Resilient (2) (27 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“You took a private plane just to mess with me?” she asked incredulously.

“I was leaving Boston to go back to New York; I just made a little flight change.” He walked over to her and kissed her cheek. “Messing with you was just a bonus. The reason I’m here is to make sure you feel me put it in this time. It seems you’ve forgotten the sensation,” he whispered in her ear.

As she predicted, she totally folded. And as he promised, he made her remember…twice.

“Call in sick today,” Xander whispered as he lifted up the sheet covering her unclothed body. She laughed and yanked it up to her neck.

“I can’t. I’d feel bad about lying. Anyway, don’t you have a plane to return?”

“Katrine, my company has three, I’m good.”

“Oh, three, excuse me. Well, don’t you have work to do?”

“Nothing I can’t do from your bed.”

“I still can’t believe you commandeered
of your jets just to come mess with me.”

“Well, I had an ulterior motive.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes, I wanted you to see how easy it is for me to come down to see you. I know you worry about the long distance relationship thing. I could fly down here for dinner and be back home in time for SportsCenter.” He rounded the bed, deciding to lift the covers from the other end of the bed. He grabbed a foot and started to tickle.

“Stop! Please!” she squealed, flailing like a fish out of water.

“Only if you call in sick.” He continued to attack the sole of her foot.

“Anything, just please stop!”


“Yes, please,” she gasped. He immediately stopped and crawled up her body until they were nose to nose. He grabbed her phone that was sitting beside the bed and thrust it into her hand. He started to kiss her ear and worked his way down to her neck.

“I can’t concentrate when you do that, much less make phone call.” Even that sentence took effort.

“I’m going to continue my way down, so if you don’t hurry, you’re gonna have to make the call with my face between your legs.” Her eyes went wide. He wouldn’t do that, would he? When he started to kiss her stomach, she knew he wasn’t bluffing. She didn’t have to make the call, she could tell him to stop and go into work. But right now she wanted to stay in bed with him as long as possible.

“Okay, but you have to be out of here by the time Teddy gets home. Got it?”

“Got it.” This came out muffled because he had his mouth against her belly button.

She scrolled and pushed Grant’s name. She got her manager’s voice mail and she left a quick message saying she was feeling off and that she would work from home today. And with Xander kissing her inner thighs, she was feeling off.

Feeling off, getting off…tomato, tomahto

She’d never called in sick for herself. One time she had to call in when Teddy got the flu. So she figured she was due a virus.

feeling a bit feverish, now that she thought about it.

When they finally made it out of bed, they ordered in Thai food and laid around in their pajamas. He left later that day as promised, even though he went reluctantly. Katrine had mentioned that he’d lucked out that Teddy was at a friend’s. She also added that surprise sex visits probably weren’t the best idea. She and David had an open custody arrangement. They were flexible and tried to accommodate everyone’s schedules, so it changed frequently. It worked for them. Teddy was happy with how things were, so it wasn’t changing anytime soon.

“Hey, I understand. I know it will take some figuring out, but we will. And someday when I’ve earned your trust back, I want to meet him. I don’t want to see you only when he’s at his dad’s or out of town. You’re a package deal and I want the whole package.”

Katrine gave his package some extra special attention after he said that.

“So let me get this straight. You’re bringing
birthday party?” Charlie asked, giving her a look.

“Yes, I want you guys to meet him.” Katrine sat across from her two friends. She’d just brought them up to speed on everything Xander-related that she’d been keeping to herself. Katrine made the voyage to the ‘burbs for lunch. It was a warm Saturday afternoon, but under the enormous yellow umbrella it was was quite comfortable.

“So, should I un-invite Ian?” Again with the attitude.

“Charlie, that’s up to you. I don’t care if he’s there, but I also don’t want there to be tension because of me. Honestly, I’d be surprised if Ian came.”

