PrimevalPassion (12 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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He made one more trip to the cabinet. This time he came back
with a lubricated anal plug. Not as large as the plug Mark had used but she
wasn’t ready yet. Her eyes widened as the man went behind her and spread her buttocks
with his fingers. He inserted the tip into her anus and rubbed it around,
gradually enlarging her opening until he could insert the plug. Once he stared,
he didn’t hesitate. He used a firm, smooth pressure to push the plug past the
widened base to the narrow part so she’d be able to keep it inside her body.

Charlene bowed her head and tried to control her breathing
so she could assimilate all the impressions assaulting her senses. Her butt
still flamed. The clamps bit deep and the plug stretched her. Focused as she
was, the man surprised her when he pushed three fingers into her vagina.

“Don’t come!”

Charlene fought to obey him and failed. Her cunt clenched
around his fingers as the orgasm swept over her.

“Bad girl! You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

Charlene blinked. He’d sounded happy.

“Now you’re ready for your punishment.” He smiled and
trailed a finger down her face. “I think you’re going to enjoy this.”

He walked over to the wall and picked up a flogger. The
falls were wide and short. They looked soft. For a moment, Charlene wondered
how such a soft-looking thing could do any damage then he snapped the flogger,
creating a sharp sound, and Charlene wondered how she would stand it.

She lowered her eyes as he started back toward her. He held
the flogger in front of her.

“Kiss it!”

“Yes Master,” she said before lowering her head and kissing
the rough leather.

She shuddered when he trailed it over her breasts and around
her waist. She tensed, waiting for the blow.

Chapter Twelve


Mark stormed into Alex’s office. “What do you mean, giving
Charlene to Tom? She’s not ready for his intensity!”

“Oh no? Just watch.” Suzanne pointed to the screens. Tom
laid down the flogger then bent and removed the ankle restraints. Charlene
sagged and had trouble standing. Tom stood and put his arms around Charlene. He
reached up and freed her wrists then swept her up in his arms. Charlene’s arms
moved around Tom’s neck.

Mark jerked back as if he’d been stung.

“If you really want to be a Dom, you need to learn what your
sub needs and wants,” Suzanne said. She knew Mark was new but she couldn’t just
let him run wild. He needed to understand his role.

Mark’s jaw clenched.

“If you’re angry, you need to go and calm down. Stay away
from her until you do.”

Mark closed his eyes. Suzanne could see him fighting for

Finally he said, “I know. I know you’re right, but she’s
different. I want her to be mine.”

“And that may come in time but this is her first visit. We
have to honor her wishes.”

Mark nodded.

“Good. Go play with any of the other subs around the place.
Many of them need attention. Although given your temper right now it might be
best to go to room seven. Debbie’s alone in there. She can handle almost
anything. You might find her an acceptable substitute for today.” Suzanne
pointed to the monitor.

Mark grimaced. “I see what you mean. I’ll give her a try.”

“Stay in control,” Suzanne said as he left the room.

She sighed. Sometimes she felt like a den mother. Someday
she’d find her match. She turned back to the monitors to see if anyone else
needed her guidance.

* * * * *

After breakfast Alex stood and held out a hand. Julia stood
and let him pull her close. His hard body was warm and comforting so it was a
shock to hear him say, “I haven’t forgotten your punishment. You went swimming
without asking me. You need to be punished for that transgression.”

Alex’s voice was cold. Julia looked up. His eyes were hard,
like frozen shards. She tried to pull away but Alex held her tight against his

“You need to learn to obey me before I take you back to the

“I don’t want to go there. Why can’t we stay here?”

“We’ve had sex. There’s a lot more I want to show you. Your
cabin doesn’t have all the toys I’m accustomed to using. Although I have enough
for today’s punishment.”

“No. I shouldn’t be punished for going swimming.”

Alex sighed. “Julia, you’re not being punished for going
swimming. You’re being punished for not asking me first.”

“Are you telling me I can’t be an independent, thinking
person anymore? That the scenes are full-time? If so, then this deal is off.
Let me go!”

“Julia, you promised to trust me, to let me help you, my
way. I will not have this fight ever again.” He spread his arms wide and
stepped back from her. “No, normally a scene is not full-time but you need
special handling and I’m the only man you’ve ever met who recognizes that fact.
You need to trust me or I’ll leave right now.”

Julia closed her eyes and took a deep breath then another
before she opened her eyes and said, “Alex, I don’t know how to do this. I don’t
know how to surrender the way you’re asking.”

