Pride x Familiar (39 page)

Read Pride x Familiar Online

Authors: Albert Ruckholdt

Tags: #romance, #adventure, #science fiction, #teen, #high school

BOOK: Pride x Familiar
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Duncan ordered drinks for us, then we both
scanned the menu in nervous silence.

My hands trembled so I had to brace the menu
against the table.

I wondered how Duncan felt, and noticed him
folding his hands tightly on the table as he read the menu he’d
laid out before him.

He kept glancing my way.

I felt my stomach tighten every time he did.

I realized I didn’t know what to tell him.

The waitress temporarily spared us. She took my
order of a salad, and Duncan’s order of a jumbo sized meat

Even before becoming an Aventis I was a light
eater, but I wondered what it would be like to eat something so

Duncan must have been surprised by the burger’s
size because he stared at it in dismay for a short while.

I started to laugh and after a heartbeat he did
too, and it felt like some of the tension between us had faded

He gave me a warm look that made my skin tingle,
and my heart beat guiltily.

Now that we were together, I realized how much I
really, really liked him.

He was so different from Caelum. Tall, good
looking – not to say that Caelum wasn’t easy on the eyes because he
definitely was. But Duncan had a different aura around him. Duncan
was confident and at ease with himself. I didn’t sense the
undercurrent of resentment that seemed to darken Caelum’s aura.
With Duncan, I realized I could relax.

I realized I was comfortable around him.

And I accepted that I most probably loved

Which made my time sitting across from him all
the more precious and painful.

The trembling in my hands grew worse so I
quickly slipped them under the table.

I lowered my head, unable to read the menu any


I swallowed and nodded. “Yes…?”

Duncan’s voice was low and serious. “There’s
something I want to tell you.”

I felt my stomach tighten. I was suddenly afraid
of what he would say, but I forced myself to look up at him.

He swallowed anxiously, probably to clear his
throat. “Haruka, I like you.”

I swallowed reflexively. “I…I know.”

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, “How do
you feel about me?”

And there it was, the question I feared

I thought of Caelum, and the truth slipped
through my lips.

“I like you, I really do.” My eyes were tearing
up. “And I’m sorry…I’m sorry for not telling you….”

Duncan’s face paled. “What haven’t you told

“That I have feelings for Caelum Desanto.”

Through my blurry vision I saw him blanch.

I shook my head slowly. “I’m sorry, Duncan…I’m
so sorry….”

“I don’t understand.” Duncan’s face contorted in
confusion. “I don’t understand, Haruka. What are you telling

I swallowed down past the lump in my throat.
“That I…that I can’t give you an answer.”

His voice fell to a whisper. “Why? Aren’t you
giving me one now?”

I shook my head. “No. This isn’t an answer.”

“Then what is it? If it’s not an answer then
what is it?”

I couldn’t do this. I had to leave. I had to

And that’s what I did.

I slid off the bench and left the restaurant in
a hurry.


I tried avoiding the people coming in as I made
my way out. The door was open, and I hurried through it into the
sidewalk beyond.

Then I felt strong arms wrap around me, and hold
me still.

Duncan’s body felt large as he hugged me tightly
to his chest. His arms were like bands of steel.

“Don’t go…please…please, don’t go.”


“If you leave me—if you leave before we’ve even
started—I won’t be able to move on.”

For a long while I couldn’t breathe, then my
body started to relax but it was simply my strength deserting me. I
was only standing because of his support.

Around me I noticed people were watching our
display of confused affection.

Then Duncan spun me around within his arms and I
found myself pressed against his chest, my face buried against

Above the pounding of my heart and the blood
rushing through my head, I heard his whispered words in my left

“Haruka, I love you.” I heard him swallow
loudly. “Stay with me. Choose me.” He swallowed again, and I felt
his chest heave as he inhaled deeply. “If you choose me, I swear
I’ll never give you a reason to doubt your feelings or the choice
you made. So choose me, and let’s move forward together.”

