Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (7 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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The mind starts wandering and imagining all sorts of scenarios. “Oh Angus, take hold of yourself and just keep going.” He was also carrying a pouch of coins. The evening had been good to him and he would be able to put some special food on the table for the coming week. He could see the smiles of his wife and children as they gathered round the table anticipating the delicious treats, and what good food it would be too. Plum bread and apple pies, mashed potatoes, and roast meat with rich gravy for dipping dark, hearty slices of bread. He looked up and saw a light in his house. It beckoned him home with a big bowl of stew and some cornbread too, a wooden cup held some cold milk. There was a big jam cookie tucked inside a checkered cloth, overall it was good. It was a few moments later when his wife appeared with a red flannel nightgown and matching cap. Her fat curls sticking out everywhere. Oh, she looked comical all right, but he loved her just the same. She smiled at him and he gave her a peck on the cheek. “Fine meal my dear, thank you for thinking of me this late.

Angus shook his bagful of coins to show her his windfall.

“We’ll eat like royalty this week my love. She fussed with her curls adjusting her nightcap.

“Yes my dear, you are so right,” his eyes twinkled as he finished his late night supper. Tonight they had much to be grateful for and he was thankful.

Five - All is Not Quiet at Midnight

At Castle Kinnledge, Algor Palgon was having a difficult time trying to sleep. Jessa had brought him some warm milk and usually that would have sent him off with pleasant dreams, but not tonight. He kept waking for no apparent reason, and Jessa bless her sweet soul, was snoring lightly and blissfully unaware of this recent turn of events. Well he was certainly on his own, that was fine and maybe he would do some light reading. He peered out the window, and looked at the courtyard. Everything was peaceful and still. All the other gnomlies in the Seia Woods were asleep in their homes and no one was about. It was a much different thing during the day when the village was brimming with activity. Algor turned towards the window when he heard a loud thump and a scraping sound. It seemed to be close in proximity. He pushed back the curtains and now was perplexed because someone was digging a hole. “Why would anyone be digging holes at this late hour?” He became concerned and decided to investigate the situation further. At closer inspection, he saw the outline of a small dark figure.

“Whatever are you doing Bergouhy? Isn’t it a bit late to be out?” The wizard was inquisitive now that he knew who it was.

“Yes it is Sir Algor, but when something has to be done I finish the task at hand, no sense leaving it for tomorrow.”

“Well then I ask again, what are you doing?” Algor wrinkled his forehead in frustration as he tried to make sense out of Bergouhy’s words.

“I believe that is something you will need to take up with Master Faazen. I only do as I am told, nothing less will do.”

He pulled out a small wooden box and tucked it under his woolen cloak.

Now the gnomlie wizard understood what Bergouhy was doing. He remembered the night long ago when he was at this same spot. “Go on my good man. I was a little startled by the noise but I will be heading back to Kinnledge now.”

Algor walked back to the castle grounds and mused aloud, “It has been a long day indeed.”

Once inside he saw Jessa with a steaming pot of foamy milk.

“Here” she said as she poured the frothy liquid into his favorite mug. “I added a touch of cinnamon too.”

Algor looked kindly at her. “Thank you dear, I am sure it will give me a peaceful sleep.”

Jessa nodded, and did not ask why her husband was running around the Seia Woods in the wee hours of the morning, she already knew. Such was her wisdom, and sometimes, what you know you keep to yourself.

Faazen paced wildly throughout the Inner Sanctum. He peered out the high latched windows and there he saw Bergouhy below. He was moving rather quickly, clutching a small wooden box. Faazen nodded his head, “very good my friend.” The wizard ran down the stairs and through the halls to meet the gnomlie as he entered the gates.

Bergouhy thrust the box into Faazen’s outstretched hands. “It’s here Sir, just as you instructed me. I did see Master Algor, but he instructed me to go about my business.”

Faazen smiled. “Ah dear Berge, Algor is aware. Now I must go, I have business to attend to this night.”

