Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (6 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“Just stand perfectly still and allow it to flow around you, there is nothing to fear here.”

The mist felt odd to them as it slithered up their bodies. As it reached their chest, it seemed to cling closer.

“It feels like its hugging me,” said Zach nervously.

“Yes, this most definitely is something new Faazen,” Thomas agreed in a sarcastic tone.

The wizard smiled. “It’s always a little amusing watching when someone does this for the first time, forgive me.”

The probing mist snaked its way around their heads and faces. “Please tell me its finished soon, this is creepy and weird.” Zach shivered inside.

“I’ll second that,” mumbled Thomas.

The mist faded away as Faazen made a sweeping gesture with his hands.

“Are they ghosts?” asked Zach.

“I like to call them guardians” Faazen said.

“Well at least they’re finished. Did we pass the test?” asked Thomas with an irritated sound in his voice.

“I assure you that you both have passed. As if, I had any doubts! Still, the guardians do insist.” The wizard said.

Faazen closed his eyes and whispered a few words.

“A million silver stars dance in the sky, while a jeweled net unfolds to carry us on high.” The wizard carefully led them across a mist covered bridge and towards the end; it felt like they were floating through a veil of sparkling diamonds. It seemed to move with them as they gently descended, stepping off into the snow.

The three of them stood crouching in the bitter cold while Thomas could feel the thick air as it fell around them, enveloping as a heavy shroud. The change was a bit of a shock to his senses but it didn’t seem to bother him.

Faazen spoke first. “My friends, I know you are wondering why I brought you here. This is where the air is icy cold and the inhabitants can be more so. Up ahead is the entrance to Windsword, but it cannot be entered, it is a trap! It appears as if you could enter it, but then captures the poor, hapless soul who would dare try to penetrate its frozen walls. Many years ago, I was a welcomed guest in its hallowed halls with fine food and fellowship, but those days are long gone. Rianor has chosen to shut out almost everyone, choosing to live as a hermit.

He can be quite deadly in thought and nature; one never knows what he may do next. He has plenty of minions eager to do his bidding, scraping and bowing to meet his needs, catering to each of his devious whims. At one time, he was destined for greatness, and so I truly lament that he has turned into a sorcerer bent on evil and destruction.

“I hope not to cross his path.” Thomas said quietly.

“We all hope that, and this wizard likes to hide in the shadows. He is usually one-step ahead of everyone else. Now look ahead and be sharp, nothing is quite as it seems here.”

Zach watched his step and moved stealthily behind the two. “Faazen,” he whispered, “are we invisible?”

“Oh no my boy we are quite visible, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, not to worry.” He said with a sly smile.

Soon they were close to the castle and Thomas noticed the strangely beautiful ice carvings of some kind of creatures. They almost looked alive. As they drew closer, the ice sculptures seemed to move and change into another shape.

The wise wizard motioned for them to step behind him. “Do nothing but stay hidden and don’t make a sound.

We are not ready for confrontation, I brought you here so you could observe, and I could give instructions on how to enter Windsword safely. Try not to stare at them for too long. They can entrance you, and draw one in for a surprise attack. Their stings are deadly, and trust me when I say you would not survive.”

Thomas looked surprised but still spoke with authority. “I must ask you Faazen, why do we need to go to the castle for this surprise attack? So much remains hidden, and although you say this will come in time, I still wonder why my grandson and I are involved in such a thing. The questions I have could fill a notebook.”

The wise wizard thoughtfully stroked his silver beard and spoke softly. “Of course, you have questions my fine man. Anyone would and that is fully understandable. I want you to know that it is good to feel this way. There may not be much I can say as of yet, but it is acceptable to ask.”

Faazen knew the questions Thomas had but was not able to answer as of yet. Things were going to unfold in their own way and this journey was only just beginning.

“Come on my friends, stop looking so glum!” The wizard smiled broadly and waved for the twosome to join him. “Let me show you something.” He pulled a large globe from inside of his cloak. It sparkled with a blue glow and a shower of incandescent beams. In the center, they saw their journey so far, the winged horse, Marquor, and everything. They were transfixed as the events unfolded before their eyes.

