Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (20 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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Zach and Faazen arrived at the hatching grounds and Zach was excited he was selecting his own dragon. “Hello little guy,” he called to one who was sleeping in a curled up ball and was the color of grey steel with green wings. He really liked that one, “wake up please.” He petted the small dragon who was sleeping soundly. Zach looked down at the ground dejectedly.

Julefire came up to Zach and started up a conversation. “Who are you?” he asked.

“I beg your pardon small dragon, were you talking to me?” Zach pointed to his chest.

“Oh, yes I was, are you looking for a dragon? You must be a rider then.”

“Yes, actually I am, never had my own dragon.”

“Well I never had my own rider!” He said with authority. Zach laughed at him.

Faazen smiled, “Ah yes this is Julefire, Lorthax’s son. I heard much about you youngster.”

“Well I have heard nothing about you.” Julefire said as in a tiny matter of fact voice.

Faazen shook his head laughing. “He’s a handful for sure.”

“I can see that Faazen, that’s why I would like the sleeping one, he seems very calm.”

The red dragon spoke up, “oh him, very smart but I would say quite lazy, he sleeps all the time.”

Zach was starting to warm up to Julefire. Spitfire would be a better name he was thinking.

“Lorthax wants to keep him in the caverns once he is old enough. He mentioned that last week, however that would not be for a while yet. Nevertheless, this one is special, don’t you agree?” The wizard folded his arms and scratched his beard thoughtfully.

The boy stood back and watched the small dragon, the size of a large basketball with red fur sticking out on top of his head. With his wings, flapping it looked as if he might take off. “You could be more trouble than I would like” Zach said aloud.

“I am different I think, but I prefer living here with Kenzie and Brenna while waiting for my parental dragon at night. Whatever would I do without them?”

“Well you could visit them if you wish” Zach said.

“Hmm I shall think about it.” His big head bobbed up and down. “I have thought about it and no! I stay here and you go without me.” He ran back to Kenzie and hid behind the gnomlie.

Kenzie was firm as he patted Julefire’s head. “Now this could be good for you, Zach seems like a nice boy and you and he will be great friends. You can always come back and visit…”

“And sit by the fire with you and Brenna?” Julefire said looking down woefully.

“Yes, and sit by the fire with me and Brenna.

“Then I should go.” He lifted himself up, and dragging his small fat tail behind him, went over to where Zach and Faazen stood.” I am ready.” Julefire called to Brenna and Kenzie, “please tell my parental dragon where I am.”

“Of course, we will, he will visit you there as he does here every night.” He called out to the other hatchlings and the grey one with the green wings finally awoke and was looking quite lively. The search was over though, and Zach had found his dragon. But if you ask Julefire , he would say it was he who found Zach.

Within days Julefire was becoming strong and willful, he rebelled against Faazen’s authority and would only listen to Zach, and then not even him that much. He was clearly his own dragon and enjoyed doing things his way, but highly belligerent if coerced into doing something he did not like. He failed to understand these things were for his own good to keep him safe and out of harm.

Late afternoon Zach went running into the castle completely out of breath. “Where is J fire?” He shouted to Faazen. “That little monster took off again and this time I can’t begin to imagine where.” Shaking his head, he went on a thorough search of Dragmar, from the observatory to the castle gardens. Zach knew J fire so enjoyed the fruit trees, climbing them and throwing fruit at poor Berge who was becoming used to the dragon’s antics. Sometimes Julefire enlisted the aid of Myloe and Moplie, and bothered cook by running off with one of her tarts. Zach kept muttering under his breath, “fine, stay hidden, this game you are playing isn’t funny anymore. “J fire come out now!” He waited a few minutes until the small, sassy dragon appeared. A red tuft of hair stuck straight out of his head and he blew a small puff of smoke at Zach. “Stop that, I told you not inside.” It was hard to keep a stern look and Zach tried very hard to appear almost parental as he disciplined J Fire. Faazen and Thomas could not help smiling. “You two aren’t helping matters; he thinks it’s funny then to keep acting up. I give up”; Zach threw his hands in the air and walked off.