His arms tightened then relaxed.

“Let’s be together….”

He didn’t say anything else, and I lost track of
time as he held me firmly.

Little by little I felt my heart begin to ease

Little by little, I began to hear his heart
beating loudly in his chest, and I noticed it was beating in time
with mine.

I realized I was shivering, but it was actually
both he and I that trembled together.

And then I slowly slipped my arms around his
waist, and held him tightly too.



It was almost seven pm by the time we arrived at
the restaurant.

Alistair announced, “This is the place. Aggh, it
looks crowded.”

Klaus was eagerly peeking through the windows.
“I see some free tables. Let’s go inside.”

I glanced at Melanie who had a complicated
expression on her face.

I sighed inwardly. “I’ll walk you home after we

Ah, what the heck did I just say?

No, I was being courteous and chivalrous. That’s
all it was.

By some misfortune Klaus heard me. He stepped up
to Alistair. “Lady Alistair, please allow your humble retainer to
escort you home—ow!”

Alistair thumped his head. “Escort me home?
Since when do I need a runt like you protecting me.”

I could tell she wasn’t being serious. She had
that dominating gleam in her eyes again. But Klaus looked

“Lady Alistair….”

She sighed loudly. “Alright, alright. You can
walk me home. But who’s going to walk you home?”

He straightened and puffed out his chest. “Leave
everything to me.”

In a tremendous display of bravado, he took a
hold of Alistair’s hand and pulled her along to the restaurant’s
entrance. She was so surprised she didn’t resist as she hurried
behind him.

I stared open mouthed, glanced at a similarly
stunned Melanie, then hurried after them.

Alistair’s voice suddenly grabbed my

“Jeezes, can’t you two get a room? You’re making
a scene.”

Melanie and I came to a sudden halt and avoided
crashing into Alistair and Klaus.

The two were staring at a young couple, a tall
student and shorter girl, embracing loudly on the path leading to
the restaurant’s entrance. The guy and girl were facing away from
us, so I didn’t get to see their faces until they slowly faced

The girl was pretty, with long auburn hair,
large dark eyes – and an impressive rack!

The guy was tall, dressed in the uniform of a
Galatea Academy senior and quite handsome.

Yes, they complemented each other perfectly.

Yes, they both looked like a loving couple.

And yes, I recognized both of them in a

Duncan Armand recognized Alistair and froze on
the spot. But his eyes continued to move, and after sweeping over
her and Klaus his gaze fell on me. When he finally noticed Melanie
behind me, his face paled.

As for Haruka, I could describe her reaction in
a word – terrified.

The moment her gaze settled on me, her eyes
widened like saucers and her face drained of blood. Even in the
evening light and the light from the restaurant I could see she had
turned as white as paper.

For a long moment none of us moved. Only Klaus
appeared oblivious, though he was keeping quiet.

Haruka looked ready to faint, but Armand’s arms
held her against his body.

His attention hardened on me, and color and
confidence returned to his face.

With his arms around Haruka, he gave me a single
acknowledging nod.

I remembered our exchange in the cafeteria.

I recalled telling him Haruka would slip out of
his grasp.

And this was his reply.

As they say, actions speak louder than

I clenched my jaw until it ached.

Then I clenched a fist that by some miracle I
kept rigid at my side.

Alistair broke the silence between us. “I guess
you made your choice, Haruka.”

It didn’t sound as though she was being
critical. In fact, it sounded as though Alistair was relieved, but
when I looked at her, she was clearly uncomfortable. It was fair to
describe her as deeply troubled.

I didn’t even glance at Melanie.

I knew where she stood, having coming to a stop
beside me.

I reached out and took her right hand in my
left, then pulled her past Haruka, Duncan, and the visibly
uncomfortable Alistair. Klaus looked at me in surprise when I
entered the restaurant with Melanie in tow, leaving him at the

The waitress inside greeted us, and thankfully
my voice held steady as I asked for a table for four. We were
seated quickly without incident, and a few moments later Alistair
and Klaus joined us.