“You were brought here for a reason and the knowledge gained and the character you develop will be with you always.”

“I wanted you both to see that your visit was foretold long ago.”

Thomas understood a bit, of what the wizard told them, but was content to learn the rest in time. After all, he agreed to come here, when Fallicon appeared outside his window that snowy night. It really was another world ago. Time was interesting like that, especially when in another place.

All at once, they were jolted back to the present when they heard footsteps in the snow, more like boots scraping in the ice, coming closer. They stood face to face with a most intriguing hooded figure; all that was visible were black rimmed eyes and a most petulant scowl.

“Hello Faazen what are you doing at Windsword and who are they?” She sniffed at disdain at both Thomas and Zachary.

“Hello Daksha, I might ask what you are doing out here. Does Rianor have you spying for him now as one of his lowly minions?”

“Watch it; I am not in the mood for any of your snide remarks tonight. I have enough of my own issues at the present, which is why I am not interested in you or your friends. You can stay here all night until Rianor himself finds you in the morning when he takes his walk at dawn.”

Faazen stood on the ice, chipping at it with his boot. “Please Daksha, I am not concerned about Rianor and his many threats against me. That is all they are empty threats.”

She threw her arms up into the air. “I refuse to be involved in this foolish conversation a moment longer. I am off!” Then she quickly disappeared into the night.

“That was quite an exit Daksha. As always you are the drama queen.” Faazen said, shaking his head. He knew if he met Daksha, Rianor would not be far behind. Her warning did not sit well with him, but still he decided to take her advice, although reluctantly. Faazen had the safety of Thomas and Zachary to consider.

“Come my friends, a little change of plans are in order. We are leaving now!” At that moment, he raised his hands into the sky and a silver mist transported them back to his Inner Sanctum. It was all in an instant and Zach fell back to the floor cushions and flopped down.

“Wow, what a trip” Zach said, “I’m so tired.”

Thomas also nodded, at a loss for words. “Could we possibly call it a night? I am also rather weary.”

The wizard smiled, “oh yes you should both go and rest for the evening. I need to do a few things before retiring for the night.”

Thomas yawned, “Goodnight” he said and went to his bedchambers. Zach followed, rubbing his eyes.

“Wait for me grandfather, I’m right behind you. Goodnight Faazen…” his voice trailed off as they rounded the long hall.

“Yes, yes, sleep well gentlemen.” The wizard sat down at his desk and was engrossed in his thoughts, not hearing someone coming up beside him. “Ah, Berge my good fellow, how thoughtful of you to bring a thimbleful of that splendid hazelnut drink that helps me rest so well.”

The small gnomlie nodded his head and smiled. “It is my great pleasure to be of help sir Faazen.” He was smaller in stature than the other gnomlies. The kind wizard took him in years ago. He had not grown very well and needed special nutrients and extra care. The years passed and Bergouhy grew healthy. Because he knew the inner workings of the castle so well, Faazen had come to rely on him to keep Dragmar running smoothly. He became like a mentor to the young gnomlie, and Bergouhy had a knack of knowing what was helpful at all times. He distributed the manigrain loaves to the Seia Woods villagers and helped Cook harvest the garden vegetables. They would can the surplus for the biting cold winter, which was sure to follow. He was busy indeed, but made it look like it wasn’t an effort at all. Such was his gift and he gave of himself generously. He also made the amber elixir from ground hazelnuts and the sweetest of oranges. The little gnomlie took his cue; “I will retire for the evening.”

Faazen shook his head in agreement but was otherwise preoccupied with his thoughts.

“I must confer with the wise souls. They will show me the path to take.” Faazen walked to the observatory and once there, stared thoughtfully into the heavens. Each star was a painted gem in a black velvet sky. He closed his eyes in deep concentration.

The wizard whispered. “Oh wise souls who have gone before and walk this earth not once more.

Who hold the skies in their hands and watch the deeds of woman and man.

You who guide our paths, I seek you now, Hear my voice.”

There was a loud rumbling as the heavens shook and three very different beings walked out of the stars. First there was Keeba, a sapphire -winged pixie child. Then Basha, a very old woman. The third wise soul was silver haired Etobi. Only those with courage and honor could summon the wise souls. Touching hands, they took their place at the opposite end of the observatory while Faazen knelt on the ground with his head bowed. Basha spoke gently her voice was barely above a whisper. “Come forward and present your request wise wizard.”

