy men at a sexual playground, from the way Zeke had described the place.

Ty’s car pulled up to the curb and she smiled and climbed in the passenger door. He pulled into the busy traffic again.

“You all ready for the weekend?” he asked.

She smiled. “I can hardly wait.”

“Zeke called. He went ahead of us so he could pick up the key for the cottage, buy some groceries, and get everything organized before we get there.”

Once they were outside the city, Ty stopped and picked up a case of beer, then they continued on their way. Forty-five minutes later, they pulled up to a small cottage right off a lake, surrounded by tall trees. Zeke’s Harley stood outside.

“It’s really pretty here,” Marie said.

“Hey, there.” Zeke walked toward the car and opened Marie’s door.

As soon as she stepped out, Zeke pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her.

Ty retrieved their bags from the trunk and took them inside. Zeke grabbed the case of beer from the trunk and Marie followed him into the cottage.

She glanced around, not quite sure what to expect. It looked like a quite cozy, but average cottage. There was a living room right off the entryway, a doorway to a full kitchen, and a casual dining area off to the side. A large window overlooked the lake.

She followed Zeke into the kitchen where he placed the case on the counter and put the bottles in the fridge. She could see that the fridge was fully stocked.

As Marie stared out the window at the sun reflecting off the lake, she couldn’t help thinking about what would happen later that night. Here she was with her two handsome men in this wonderful lovers’ hideaway. The weekend was all about sex and … she quivered … she could hardly wait.

Even now, she could imagine the men undressing. Revealing their hard, muscled bodies … their long, hard cocks. Then undressing her. Stroking her body. Touching her breasts.

Their mouths covering her nipples.

She sucked in a deep breath, then distracted herself by walking into the living room. The furniture was a little old-fashioned, but clean and cozy. The front window offered another beautiful view of the lake, and the staff had placed a pretty vase full of daisies on the table to welcome them.

The place seemed so quaint and homey. Marie wondered why it was considered a BDSM bed-and-breakfast.

Once they were all in the living room, Ty wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her to his body, then captured her mouth in a hungry, devouring kiss.

As his tongue thrust into her mouth, she melted against him, totally breathless at his ultra-masculine manner. He hadn’t shaved, so his face was coarse and raspy … which was so sexy. When he finally released her mouth, she blinked at him, gazing into his warm brown eyes … but … something was different. She touched his cheek and stared at one eye, then the other. One was a cinnamon brown, as usual, but the other was a soft green with golden specks.

“Your eyes are different.”

“Does it matter?” A hard edge tightened his voice.

“Only in that they’re gorgeous. And incredibly sexy. Have you been hiding them with contact lenses?”

“Yes, but I’ve decided to let you see the real me this weekend.” He smiled. “And that includes letting you see my more dominating nature.”

“Really?” She smiled broadly. “That should be fun.”

He grinned. “Zeke and I are ready to give you some rigorous training. Are you ready to submit to me totally?”

The words took her breath away. To submit to him

“Yes, Master.”

He smiled broadly. “Very good.”

He pulled her against him and took her mouth again. Her breasts crushed against his hard chest, the aureolas pebbling and the nipples blossoming into hard nubs. When he released her, she noticed Zeke had returned to the living room and sat down in the chair by the window across from the couch.

“I’m going to say this once, Marie,” Ty said. “Your safe word is ‘fox.’ If you can’t say the word, tap three times, with a foot, a hand, or even a finger.
you use the safe word, the scenario will stop, no questions asked, but that’s it. We stop and I leave. So use it wisely.”

Shivers ran down her spine at the total authority in his voice. She never would have thought it from Ty, but he was being every inch the commanding dominant she’d dreamed of.

He released her and stepped away, then unfastened the buttons on his shirt. She watched hungrily as he removed it, revealing the rippling muscles across his chest. When he turned around to toss the shirt onto the easy chair beside the couch, her gaze locked on the colorful phoenix tattoo across his back. God, he looked so sexy and …
 … with that tattoo. He turned back to face her and his chest seemed almost too naked without a tattoo gracing the sculpted expanse of flesh. And she could almost imagine him with spikes through his eyebrows like Zeke.

