Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3)
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“Wow, you really do have a big ego, don’t you?”

“You call it ego, I call it clever. Now, do we have a deal or not?” She stood up and smoothed her skirt. He hesitated. She could practically see the gears moving in his head. He pushed himself away from the desk and strolled toward her. She caught her breath.

“Okay. I agree.”

She blinked. “You do?”


Blowing out a long breath, she felt relieved. “Great. See you at seven tomorrow.”

“For what?” He moaned.

“Couples do see each other. It’ll be good for you to show yourself at the ranch.” She swept past him, placing her hand on the doorknob, satisfaction spread through her.

“Em, don’t you feel guilty that you’re lying to your father?” Nash asked.

“Of course I do. But I feel even guiltier when I can’t seem to make him proud no matter which path I take. I guess I’m just known for being a trouble maker and that’s what everyone expects.”

“That sounds like an excuse to fuck up.”

“There are moments I appreciate your candidness.  Now is not one. Be at Rhinestone on time. A fiancé of mine wouldn’t be late.”








































“YOUR DAD IS going to kill you if he finds out that you’re lying to him.”

Em looked at Ruby from across the granite countertop. “That’s why he won’t find out.”

“And how will you manage that?”

“Nash has agreed to be my fiancé. At some point, we’ll have a huge argument and the engagement will be off. No one will be the wiser. Unless you tell, of course.”

Ruby sighed. “You know I won’t tell, but your dad is smart. He’ll see right through you and Nash if you’re not careful. However, I see an advantage here, more than what you see.”

“Is that so?”

“Think about it, cuz. You two danced as if you couldn’t contain the chemistry flowing between you. Nash is sexy and sure did look good wrapped in that plaid blanket. Maybe this will grow into something unexpected.”

Em narrowed her gaze. “How did you see Nash in the blanket?”

“I was in the Walters’s kitchen when he walked in.” Ruby wagged her brows and her cheeks turned pink.

“You were?” Em was astonished. “You slept with Jobe?”

Ruby smiled from ear to ear, twirling a tendril of hair around her finger. “I did. Does that make me a slut?” Her nose wrinkled.

“No.” Em shook her head. “It makes you horny like the rest of us.”

“Does that mean you slept with Nash?” she asked.

Em shook her head so fast that pieces of hair fell out of her bun. “That’s a big negative.”

“Why do you seem so against it? I mean, the Walter’s didn’t fall off the ugly tree.” Her gaze twinkled. “And I certainly can’t complain about Jobe’s endurance.”

“Nash isn’t ugly, true, but he’s well, Nash.” Em shrugged.

“And what does that mean?”

Grabbing a grape from the bowl, Em popped it into her mouth and chewed. “He’s not my type.”

Ruby narrowed her gaze. “Not your type? How can a cowboy with three T’s not be your type, not be anyone’s type for that matter?”

“Three T’s?”

“Tall. Tanned. And toned. What else is there to want?” Ruby chuckled. “A least for a good time. I have a feeling he has other qualities that make him a good catch.”

Em shrugged. “He’s probably a great catch, just not for me.”

“This has nothing to do with residual feelings for one millionaire, does it?”

Groaning, Em plucked a grape and flung it at Ruby’s head. “Bite your tongue. Trust me, if there are any thoughts of John left in me it’s confusion in what I ever saw in him in the first place. I can deal with the age difference, but I can’t tolerate when someone believes they are better than everyone else.”

“I hear ya.” Ruby nodded. “He must have really pulled the wool over your eyes.”

“Maybe I saw what I wanted to see. I was lonely and he stepped in. I learned a lesson. So, how about you and Jobe?” Em asked. “You going back for seconds?”

Ruby picked out a grape and tossed it into her mouth. “No. I’m not. I’m only staying here for a few more weeks. I enjoyed our night together, I really did, but there’s no chance of anything coming of it. It’s best to keep the memory as pleasurable as it is.”

“How does Jobe feel about this?”

“He hasn’t called.” Ruby looked down at her hands.

“Are you disappointed?” Em came around the bar and sat down on the stool next to Ruby.

“No, not at all. It is what it is. I haven’t been with anyone since I broke it off with Sam and I was lonely too. Jobe is, well, amazing, but we live too far away from each other.

“That could be a thorn on the rose.” Em sighed.

“I do hope you’re careful with this pretend game with Nash. I don’t want to see you, either of you really, get hurt. I want you to be happy. You deserve it.”

“What makes you think I’m not happy?” Em chuckled, but it fizzled.

“Ah, come on. I think you keep hiding behind this idea that you don’t need anybody and you’re brave enough to be alone. But I know you. You’re holding out for the one who makes your body tingle, your heart sing, and your toes curl. When you find him, I think you’ll be fine handing over your heart.”

“Ruby, sometimes I wonder how you’re not married, yet you have all of these romantic notions flying around inside of your head. Stop trying to convince me of your beliefs. I’m happy being alone.”

“Okay, okay. If you say so. Now, what are you planning to wear tonight?”

“For what?” Em popped another grape.

“Nash is coming over tonight, right? Don’t you want to look cute for your beau?” she teased.

“The last thing I want is to get all dressed up. I don’t want him to think I’m actually doing this because I want to and not that I’m forced into it. And I certainly don’t want him to get any ideas. This is strictly business.”

“If you say so.” Ruby slid off the stool. “I’m going to take a shower and do some writing. I’m halfway through with my novel. Being out here, the change of scenery, has done me a world of good.”

