Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (5 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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Slagg lived comfortably in his new home, as the place was large and perfect for a troll such as him. Natural light filtered through thick vine-covered frosted glass panes, and partially covered windows peeked above ground, enough to let in the strong morning and midday sun. Slagg had constructed a vast bookcase out of fallen trees holding many volumes of his treasured books. Ornate wall hangings covered the stone walls and the floor was mostly stone but comfortable with a thick animal pelt here and there. A large round table held stacks of maps of the land and other items from his frequent travels. Oil lamps and strategically placed candles lit the troll’s home well. Other than an occasional mumblebug, the place was free of pests and quite clean. This was highly unusual for a troll. This was now his home.

Ten years had passed, then late one night the elder monk appeared at his door with a serious look. He explained to Slagg that he had to leave the monastery. His superiors had reassigned him to another part of their order.

He needed to perform missionary work in a distant land.

“I will miss you greatly dear friend, but the work that is before me is essential and quite important. Our time together has been special and I will treasure the memories of them always.” The monk patted Slagg’s hand.

Slagg was silent but nodded and understood. “Will I see you again?” he asked quietly.

“If time allows, and there isn’t a set time for this task.”

Slagg’s head drooped knowing what the monk meant, but hoped their paths would cross again.

“When do you leave for your journey?”

“I must go soon, but Slagg you have learned much and I’m very proud of your accomplishments, you will be fine.”

They spent the next day together at their favorite spot, great friends sharing good thoughts and laughs. The monk had become like a father to him all these years and Slagg became crushed in spirit and most of all, in heart.

“I want to give you this book. My father gave it to me when I was young, now it’s yours.” The monk handed it to Slagg very gingerly. “It’s quite old and worn, but the power within it’s’ pages are strong as the finest steel.” The troll held the simple leather bound book in his large muscular hands. “Thank you” he said simply. “This will hold a place of honor in my home.” He reached into his old knapsack, “I found this, I would like to give it to you.” Hanging by a chain was a dragon’s horn. It glistened in the sunbeams that shone through the tree limbs. It was simple but well crafted.

“My friend it’s beautiful.” The monk placed the chain around his neck and dropped it under his collar.

It was getting late and the time came for him to leave. The monk slowly rose from his favorite sitting rock and put his hand on Slagg’s shoulder. “Take care of yourself.” Slagg stood up and put his arms around him, hugging a little harder than he intended.

“Whoa, I need to breathe!” The old man coughed slightly.

“I’m sorry, I’m just going to miss you so very much,” whined Slagg.

“Me too my large friend,” the monk said catching his breath. They both smiled and parted ways. Slagg knew his friend needed to prepare before his long journey.

A rustling sound woke Slagg from his deep daydream. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the rat-like borx lurking near. Slagg feigned sleep while putting his hand on his massive club. The creature moved slowly toward the troll’s small loaf of crusted bread. In one swift powerful move, he brought the club down hard on the borx. “No one steals a troll’s breakfast,” he mumbled to himself smiling. He picked up his book and continued reading.

Four - The Inner Sanctum

Thomas and Zachary plodded along the road. Zach was becoming hot and tired since they took a wrong turn a few minutes back and got lost in a small wooded area. “Grandfather when are we going to stop, I am starving!”

“Well the directions show we are almost there. It’s near dusk and beautiful as the sun is starting to set, enjoy the fresh clean air.”

“I can only enjoy so much fresh clean air,” he joked mockingly. Zach stopped to pull a pebble out of his shoe and Thomas stood nearby waiting.

Look, up ahead in the distance I see a tall tower. That must be Castle Dragmar, isn’t it incredible!”

“I see it too, good we’re close to it.” At the next moment, two tiny winged creatures peeked out from behind the bushes. They were cute with speckled wings and large heads. They were almost comical as they followed them into the woods.

“We must be going the right way maybe those creatures live here.” His grandfather had jogged up ahead and Zach was now catching up with him. They both stopped and stared because an elegantly dressed man with a short clipped beard was walking towards them, arms outstretched and a welcoming smile.

“Oh good you are here” he called, “and just in time for supper.” He wore a long coat with matching trousers and a full brimmed hat. His eyes blazed like fire and it seemed like he knew all the mysteries of the world. Thomas was mesmerized In the presence of the wizard. They both felt obliged to bow, but just stood transfixed.

“At your service gentlemen, my name is Faazen. Whatever I can do to make your stay more enjoyable please let me know. Welcome to Castle Dragmar. You are special guests here. Cook has been busy all day preparing for your dining pleasure, you must be famished.” He patted Zach’s back, “Come my lad, I’ll take you and your grandfather to your rooms to refresh yourselves. I have laid out some suitable garments and bathing linens.”

They were hot, thirsty, and ready to refuel and partake of some refreshment. Two tiny things scampered up to the wizard and he called them by name. He seemed to have a fondness for the pair, Thomas thought.

“Myloe and Moplie, come welcome our guests, and say hello.” “Hello” they sang in unison. Zach bent down and rubbed their heads. They were funny as they rolled around in the grass squeaking and giggling. In a flash they flew off to a small tree and hid. “Goodnight, goodnight,” they replied.

The trio made their way past the castle gates and entered the wizard’s beautiful gardens. “You will have plenty of time tomorrow to become acquainted with your new surroundings.” They both nodded in agreement and walked past the courtyard.

