Read Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) Online
Authors: E.W. SALOKA
“Now you do not want to be forgetting these do you?” She added with a wink.
“Ok, now that’s what I’m talking about Mrs. B.” Zachary quickly reached for the basket and grabbed a couple of warm rolls. He slathered them with blackberry jam and listened as his grandfather began to speak.
“I saw my cardiologist today, he had my test results” and his voice trailed off. They knew the prognosis was still grim. The look in his eyes said it all. Thomas cleared his throat and slowly spoke. “You know how doctors are, but I feel fine. Maybe more tired than usual, other than that I’m good.” He returned to his meal.
Neither one of them believed his guise but they nodded in agreement just the same. Both were hopeful that he would return to his robust health.
Zach jumped up from his chair “I’m so full I couldn’t eat another bite.” He kissed Mrs. Bustleton’s cheek. “You are the best cook ever. Granddad I am going to work on something for school, a paper that’s soon due. I’ll have dessert later.”
“Of course son, I’m going to read a little. I just purchased a new book and it looks delightful.”
Zach rolled his eyes. His grandfather was a retired college professor, and the books Thomas found interesting usually put Zach to sleep but he was respectful. “Sounds great, I know you will enjoy it.”
“It should be a real page turner Zach. Now you should get to work on your paper.”
“Granddad, I just want you to know you’re the best ok? and maybe I don’t say that enough.”
Thomas smiled,” you too Zach, you too.”
The snow was still falling heavily and the roads were becoming impassable. Thomas walked into the kitchen where Mrs. Bustleton was cleaning up after their evening meal. Everything was clean and sparkling. He put his hand warmly on her shoulder. “I’m insisting you spend the night, those roads look quite treacherous. He was concerned for her safety.
“I won’t be arguing with you Mr. Thomas. I’m staying in for the night.” She patted his hand and smiled.
Thomas nodded, she was kind and generous of heart and he had one of the upstairs rooms decorated with soft lighting and warm furnishings especially for her, because she was a special part of their family. Mrs. Bustleton lost her husband a few years back and now lived alone, closer to town. She had many friends and was active in her church and community. The dear woman was quite the gardener, loved to paint, and was busy as a bee. She had been with them for many years and their friendship was special to him.
“Let me know if you need anything Mr. Thomas, I’m going to my room to work on my knitting. I just dusted the blueberry turnovers with powdered sugar, if you and Zachary want to have a bite later on.”
“That sounds delicious; maybe later. Right now I’m going to my room to read.” Making his way upstairs he paused at the window. It was picturesque, the trees glistened with tiny ice crystals and it looked magical. Thomas picked up his book and rested on the window seat. The pillows were soft and inviting. If he felt a chill, he could wrap one of the throws around his shoulders and still enjoy the beauty below. Trying to become engrossed in his book, he read a few pages.
In another room, Zach was also at the window taking a break from his report. He closed his eyes and offered up a prayer for his grandfather. “Please help him,” he said. “I need him in my life. Granddad is all I have.” His voice broke off. “I can’t lose him too, I wish I could do something…”
Thomas grew tired and closed his eyes, he thought for only a short while. When he glanced at the nearby clock, he was surprised it was past midnight. Peering out at the winter wonderland, all seemed still and white. It was then Thomas saw something unusual and rubbed his eyes. “I’m losing touch with reality,” he mumbled. “I could swear there is a winged horse standing by my tree!” He looked out again. “This must be a dream, wake up old man and now.” He pinched himself a few times. “Ouch that hurts, this is real!” What a beautiful creature he was. It seemed to be beckoning him as it tossed its’ silver mane. Flecks of sparkling blue danced off his fur. It was majestic in sight and Thomas couldn’t believe his eyes. He excitedly called his grandson. “Zach come quick, please come now!”
Zach came running into his grandfather’s room. “What is it?” he mumbled sleepily, “Are you alright?”
“I think we may need to define alright! Do you see something outside the window?”
Zach rubbed his eyes a few times. “Yeah, I see a horse and it has wings and that’s pretty weird!” Now he was fully awake and as amazed as his grandfather. “I wonder why it’s here?”
“I don’t know it just appeared. I thought it was a dream but we both see him so it must be real.” Thomas was trying to make logic out of the midnight visit.
“Grandfather this is crazy, winged horses only exist in fantasy stories and mythology. We’re probably both dreaming.
“Fine, then you tell him he doesn’t exist.” Thomas said folding his arms.
Meanwhile the winged horse looked directly towards them and fluttered its magnificent feathered wings. The falling snow swirled with each beat. The creature then shook its head up and down while his gleaming eyes still centered on the two watching at the window.
Suddenly turning around, the horse looked over its shoulder and stomped his silver hoof so loudly it caused the window to rattle.
“Quick, let’s put on some clothes and see what this is all about.” Thomas straightened up and felt compelled to investigate a little further.
“I know it sounds crazy, but we need to go and find out why he came for us. Look, do you trust me?” Thomas placed his hands on his grandson’s shoulders.
“Yeah, I guess we should check it out.” Zach looked out the window at the winged horse as it reared up on his hind legs shaking his silver mane.
Zach wasn’t sure what else to say because when a winged horse shows up in your yard, it’s an astonishing event to say the least!