The small dragon looked apologetic. “Well now what do you think? He’s taking me back for the grey one with the green wings because I’m so bad.”

“He should,” Thomas said, “You are sometimes incorrigible.” Julefire looked at the wizard and then Thomas. “Don’t understand what that word means. It isn’t good is it?” They both shook their heads firmly. Julefire looked down at the ground and slunk off woefully in a dejected way. He sighed every couple of steps and looked back at the pair.

The wizard pointed with his finger. “Go find Zach and tell him you’re sorry for such bad behavior.”

Zach was throwing stones in the pond and watched them glisten in the sun as he held each one up, inspecting it before he pitched it across the water. He had much on his mind with the race so close, and lost in those thoughts he didn’t notice his dragon coming up behind him.

“I’m sorry,” J fire almost startled Zach as he shouted and blew a puff of smoke at the boy almost singing his clothes. Julefire could not control that yet, and many times it just came out as a belch or something else one wouldn’t want.

This time Zach smiled and ruffled the dragons’ tufted sprout of hair. “Trouble should be your middle name.”

“I know I’m a really bad dragon” Julefire nodded.

“Not bad, just mischievous” Zach laughed.

“And incorrigible” Julefire added, “Thomas and Faazen said so. Even though I do not know what that means.”

“Well that’s ok J Fire, I remember grandfather said I was incorrigible when I was a kid too.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Maybe,” Zach said, “does it?”

The dragon thought about it, “I don’t know.”

“Give yourself time J fire you are getting there, everything in life is a process, especially growing up.” The small dragon looked up at him sheepishly. Zach patted his dragon’s neck proudly. One day soon he would be tall and strong, having as much wisdom as Xandar and Payne. The boy knew it, after all J fire was Lorthax’s son, one of the Royal Dragons who was quite majestic with his dark purplish wings and imposing presence. Zach remained hopeful.

The day had been long, and after supper, Zach decided to climb the stairs to the observatory. It was blissfully quiet and so close to the stars he didn’t need a telescope to observe them.

J fire settled near the hearth where granddad was reading. The little dragon was usually content to stay there peaceful into the night, then by morning Zach would find him curled up at the foot of his bed. Either Faazen would bring him in or he would wander in by himself. Julefire liked people and wanted to be underfoot. Zach tried keeping him in the barn with Brownie and Faazen’s horses but he was miserable there and cried throughout the night. The wizard decided it was better to keep him in the castle where they could keep a watchful eye on him. During Zach’s riding exercises the dragon caused havoc in Cook’s kitchen, swiping food or running away to the Seia Woods. Many times a patient gnomlie would bring the little one back to them. Yesterday Algor Palgon himself found the wee dragon at Kinnledge playing with JuJu and Mackie. Faazen told Zach it was Julefire’s way of letting him know he did not like being left behind when Zach went off to ride the big dragons. Zach understood now. You wouldn’t leave a small child alone in a stable during the night or unattended during the day. J fire was somewhat like a child. Zach put his head in his hands. “Boy, that’s a lot of responsibility for someone my age. I believe I’m finally starting to mature.” He said to himself.

Fifteen - Mella’s Gift

Suddenly, he saw her in the moonlight, the soft curve of her upturned face. It was Mella.

“Hello Zach,” her voice sang out and tickled his ear. “Are you surprised to see me out of the lake?”

Zach looked down and then away, “I guess, I thought you couldn’t leave.”

“Well I came to see you silly,” she smiled shyly. “Look, Fallicon wants to take us for a ride.” The powerful winged horse rose up on his hind legs in agreement.

“Ok then,” Zach wrapped his arms around Mella’s tiny waist and all at once the silvery creature galloped off into the twilight. The wind whistled through the trees and the moon danced in between the leaves as this was the place where hopes and dreams collide. Anything was possible in a kingdom such as this. Soon the winged horse stopped under a moonlit sky with hardly a sound in the air except the beating of two young and excitable hearts.