Bergouhy politely nodded and went into the castle; he was relieved his task had been a success.

The wizard made his way out of the castle gardens. He didn’t go far until his eyes rested on a bony, gnarled tree.

“Hello old friend, you have seen much and you hold the trust of wise men, now you know what to do.” Faazen placed the small wooden box on its limb.

As he walked away the tree slowly began to swallow the box, and it became part of the tree, morphed within its branches.

It was several later hours later when a tall, hooded monk appeared by the tree, a light shone in his eyes and slowly he spoke.

“When chosen to guard the silver light, reveal your face in somber night.

A night of ancients which was foretold, words of wisdom from centuries old.”

The tree entwined him within its branches and then a small wooden box appeared on its limb. When the monk went to take it, the tree loosened its tight grip on him and he was easily able to step away. Clutching the box in his cloak, he climbed upon his horse and galloped off into the night.

Faazen was deep in sleep when this occurred. Suddenly he awoke; startled for only a moment, then a knowing look crossed his face. That which was hidden will be revealed he thought, but not until the appointed time.

The sun was shining brightly as it beamed into Thomas’s face; he rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He heard his grandson snoring lightly and chuckled to himself, Hunger was starting to gnaw at him and something told him the wizard was serving a hearty breakfast that would certainly stick to his ribs. There was a light knock on the chamber door. “Come in” Thomas said cheerily.

“Good morning sir,” there stood Bergouhy with a large basin of water and towels on his arm. “Master Faazen thought you would like to wash up before breakfast.” He set the basin and towels on the washstand and left the room.

Thomas walked to the door, “I’ll wake Zach and we’ll be down soon, Thank you Bergouhy.”

Zach mumbled sleepily. “I guess I could eat something.” He rolled out of his bed and yawned.

Thomas laughed; Zach was always hungry like any normal teenager. They both got ready in a short amount of time and soon joined the wizard at the long table. Zach looked lovingly at an appealing stack of griddlecakes with a huge pat of butter melting atop them.

“My good men I hope you are hungry, Cook has made enough for a small army.” Faazen stood grandly at the head of the table wearing a particularly elaborate morning robe. He seemed very pleased with himself as he spoke. “I think we have quite an adventure planned today; we are going to Blackshire Village, and today is the Festival. The air will be fresh and clean and the walk will be good for us especially after this delicious breakfast we are about to consume.”

Just then, a small creature flew past the table and alighted near the stack of griddlecakes. Perching ever so lightly, it managed to carry a smaller one off in his beak. The little thing looked comical flying away.

Faazen scolded, “Oh Myloe you little scamp, I never know what you and your brother are up to.” He could usually find then in his pantry or carrying food off the table, but their antics were adorable and the wizard could never stay mad at the pair, at least not for long.

Cook came running into the dining area. “Look, look, they are at it again. Get going you two or I’ll

give you what for” she sputtered. “Can you believe it? Myloe was out in the kitchen and I found him swiping my fresh buns before I even added the raisins to them. Oh my! Faazen, you should discipline those little ones. They keep getting into the pantry and always cause a commotion in here.”

“I know Cook but, they amuse me so. I cannot help it.” Faazen had a soft spot in his heart for the mischievous duo.

She lifted her head high, and sniffing the air in disdain left the room muttering something about wizards and their nasty pets.

Thomas passed the platter of breakfast meats and fried potatoes. Zach helped himself to a popover bursting with sweet vanilla custard. Faazen was in conversation again and Zach thought that the wizard rarely ate many of the great meals that Cook prepared. He always was busy with one thing or another. Castle Dragmar was a busy place and quite interesting. Zach was finished with breakfast so he decided to investigate his surroundings further.

Turning down a corridor, he noticed an out of the way staircase. He took the stairs a few at a time and reaching the top observed two long hallways going in opposite directions.