Gone was Mr. Nice Guy. Enter Mr. Bad Boy!

“The only thing you are to say is ‘yes, Master,’ unless I ask you a direct question,” Ty continued. “Do you understand?”

Excitement flooded through her. “Yes, Master.”

“Good. If you do not follow my instructions, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

Her insides quivered. “Yes, Master.”

“Good. Now strip.”

She drew in a breath, but quickly unbuttoned her blouse, dropped it off her shoulders, and tossed it over the arm of the chair beside the couch. Ty’s sensational odd-colored eyes fixed on her lacy red bra, right where her nipples were stretching the fabric. She unzipped her straight black skirt and slid it over her hips and down her legs, then stepped out of it and laid it on top of her blouse. Now she stood in front of him in only her bra and matching red lace thong, the heat of his intense gaze sending sparks along her nerve endings.

Suddenly, she remembered that Zeke still sat in the chair by the window, watching.

“Why have you stopped, slave?” Ty demanded.

Immediately, she reached behind her and unfastened her bra, then pulled the straps from her shoulders and peeled the cups away, then dropped the lacy garment to the floor.

As she tucked her thumbs under the elastic of her thong, Ty said, “Wait.”

She stopped.

“Turn around and face Zeke. Stroke your breasts, then hold them up.”

She turned to face Zeke. As she stroked over her round mounds, his olive eyes remained fixed on her hard nipples. She tucked her hands underneath and lifted her breasts, as instructed.

“Good. Now take off your panties.”

She rolled the tiny garment down her legs, bending forward, knowing she was giving Ty a great view of her backside. When she stood up, Zeke’s hot gaze lingered on her patch of heart-shaped pubic hair.

“Turn around,” Ty commanded.

She turned around to face Ty again.

“Now, you need to be punished.”

Her eyes widened. “But why? I—”

He raised his hand and she stopped talking immediately.

“Because you are still learning, I will explain,” Ty said. “Do not expect the same leniency next time. First, you stopped in the middle of doing something I told you to do. Second, you spoke other than to say ‘yes, Master’ or answer a question.”

What would her punishment be? Would he bend her over his knee and spank her?

“Go to Zeke and do as he says.”

“Yes, Master.” She turned and walked toward Zeke and stood in front of him.

Zeke grinned and held out his hand. She took it and he drew her closer.

“Drape yourself over my knee so I can see that sweet little ass of yours,” Zeke said.

She knelt on the floor, then positioned herself across his lap. His knees pressed against her belly and chest, below her breasts, and her head hung downward, her hair draping across the sides of her face. Zeke’s hand lightly stroked over her ass, sending goose bumps quivering along her flesh. His hand slipped away, then smacked across her ass. It smarted, then tingled as he lightly stroked it with his fingertips. Then he smacked again. She moaned softly at the erotic sensation as he once again stroked her heated flesh.

He helped her to her feet.

“Now come here,” Ty said.

Now Ty sat on the couch. She walked across the room and stood about two feet in front of him.


She stepped forward.

“Turn around.”

She turned and his hand stroked over her heated ass. It was probably red. He stroked, then she felt his lips glide over her skin.

*   *   *


Ty stared at the flushed skin of her perfect, round ass. When she’d moaned as Zeke stroked her after smacking her bottom, Ty’s cock had inflated painfully. He dragged his fingers over the silky skin—still hot. He pressed his lips to her delightful ass and kissed across the warm skin.

He reached around and stroked her belly, then upward until his hands reached the undersides of her breasts. So soft. He cupped her delicious mounds and stroked the nipples with his fingertips.

“Do you like that, slave?” he asked softly.

“Yes, Master.”

The tremor in her voice sent his cock twitching.

“Turn around and face me.”

She turned and he stared at her gorgeous round breasts. He stroked one, then grasped the nipple between his fingertips.

“I think this would look quite pretty with a ring piercing. What do you think?”



Ty grinned at Marie’s look of panic. The only thing he’d told her she was allowed to say was “yes, Master” and clearly the idea of having a piece of metal shot through her sensitive nub was not on her short list of fun things to do.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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