PrimevalPassion (8 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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Suzanne chuckled then escalated into a full-blown belly
laugh. “Oh, Julia,” she finally said when she regained control. “Don’t you
understand that’s why Alex is creating this place? It’s for people like us, people
who don’t view sex from a prudish perspective. Julia, you should be on your
knees in gratitude. You say you’re out of control when you deny your arousal.
You don’t ever have to deny it when you’re in my company or Alex’s company. You
can celebrate your sexuality here.” Suzanne paused. “Alex doesn’t know, does

Julia shook her head. “He knows something. I had multiple
orgasms last night. But it’s not something I tell a lot of people.”

That explained Alex’s craving for this woman, thought
Suzanne. Alex’s curiosity meant he’d never let Julia go. Suzanne brought her
attention back to Julia and said, “Don’t underestimate Alex. I think he’s going
to be rather delighted.”

“But men want to feel that it is their actions causing my
arousal. It’s not and most men can’t handle that fact.”

Suzanne put the glass down. “First of all, let me repeat
that Alex isn’t most men. Secondly, I think BDSM could help you. One of the
things Doms do is cause arousal and teach the sub how to control it. Subs only
come on command. I know I’m excited by the challenge you represent. I can only
imagine how Alex will feel. You’re going to go on a trip like you’ve never
experienced. Trust Alex. He’ll teach you control.”

“But it is a physical condition—”

“Yes, one you’ve repeatedly denied. Maybe it is time to surrender
to it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Instead of trying to hide your affliction, revel in it.
Admit it to Alex and ask him to help you to learn to control it. Don’t hide.
Don’t be ashamed.”

“But he’ll hurt me.”

“Julia, BDSM is about control. Most Doms use pain but it’s
not necessary for control. Alex won’t do anything you haven’t agreed to. You
need to learn to trust him.”


Suzanne frowned. “Who did the head number on you, darling?”


“Who made you believe that sex is wrong? That people shouldn’t
seek pleasure? That you should be embarrassed because you feel? Who did the
head number on you?”

“Every normal person in the world. I don’t fit.”

“Have you ever visited overseas? If you had, you’d realize
our culture is only one way of viewing sex. We’re prudes. There are many other
accepted cultural norms. There are other places in the world where sexuality is

Julia held on to a small sliver of hope. Maybe she should
trust Alex despite of—or because of—all the warnings. It was hard even though
she was comfortable with Suzanne. They talked for another hour. Suzanne
promised not to tell Alex what she’d learned and Julia promised to think about
telling Alex her secret.

Suzanne headed back to her cabin. The talk with Julia and
the walk around the lake had cleared her head and energized her. Time for Jeff
to wake up. After the party had wound down, Suzanne had brought Jeff back to
her cabin. She didn’t normally allow subs to spend the night but Jeff was
different. She’d never had such a good sub. The man was a natural and almost
nothing was off-limits with him. That gave her a lot of latitude. She’d thought
of over a hundred scenarios and they’d only played out two. Life was good. Jeff
was in for a real treat this afternoon.

Chapter Eight


Suzanne entered the second bedroom in her cabin and called, “Time
to wake up, darling!”

Jeff had spent the night with a chain locked to the collar
around his neck. The chain was long enough for him to get to the bathroom area
and long enough for him to move and stretch. It was long enough for him to
reach the key if there was an emergency and an emergency was the only thing
that would cause him to leave. Suzanne knew there was no way he would walk out.
He wanted to continue playing games with her. He’d enjoyed himself at the
party. Last night when Suzanne had gone to free him and allow him to return to
his own cabin, he’d begged to stay with her.

Jeff stirred. He’d been sleeping on the mattress she’d
provided. When he saw her, he rolled to his knees, his head hanging down. “Mistress,
what is your wish?” he asked.

