Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (26 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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Meats were roasting and their aromas saturated the air. Cakes, pies, and other delectable baked goods were too good to resist. In the center was the Ale Gardens. Hundreds of simple stools surrounded the massive bar. In the middle sat giant barrels, and the shelves were stacked with bottles of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Servers went back and forth carrying large mugs and glasses. Dredd pulled out two stools and waved over a tall, balding man to take their order.

“Mr. Domino what can I get you and your young friend here?”

“I’ll have your largest mug of Burgundy Ale.”

“And you,” the man looked at Zach with a raised brow. “How old are you son?”

“Get him a large spiced cider.” Dredd pointed at Zach.

“Right away Mr. Domino,” he smiled strangely at Dredd. The man lumbered off to fetch their orders.

“That” whispered Dredd to Zach, “is Marcus. Not a pleasant fellow, he thinks he knows it all. I never liked bullies. Just smile and let him ramble, eventually he goes away. Obviously, he’s not a happy guy so gives others a hard time, actually sad in a way.” Dredd’s voice trailed off.

“Yeah I know a guy like that back at school” said Zach “what a jerk. Shh here he comes.”

Marcus set their drinks down in front of them. Dredd lightly tossed some coins down on the bar.

“So Mr. Domino, you didn’t win this year I see. Who was the winner? Oh, that’s right Ilsa Ivey, must be hard to lose to a
after all those victories ehh Mr. Domino? Well, there’s always next year I suppose.” Marcus smirked as he counted the coins.

Dredd sat and tried to smile as he calmly locked eyes with Marcus. Zach started to get nervous as he could see his friend’s jaw muscles start to switch.

Marcus knew he was getting to Dredd and was itching to provoke him. Just as he was about to open his mouth for another dig at Dredd, he abruptly stopped.

Faazen appeared behind the two boys. “Hello Marcus, don’t you have work to be doing? I see many thirsty customers.” He gestured around; “several of them seem to be in need of service.” The wizards’ stern gaze froze the barkeep in his tracks.

“Yes, Master Faazen,” he stammered to the delight of Dredd and Zach. “I do have much work tonight, enjoy your drinks.” The unnerved man dashed off dropping a few mugs along the way.

Both boys smiled, each knowing that was a close one. Marcus was pushing a little too much and Dredd was struggling to not jump over the bar and hit him.

“Looks like you were losing it there for an instant,” Zach said with a grin.

“Boys I have a nice large table over in the corner. Grab your drinks and follow me.” Faazen led the way and all eyes followed as the trio passed. As soon as they got there, a loud cheer rang out. Zach and Dredd were happy to see friends and family rising to greet them. Andi, who threw her arms around her brother, almost knocked him down.

“Andi,” he said warmly hugging his sister. “How were you able to shoot down the orc? I did not know you could…”

She gently stopped him. “Tomorrow we’ll talk about that, but now it’s time for relaxing and enjoying yourself.”

Thomas raised his glass in a toast. “Faazen will you say a few words on this special occasion?”

The wise wizard spoke.” We are most grateful that our two riders came back to us safely and rode today with courage and honor. We could not ask for more,” said Faazen as he raised his mug.

Everyone toasted the two young men while Zach was flushed with excitement. The night beckoned with family, friends and music. His new friends were special, maybe there was a connection between him and this kingdom. No, that’s crazy he thought.

He couldn’t wait to tell Mella about everything that happened today. She would have enjoyed it here; her soft eyes would shine brightly as she took in all the sights with him. They would laugh, dance, and then hold hands in the moonlight and maybe kiss again.

Dredd saw the look in Zach’s eyes and grabbed his arm, “hey, why so starry-eyed?”

“Oh, I was just thinking about Mella” and he couldn’t help but smile. “You know she gave me the singing stones that warned me to try to help you.”

“Mella is very wise. She’s different. Don’t tell me you fell for her?” Dredd rolled his eyes.

Zach stammered, “Well, not really I guess. Ok, maybe just a little.”

“Hopeless situation my young friend, she can never leave the Hyperion Lake. Why do this to yourself?”

Zach nodded, but quietly added, “someday she will.”

“Another round for everyone” said Faazen to a pretty server. Thomas looked at him with a surprised smile. “What, even we old wizards like to have a good time occasionally Tom.”

