Read Pleasure Bound Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Pleasure Bound (15 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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“Marie? Are you in there?”

Zeke’s voice cut through her sensual daze.

“Answer him,” Ty whispered against her ear.

“Yes, Master Zeke.”

Ty nodded with a big smile.

The curtains flew open and Zeke peered into the stall. Ty drew back and thrust into her. She moaned again at his hard cock driving deep.

“What’s going on in here?” Zeke asked, his hand stroking his own cock.

“Ty is fucking me,” she answered, then moaned again as he drew back, then drove forward.

Zeke’s olive green eyes had darkened to a forest green as he watched Ty thrust into her. Her eyelids fell closed at the exquisite pleasure.

“Are you enjoying it?” Zeke asked.

Ty drove into her again.

“Oh, yes, Master.”

Ty glanced around at Zeke. “Thanks for your gift. Why don’t we share?”

Zeke stripped off his trunks and stepped into the stall with them. Ty pulled out and Zeke’s cock pushed into her. He thrust a couple of times, then drew out. Ty glided into her again, then pulled her against him. He leaned his back against the wall and suddenly she realized what was going to happen next. Zeke pressed his tip to her back opening and eased forward.

She relaxed, letting his cock slowly stretch her as the head slipped inside. Sandwiched between the two men, both standing still, allowing her to get used to Zeke’s cockhead inside her ass, she took a deep breath. Oh God, she felt so full. Yet in a few moments, Zeke would be fully immersed in her. Both men’s cocks filling her.

Zeke kissed the back of her neck. “Okay, sweet thing?”

She nodded, ready for more. He pushed forward … slowly, but insistently … filling her with his hot, hard cock.

It slid deeper, and deeper, until he was fully inside her.

She sighed. “God, it’s so … intense.”



Zeke’s cock twitched inside Marie. It was incredible being tightly gripped by her back opening. Zeke found it just as incredible knowing Ty’s cock filled her other opening.

Ty’s cock was only a hairbreadth from his. Zeke kissed Marie’s shoulder, then gazed at Ty. For a split second, their gazes locked and an insane urge to lean forward and kiss Ty almost overwhelmed him, but Ty immediately jerked his gaze to Marie.

Oh God, what was wrong with him?

Ty began to move and Zeke followed suit. Marie moaned between them. Zeke tucked his hands around her, cupping her breasts, feeling Ty’s hard muscular chest pressing against the backs of his hands.

Man, he’d missed Ty’s friendship, but these intense feelings Zeke was having … these odd desires … were throwing him off.

Ty thrust again, and Zeke followed. Marie moaned. Her nipples thrust into his palms, sending his hormones spiking. God, she was incredibly sexy. Soft. Feminine. And so God damned tight.

She gasped at Ty’s deep thrust. She tightened around Zeke’s cock as she wailed in orgasm. Ty groaned, clearly shooting his load inside her. Zeke’s balls tightened, too, then he erupted inside her, holding her tight against him. Intense pleasure blasted through him and his whole body seemed to explode in a blaze of searing ecstasy.

* * *


I just had a threesome!
Marie tightened her arms around Zeke’s waist, clinging to him, as he dodged through traffic on the way down
town. With two gorgeous, sexy … ripped men!

The big motorcycle rumbled between her legs as they raced along the highway. The memory of the two men’s cocks inside her—both at the same time—sent thrills through her as the wind whipped past her face. She felt a little tender inside, but in a good way. She leaned her head against Zeke’s leather-clad back and sighed.

Zeke took the off-ramp and the traffic around them became more dense, forcing Zeke to slow down, which suited Marie just fine. The first time she’d gotten on the big motorcycle, he’d had her so turned on, she’d welcomed the big leather seat between her legs. This morning, however, without the distraction of her hormones, it had intimidated her, but Zeke had insisted she’d be fine and, if she hadn’t accepted his ride, she would have been late for work. Their fun-time at the pool had gone on longer than she’d expected and she’d missed the last express bus.

It came down to the fact that she trusted Zeke totally, so she knew she’d be all right riding with him. He would handle the motorcycle as he did all things … with confidence and skill.

Traffic slowed and he stopped at a red light.

“How you doing?” he asked over the rumble of the engine.

She squeezed him. “Just great.”

He chuckled. “How do you like riding on the bike?”

“It takes a little getting used to, but I like it.”

He laughed. “Not very convincing, sweet thing, but you get points for trying.”

The light turned green and the cars ahead of them began to move. Zeke pushed forward and they moved slowly behind the cars. She clung tighter to his waist, almost preferring the fast pace of the highway to the closed-in feeling of the traffic. A feeling that only got worse as they reached the downtown core where they were surrounded by tall office buildings that cast long morning shadows along the busy streets.

Finally, Zeke pulled up in front of her building. She lifted her leg over the seat—no way to look ladylike doing that—and glanced around to see if anyone had seen her. She felt a little unsteady on her legs as she unfastened the helmet and pulled it off her head. A quick glance in Zeke’s side mirror and she realized she looked a fright. She thrust the helmet to Zeke and quickly smoothed down her hair, hoping none of her coworkers had seen her hair sticking out in all directions. It’s not that she was Miss Priss at work, but she liked to at least appear to have it all together.

Zeke climbed off the machine and retrieved her soft leather briefcase from the hard-shell saddlebag where he’d stowed it. He handed it to her and she smiled as she took the strap and pushed it over her shoulder.

“Thanks again. For the ride and for…” She felt her cheeks heat. “… everything.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his body, then captured her lips. His mouth moved on hers with passion and his tongue glided into her mouth. She stroked in return, clinging to his broad shoulders. God, this man was sexy and she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to be with him.