Suzanne unlatched the chain from his collar. She pushed him
back on the mattress. Her mouth followed and she sucked in his limp cock.
Within seconds, Jeff was firm and ready. She gave him one more lick then
reached into a pocket and pulled out a cock ring. Suzanne favored elastic rings
and she preferred putting them on after the sub was erect. She stretched the
ring and captured Jeff’s cock. She lowered it to the base and let it snap
loose. Jeff would keep his erection as long as the ring remained in place. She
wouldn’t leave it on long, just long enough for him to satisfy her needs. She
climbed on top of him and held his cock upright. It was thick and not too long,
just the way she liked them. She rubbed the head against her clit until her
juices flowed and then she grabbed a condom. She sheathed him and slowly sank
onto him. She stopped when his glans had just pierced her.

“Touch my nipples!”

Jeff reached out to touch her breasts. His fingers tweaked
her nipples and she lowered a little more. Jeff raised his hips and Suzanne
said, “No! Don’t move your hips. You’re my toy. You do what I tell you.”

Jeff lay still.

Suzanne laughed. “You are such a good boy. Play with my
nipples,” she said as she went back to teasing his cock. The cock ring had made
him even thicker. Suzanne threw back her head as she carefully guided him fully
inside her cunt. She sank down so his cock hit the back wall of her pussy. She
held still for a moment, enjoying the feeling of fullness that nothing but a
live, hot, hard cock could provide. The sensation was one she wished she could
bottle and sell. She was complete, as if she’d never be empty again. She slowly
started rocking her hips.

Jeff pinched her nipples and her hips twitched. She knew
Jeff wanted her to rise up so his cock was almost out and then slam back again.
Men always wanted that kind of violent motion but Suzanne enjoyed the slow
rocking, never taking the cock out of her cunt. It was more pleasurable that
way and as long as she was a Dom, she’d do as she pleased. She ground her clit
against Jeff’s pelvis. She took her time, letting her heat slowly build. Jeff’s
pinching added an element of uncertainty that drove her passion higher. She was
on the brink when Jeff suddenly sat up and pulled her hips closer, sinking his
cock an extra millimeter deeper. Suzanne threw back her head and screamed as
her orgasm overtook her.

A few moments later, she roused enough to remove Jeff’s cock
ring. It wouldn’t do to leave it on too long. Just before she fell asleep,
while she was still lying on top of him, she murmured, “You moved. You bad boy.
We’ll punish you later.”

“Yes Mistress,” he replied.

* * * * *

At dusk, Alex loaded up one of the motorboats. He’d forced
himself to wait until evening. Some things were easier to discuss in the dark.
Time to make Julia talk. He’d left her alone all day, now he wanted to know how
she could have such easy orgasms. He wanted to know who’d made her ashamed of
her sexuality. He wanted to explore her head at the same time he freed her
body. He’d take no for an answer if that was what she really wanted but somehow
he didn’t think she’d refuse him. He bet that he could get Julia talking. He’d
almost had her last night but he’d backed off knowing she wasn’t quite ready.
Now she’d had a full day to think about what she’d seen. Had she admitted to
herself how much she’d enjoyed watching last night’s scenes? He couldn’t wait
any longer to find out.

His excuse for showing up was to make sure Julia survived
the winter because he didn’t think he’d survive without her. Winter at the
mansion wasn’t a big deal. The place was self-sufficient. Propane, solar and
wind power all insured a steady supply of electricity. There was enough food
for a year and the helipad that could be heated to clear off snow and ice
ensured help was nearby. That didn’t make the mansion entirely winter
proof—nothing was because of the brutality of the winter in this area—but it
did mean winter was more survivable.

Winter at Ben’s cabin was very different. The cabin was
tight. Last summer he and Ben had re-caulked it but it still used a tremendous
amount of firewood for heat. Julia’s woodpile was nowhere near big enough. Two
or three boatloads of wood would help remedy that situation.