“You can stay as long as you like, you know. Now that Jewels and Pearl are no longer here, we have plenty of space and dad is very seldom here. We could be the two single ladies, partying and leaving our mark on the world.”

Ruby laughed. “I’m afraid the only parties I attend these days are the ones in my fantasy world. My characters really know how to have a blast.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind a party as long as I’m in bed at a reasonable hour.” Em leaned back on the stool. “Oh well. Have fun in fantasy world.”


“Where are you going?”

Nash stopped and looked into the living room. He didn’t realize Jobe was in the house. “I have plans.”

“With who?” Jobe turned on the lamp.

“None of your business. I’m late. I’ve got to go.” Nash wanted to hurry and get the hell out before his brother asked more questions. He’d agreed to be Em’s fiancé, but he wanted to keep it under wraps. He didn’t like to lie, and the less people who knew about this ridiculous scheme, the better. He could only hope that this would all be over soon.

Em held a reward in front of his nose. She seemed to think she could entice him with Katy, the barista.  He wouldn’t mind taking Katy out, but that wasn’t the real reason he’d agreed to Em’s proposal. Hell, in fact, he wasn’t completely sure why he had said yes. He did know a big part of him respected Em’s resilience and not backing down when it came to the things she felt wholeheartedly about. How could he not appreciate that character trait? And, she certainly drove a hard bargain.

Agreeing to be her man had nothing to do with the detail that he couldn’t seem to forget how good of a time they had at the reception. They were both tipsy, but they knew what they were doing.

He also couldn’t seem to shake how good she’d felt in his arms. He liked her smell, the softness of her skin and the way her silky hair had brushed his arms as she moved.

And damn was he being stupid.

He had nothing in common with Em. So what if they’d had a good time, a few laughs…She liked men with money. Men like John Nazarene. They could buy anything they wanted, including beautiful women.

Nash didn’t want to believe that Em had gotten involved with Nazarene because of his money, but the fact was, the man had the attitude of a dead fish, so what was there to like?

Climbing into his truck, he started the engine and pulled out of the driveway, headed to the Rhinestone Ranch. With any luck, this fiasco would be over soon and he could go back to his exciting life working on a ranch. He laughed.

Once he reached Rhinestone, he parked next to Em’s truck and killed the engine. He started to get out, but a thought came to him. He’d forgotten something…

Pulling down the visor, he checked himself in the dirty, fogged up mirror. Just as he’d thought. He forgot to remove the piece of toilet paper from his face where he’d cut himself shaving. Why had he shaven anyway? He was getting used to the rough and tough look, although his beard never seemed to grow out evenly.

Scraping off the red piece of paper, he climbed out and made his way up the flower-lined sidewalk, and knocked on the door.

Nash leaned against the frame as the door swung open. “Hi, Em.”

“Hi. You’re late.” Her pert nose wrinkled.

He swept his gaze down her black tank and nice fitting yoga pants. She was wiping sweat from her neck with a towel, and he had a stirring below the belt. It was very clear to him why he was here now that he saw her again. Pieces of her hair floated around her rosy cheeks. Her lips were full and pouty. He had a good idea this was how she looked after she’d been fu—

Damn! He had to keep a check on himself, especially a certain part that misbehaved. “You just worked out?”

“Yes, I ran. Come in.” She pushed open the door wider with the tip of her tennis shoe.

He watched her walk. Holy hell, this woman was a knockout. How had he missed her before the reception? Sure, he’d noticed how gorgeous she was, as well as her sisters, but since he’d gotten to know her a little better and realized she wasn’t a snob, at least as much as he’d thought, he found her, well, beautiful. Her long ponytail bounced across her back as she walked. He didn’t need to see her body because he remembered every dip and angle by heart, but he moved his gaze downward over her slender back, the fullness of her hips and the sleek lines of her long legs—long for a woman who didn’t measure more than five foot three. He appreciated a woman who took care of herself—and the yoga pants could make a man salivate.

She was a temptation, no doubt. She’d even haunted his dreams last night, and a good reason why he had to jack off before he set foot out of bed. He would have been a dick to everyone with his uptight inner turmoil. Jobe would have thanked him for thinking ahead. Although, Nash wasn’t doing much thinking since hot trot Em bounced into his life turning it upside down.

He stepped into the foyer feeling a bit weakened by staring at her body for so long.

She turned so quickly that he didn’t have time to remove his gaze from her backside.

She cleared her throat. “If you’re done staring, maybe you’ll follow me.”

Nash brought his gaze upward and met her’s. Yeah, he didn’t mind this view either. She had the prettiest eyes. They reminded him of melted dark chocolate. They were expressive with her every thought and mood, at least the ones he’d seen so far. Her body screamed strength and independence, while her eyes begged for someone, maybe him, to come along and test her.

He clenched his hands into fists, hoping to calm the urge to touch her. Nope, that couldn’t happen. Hell no, no way, no how. Em came with drama. He’d heard all of the rumors and the talk. Although, he found vulnerability within her that he didn’t think many people saw, but she prided herself on busting the balls of men.

He guessed the tough attitude was an act, to keep herself closed off. And damn if his curiosity didn’t peak. Why? Had she been hurt in the past? He suddenly had an urge to find out, but he doubted she’d allow him close enough.

“Are you coming?” Her voice carried over to him, mingling with his thoughts. He dragged himself back to the moment.

“You could say that.” He sighed and started across the polished wood floor.

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