“There’s something you should know Zach, this may not be the best time to tell you but I don’t seem to have a choice. Your fathers’ death was not an accident.” Thomas took a deep breath trying to find the right words; “I believe someone took his life.”
“I need to know why this happened and who did it. This horse can lead us to finding some answers. When Philip’s body was discovered,” Thomas paused for a moment, “I found a letter inside his jacket, it was addressed to your mother and there he explained where he had been all this time and how he was trying to come back home. I know it’s hard to believe and I hardly believe it myself, but I need to find out what happened to my son. I have been trying to make sense out of this for many years. Obviously Zach this is an intelligent horse and not from our world. I know I’m quite ill and before I die…. I must do this for Philip.”
Zach stood there speechless for a moment, than a strange and determined look crossed his face thinking of the lost years without his father. “I’m going too!” He said with authority in his voice.” I want to know who killed my dad.”
He quickly ran into his room rummaging through the closet searching for his favorite hoodie. When he returned, Thomas was fully dressed and ready to leave.
The pair made their way down the stairs only stopping to grab warm scarves from the coat rack. Thomas buttoned his coat and wrapped his scarf securely around his neck. Opening the front door to a cold blast of air, he scarcely noticed drifts of windblown snow that had piled up along the driveway.
Keeping his gaze fixed on the silver horse, he slowly made his way to the ice covered trees. The majestic beast was quiet as Thomas approached. The old man nodded and the horse lowered so Thomas could easily climb upon him.
A voice thundered and it seemed to rise and echo as a roaring wind.
“On a journey of a thousand stars,
Your flight begins with a silvery winged horse.
Fallicon is the one to lay your wish upon.”
Zach stood in silence, unable to move forward. It was then Thomas reached out and took hold of his grandson’s hand. “Come Zach, it will be an adventure for both of us!” The horse snorted his approval and lifted his powerful wings towards the heavens, and in one massive down stroke they took for the sky. Zach hung on to his grandfather as the winds whipped through his hair.
Flying through the misty clouds was a feeling neither one of them could explain. Just ahead there were hazy purple lights and silver beams surrounded them. It was like pure energy, almost liquid but contained in some way. The winged horse glided effortlessly through and all they could see was velvet blackness and a canopy of jeweled stars. It was as if capturing a timeless dream.
“Its going to be fine Zach, you’ll see.”
“Ok” Zach said with amazement. He couldn’t explain this, just that they both might have taken temporary leave of their senses.
Thomas could hear the swift beating of powerful wings as they flew further ahead. The heavens shook, spiraling through a vortex into a parallel world. Thomas patted Fallicon’s back. “I don’t know where you are taking us my friend, but I’m sure you know the way.”
At that moment, the huge creature started to descend through a whirling pink cloud that sent a shock through both of them. There was a light at the center of the cloud-like tunnel and it grew brighter until Fallicon landed and came to a complete stop.
Thomas looked at the silver horse, which nodded and shook his silver mane.
Zach carefully helped his grandfather down, and the two of them watched as the beautiful winged horse flew high into the clouds.
Two - New Friends, New Enemies
As far as the eye could see there were row upon row of fruit trees, and overhanging on each branch was the heaviest and most delightful fruit they had ever seen. The essence was tantalizing.
Zach rushed over and pulled one almost falling from its branch. “Wow taste these granddad, they’re delicious.”
Thomas obliged and had to agree, “Very good indeed!” Sights and sounds abounded and their eyes and ears were taking in everything around them. The grass below stretched out as a lush carpet of emerald green beneath their feet. They walked on in this new land and noticed everything. Just at that moment, Thomas spied a sparkling brook but a few feet away. The waters blue and inviting drew the pair close until they stood transfixed at the edge.
“Do you see all the gems at the bottom?” Zach’s eyes widened. They literally lined the sandy floor of the lake and sparkled so. They had to shield their eyes from their jeweled rays.
Thomas knelt down, and cupping his hands together splashed some water on his face. “Oh that feels wonderful” he sighed.
“Grandfather, can we take some of those stones with us, just a couple?” Zach asked.
“No they’re not ours to take, we’re only visitors here.” Thomas shook his head smiling.
Just then, a small figure emerged from the waters, it was a young girl. She had long wavy hair and eyes like sea foam. She perched on the edge of the grassy bank and her pink gown shone with miniature jewels. As a tiny princess, she spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. “Hello my name is Mella, I live here in the Hyperion Lake.” The lilting tone was melodic to their ears.
“Who are the two of you?”
Thomas spoke for the pair as Zach just wore a sheepish grin. “Fallicon brought us here,” Thomas said.
She looked up at him thoughtfully. “Well then, he must have been sent by Faazen. The winged horse is only a messenger, He does not act on his own.”
Zach spoke up, “who’s Faazen?”
Mella smiled at him “He is our beloved wizard. You will meet him soon, I am sure about that!”
Thomas was perplexed, “how can you be sure of this?”
“He knows everything in our kingdom and he helps everyone. Someday he may help me.” Mella was hopeful as she spoke.
Zach was concerned. “Why do you need help, what is wrong with you?”
The girl glanced ruefully down. “I am trapped here to live forever as a child, never to grow up, never to leave the Hyperion Lake.
Someone placed a spell upon me when I was a child. A sorceress quite strong in the magical arts doomed me long ago.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked away.
Thomas spoke. “Can anyone lift this spell, what about this wizard?”