He went down the one and it seemed like he was moving fast but in reality he was walking slow. When he turned, the room turned with him and then Zach was on the other end of the opposite corridor. He walked quickly but then it was moving slowly, almost like crawling. Once again, the room turned with him and he was on the opposite end again, it went on like this for what seemed like many minutes. Now Zach was nervous, beads of sweat glistened on his forehead and he became quite dizzy and almost nauseous. He tried to turn back towards the staircase but saw that it was now up several stories and suddenly he felt small and unable to reach it.

“Take hold of yourself, you’ll get out of this.” He slunk against the wall and sat down on the floor crawling back through the corridor; he noticed an open door and inched his way across the room. It was very dark except for a tiny-lighted opening in the corner. The space looked so small, Zach didn’t know if he could fit, but as he was trying to squeeze through, the opening expanded just enough for him to slide out. He jumped down and landed in a broom closet Zach opened the door and walked into the dining hall. “Zach where were you? We’re going to be leaving soon.” Thomas was inquiring of the boy. His grandfather stood there waiting for an answer.

“I was in the kitchen talking to Cook; she was telling me a funny story about Myloe and Moplie.”

“Well that must have been quite a story, you were gone for awhile.” Faazen said stroking his beard thoughtfully

“Well you look a little upset, are you tired?” Thomas said.

“Oh, I’m ok; I’m going to change my shirt though.” He felt sweaty and uncomfortable thinking about the unusual staircase adventure, which is how Zach would now refer to it.

The wizard patted Zach’s back, “well don’t wander far, this castle has a mind of its own and some hidden secrets I would say. Even I don’t know all of its secrets, so be careful young man.”

Myloe landed on Faazen’s shoulder and nodded his head.

Zach looked at the weebie, “what do you know?”

Myloe flew off and landed on his grandfathers head. “Granddad, Granddad,” the comical little creature shrieked. Everyone laughed except Zach.

“We must be going now.” Faazen was stern as he pointed at Myloe. “Going now, going now,” Myloe cried, his wings whirring.

“Come friends, first we’ll make a visit to Algor Palgon the gnomlie wizard. He is a dear friend and you will enjoy seeing Castle Kinnledge.”

Zach just shrugged; he just wanted the day to be over and soon. Sleep was all he wanted, and lots of it, preferably home in his own bed.

He walked outside and saw Faazen giving instructions to Bergouhy , who had an armful of fresh vegetables that he was loading onto a partially full wheelbarrow. The sun was high in the sky and it warmed his already burnished skin. Zach thought he looked like a small farmer, complete with overalls and a straw hat. Zach ran to help with the wheelbarrow, which was perched sideways and about to tumble from the abundance of produce weighing it down.

“Thank you Mr. Zachary, I appreciate it,” the gnomlie steadied his wheelbarrow..

“No problem Mr. Bergouhy, you have that thing pretty full.”

“Yes I know, the harvest season is upon us and I wanted to stay a day or two ahead so that Cook can start her jams and preserves. She has many fruit spreads and they are so enjoyable in pies and muffins.”

Thomas and Zach smiled both thinking of dear Mrs. Bustleton she too made her own jams.

They truly missed her and hoped she was faring well.

Faazen started out ahead of them hurrying down the road. Thomas and Zach took off quickly trying to catch up with him.

The Seia Woods had a fairy-tale look to them, and gnomlie people, young and old alike tended to miniature farm animals and pruned their trees and plants.

Zach scratched the ear of a tiny horse that ran up to him like a small dog. “He’s cute!” The brown and white horse nuzzled Zach’s cheek in a playful way.

“Take him young man he’s my gift to you.” A farmer gnomlie dressed in checkered shirt and overalls stepped forward and smiled. “I know you’ll take good care of Brownie”

“I appreciate your kindness to my guest Mr. Fibley, we’ll be happy tending to little Brownie.” The wizard stooped down and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “I think he’ll be a great pet for Zach.”

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