“Of course you don’t. That’s why I’m in charge. That’s why I
give you orders and tell you what to do. Let me control the situation and you’ll
learn. No, we are not doing full-time scenes but you need more attention than
any sub I’ve ever trained. Let me be in charge. Surrender to me and I will take
care of you. Trust me.”

Julia hugged herself and turned her back to Alex. He was
demanding too much. She wanted his help but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t, just
surrender like this.

“Fine,” Alex said.

She watched him go into the living area. He started packing.
“You’re leaving?”

“Yes. I can’t help you if you won’t let me.”

Julia’s throat tightened. He’d actually delayed her orgasm.
Was she being stupid? Should she quit denying him? He wasn’t going to be
manipulated like all her other lovers. Was that a good or bad thing? She was so
confused but she knew one thing. She didn’t want Alex to leave. They weren’t
done yet.

She walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm.

He arrowed a glance down at her.

“Help me…”

He was silent for a long moment then he said, “Help you what,
Julia? Help you manipulate me? Help you manipulate the situation to your
liking? No. Ultimately that won’t help you. I won’t do that.” Alex shook off
her hand and continued packing.

Julia swallowed hard. “I don’t want you to leave.”

Alex stopped and looked at her.

“Alex, I don’t know how to fix this but I don’t want you to

“There is a way to fix this.”


“Sign a contract.”

Julia frowned. “What kind of contract?”

“You’ve told me three times that you surrender to me…that
you trust me. And three times you’ve withdrawn that consent. It won’t happen
again, Julia. Sign a contract so I’m legally covered, then if you verbally
withdraw your consent and play your little game I won’t have to worry that I’m
dominating you against your wishes.”

“That’s barbaric.”

“No. It’s barbaric that you can say yes or no as a whim
pulls you one direction or another. I insist you say yes and put it in writing,
just like every other player at my mansion.”

“They’ve all signed contracts?”

“Yes. It’s the only way to know how far a player is willing
to go. Think of the contract as a safety net for both sides.”

“There’s no one here to witness it.”

“We’ll know. More important, you’ll know. By signing a
contract, you’ll know exactly how far I can go, what I can and can’t do. That’s
your safety net, love. I need to be able to ignore your verbal protests if I’m
going to help you. You know I can help. We’ve already proven that. You do want
my help, don’t you?”

Julia bit down her scream of protest. She did want help. She
knew he could help. “Will you add to the contract that the cabin is mine in
perpetuity? That you’ll help me survive the winter? That you’ll stop all
efforts to buy it from me?”

“If I do that will you sign?”

She nodded. “If you add those clauses, then yes, I’ll sign.
You win.”

“No, love, we both win.”

Alex bent down to his pack and pulled out a sheaf of paper. “Let’s
do this.” He took her arm and led her back to the table. He spent a few minutes
adding a clause about the cabin.

Julia nearly smiled as she read his handwritten addition to
the contract and realized she would never have to worry about losing the cabin.
Gramps had been right. She was strong enough to keep the cabin. But as she
continued reading, she nearly panicked. Was the price of the cabin too high?
She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She could do this. She had to
do this if she ever had any hope of living a normal life. A hysterical laugh
bubbled up. This was not normal. How far out did she have to go to be normal?
She opened her eyes and continued reading. Alex had filled in some of the
blanks, telling her what he wanted to do. He hadn’t filled in her safeword. She
looked up at Alex.

“You pick your own safeword. It has to be something you can
remember even under duress. Something you normally wouldn’t say during sex.”

Julia nodded and picked up the pen Alex had placed next to
the contract. “Balsam,” she said. Her hand shook as she wrote it down. Then she
turned the page. It was a list of things she would agree to do. She shook her
head. “I’ve never even heard of some of these things. I don’t know what they
are, how can I agree?”

“Which ones don’t you understand?”

She pointed to the first one. “Fisting, what is that?”

“It’s where I spend hours stretching your vagina enough to
fit my entire hand inside you.”

Julia gasped as a sharp wave caused her cunt to clench.

Alex smiled. “I take that as a yes.”


Alex smiled. “A man named Lucas taught me about binding and
it’s become one of my personal favorites. You’re bound like a mummy. It doesn’t
hurt, just immobilizes you,” Alex said. He pulled his pack closer and pulled
out long strips of white linen. “I’m going to bind you as soon as you’ve
finished the contract. It will be part of your punishment for not asking to go
swimming this morning.”

“What if I don’t check that?”

“I can smell your arousal, Julia. You want to know what it
will feel like.”

“Can I change my mind after this is signed?”

