Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (10 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“You will need a suitable place to stay. I have such a room in mind.”

“Thank you Mr. Angus, my name is Colby Shaw and I do appreciate your hospitality, me being new to these parts.” In his mind, Colby was already hatching a plan. A sly smile came to his lips. He turned his head so the innkeeper couldn’t see it.

Someone was watching him. The figure stayed well hidden from view. He was waiting for Colby Shaw to trip up in some way. He knew he would, because if you give someone enough rope, they’ll always manage to hang themselves.

The patrons at the establishment were in high spirits this evening. Everyone was lifting their glasses and singing songs that no one remembered the words to, so they would make up silly words to put in instead. No one noticed her when she came in the door. She was quite tall and beautiful with white blonde hair almost platinum. She was dressed in a gorgeous manner. Her eyes were lovely but sad. The others glanced at her but their drinking was serious business, so one or two strangers didn’t interest them that much. The woman spoke in a low, almost throaty voice when the server came to her table.

She looked and appeared tense. Colby noticed everything about her because she was unlike anyone he had seen before. Before he even realized it, she glanced his way.

Daksha was more inside her head that evening and not aware of anyone else. She stormed out, furious with Rianor almost sure he had someone following her every move, so she purposely ducked into this little tavern. Gesturing to the barmaid, she revealed perfectly lacquered crimson nails. A drink was set down in front of her, it was steaming hot, and she stirred it with a long- handled spoon. Daksha gently blew on her beverage and then took a sip.

Colby found her fascinating, and watched every move she made.

Something made her nervous or maybe she had a chill because she pulled her velvet hood up concealing much of her face.

By now, Daksha was noticing someone staring at her and she looked away. Rianor was already upset and they had argued several hours earlier. Although she was smart, and capable, he usually made her feel worthless in some way. He spoke to her in a condescending manner and sometimes it was more than she could bear. Running off for a while until all was calm again was how she usually handled the situation.

Pain was like that, all white hot and then cool again, but deep inside it was always there, it just changed colors. A cold chill seeped into her bones and stayed with her. Tears stung Daksha’s dark lashes as she tried to hold them back. She understood the stranger’s attention and politely nodded, but that was all; there would be nothing out of the ordinary to report to Rianor. She loved only one man. And even when he made her life hellish; it was the only one she knew. She threw a few silver coins on the table and quickly left the establishment.

Angus walked over to where Colby sat mesmerized.

“Who was that intriguing woman? I find her fascinating.” Colby said.

“You should stay far away from her, even looking could be dangerous.” The innkeeper’s voice was stern almost paternal.

“Hmm, why do you say such a thing? She’s like a mysterious angel.”

“Trust me son when I say it’s for your own good. That woman could be hazardous to your life, and limb.”

Colby sighed. “Really.

Angus threw his hands up in the air. “Now don’t say I didn’t warn you. Come on fellow, let me show you to your room and see if it is to your liking.”

“I’m sure it will be fine. Thank you.” They walked out the back and opened a door, inside was a room with a well worn carpet, a suitable bed and high oak dresser. There was a washstand in the corner, and thick drapes made the room warm and comfortable.

“I think I’m going to like it here,” Colby said as he stretched out on the bed. He was grateful but already had a few things in mind, he felt bad about it though and that was the difficult part. Having no conscience would be better, but alas, what could a poor guy do? Survival was the only thing that mattered. Of course, a plan is only as good as the mastermind behind it, so a little prep work was needed, the way it unfolded would be the most important part, and that was where he almost rubbed his hands together in anticipation, yeah almost.

Eight - Rianor and Daksha

Varthon the Ice Dragon gazed into the blue-black sky. There was one star, and it shone as a beacon. He hoped Medrith was looking too. That way even though they could not be together, it helped to know she was making the same wish as he. A wish that she would be free from the ice prison the ice wizard had trapped her in, and that she would return to him.

He wanted their newborn hatchling to be safe. He was a majestic creature with white fur, tipped in silvery blue. He wore a neckpiece encrusted with sapphires. His was the royal lineage that included his siblings Lorthax and Marquor, royal dragons that guarded and protected all living things. He was fierce and proud and now consumed with sadness because he could not help his mate. He quickly thought of Marquor and Lorthax and he knew that they were using all means possible to help Medrith. He was grateful for his family and the blood that flowed through all their veins deepened the bond they shared. He could hear Medrith calling him, she was crying out to him in the night. The sound of her high-pitched screams cut into his heart. He knew Rianor was torturing her and he would pay with his very life. His death would be slow and painful as Varthon tore him limb from limb and then left his almost lifeless body on the cold, frozen ground for the night creatures to devour. He was not sure what Daksha had to do with this. She was with the ice wizard that was certain. She seemed to be a pawn to him. Someone he could order about and act as if he owned. Varthon knew that there was strong bond between Rianor and Daksha, and no one knows the things done for love. She might not show it but he assumed Daksha was as fearful of Rianor as everyone else.

Daksha pulled the covers over her head. All she wanted to do was sleep and she had not been able to for several days. She thought about the handsome stranger that smiled at her tonight in the tavern. She was becoming more and more terrified of Rianor, and something as simple as a friendly smile made her feel hopeful once more… She was learning to keep her distance, not to anger him further. It was better for all concerned. She seemed to bring out a mean streak in him and he would say, “You are the only one who can upset me so!” How did it get so crazy and out of control? She thought they were in love. Oh, how very foolish she was. For many years they were. Now she could not be sure, as Rianor became more evil with each passing day. Daksha began to wonder just how safe she really was. He was in the ice prisons now with the mother dragon. The fear in Medrith’s eyes bothered her. Daksha knew one thing that was almost sacred. They shared this bond with the dragons. To harm them in any way was going against everything she believed. She could not understand why Rianor did this, and they argued because Varthon would make them all pay if any harm came to his family. Medrith had a tiny dragon that just hatched several weeks earlier, and the baby was imprisoned with her there. This is why she pulled the covers back over her head and tried once again to fall asleep. She deeply sighed. “How I wish I was a bird and could fly, into the night, far away.” Her sheets felt as cold as the February rains, and once again sleep eluded her.