*   *   *


Zeke finally released Marie, knowing she had to get to work. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to scoop her up and drive away with her, then make sweet passionate love to her. Somewhere warm and sunny, maybe by a lake. Something quite different from this concrete jungle.

She smiled timidly. “Talk to you later.”

Then she turned and walked away.

He’d noticed her uncomfortable glance around after she’d dismounted the Harley. Like she was embarrassed to be seen with him. Well, what did he expect? There she was looking gorgeous and very professional in black pants and a blazer with a red silk blouse. And him … torn jeans and leather chaps, black leather jacket, pierced eyebrow. She probably thanked her lucky stars the jacket covered the tattoos.

As Marie walked toward the double glass doors, another woman approached her and they chatted. They both glanced back to him and Marie nodded, then the other woman giggled. Marie’s cheeks reddened, then she turned to the door.

Shit! Why did he ever think a woman like Marie would want to hang with a guy like him? He’d only embarrass her. Maybe Ty had the right idea after all with his change of image. Marie seemed to want a change of pace with a guy like Zeke, but she’d probably tire of it pretty fast when she had to introduce him to her friends.

He jumped on the Harley and gunned the engine, then roared away into the traffic.

*   *   *


As Marie got on the elevator, she saw Zeke zoom away. Judy stood beside her as they rode up to their floor.

“So where did you meet him?”

“At my friend’s cottage when I went up for the Labor Day weekend.”

“He is so
” Judy nudged her arm. “You’re so

Marie smiled. She was indeed.

“So, you got any more like him?”

Marie thought about Ty and realized he was more like Zeke than she’d ever thought. He might seem like a Mr. Nice Guy, but then, deep down inside, so was Zeke. And that wasn’t a bad thing. Caring, sensitive, being a good listener were all great qualities. Wrapping it up in a bad-boy exterior made a dynamite package. And it wasn’t just the exterior. It was the confidence. The authority. The

And Ty had proven he had that all right.

Judy nudged her arm again. “Hey, you’re a million miles away.”

Marie glanced at her and smiled. “Yeah, I guess I was.”

“So, how about it? Any more like him?”

“Yeah.” At Judy’s hopeful gaze, Marie grinned. “But I’m not sharing.”

What the hey. She could be a badass, too.

* * *


Fuck! What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Ty stared at the computer screen, not seeing the window of text in front of him. Damn it. It had been incredible fucking Marie right along with Zeke this morning. Too damned incredible! He had almost imagined he’d felt Zeke’s cock gliding against his as they’d both driven into her at the same time.

Then Zeke had gazed at him and … God, the look on his face. As if … as if he’d been having the same feelings about Ty that Ty had been having about Zeke. Feelings he shouldn’t be having for another

Feelings Ty had experienced for the first time five years ago when they’d had the threesome with Ashley. Which was the only other threesome Ty had ever had. Those feelings were the reason he’d never had a threesome again. And maybe, he had to admit, part of the reason he’d stayed angry at Zeke all these years. Because it made more sense and was easier to deal with than the alternative. But he’d put it out of his mind since his falling-out with Zeke. Buried it away, hidden it deep in his subconscious … until today when sharing a woman with Zeke again had brought it all back. The uncomfortable, yet intense attraction … for another man. For Zeke.

Had Zeke seen the desire in Ty’s face?

Damn, what the hell was he going to do now? He wanted Marie. And even though she was dating Zeke, she had given him the chance to be with her … at the same time as Zeke. It was a chance he had to take because he needed to convince her he was the man for her. Zeke was okay with it and he knew Ty wanted her, so why the hell not?

But, damn, how could he fuck Marie while Zeke was part of the picture? He shouldn’t be feeling these things for Zeke. Shouldn’t be getting turned on by the sight of Zeke’s broad sculpted chest … his bulging, muscular arms … his stiff cock … But he was and that scared the shit out of him.

As much as he wanted Marie …

Damn it, maybe he should just wait until this thing between her and Zeke burned out.

*   *   *


Zeke stepped back and stared at the beautiful 1968 Mustang 428 Cobra Jet he’d just finished priming. He pulled the mask from his face and set it on the workbench, then headed toward the office. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat back on the desk chair, then glanced out the glass door and watched Henry, his cousin and partner, talking to a fellow standing in front of a red 1971 Corvette Stingray with a wicked scratch along the side.

Damn, it bugged him that someone would key a beautiful car like that. He had no patience for blatant vandalism.

Zeke and Henry’s paint shop, Classic Lines, specialized in classic cars. Zeke loved doing custom paint jobs on the beautiful vintage automobiles their clients brought in.

He sipped his coffee and remembered his cell phone had vibrated when he’d been spraying the driver’s door of the Mustang. He pulled his cell from his pocket and flipped it open. A text message from Marie.


Hi. Forgot my shoes in your saddlebag. Want to grab lunch? Tired of wearing running shoes at work. :-) Marie

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was eleven. He could make it, no problem, but … did he want to? He would drop off her shoes, of course, but … did he want to extend this thing with Marie? Sure, she was sexy and fun to be with, but they were entirely different types of people. It would never last.

And … things were getting a bit weird. First that dream about Ty and then, this morning, Zeke’s crazy urge to kiss him. Ty would totally freak out if he knew Zeke was thinking about him like that. They’d finally begun to mend the rift between them. He didn’t need something like this to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

Why not just step aside? Marie would be better off with Ty anyway.

Of course, stepping aside didn’t guarantee she’d continue with Ty. Zeke hadn’t even had a chance to find out her impression of her escapades with Ty. Sticking with it a bit longer would allow him to assess the situation. See if he could do anything to ensure Marie would want to continue a relationship with Ty when Zeke moved on.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound
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