“You haven’t talked to him?” Paige asked, taking a sip of her iced tea. Katrine watched as the condensation beaded and slid down the side of her glass, heart still aching for her former lover and best friend. She could add former to best friend as well and that was what she missed the most. That’s why she was apprehensive to start anything with Ian in the first place. Inside she knew, but she tried anyway. There was nothing to be done about it now.

“No, I haven’t seen him since we broke up. Teddy said he went to one of his soccer games, but I wasn’t there. I had to work late.”

“I can tell you’re still upset about it.” Paige squeezed Katrine’s hand to comfort her. She nodded silently.

“Look, I’m sorry, it’s just Xander cheated on you and broke your heart just after it had mended. It makes me mad to think he’s wormed his way back into your life.”

“I know you guys are just looking out for me. But the bottom line is I want him back. There was no worming. I went up there, remember? I know it sounds strange, but I know he cheated because he was scared, he admitted as much. And guys, really. A guy like him could have any woman he wanted. So why would he bother with a divorced, single mom who lives a thousand miles away unless there were real feelings there?” Katrine nibbled on a piece of bread she’d grabbed from the basket beside her. “You know me, I’m not stupid or naive. Just trust me on this one.” Charlie and Paige looked at each other, then at Katrine.

“Okay,” Charlie agreed.

“We’ll support you no matter what. That’s what friends do, right?” Paige offered.

“Thanks, guys. Please just give him a chance, he’s wonderful.”

“So’s Ian.” Charlie was not going to let this Ian thing go.

“I know! I know you all love Ian. And hey, so do I, but I love Xander more. Let me put it to you this way. If Ian is a soft lit lamp beside me when I read, Xander is the current that makes it glow.”

“What the fuck does that even mean?” Charlie said, throwing her hands up.

“It means Ian is comfort and Xander is…electric. That doesn’t last, Katrine,” Paige pointed out.

“No, it doesn’t always, but it’s more than electricity with him. We enjoy each other in every way. He gets me. We’re from two different planets. I’m not talking about that women are from Venus crap, either. But he’s so down to earth despite the silver spoon. Why do I feel like I’m defending our relationship?” She sighed.

“If it were anyone else, you wouldn’t have to,” Charlie said with a raised eyebrow. Katrine knew she would be a tough sell, but this was ridiculous.

They picked at their food, no one really eating. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air.

“I’m in love with him, guys. I mean lost cause, would give everything up for him if I was a selfish bitch, in love. So please if you love me, like I know you do, please just support me and give him a chance. And for the love of Pete, please be nice.” That was for the auburn haired hellion with a tongue as sharp as a machete. Charlie smiled and put up her “scout’s honor” fingers. Katrine would take that for now. She hoped Xander’s dealings with cut throat businessmen will have prepared him for her crew.

Well, Maddie and Charlie anyway.

Chapter 27

“How’s Chicago?” Katrine was on her bed in front of her laptop, enjoying an amazing view.

“Well, the work is tedious, but I love this city. Whenever I feel stressed I just walk by Lake Michigan. Water always calms me for some reason…How’s your week going? You look so hot, by the way.” She was wearing no make-up, glasses, and her hair was up in a clip, so she highly doubted that was true.

“You must be really horny if you think I look hot right now.”

“That’s what women just don’t get. Men like natural beauty, and you’ve got that and then some.”

“Aren’t we the flatterer tonight.”

“It’s not flattery, it’s the truth. No matter what you have on, you’re beautiful.”

“Xander, when you say things like that…I don’t know, it makes me never want to let you go. So you might want to tone it down a little.” She smiled and he grinned back.

“Well, since I’m never letting
go, that works out…Speaking of horny.… You think you could just straddle your laptop for a minute, while I take care of things?”

“Um, absolutely not.”

“What about a boob shot? You could press them against the screen. That would work, too. You have spectacular tits.”

She laughed. “Virtual nookie is not my thing, sorry. I’ll do just about anything…”

“Oh, I know,” he interrupted.

“Xander! I was saying, I’m up for
anything in the bedroom, but I draw the line at pressing my parts up to a computer screen.”

