Resilient (2) (30 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Xander, that’s a Danish film about a nunnery.”


“We might as well go home and make out for free.”

“But there’s no popcorn or gigantic Kit Kats at your house.”

“Damn. Okay, Danish nuns it is.”

A picture of Xander with a mound of crumpled foil in front of him was flush against the side of the box…

“Xander, you can-not eat five tacos. You’ll die or throw up, the order may vary.”

“I’m hung over and hungry. You’d be surprised what I can put away.” He was hiding his bleary eyes behind sunglasses, but since they were sitting under an umbrella on the patio of their favorite taco shack, no one was the wiser.

“I told you scotch was a bad idea.”

“Yes, I know, it was a bad idea. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I’d gotten more than four hours of sleep, Ms. Has-to-sleep-in-a-tank-top-and-hot-boy-shorts.”

“Fine, cranky pants. Next time I’ll sleep in my flannel pajamas, the ones with the sheep engaging in various outdoor activities.”

“Oh god, not those. Sheep do not play croquet…or fly kites!”

“On pajamas they do.” She stuck her tongue out at him and took a sip of her iced tea. “Besides, I was minding my own business, trying to fall asleep. I told you it was too late, but you whined like a little girl. So I threw you a bone. You have only yourself to blame.” He bit into his third taco and red sauce ran down his chin. She grabbed a napkin and dabbed his face with a grin.

“I think I was the one throwing bones.”

She groaned. “I totally set that one up. I’m just saying don’t eat five. In fact, I should probably take that brisket one off your hands, just to be safe.”

“Ahhh, now I get it. This was all a ploy to get your hands on my goods.”

“Oh, I can get my hands on your goods any time I want, buddy.”

“I totally set that one up,” he mimicked her. He used her hand gestures and everything. That made her laugh.

“Why do you always use an accent when you imitate me? I don’t have a Texan accent.”

“Not to your ears, but to mine, hell yes, you do.”

“I beg to differ,” she said, trying really hard to speak without any accent. Unfortunately it ended up sounding robotic. He found that hysterical. He did The Robot a few times for good measure.

Laugh it up, Yankee Doodle. I hope you barf.”

She slid her hand lovingly over the lid after she’d finished. And as her fingers glided across the cardboard, it triggered another memory. This memory didn’t have a piece of tangible memorabilia inside the shoe box, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t special. In fact, it was her favorite…

“Did I ever tell you that I play the piano?” Xander asked, nuzzling her neck.

“Mm-mm.” She shook her head beneath the crook of her elbow that was shielding her eyes from the bright morning light. “My mom insisted that I learn to play an instrument. She was always playing these wonderfully moody piano concertos that just spoke to me. So I chose the piano. In retrospect, I guess I should have picked a manlier instrument like the guitar or drums. Chicks dig guys in rock bands.”

“I don’t think you had any trouble with the chicks. Even if you played the flute they’d still have been wrapped around the block. Besides, I happen to think the piano is a very sexy instrument and chicks love musicians, period. Trust me.”

“Oh really?” He stood and put on his boxers. She hated when he did that.

“Uh-huh, it’s common knowledge. Would you play for me sometime?”

“How about right now?”

“Well, for one I don’t have a piano, and two, I don’t have any clothes on.”

“You naked is never a problem. No piano? Also no problem, allow me to demonstrate.” He pushed her onto her side and sat cross legged in front of her stomach. He placed his fingers above her side and wiggled them as if warming up.

“You do realize how ticklish I am, right?”

“Tickling the ivories ring any bells?” he said. She grinned and rolled her eyes. “And yes, I know how extremely ticklish you are. But, this is all for the sake of art, so try to relax.”

“What will you be playing for me today, maestro?”

“Today I will be playing Alexander Abbot’s Seduction Symphony, in B Flat,” he said wiggling his brows, giving her bare chest a little honk with his right hand.

“Hey! Watch it, buddy…B Flat. More like B round and firm,” she grumbled.

“Please, no interruptions,” he said with flourish.