Alex tied up at the dock and made quick work of unloading
the firewood. Her pile had grown since yesterday. Cutting firewood was hard
work and she’d cut a lot. Working off her desire? Alex smiled and walked up to
the cabin. Julia was fast asleep in one of the loungers. Her hair was tousled
and he got rock-hard when he saw her hand buried in her pussy. He ached to
replace her hand with his cock. Instead he knelt by her side then leaned down
and lightly kissed her lips.

Julia startled. There was a man looming over her and it took
her a second to brush aside the sleep and realize it was Alex. His aura and his
scent were unmistakable even if she couldn’t see him clearly. She pulled her
hand out of her jeans. “Alex. What are you doing here?”

Alex sat back on his heels. “I brought a load of firewood.”


“So you’ll survive the winter.”

“Oh yes, because it will be easier to buy the cabin from me.”



“I don’t think I’ll need to buy the cabin from you.”

“I must still be sleeping. I’m missing something. I thought
that’s the reason you keep visiting.”

Alex chuckled and reached out a hand to brush her hair back
from her face. “The only reason I’m buying up the cabins is so that no one will
complain about my sexual practices…so my friends and I can do as we please
without interference. I have a feeling you won’t complain, so you can stay.”

A blaze of anger shot through Julia. “How generous of you!”
She swung her legs to the floor and stood up.

Alex smiled and looked up at her. “Now that the cabin
problem is off the table may we discuss our relationship?”

“We have no relationship.”

Alex stood. “We’re going to have one. Why fight it?”

“It’s wrong!”

“Why would you think that a consensual sexual relationship
is ever wrong?”

Julia wished for darkness to hide her flaming face. Despite
her promise to Suzanne, she just couldn’t tell Alex the truth. Too many men had
said her affliction was fine only to reject her when they couldn’t keep up. She
had no reason to think Alex would be any different. “Thanks for the firewood.
Please leave now.”

Julia moved to the cabin door but Alex moved faster. He
blocked her path. “No.”

“No? What happened to consensual?” Julia tried to brush past

He reached out and pulled her into his arms. His lips met
hers. He felt wonderful. His lips were hard and unyielding. Pure masculinity
met her soft curves. She sank into his kiss and yearned for more as she felt
his cock press against her stomach. His tongue swept her mouth before plunging
deeper. Her heat rose and she was lost in the sensation of his body. Just as
she was ready to come, he broke off the kiss. She moaned and nearly begged him
to continue before she realized what she was doing. She pulled away from him
and struggled to calm her breathing.

“You need to leave,” she said.

Alex moved closer. “I’m not going anywhere, Julia.”

“I told you to leave.”

“I don’t think you really want me to leave. I think you want
my help but you’re too embarrassed or too afraid to ask. I think if I push—just
a little push—you’ll admit your needs. You don’t have to suffer alone, Julia. I’m
here to help.”

“You just want to fuck me—like every other man I’ve known.”
Julia shook her head and turned her back on Alex. “Please leave.”

“I don’t fuck women! I’m not like every other man you’ve
met. I recognize sexual variety and unique needs. I don’t condemn. I don’t
judge. You need me, Julia, or someone like me.” Alex wrapped his arms around
Julia’s waist and pulled her back against his chest. “I want to feel you come
again,” he whispered in her ear while one hand crept to her cunt.

He rubbed. The light grazing movement teased her inflamed
senses. When he pressed the heel of his other hand against her pelvis, the
swelling upsweep of an arousal overtook her. Within moments, she was helpless
in his arms for the second time in twenty-four hours.

“That’s it, baby! Just let it all go. Enjoy the sensations
racing through you.”

Alex’s deep voice reverberated in her chest and added to her
arousal. Embarrassment fled in the power of the spasms sweeping through her
body. Alex held her tight and kept her grounded. She surrendered to him.