“I think you might change your tune when it’s been weeks instead of days. Care to make a wager?”

“Not this again!”

“I never got to collect on our last little bet.” He was referring to the pool game wager. She’d planned two nights of romance, including a hot air balloon ride, but she’d caught him cheating.

“Who’s fault is that, you a-hole? I lost a lot of money on that deal,” she teased.

“You what? How much, Katrine?” Oops, she hadn’t meant to let that slip.

“Oh, never mind…I was just teasing. I’m not worried about it.”

“No way, Katrine, if you lost money because I acted like a fuck up, that-is-not okay with me.” His eyes were glowing in the soft light of his hotel room and his forehead was lined with worry and anger. She hated that.

“It’s all right, I don’t even wanna know how much money you’ve spent on me, so discussion closed. And if I don’t see some dimples soon, I’m hanging up!” She leaned back and crossed her arms.

“Oh yeah, keep your arms crossed… just like that. Your cleavage in that tank is so god damn hot.”

She jerked her arms back to her sides.

“Hey! Hands where I can see ‘em, buddy!”

Katrine was zoning out at her desk when her phone dinged.

See you in a few hours, don’t wear any panties.

Shaking her head, she answered.

I can’t wait, but I’ll most likely be in undies.

Not coming.

They’re lacy boy shorts, does that help?

See you in a few hours.

She wondered if anyone else knew he used frowny and smiley faces. Her list of blackmail material was growing by the day. All of the texts, the calls, and the video chats made it easier to be apart. A long distance relationship in the technological age wasn’t so bad.

There was the whole no physical contact thing, which was difficult. But with her vibrating side kick, she muddled through. It paled in comparison to the real thing, so basically she was going to screw him every spare second they had. That’s why Teddy was at his dad’s this weekend. Not that she didn’t want them to meet, but because Momma had to get her freak on.

Xander pushed her against the door, squeezing her upper arms and kissing her neck. Katrine gasped. The strength of his grip and his tongue on her skin, it was too much. The bedroom was in the distance. They weren’t going to make it this time.

“Fuck, I’ve missed this.” His voice was a combination of a whispered hiss and a moan. She answered with a shiver and a thick sigh. Absence might make the heart grow fonder, but it definitely made the sex hotter. Her lips were swollen from all of the kissing they’d done in the car in front of her place. His suitcase was still in the trunk. It could wait. What couldn’t was this… Touching, gliding, skin on cotton, skin on skin. The air in the room was cold, but her skin was burning. The build up over a few weeks made him almost desperate and she felt the same. His hands slid the fabric until her white sun dress was at her waist. She unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down with her hands and the rest of the way with her foot. The same with his boxer briefs and he stepped out of both, so they joined her clothes on the floor. He took her back against the smooth plaster that was becoming slick with her sweat. Her ankles hooked around his lower back, his hands clenching the skin of her hips. Xander took her in his mouth, sucking and biting, making her head fall back. “Oh god!”
They remained locked in each other’s arms as their breath finally slowed and the ecstasy that blurred their vision passed. “Good to see you, too,” Katrine cooed in his ear, sliding down the wall. Her feet touched the ground, but only in the literal sense.

Saturday arrived and the birthday shindig was that evening. It was to be a lawn party at Charlie’s country club. This time Charlie let her husband make the arrangements, which meant having it somewhere other than their house, where the details would be taken care of by someone else. It was a man thing.

Katrine hadn’t had time to get an outfit, so she and Xander hit her favorite shopping center. It had chic boutiques as well as upscale chains. She didn’t have as much money to spend on clothes as she used to, but she made enough to do a little shopping.

She was by a window in the front of her favorite store. He kissed her cheek while she pushed the hangers aside, perusing the dress rack.

“Buy whatever you want, it’s on me.”

“Xander, thank you, but no. I can buy my own dress.”

His brow furrowed with offense. “There is no way I’m going to stand beside you as you pay for your own dress. No way in hell. I want to do it, so let me. Case closed.” She looked at him for a minute.

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