“Notice the dates. The part about the cabin is good for five
years. The rest of the contract is only good until the end of the week. We’ll
renegotiate it then. You can survive a few days of anything, can’t you? I don’t
want you to feel trapped.”

Julia swallowed hard and checked the box for binding. She
rapidly checked most of the other boxes while Alex watched.

“No anal? Oh, love, you don’t want that limit.”

“I’ve never done anything like that. I don’t think I’d like

Alex leaned over the table and took one of her hands. “Didn’t
you try the anal plug I gave you?”

She shook her head.

“Trust me. You’ll like it.”

“I thought I could pick what I wanted and what I didn’t?”

Alex leaned back. “There’s an incredible intensity when all
your holes are filled simultaneously. Your rectum is particularly sensitive.
Don’t let fear limit your explorations.”

Julia sighed and checked the box. She finished reading the
contract and signed her name. “Done,” she said past the lump in her throat.

Alex took the contract and skimmed her choices. He nodded
and stood. “It’s time for your punishment.”

She fought back her protest. She’d agreed to this. Why had
she agreed? She wasn’t sure but she did know that her cunt was dripping in
anticipation. She placed her hand in Alex’s outstretched hand. He pulled her to
her feet and led her to the living area, bringing the linen strips with him.

“Put your hands by your sides and stand still,” he said.

Julia could feel the cloth around her waist. Alex wrapped it
tighter and tighter as he went up her torso. He carefully wrapped under and
over her breasts, leaving her nipples free. Her breath shortened. The cloth was
tight and she couldn’t take a deep breath. She fought off dizziness as she
realized her arms were bound tightly to her body. Her legs were still free
though and she fought the urge to run.

“Just hold on,” Alex murmured. He tilted her chin and gave
her a quick kiss. “Beautiful. Now for your legs but just a couple of thing

Julia frowned. He turned back to his pack. He pulled out a
dildo and a clamp of some kind. He swept her off her feet and placed her on the
sofa. The dildo was large but not too large. Julia was so wet that it slid in
easily. She was ready to come when Alex placed a small object against her
rectum. “See, I had this ready for you. It’s time you try anal stimulation.” He
pushed something against her butt. She gasped as it stretched her. “Pant,” Alex
said. “It will go in easier then.”

Julia panted as her anus stretched. It hurt but not too much
and the pain contrasted with the pleasure the dildo in her vagina created. Alex
gave one more push and then Julia’s rectum closed a little. “It’s all in. How
are you doing?”

She couldn’t speak. She just nodded.

“Good girl.” Alex closed her legs and stood her up again.

He started the binding from her waist and worked his way
down, tightly binding her legs together. He steadied her when she wobbled. She
moved her hips and could feel the dildo and plug rubbing, just enough to keep
her on edge, not enough to send her over. This was going to be torture, she
realized. Alex had done this deliberately. She wanted to be angry but she was
too focused on her body to care.

Once her legs were immobilized, Alex picked her up and laid
her on the rug in front of the fireplace. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he

Julia closed her eyes and rocked her hips. She experimented
and found she could roll to her side but not quite onto her stomach. Her
nipples peaked with arousal and cold. She desperately wished Alex were around
to play with them. They ached to be touched. How long was he going to leave her
helpless like this?

Alex returned with little black balls in his hands. He
squeezed one and Julia realized they were suction balls. Alex placed it tight
against her breast.

“Ouch,” Julia said.

“Don’t worry, the pain will recede and you’ll be left with a
pulling sensation that’s more erotic than painful.”

He put the second one on and Julia bit her lip to keep from

Alex brushed her hair off her forehead. “Haven’t you tried
any games before? I’d thought you’d have used nipple clamps of all kinds.”

“Why?” she gasped. “I don’t need the extra stimulation.”

“You don’t use these toys just to come. You use them for fun.
You use them to create different sensations. Tell me how you feel. Are you
close to coming?”

Julia shook her head. “I keep bouncing between pain and
pleasure. I’m aroused but not close to coming.”

“Good. I want you to stay this way for a while. Tell me if
your arousal starts to peak.”

Alex sat down in a chair and opened a book.

Julia couldn’t believe he was just going to leave her like
this. “Will you read to me?”

Alex laughed. “No, love. I want you lost in your body’s
sensations. I won’t help you escape.”

Julia closed her eyes. She squirmed, trying to relieve the
pressure on her breasts. When she did, it reminded her of the anal plug and
dildo. She lost track of time and forgot that Alex was near until he moved
close to her.

“How are you doing?”

“I need to come but I can’t.”

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