Once inside Faazen announced, “supper is being served in less than an hour. Bergouhy, what is on the menu tonight? We have some hungry guests dining with us.”

“Some very good things sir, a succulent roast duckling and roasted lamb too.”

“Wonderful” the wizard exclaimed “Everything will be in place for a relaxed meal, I am going to the long table and Bergouhy will show you to your rooms.”

“Wow granddad, this castle is pretty cool, I wonder if it has a dungeon.” Zach examined the clothing laid out for him by the wizard, “these should be all right.” He kicked off his jeans and threw them in a corner.

Thomas carefully folded his jacket and slacks and placed them on a chair by the bureau. He tried on the clothing Faazen gave him and found it very much to his liking. They were in a most pleasing shade of dark blue.

They joined Faazen in the dining area and found him talking to his servers. He seemed to be giving instruction on the presentation of the dishes offered this evening. It all seemed very elegant. and when the two took their seats at the long table, one by one the servers came in carrying the silver platters, each more impressive than the one before.

“Well I think everything is in place,” the wizard said. He stood ceremoniously at the head of the table. He poured from a silver flask, the amber liquid was sweet, made from ground hazelnuts and spiced oranges.

“Please rise and let us lift our goblets to friendship and new adventures.”

“To friendship,” they said in unison.

“And now we feast.” the wizard smiled as he passed the steaming platters to Thomas and Zach. “Help yourselves to the muffins and fig breads. Our evening meal is not rushed, we take our time and enjoy.”

“This is a wonderful supper Faazen, my grandson and I thank you for your hospitality.” Thomas was gracious as he spoke. He spooned some plum sauce on his duck and then reached for the hearty dark bread.

“Thanks,” Zach mumbled, “everything’s great..”

“Well, we are not through yet good sirs, Look at the desserts!” Servers were carrying crystal platters of every sweet treat. There were thickly sliced brownies, coconut frosted cupcakes, and vanilla iced cookies also some nicely spiced ginger cakes.

“I couldn’t eat another bite, but I’ll force myself.” Thomas laughed at Zach who always had room for cakes, cookies and oh my! Look at the pies. Lattice topped apple and golden peach crumb pie. “We really should try just a bite granddad, don’t you think?”

“Yes, please do have more, there is plenty. Whatever treats are left, will go to our good servers, their children do enjoy sweets. I always make sure there are enough for our guests and plenty of leftovers for the little ones.” Faazen had a warm kindness that showed in his good deeds towards all.

They excused themselves from the table and joined their host as he walked down the lamp-lit castle hallways. Beautiful tapestries hung on the walls and they seemed to tell a story as you went from one to another. It almost came alive with their vibrancy and fine details. Thomas could see the expressions on the faces, and creatures depicted in each illustrated story.

Everywhere Zach looked were small creatures roaming through the long halls. Tiny dragons flitted here and there in many illuminating colors. In the corner Thomas noticed large flowing plants with bright, shiny leaves. he felt drawn to walk over and touch them. Just at that moment, he heard a small voice.

“Stop doing that, you might hurt me.” He whipped his head around to see the plant moving and shaking its leaves in disdain at him.

“Oh don’t mind her she’s in a dreadful mood tonight. Be good Esme, this is a fine gentleman and his grandson, they are our guests. Say hello Esmeralda” The wizard spoke kindly to her.

“Sometimes I prefer Esme,” said the tall, willowy plant.

“How do we know when?” Zach asked

“Only when I tell you, otherwise I won’t answer.” Esmerelda replied.

“She really won’t” said another voice. This one sounded like tiny bells, shrill but joyful.

“This is my sister Isabella, she is nice but boring and never lets me have any fun.”

One was a tall willowy plant, and the other was short with very full leaves. It was as if they were two girls standing there with hands waving in the air.

“I always have to referee with these two, but deep down in their roots they care for each other as good sisters should.” Faazen said.

“Faazen, can you tell me if there are any male plants or are they all girls?” Zach had a confused look on his face.

“Well, yes as a matter of fact there are a few but they are on the other side of the Castle. When they are together, they argue something dreadful. I’ve learned its best to keep them apart.”

“I don’t want to hear about Cyrus and what’s his name anymore,” Esme’s voice became shrill. “Please stop talking about them.”

“Isabella’s happy voice cut in. “I like them Esme, they are our brothers you know.”

“Its fine my dear they are not here, young Zachary was just asking a question.” The wizard motioned them over. “The boys were once very mean to Esme and she still harbors a grudge unfortunately. However, Isabella likes visiting them and I take her over weekly so they can enjoy one another’s company.”

Thomas was empathetic, “I could see where that could be a problem for you.”

The wizard shook his head, “At times perhaps.”

“Follow me gentlemen, I wish to show you a special place.” Thomas and Zachary walked behind the wizard as they made their way down the corridor through twists and turns until they reached a single stained glass door.

Faazen spoke; his voice had a serious tone. “Enter my Inner Sanctum Thomas and Zachary.” At once, they saw the mist; it started to take on a life of its own as it reached as fingers toward them.

“Don’t be alarmed! It only wants to determine if your intentions are for good or evil,” said the wizard.

The strange ghost-like hands encircled Thomas and Zachary, moving around them slowly with purpose.

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