He flexed his hands one last time, then put them on her skin. He closed his eyes and then began. She watched as his long fingers started to glide and tap gracefully up and down her rib cage. Katrine was biting her lip, trying to distract herself from the overwhelming need to convulse with giggles. Chill bumps appeared where his hands touched her. Eventually what was ticklish became a little sensual. Katrine closed her eyes, enjoying the concert.

When his fingers stilled, he changed course and ran them up her stomach, right up the center of her breast bone. More chills and her back arched slightly.

“How did you like it?”

“You have very skilled hands, Mr. Abbot.” Her smile was seductive and lazy. “But I already knew that.” He rolled her onto her stomach and continued to elicit chills from her skin. Xander’s skilled hands were now bearing his weight as he ran his tongue down her spine. She hummed with appreciation. He sat up and spread her legs apart. His fingers joined the program once again, causing her to writhe and grip the covers. When he finally pressed himself against her, she yelped.

“Aaaah! Wrong port, sailor!”

“Sorry, sorry, accident.” Laughter in his voice instead of contrition.

She laughed into the sheets. “Uh-huh, right. You just keep it to the front there, buddy.”

“Won’t happen again…unless you want it to?” He just had to add that part.

Now she was really giggling and once she started, it was hard to stop.

“Amusement really wasn’t what my penis was aiming for.”

“Yeah, and his aim sucks, by the way.” Shoulders shaking. “Okay. Sorry, I’m done. I promi—” More laughs.

“Oooh, baby, you’re getting me so hard,” Xander said in a dry monotone.

“Maybe if you just stick it in I’ll stop laughing. I’m sure of it…Well, pretty sure…I can’t make any promises.”

“Aaaaand I’m limp,” he announced. She found that hilarious.

She sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry, Xander, your penis is no laughing matter. It’s just so funny that you were trying to just slip it in there, like I wouldn’t notice. ‘Oh don’t mind me…” She whistled a few notes. “‘Just trying to find a hole back here. Ahhh, this one’ll do…it will only hurt for a moment, love,’”
she said, imitating him while thrusting the air. But it came out kind of British, which made her laugh even harder. Except this time he started to chuckle, too. They laid in a naked pile, laughing until their stomachs were sore.

Then came the kissing. Kissing Xander always led to other things, non-funny things. This time was no different.

Later, still naked, but now sweaty and content, she murmured, “Xander. I’m sorry, but I find your penis quite amusing.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I plan to amuse you a few more times before I catch my flight today.”
She propped her head onto her hand and ran one finger up his inner thigh. “Permission to come aboard, sailor.”

Chapter 30

Katrine’s hair was in high bun, a green yoga mat was strapped to her back. She walked with purpose towards the purple awning attached to the 12point Lotus. She found a spot, left center, just like always. Sitting on her mat, she closed her eyes and waited for class to start. She was begging the yoga gods for some inner peace, but it was hard to relax when her stomach was churning like a washing machine. The spicy shrimp tacos she’d had for lunch weren’t helping the situation, either.

Yoga always helped her feel centered. But by the fiftieth downward facing dog, she was not only no closer to a decision, she was getting motion sickness. Well, the first part wasn’t true. She knew she’d probably say yes, but she didn’t feel one hundred percent sure about it. Xander was waiting for an answer and she needed to meditate on it. But instead of clarity she felt nerves and mild trepidation.

He’d called her this morning and laid something on her
she wasn’t expecting. There was going to be a birthday celebration for his grandfather. Every year it was held on the grounds of their estate in Connecticut and he wanted her to be there. She would meet his grandfather, father, and a few friends. Stay in the house where he grew up…Cue vomit.

looking forward to meeting Millie, the now elderly cook who brought warmth to Xander’s life during some pretty dark times. She had some hugs to give that sweet lady.

Once outside, she took out her phone. “Okay, I’m in, but if anyone treats me like some low-class guttersnipe, I’m out!” She crammed her finger into the end button. She nodded to no one in particular and sniffed an “atta girl” to herself. Now all she needed was some new clothes…

With all of his faults, the main one being divorcing Katrine for a mermaid, David was a great ex-husband. She explained her situation and he was very understanding, and a bit relieved, by the sound of it. Katrine knew it lessened his guilt that she had a serious someone. He was able to move around his schedule so they could switch weekends.

