Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (8 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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Mr. Fibley extended the reins on the horse and it followed Zach, trotting happily behind him. All the animals were small; there were cows, pigs, and donkeys too all in miniature size.

Faazen had a special fondness for the gnomlies and ensured their protection with an illumination surrounding the tiny village. It was invisible to the human eye and kept his friends safe.

Years ago, they were in danger when the orcs terrorized the small folk. They burned their barns, destroyed their gardens and most of the livestock. It was an awful time and there was much suffering involved. The gnomlie wizard Algor Palgon called on Faazen to help, and he cast this illumination over the Seia Woods thus insuring the safety and livelihood of all inhabitants. Now there was harmony and peace in their midst and enjoyment of life once more. It brought Faazen joy to see Algor and Jessa Palgon secure with all their gnomlie friends.

“Gentlemen, let us make a quick stop to Castle Kinnledge. I would like to introduce you to Algor Palgon. It will only be a short while. I have to discuss a few things with him and then we will be on our way to Blackshire Festival.

They walked on until they saw a small castle ornately trimmed in gold. The foliage that surrounded Kinnledge was in full bloom and pale yellow roses and vibrant bluebells lined the castle walkway. Two gnomlie children were playing in the garden Nearby was Algor Palgon, trimming and clipping his hedges in a neat row..

Faazen clapped when he saw his friend. “Algor! Good morning, what say you this fine day! Busy with gardening I see.”

“Hello! what a surprise Faazen,” the gnomlie wizard looked up with a smile. “Come in he said, maybe Jessa has some cool lemonade for us. I see you have some guests with you She told me you were entertaining.”

“Hello young men, how are you today?” The minute wizard was elegantly dressed in a cream-colored robe with colorful braiding on the sash.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Palgon” Thomas said extending his hand, Zach just nodded.

“Just call me Algor, everyone does. How is your visit to our kingdom?”

“Were okay” Zach said, “going to Blackshire Village I guess?”

“Ah yes the Dragon Masters Championship will soon be here. I am thinking you must be one of the riders. It is a race for the young and the high-spirited. I see a spark of mischief in your eyes lad.”

Thomas smiled and tousled Zach’s hair. “Yes he’s mischievous alright. I’m Thomas Wellington, Zach’s grandfather.”

Algor grinned, “Grandfather, hmm; I would say you look a little young to be his grandfather.”

Faazen spoke, “yes, he took a dip in the Hyperion Lake, and you know the rest my friend.”

The small wizard smiled. “Oh I do, you have to be careful with those waters. Long ago powerful spells cast on these waters meant the outcome could be good or evil. I think it depends on the person, something like that. Either way, do be careful. Could take a swim in there and come out one hundred and fifty years old!”

Faazen motioned to Algor, “Maybe Jessa would like to show our guests your beautiful orchards and gardens. Us old folks can sit here and rest a bit; there are a few things that I would like to discuss.”

Jessa poured everyone cool glasses of lemonade in crystal goblets. A thick slice of lemon floated atop each one and a sprinkling of sugar sparkled around the rim. Thomas and Zach walked off with her as they enjoyed their beverages among the variety of fruit orchards. Their children JuJu and Mackie brought over a small plate of jam cookies. They were quite pleased with themselves as they played host to their guests

Faazen and the gnomlie wizard had their heads together; both gesturing with their hands. Algor started pacing back and forth intently; therefore, their visit had a few serious overtones. Jessa tried to be pleasant but Thomas could see the concern in her eyes. Zach seemed oblivious and was busy eating cookies and sipping his lemonade. Still he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on, he kept it to himself and that gnawing feeling returned in the pit of his stomach.

“Here I am gentlemen.” Faazen broadly smiled as he motioned them over, as it was time to leave.

Algor and Jessa waved goodbye, “Safe journey to you,” they said in unison. The gnomlie children ran up and hugged them goodbye, and brought a carrot for Zach’s pet horse Brownie.

In that instant, Faazen whipped around and enveloped them in a blue mist, within the next moment they were at the entrance of Blackshire Village.

Six - A New Ally

The air was thick with heady spices as vendors appeared selling all sorts of roasted meats and sweet potatoes on wooden skewers. There were also huge vats of caramel and a small man was taking crisp apples then dipping them in the luscious coating. The fair goers watched in fascination as he then sprinkled them with toasted nuts, or sweet coconut with both hands.

A small pathway led to the House of Chocolate, and every flavor and combination of white and dark chocolates beckoned beneath their gold and silver trays. The petite woman with a puffed hat lifted them out as though she was carrying something of great value. Such care she took and Thomas saw the pride in her eyes as she filled the trays and wrapped her chocolate treasures for the fairgoers to sample. “You won’t be disappointed,” she said handing a small bundle to each person upon leaving her store. She was confident for she knew they would return.

Zach was wide eyed as he noticed delicious things to taste everywhere he looked. To one side of him an apple-cheeked man dressed in white with brown curly hair was holding a pork sandwich dripping with peppers, onions and gravy on a high, fat bun. “Come, come young man, a feast of a sandwich sure to please your hearty appetite.” Zach waved his arms, “No, but thanks anyway.” He had to admit it looked good, but after the staircase adventure, his appetite had not yet returned.

A young woman approached them with her honey colored hair swept up in a golden barrette. She was smiling and warmly hugging the wizard. “Hello Faazen, how have you been?” Her amber eyes shone brightly.

“Andi, it is good to see you! Are you here with your brother?”

“Yes, he is here somewhere. Dredd likes to go off by himself.”

“That sounds like our Dredd, I heard he had quite a headache after that night at the tavern.” Faazen had concern in his voice.

“Oh yes he did and I told him not to do that again. Still, boys will be boys and Dredd is unpredictable like that.”