The girl returned in a short time with a tray giving Dredd a coy smile. She carefully set his drink in front of him. Zach gave him a kick and grinned.

The girl finished distributing their drinks and politely nodded. As she walked away, she gave Dredd another girlish smile and then disappeared into the crowd of patrons.

“You,” Dredd said pointing at Zach, “shut up!”

Everyone laughed. “My little brother is so pretty, isn’t he?”

“Thanks sis,” Dredd said wryly.

While they were enjoying the fruit and cheese tray with assorted meats and in a festive mood, Dredd pulled out his playing cards. It had become a favorite past time for him and he found it relaxing. He started to produce cards from his hand, making them appear and disappear with a quick snap. The illusion was fascinating to watch. He was quite adept at it and people milling around would stop for a moment. Dredd was entertaining himself, and he didn’t really notice the onlookers.

“Why don’t you perform a few of the tricks you do back home for me?”

“Which ones are you talking about Andi?” He thought about it for a second and smiled “I know the one you like sis, here we go.” Dredd shuffled his cards both quickly and expertly. “All you have to do is watch your card while I move it around with the others. When I stop tell me where it is, it’s fairly simple.” He fanned the deck out in front of his audience. There were six different suits of cards including Wizards, dragons, orcs, maidens, warriors, and jesters. The finely illustrated and beautifully colored cards were Dredd’s favorite deck. “Who wants to be my first victim?”

Thomas put down his mug of ale, “I’ll go first” he said.

“All you have to do is pick a card from the deck and place it between the cards on the table.”

Thomas picked a card and showed it to everyone, it was a warrior. He placed it face down between the other two cards.

Dredd started to move the three cards alternating their positions in a fast circular motion.

“I have seen this trick before,” said Thomas. “They call it three-card Monty where I come from.”

“Then you probably know to keep your eye on the card and tell us where it is when I stop.”

Thomas had been drinking his fair share of Burgundy Ale, but was trying his best to keep his eye on his card. Faster and faster Dredd moved the cards and then abruptly stopped.

“Thomas, where’s your warrior?”

He narrowed his eyes and slowly pointed. “Perhaps here?”

“Are you sure?” asked Dredd with a grin.

“Just turn it over boy,” Thomas snapped back.

“Not this time Thomas.”

He took a gulp of his ale and motioned Dredd to go again. “This time I’m going to catch it,” He winked then smiled at Zach.

“C’mon, granddad you can do it” Zach said encouraging him with a slap on the back.

Dredd shuffled, and then asked Thomas to pick a card from the deck once again. He chose the ugly, muscular orc.

Dredd looked at Thomas with a raised brow. “Oh, I know what you’re trying to do, a little distraction I believe.”

“I thought I would give it a shot Dredd.”

“Good one, very slick grandfather,” Zach grinned.

Everyone at the table chuckled. Faazen looked on with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

“Now everyone, keep your eye on the orc,” Dredd said as he placed the card between the two others. He began to spin the cards around, alternating their positions.

“I told you he was good with cards,” whispered Andi to Faazen.” I haven’t picked my card yet, I wonder how he does it.”

“Thomas, be ready to call your card when I stop.” They all watched as Dredd moved the cards. He made one last circular move, and then pulled his hands away, but the cards did not stop on their chaotic path.

Their movement became nothing but a blur as the speed intensified. Everyone present gasped in awe. The cards started to contort and pulse with crackles and intense light.

The two outer cards transformed into small dragons. They first surrounded then attacked, tearing the miniature orc in two. In a final burst of fiery, purplish flames and a loud pop all that remained was a small pile of smoking ash. A loud applause went up from the delighted onlookers that gathered about their table. The wizard pointed to the smoking ash and made a quick clockwise motion with his outstretched index finger. The grey ash started to twitch. Three miniature tornadoes danced around one another, and in a few moments the swirling particles went back into Dredd’s original playing cards. Faazen gave the amazed Dredd a polite nod as the cards fell back onto the table.

The wizard raised his mug of ale and took a long gulp. He plunked it down empty on the table and had a large smile on his face. “I just wanted to have a little fun myself!”