She turned and faced Zach and solemnly spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. “This will help you in the upcoming race.” She placed a velvety pouch in his hand and tightly closed his fingers over it. “These are singing stones.”

“Yeah, they’ll sing to me as I fall to my death.” Zach was glib as Mella wrinkled her nose.

“Stop it, seriously, these are very special, just believe.”

Zach emptied the pouch into the palm of his hand. He looked intently at the pale stones. They were light to the touch as he rubbed each one gingerly. He held them to his ear, “don’t hear any singing Mella.”

“They wont sing for you now Zach, only when you need them.” She kissed his cheek; “you have many gifts you have yet to open. One day you will have the chance.”

She was eloquent as the words fell from her lips, and she delivered them with an air of grace. That made it special to him. It was something Zach would remember. “Mella can you stay like this?” Zach hoped he would see her again.

“Sadly no Zachary, only when Jannalor the unicorn calls to me. The moon must be a quarter full with three bright stars to follow her, then and only then. I never know the time, only Jannalor does. Then Fallicon comes for our midnight ride. It is very special, and I do so look forward to the night as it unfolds. I wanted to spend tonight with you.”

Zach hugged her close as Fallicon flew high into the sky. His silver wings glided majestically over the forest and they soared high above the town. Looking below Zach and Mella pointed out the people that were scurrying about and looking like ants from so high above. Fallicon stopped and let them both off at a secluded lake that begged for the moonlight. The silver horse trotted over and drank deeply from the illuminated waters. Mella gently took Zach’s hand and the two walked to a sycamore tree and sat on a carved out wooden bench. There were names of sweethearts drawn with small hearts. “This is a special place Zach,” Mella said sighing. Mella traced the outlines of the hearts with her finger. Zach reached down finding a sharp stone, he carved Mella and Zach and drew a heart with arrows through it. He took her hand and placed it on his chest. “Mella, you have my heart.” Mella looked up at him through the fringe of dark lashes and smiled sweetly. “And you have mine Zach, forever.” Zach leaned in and gently kissed her petal soft lips. They sat there for a while with their heads together and watched the stars above.

Finally Mella spoke. “Zach we have to go now, I must return to my lake.”

Zach nodded and slowly stood. Taking her hand, they ran over to Fallicon. “We’re ready to go now.”

Fallicon shook his silver-flecked mane as Mella climbed on and Zach sat behind her. The sky was velvety as they rode back. Zach felt as if he could touch the stars. Too soon the winged horse landed nimbly on the deck of the observatory.

Mella stayed on while Zach gently kissed her. “Goodnight Mella,” He said touching her silken cheek.

“Goodnight Zach, have a wonderful race and remember the stones.”

“They’re right here,” he said pointing to his shirt pocket. He watched until she was a blur in the sky, so fast did the winged horse fly away. He thought about her for a moment, sweet and lovely. A prisoner of the lake even more enchanting, like a princess in a bittersweet fairy-tale. She would someday have a happily ever after, somewhere in time it would happen just for her. The two of them were meant to be together forever.

Zach lay in his bed unable to sleep. The race was weighing heavy on his mind and he spent the next few hours tossing and turning. His granddad was sound asleep in his bed, a peaceful look on his face. Thomas was as active as Faazen who spent a great deal of time outdoors tending to his gardens. This place had become a tonic for him. Grandfather was happy and healthy here.

Zach liked riding with Dredd, as they had become friendly lately. He admired his riding ability. It was almost effortless for him. He was starting to spend some time at the Domino Farm too, and Dredd’s sister Andi made them lunch or special treats. Some of the time, they would spy on Andi and her boyfriend when they were on the porch. It was good having someone near his own age to hang out with. Dredd told him the other day, “You will be fine at Dragon Masters, just relax.” Easy for him to say, he was the best.

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