Rianor pulled the chain on the dragon’s leg harder until it almost snapped. Her scream pierced through the night, this only seemed to fuel his fire more as his blood boiled within.

“Stop you’re hurting me, please leave us alone. You know Varthon will hunt you down and destroy you for this!”

“Quiet,” he hissed with breath hot in her face.

She was dizzy from the pain and wondered if she would ever fly again, to soar through the clouds with her beloved mate. Medrith tried to put it out of her mind and concentrate on keeping her hatchling safe. Maybe he would tire of this sick game and retire for the evening. She looked at the bright star, made that wish, and closed her eyes to endure the pain once more.

When Rianor made his way back to Castle Windsword, he was tired and in need of nourishment. He walked in and tossed off his snow- covered boots. He made himself comfortable in his favorite chair by the fire. Daksha was probably sleeping, it was rather late and she seemed to tire easily as of late. He glanced to his side and there on the small table was a dome shaped lid covering a silver plate filled with roasted meat, assorted cheeses and some fruit. He devoured the food and wiped his mouth with the napkin provided him. Within a few minutes, he felt sleepy and before his head hit the pillow on the floor, he was snoring heavily.

Daksha awoke a little past dawn and she padded quietly to her closet to retrieve a robe. She pulled the sash tight against her waist, and then brushed her hair. Feeling her cold hands, she decided to warm them by the hearth in the other room. There she found Rianor lying on the floor and snoring lightly. An empty plate lay beside him and he almost had his head in it. At that moment, he looked almost endearing and she smiled. She lifted his dark head out of the plate, laid him back on the pillow and covered him gently with a blanket. She decided this might be the time to check on the mother dragon and her hatchling. Dressing quickly, she put on her cloak and gathered some food from the night before. Gingerly she opened the door; she was ever so quiet as she made her way down the frozen paths. The morning was beautifully crisp and clear. The air was cold but the winds had died down so she removed her hood and filled her lungs, taking a deep breath. Daksha sidestepped the guard posted in front of the dragon’s prison cell. He was still sleeping, one of Rianor’s nasty minions it was not creature or human but something evil in between. She turned away from the loathsome thing and slipped into the cavern. There lying across the length of the enclosure was the large dragon. Medrith lay curled up with only one eye closed. Seeing Daksha approach, she stiffened. Daksha bent down and patted the hatchling tucked under her wing.

“I wont hurt you, don’t be alarmed. I wanted to bring you some food and a blanket. She covered Medrith’s hatchling with the blanket and put the roasted meat next to her. The dragon gratefully took it in her claws and devoured it.

“I will tell Varthon of your kindness to us, thank you.” Even though she did not trust Daksha, the dragon was thankful that the sorceress was now showing good deeds to those in need.

“I must go now, be safe you and your little one.” She left as quietly as she had slipped in.

As soon as she removed her cloak, Daksha heard Rianor stirring. She busied herself in the kitchen making his pot of dark, strong coffee. He didn’t eat that much of a breakfast since he disliked the morning so much. He was more or less content with his coffee the way he liked it. Daksha preferred tea with honey and lemon, so she fixed herself a cup, and sipping it let the hot liquid warm her chilled body. She prepared some biscuits and sausages; carefully she put some aside to take to the mother dragon later that day.

“Well good morning my dear, I didn’t hear you leave the castle. Where did you go? “

Daksha whipped her head around to face him. “What makes you think I left the castle?”

“Why..! Because there is snow and ice all over your boots,” he said with an expression as smooth as butter.

“Well, I just went outside to get cream for your coffee, I let it chill there overnight.” She paused and rubbed her forehead. “The winds had calmed, so I took a walk.”

“He placed his hand on her shoulder and left it there for a minute while he stared at her. “Well that is fine then, I’ll have breakfast now. What you’re preparing has given me an appetite.”

She kept her voice light as not to arouse his suspicion. We are having sausage links and biscuits with honey. I know you enjoy them.”

He nodded sipping his coffee. Daksha placed his food in front of him and then watched him eat.

“Where is your food?” he said between mouthfuls. “Tea is hardly enough of a breakfast my sweet one. Why aren’t you hungry? Daksha you’re becoming skin and bones” he rubbed her thin shoulder.

“I can have a biscuit, I suppose.” She smeared on a dab of honey and daintily picked at it.

Rianor reached into the pan, lifted out some sausages, and put them on her small plate, “Eat these too.”

She looked at her plate and felt sick to her stomach. All at once, she got up from the table and ran into the other room, shaky and sweating profusely.

He went in and touched her cheek. “What is it? You look very tired and weak. Maybe you should go back to bed and rest.” Daksha’s eyes were glassy and her skin was very pale, almost white. “I am concerned about you, now go rest.”

Daksha’s heart was beating very fast and she felt dizzy. Rianor helped her into bed and covered her. “Sleep,” he said firmly. Gently he kissed her hand and left the room.

Daksha sat up in her bed and tried to make sense out of what had happened. Left alone with her thoughts she felt she needed to talk to someone. She wished she could go home and see her father. Sometimes she missed him, like now. So many years had passed and she realized this time she could never get back. It was gone forever. She thought perhaps all of the evil in her life is now coming full circle and now she was reaping it.

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