“That was really incredible,” Zach said excitedly. “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

“Believe me, you never will again my boy” the wizard chuckled. “The looks on all your faces was wonderful, now I have some business to attend to and I must excuse myself.” Faazen rose gracefully and thanked all for the fine evening. “Once again Dredd, I’m so glad you came back to us unharmed, and Zach congratulations on your first race, you did very well indeed.” He paused thoughtfully for a few seconds. “And Andi my dear, I am most interested to discuss your newfound skills.” He nodded with a smile and left the group.

“ I want to hear that band again Dredd. Let’s go” Zach said rising from his chair.

Thomas gave the serving girl a generous tip as the rest of the group got up to leave.

Andi stood up, and Colby helped her with her evening wrap as the night air had a slight chill. “Dredd” she said, “I’m so happy you’re here and everything is fine again. Zach, thank you for helping me today,” Andi hugged both boys warmly.

“No problem, I have his back.” Zach said flashing her a wide grin.

Dredd thumped Zach on the back. “Andi really, thank you for what you did today, you were amazing.”

“Goodnight boys, have fun” Andi’s voice sang out as she and Colby left the pavilion.

Thomas put his arm around the two young men, ““Now both of you, be careful. I saw a group of girls looking for your attention. I’ve had my fill of drink, and certainly not used to more than a nip of brandy now and then. Behave boys,” Thomas said with a wink pointing at both of them, but have fun.

“It looks like you are a little tipsy to be walking back to the Inn alone,” said a voice coming from behind.

Thomas turned around and looked down into Daisy’s kind eyes. “I might be just in time to walk with you Mr. Wellington.”

He smiled and nodded slightly swaying from side to side. “I would enjoy the company Daisy thank you.”

“Take care grandfather,” Zach said.

“Shall we?” said Daisy as she gently took his arm and helped him along. “Have a nice time young men.” She said warmly.

Dredd and Zach zigzagged through the merry, drinking revelers making their way towards the concert.

“See Zach, I told you they would still be playing.”

“What’s the name of the band Dredd?” Zach said watching the band intently.

“Glass Dragon Orchestra,” he said. The place was full and most appeared to be young people, but there were some older folks enjoying the concert too. The colors were bright, almost dazzling. Girls enchanting in flowing silk while the men wore their silk shirts and leathers. Zach found their garb interesting and outrageous.

He swayed back and forth getting into the sounds. Dredd tapped his arm “I’m not staying long Zach, too exhausted from today.”

“I agree Dredd it’s been quite a day.”

They didn’t want to draw attention so they stayed well behind the main group.

The music was rocking and Zach could understand why Dredd liked them so much. This band would have fit perfectly back home. Their look and sound would have created quite a stir Zach thought. It was a smooth combination of classic and rock, but it had an undertone of medieval to it. “I would download these tunes for sure.”

Dredd looked oddly at him. “You would what?”

“I’ll explain it to you later.”

Dredd shrugged, “makes no sense either way Zach.”

Zach grinned, “don’t worry it will.”

“Hello Zachary Wellington” the girl with the unusual violet hued eyes was standing behind him. “I was hoping you would be here tonight. The music is wonderful don’t you think?”

“Yeah it’s awesome,” Zach said in a surprised voice.

“I have never heard that expression before. Whatever does it mean?” she asked.

Zach grinned, “Like totally cool!”

She shook her head and smiled. “Well you have a strange way of speaking.” The girl’s long hair was unusual but done in a beautiful style. The delicate pink flowers in it accented her outfit perfectly. “I wanted to congratulate you on your first race, most impressive for being so young.”

“Thank you” Zach said smiling “Oh, I don’t think you told me your name.”

“Kira,” she smiled shyly at him through fringed, dark lashes.

“That’s a nice name,” Zach said, “let me introduce you to my friend.” Dredd shook her hand lightly.

“So you are the famous Dredd Domino.” Kira stood back eyeing him as she spoke.

“Excuse me, have me met before?” Dredd looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Something about this girl seemed vaguely familiar to him.

“I don’t believe so” she replied in a soft voice. “It seems someone will always say that to me. I believe we all have a double, you know someone who looks and acts just like us. It is peculiar, don’t you think?”

“I’ve heard of that, it’s a doppelganger” Zach said, “like a perfect twin.”

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