Then out of the corner of his eye, Zach saw a tall, black haired young guy with a bright purple streak down the front .He was wearing a long leather coat and had high boots with silver chains. He was unusually handsome with intelligent blue eyes and he wore confidence the way one would wear a jacket, mixed with his arrogance it suited him well.

“Dredd there you are. Say hello to Faazen and his guests!”

He nodded but chose not to speak. He kept his arms folded and looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

“That is as much as you’ll get out of him today,” Andi said in an exasperated way.

“Ah yes,” Faazen knew how Dredd could be, artistic, athletic, but given to bad moods that sometimes lasted for days. . Dredd was a highly skilled rider and had been the Dragon Master Champion for the past years. He was not interested in anything or most anyone, a true loner. However, the wizard was fond of the young man and tried to be a mentor to Dredd.

Dredd shot Faazen a look of disdain. His mother and father had passed away years before, and Andi had raised him almost herself, save a kindly aunt and uncle and of course Faazen. Dredd wanted nothing to do with the farm. He usually spent his time walking through the hills or riding his dragon through the caverns. He couldn’t be bothered with crops and livestock, and found it all quite boring. He sometimes brought back precious gems when he rode through the caverns on one of his many expeditions.

Lorthax always let him bring back the pricey jewels for Andi and they brought a pretty penny in the marketplaces. Sometimes he made rings and necklaces with them too. Dredd liked action and excitement, and the family farm had neither, still he tried to help his sister in his own way. He came back to the present, when Faazen spoke directly to him again.

“Dredd, Zach here might be entering the race this year. Although he is new here, I believe he could have the skills required to be a good Race Rider. What do you think?”

“Guess so,” Dredd said kicking the dirt up with the toe of his boot.

Dredd eyed Zach. He did not have the time to wet nurse some relative of Faazen’s. He also was not interested in friends. It was the last thing he wanted. He barely tolerated his sister at times, and most everyone liked her. He appreciated that the wizard helped keep the family farm going some years back. Andi was too young to run it herself and, he was just a tyke himself. Faazen would come by weekly with pouches of silver, and baskets of meats, vegetables and other foods. Sometimes he would bring books too. Dredd enjoyed reading all of them, about pirates, adventure stories, and large monsters of the sea. But he was older now and they were doing fine on their own.

A few girls in the corner stood near a popcorn stand, eating huge billows of cotton candy and giggling. They were pointing at the handsome boy and whispering with their heads together. One sauntered over to them.

“Hello,” she said casually. “What’s your name? I’m Emily Jane, aren’t you one of the Race Riders?” She tossed her blonde curls then casually put her hand on his arm.

Dredd was clearly annoyed. “If you know I’m a Race Rider, then you probably know my name.” He shot her a look then removed her hand.

Emily Jane stammered, and then ran off to join her friends.

Dredd shook his head. This was why he was not interested. Girls acted stupid, asked dumb questions, carried parasols, and wore layers of ruffles. They liked to engage him in some inane conversation and it wasted his time, like today. Yes, he was a Race Rider and she already knew that. So why state the obvious. He remembered Sera, now she was special. They would race their dragons together through the caverns; she matched him with her athleticism and riding ability. Last year her aunt became quite ill and so her family moved by the sea. The ocean air was a tonic for her ailing aunt and Sera was caring for her there. Dredd felt a pang of loneliness when he thought of her. Sera never wrote to him and he wondered if he would ever see her again. He thought of their last day together she was so beautiful he was almost afraid to touch her, but shyly he kissed her and they spent hours wrapped in each other’s arms. Sera would always be his shimmering and golden angel, when she left a piece of his heart went with her.

Andi said her farewells and went off to find her brother who had ducked off in a corner somewhere to avoid the determined girl who was gathering up the courage to approach Dredd again.

“You can come out little brother, She left.” Andi grinned when she saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets and that long purple lock of hair hanging down. He would always be her little brother nothing could change that. Someday someone special would come into his life, but for now, it was up to her to look out for him.

“Sorry Andi, you know how those girls can be, especially in groups.” Dredd looked down at the ground.

“Yes Dredd, I know, it’s fine, why don’t you show me that store you thought I would like?”

“Sure, it’s over there across that path;” he pointed to a small cottage. “They make all kinds of ciders and other beverages, but the one with lemons and oranges is the one I thought you might like. It’s refreshing.”

“Sounds good Dredd, I’m parched at the moment.” Andi dabbed her cheeks with lace-trimmed cotton square. The hair at the nape of her neck was curling in tendrils from the warmth of the sun. They were both looking forward to a cool drink.

Zach made his way to the House of Chocolate to purchase some cream -filled coins wrapped in golden paper. He decided to save them for a late night snack. He passed the trio of girls dressed in pale linen. One of them waved him over.

She was small but cute with a smattering of freckles on her upturned nose. “Hi, where is your friend?”

“He’s not my friend.”

The girl sniffed at him and went off to join her group.

“Women!” Zach thrust his hands in his pockets and went off to join his granddad and Faazen.

A large tent beckoned with striped banners and dragon flags waving proudly. Thomas and Zach pointed to the different dragons and a few townspeople gathered as the story unfolded. Faazen spoke with eyes of fire as he proceeded to bring to life the many adventures of the legendary Race Riders. Zach thought they sounded very heroic. Maybe someday he could participate and be a rider too.

Faazen continued speaking, weaving a spell that entranced his listeners until more people drew close and a few more after that, until a throng surrounded the gaily-decorated tent. “The Dragon Masters Championship brings the best of the riders, and this challenge whets the appetite for the warrior’s spirit they seek to possess. There is an inner warrior in all of us,” the wizard said. “Sometimes you just need to unleash it.” He paused thoughtfully and stroked his beard.

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