“Now remember he has two games on Saturday and one on Sunday. They wear the yellow jersey’s on Sunday and the green on Saturday.”

“Don’t worry, Katrine. I know the drill. And if I forget anything, believe me, Teddy knows.”

“Okay, sorry. I know you’re more than capable. Just the over-protective, control freak side of me rearing it’s ugly head.”

He chuckled. “That’s what makes you such a wonderful mom.” She was touched by the compliment.

“Thanks, David… you’re a pretty good dad yourself.”

He decided he might as well take Teddy to the beach a week earlier than planned. Then Katrine would take him to Santa Fe a week later than planned.

“Don’t your partners have a problem with you taking off at the last minute?” Not really her problem, but she was curious how he had so much freedom.

“That’s the beauty of being the head honcho of a large practice…lots of back-up.”

Teddy was so bummed that he had to go to the beach instead of going to Native American art galleries with his grandmother. When she broke the news, he’d jumped up and said, “Woohoo!” Yes, completely bummed.

So here she was, helping Teddy pack his bag once again. She thought about the last time she’d packed him for the beach last summer. Her heart was still tender from the divorce. She was anxious about starting her new job, and unsure of what the future held. Fast forward…what a difference a year had made.

She was leaving for Greenwich in the morning. She felt completely unprepared. What do you do when you don’t have a plan? Just be yourself and wing it. That was the best she could do. It wasn’t like she was a former prostitute trying to start a new life on the straight and narrow. She was educated and cultured. And really, if they didn’t like her because she wasn’t one of them, then they could go screw themselves.

See, totally cultured.

Her ability to adapt and blend in with any crowd had served her well on countless occasions. But aside from the attendees at the charity gala in Newport, which she had little interaction with, she had no experience with blue-blood high society. Well, besides Xander, but she had a feeling he went against the grain. Other than those first two weeks of her assignment, when he’d behaved like a condescending dick, he was down to earth and wonderful. Well, other than the cheating part. She had forgiven, but would never forget. But she wasn’t going to throw it in his face every time she saw fit, either. She gave him a second chance and that meant not holding the incident over his head for the rest of their lives.

The rest of our lives…where did that come from?

She would process that one later. She had an anxiety attack to derail.

Maybe these people would be as down to earth as Xander? Only time would tell. She would give them the benefit of the doubt, like she always did. Katrine looked for the good in people, until there was none to be found. Xander said she would like his friends, but his father on the other hand… She was going to give him the benefit of the doubt as well. The tenuous relationship between father and son had nothing to do with her, so she hoped maybe, just maybe, she might be able to bridge the gap. Bring peace to a family that had been fractured by loss all those years ago.

What the Abbot men need is some estrogen and a group hug. And by god, I’m gonna give it to them!

With new resolve, she tackled her own packing. Her mission was clear… She would de-crust, the crusty. Defrost the frosty. De-jerk the jerky.

And if she couldn’t, at least there’d be wine.

“Thanks for the ride, Mads,” Katrine said, hugging her sister.

“Uh-huh…” Maddie was distracted by the shiny jet in the hanger in front of them.

“Maddie! Earth to Maddie!”

“Sorry, I’ve never seen one this close before. I can’t believe he sent his plane for you.”

“I tried to stop him, but there’s a private airport like thirty minutes from his dad’s house. So it was just more convenient for him, since Xander arrived last night.”

“Jesus, Trine, private jets, an extravagant party on a Greenwich estate. I mean, David made money, but this is another stratosphere.”

Katrine sighed. “I know. It’s strange and I’m not used to this kind of lifestyle. But I could get used to it.” She elbowed Maddie and winked.

“Yeah, I guess so. I’m nervous they’re going to be rude to you, you’re not one of them.”

“One of them? Are they another species?”

“Might as well be.”

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