Keeba fluttered her wings and nodded., Then Etobi spoke with a voice that thundered and crackled the night sky, Come forward now!

“Thank you wise souls to do me this honor, I humbly come before you with reverence. I have a mystery to unravel and it concerns the two guests at Dragmar. The winged messenger brought them here and I would like to know if it has been foretold, as I believe it to be so. Their visit has caused quite a stir in our kingdom. I believe all will be revealed in time. However, I have concerns” and His voice broke off as Etobi spoke.

“We know of them,” he said raising his hands.

“We, have knowledge of your guests” Basha whispered.

Pixie soul Keeba folded her hands as in prayer and fluttered her wings.

Etobi spoke again,” it is decided that nothing will be revealed as of yet. We need to see the young one’s character and humility first.”

“I understand wise souls, he is young, but I sense the wisdom he will possess.”

Basha spoke softly; “the boy has much to learn. It is decided that you will teach him.” They looked directly at the surprised wizard as he bowed his head once more, and he watched as they disappeared into the heavens.

He remembered long ago a night when he and two others met. The shadows of this past event were revealed to him by the wise souls, still, with that also came a warning, a foreboding. The observatory was dark. The sky, a few minutes before gleamed with so many stars now was stark and bleak, without light. Faazen grew tired and rubbed his eyes still staring into the night. He did not hear the light footsteps behind him. “Mrrow.”

“Oh Mei-Ling, my little sly one. Did you come to say good night?”

He scooped up the silver ball of fur and the cat purred happily. The wizard held out a small lantern and made his way down the winding staircase, as the winged cat lay curled up on his shoulder, its fur -tufted paws patting his master’s face. One by one, Faazen blew out the candles in each of the globed lamps they passed down the long corridor. Tomorrow was another day, and with that, he blew out the candle in his chambers then wrapped himself in his green and gold tasseled robe. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. The winged cat lay curled up next to him on the high four-poster bed purring happily.

Even though Castle Dragmar was perfectly still, there were a few inhabitants of the kingdom that were awake and in good spirits. They downed tankard after tankard of dark lustrous ale. “Please my good man, another round for my friends here.” The tall red-faced man laughed heartily as he held up his glass and looked out at the patrons of the drinking establishment at Weller’s Tavern. “Tonight we drink until our bellies are full and our minds are foggy. Oh, not that one in the corner, he’s had enough already.”

Dredd Domino stood up or at least tried to; he had been entertaining the people with his amazing card tricks. They kept buying him more foamy lager and his steps were unsteady as he staggered to the door.

“I need to go home and sleep; I’ve had a little too much ale I think.” Dredd said as he stumbled to the door.

Angus Weller, the owner of Weller’s tavern took Dredd aside; “You might as well sleep it off in the barn over there. There is some good, soft hay where you can rest quite well. It’s dangerous to be wandering around in your condition.” The tavern owner was stern in his warning and the young man thought it best to pay attention and just go and be comfortable across the way. He stumbled out the door and went a few steps to the small barn. Pushing open the door, it was dark and Dredd flopped in the corner by a pile of hay. He heard a few cows and let the music of their moos lull him to sleep.

Angus hummed merrily to himself as he cleaned a few glasses and whisked out the last few stragglers. He took a sign and put it on the door then pulled on his coat. Slowly opening the barn door Angus saw Dredd completely passed out, laughing to himself he thought how the boy would have a huge headache in the morning. He covered him with a blanket then closed the door. Dredd would be safe there, not any use to worry his sister with her brother coming home drunken and disorderly. Better to let him sleep it off. He would go first thing in the morning to the Domino farm and let Miss Andi know her brother was fine.

Now it was time to be heading home to his own wife or she would be having fits of fury wondering where he was. He was hoping she saved a bowl of stew and some cornbread to sop it up. Angus went back to humming a little out of tune and chugged up the hill to his cottage. It was the small hours of the morning, and the roads were completely deserted. Everything was dark and still, a little too dark to suit his tastes.

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