Melanie looked anguished, and she was breathing
hard, but after a while and a few sips of water she calmed down a
little. Then she released a long, shuddering breath and gave me a

“Thank you.”

I blinked at her, my feelings in turmoil, and
found it hard to be gracious. I gathered my self-control, and gave
her a nod.

“You’re welcome.”

Alistair sat in silence and Klaus looked on in
evident confusion. Then Alistair straightened and said in a clear
voice, “I’m hungry, and I want food.” She gave me a wicked smile.
“So let’s eat.”

Melanie and I stared at her, somewhat
disbelieving our ears. To be honest, food was the last thing on my
mind. But I understood what she was doing, making an effort for our
sakes. I gave her a grateful smile. “Yeah, let’s eat.”

Melanie dropped her gaze to the table, but after
a long moment she looked up and smiled weakly. “I am a little
hungry…just a little.”

“My Lady Alistair, allow me.” Klaus jumped up
from the table and
down a waitress with his wildly
flailing arms.

Alistair growled, reached up, and yanked him
back down into his seat.

“Will you behave,” she muttered, clearly

I looked at them both, involuntarily comparing
the image they cut with that of Haruka and Duncan.

I wondered how long before these two would be
locked in a tight embrace.

My chest hurt, even as I laughed as Alistair
pulled on Klaus’s cheeks, stretching his face like a super-sized
vanilla cream cookie.

Reflections – 13.

Fragments possess the ability to communicate
with other Fragments.

It requires a synchronization to take place
between two or more Fragments, resulting in something akin to
quantum entanglement.

The Prides’ researchers call it Fragment Link,
and it allows Familiars wielding
Fragments to
communicate telepathically. This doesn’t imply all thoughts are
transmitted over the link, just those that a Familiar is
consciously willing to send.

The longer the synchronization or Fragment Link
is maintained between Fragments, the greater the spectrum of
communication between the respective Familiars. It’s not just
conscious thoughts that are sent through the link, but Awareness as

This has a number of benefits for Familiars out
in the field.

Team members able to communicate with each other
free of the effects of electromagnetic jamming, and also able to
sense the location of their team mates and know what kind of
surroundings each individual is in. As a result, a team captain can
implicitly know the placement of his or her team mates without
having to consult a palm-slate or data-slate or holovid map.

For this level of communication to take place, a
Fragment Link needs to be maintained for several weeks.

In the short time that I was bonded to the
Gauntlet, the Lanfears chose not to link my Fragment to Caprice’s
Valkyrie Armor. At the time, I didn’t even know that such a link
was even possible.

But Caprice told me later that such a bonding or
had taken place between the members of Team

If I didn’t feel like an outsider before, I most
certainly felt like one after that.

It was one more painful reminder that I had lost
my place beside Caprice.

Chapter 17
– The Fifth.


After dinner, true to my word, I escorted
Melanie home.

We rode the mag-lev together, and spoke very

I walked her to the apartment complex where she
and her family lived in Habitat One.

She told me I didn’t need to accompany her home,
but I admitted I’d be worried just leaving her alone without
dropping her off at her door.

Before she entered the apartment complex lobby,
I asked, “Are you going to be alright?”

She stopped, turned and faced me. “Yes. I think
so. I believe so.” She smiled faintly and said, “Thank you for

I nodded. “No problem. All’s good.” I gave her a
cheerful salute. “Have a good night and don’t let the bed bugs

I started turning away.

“Will you be alright?”

Her words caught me mid-step. I stopped then
half turned to face her. “Who? Me?”


I gave her question some serious thought, even
if for only a few seconds. “Probably…not….”

I heard myself laugh sheepishly, and fairly

Melanie looked hesitant. I realized she was
debating whether or not to approach me.

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