The orgasms left her shaking and weak. She slowly came back
to awareness, still in Alex’s arms. They were on the couch. She was naked from
the waist up, her jeans unzipped. When had he rearranged her clothes and when
had they moved inside the cabin and to the couch? Julia couldn’t remember. She’d
lost track of herself before, but never like this. This was scary. Alex was
scary. He seemed to be able to read her mind and satisfy every desire before
she’d voiced it. She made a sound of protest but before she could verbalize her
thoughts Alex’s hand moved to her breast.

His fingers caressed a nipple and Julia could feel her heat
rising again.


“Shhh.” He placed a finger on her lips. “Just feel. Don’t

The finger moved from her lips to her cunt. He parted her
labia and placed the finger on her clit. Julia’s temperature rose another ten
degrees. She felt as if she were burning up. Alex tweaked her nipple at the
same time he pinched her clit. Julia’s hips twitched and she surrendered to
another orgasm.

“How long can you keep this up? How many orgasms can you

“I have no idea.” Julia sighed. She squirmed a little against
Alex’s cock. It was rigid and pressed against her back. “What about you?”

“If we were playing a scene, I’d insist you stand up and
finish stripping. Once you were naked, I’d ask you to turn slowly so I could
examine every part of your body. Then I’d have you go to your knees and suck
me. I’d force you to go outside your body to focus on mine. Has any man ever
done that?”

“No, and I don’t think it can be done. When the spasms come,
every other thought flies out of my head. I’m not coherent when I’m in the
middle of an attack…as you’ve already seen.”

“I’ve seen an embarrassed woman who is fighting her
sexuality. Spasms, attacks, those are not the words I’d use to describe what I’ve
seen and I’ve yet to see an independent woman shamelessly glorying in her

Julia tried to pull away but Alex held her tight. “Confession
time. Tell me about your past.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. I think it is time for you
to leave.”

Alex sighed. “I don’t understand why you’re fighting so
hard. Why are you denying your sexuality?”

“Unless you’re prepared to rape me, I want you to leave.”

Alex stroked her hair. “A carefully scripted rape scene can
be a lot of fun—”

Julia pulled and Alex let her go. She knew she couldn’t have
gotten away otherwise. “Get out.”

“Do you have any idea of how stunning you look?”

The question made Julia realize she was naked from the waist
up and her pants were unzipped. She looked for her clothes and spotted her
shirt on the floor. She grabbed it and put it on while Alex just watched. His
blue eyes, lit by the intense flame of desire, caused her heat to start rising
again. She longed to feel him buried deep inside her cunt. She shook off the

Her promise to Suzanne fled. She couldn’t possibly tell Alex
the truth. He already had too much control over her.

Alex didn’t seem to care about talking right now. He stood
and she could see his erect cock tenting his pants. For a brief moment, she
felt a twinge of guilt. How many orgasms had she had while he’d had none? His
control was incredible. How was it that he hadn’t taken her yet? Maybe he was
going to remedy that situation right now.

He moved next to her. Threading his hands through her hair,
he pulled her close and kissed her. The intensity of his passion seared her
mouth as his scent filled her lungs. He broke the kiss.

“Fuck me,” Julia moaned, unable to resist him any longer.

“No,” Alex said as he released her.

Julia stumbled a little until she found her feet. “What? I
thought that’s what you wanted,” she nearly screamed with frustration. She
reached out a hand to touch him. “You obviously want me.”

He grabbed her hand and moved it away from his cock. “Oh
yes. You’re right. I want you. I want you on my terms, darling. You’re not
quite ready for that.”

Fear washed through Julia as she realized Alex wanted her to
play his games. “That’s not who I am.”

“Julia, stop lying to me! Stop lying to yourself. You’re the
most sexual woman I’ve ever met. Yet you’re embarrassed and ashamed of your
sexuality. Until you can get beyond those feelings you’ll never be free.” Alex
paused. “I want to set you free and I think I can do it but you have to trust
me. You have to trust me one hundred percent. There can be no half measures.
You want me. I want you. But I won’t touch you until you learn what it means to
be my submissive.”

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