Resilient (2) (28 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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Hmmmm. How to play this?

“Okay, bossy boots. Don’t have a heart attack.” She blew a curly wisp of hair out of her eye, more a sign of her exasperation than anything. “I should have bought my dress earlier in the week, sheesh.”

She found the perfect outfit. A silky maxi dress with spaghetti straps. It was canary yellow, one of her best colors. The biggest triumph, it was on sale.

Take that, Abbot!


“You wanted to buy me my outfit and this is the one I would have picked out on my own dime. You gotta problem with that?” She put her hands on her hips. He shook his head and slapped down his card, saying,“You’re getting shoes, too.”

Did he say shoes?

Hey, she could be flexible…

Katrine walked out into her living room; her eyes went wide. Xander looked so gorgeous. Katrine loved that his hair was a bit longer, causing the front to fall over his left eye in a soft brown wave and curl just above his ears. She’d asked him to wear a white shirt.

A. because it showed off his tan skin, and B. it would complement her yellow.

He rolled up the sleeves showing off his thick black metal watch. He wore it untucked over loose khaki twill trousers. She assured him he was dressy enough and that he could even wear nice shorts if he wanted.

“Trust me. The women will be decked out, but the men will be casually elegant.”

“Casually elegant?”

“Yes, Trust me, with a face like yours, it doesn’t matter what you wear.” She kissed him, enjoying that she didn’t have to get on her tip toes thanks to the fabulous cork wedges he bought her that afternoon, again on sale. He had a problem with getting things at discounted prices. They needed to work on that.

“I’m preparing myself for a lynching, am I right?”

“Not a lynching, per se, but maybe some death stares and perhaps an idle threat or two. Well, unless it’s from Charlie or my sister. They don’t make idle threats.”

“I can’t wait to meet this Charlie character. She sounds very entertaining.”

“Uh huh, right, entertaining. Watch your back, that’s all I’m saying.”

“Katrine, I’ve done business with people who would do a plethora of morally deplorable things just to get ahead. Trust me, I can handle your friends.”

Katrine laughed evilly. “Just keep that attitude and see what happens. You’ve been warned.” She grabbed her purse and made her way to the door.

The sun was almost past the horizon when they walked out onto the grass. There was a medium sized white tent strung with dainty lights where the buffet and bar were set up. There was a small parquet dance floor and a jazz band playing softly beside it. There were small round tables spread out on the lawn with fresh flowers and tea lights at the center of each. The lightning bugs were starting to blink. That brief flash of fluorescence, added a touch of whimsy to the ambiance.

“Wow, Michael went all out this year,” Katrine observed, taking in her surroundings. She noticed her friends looking in their direction. The stares and open appraisals were to be expected, but she was uncomfortable, regardless.

“I take it those lovely ladies are your circle of friends? Wow, they’re sizing me up big time.” He chuckled as they waited for a drink.

“Why aren’t you more nervous to meet my friends? They know what you did. And they saw first hand how it affected me. They’re not your biggest fans, ya know. I would be out of sorts if the shoe were on the other foot. I already am, come to think about it,” she hissed quietly.

“Katrine, I’m not worried. I’ll be myself, charming and irresistible.” He winked. “If they can’t get past it, then there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m here for you, no one else matters. But, I know liking me would make your life easier, so it’s for that reason only that I hope things go well. I have nothing to prove to your friends…only to you.” He kissed her cheek, just below the ear.

They started to walk over to the patch of green her friends had commandeered. Xander held her hand. He walked beside her with grace and confidence, like he knew everyone in attendance. The swagger was ever present and never forced. His natural air that drew people to him and put them at ease.

Jane smiled sweetly. Izzie was sporting a mischievous grin. Tristan had one eyebrow lifted. Paige looked pensive with her lips pulled in a tight grin. Maddie’s eyes were narrowed slightly. Charlie’s stare was full on “die you bastard”, which was quickly covered with a smile. That was a very southern thing to do. Smiling on the outside, while giving the finger on the inside. They didn’t consider it fake, it was considered manners. Katrine tipped back her wine glass and pulled Xander towards the wolves. Wolves that were eager to tear his limbs off. One limb in particular…

“Hi, friends,” she smiled. Despite her friends’ eagerness to disembowel her date, she was glad to see them. Waves and hellos. Then it was all eyes on Xander.

“Guys, this is Xander.” Okay, that was obvious, but an introduction was customary in these situations. She was hoping he didn’t do the smug, “I’m kick ass, worship me minions” thing. They would take that as a provocation and attack. She was relieved to see he had his full genuine, oh so dreamy, smile on. A few mouths were open, he had that affect on women and gay men too, apparently.

Again a round of hello’s and then a roll call so he could put faces to the names.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Maddie good to see you again.” She nodded and managed a weak, “you too”.

“So, Xander, how long are you in town
time?” Charlie asked.

Thunder bolt, take me out please…

“Well, I’m here until tomorrow. But this is one of many trips, to be sure. Katrine was eager for all of us to meet. I wanted to make her happy, so here I am.” He took a few slow steps forward. “Happy birthday, Charlie,” he said, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. They all waited for Charlie’s reaction. The look on her face spoke volumes. Katrine knew that look. Charlie was deciding whether to slap him or stick her tongue down his throat. Katrine sympathized since she felt like that most of the time.

“Thank you. Let me introduce you to the guys.” That was a good sign.

About an hour later Xander made his way back to her side. The soft candles on the table were flickering in the darkness. He threaded his hand into her hair and kissed her like that hour had been days. That kiss made her look around for something to bang him behind. Damn, not a bush in sight.

“So, how was it?” she inquired, locking her arms around his back.

“Fine. The husbands are very friendly and Michael should be sainted for being married to Charlie.” He grinned and pulled her towards the tent. “I really liked Maddie’s boyfriend, Shawn. I wonder if he’d move to New York? I could use lawyers like him on my team.” That was high praise indeed.

They filled their plates with the typical country club buffet fare; roast beef, mashed potatoes, buttery yeast rolls, vegetables that used to be green. Nothing to write home about, but it did the job. She was starving.

“I have to run to the ladies’ room. Will you be okay?”

“Do you want me to walk you?”

“No, it’s fine. Go grab a drink and I’ll meet you in a dark corner somewhere.”

Katrine cursed under her breath as she made her way back to the tables. Xander wasn’t alone, he was flanked by Medusa and La Femme Nikita, aka Charlie and Maddie. This could not be good… But when she got a little closer, they seemed to be smiling. Maybe things were going well. She decided to give them some time to bond.

“You’ve been sharing top billing with David on my shit list, Xander,” Maddie announced with a smile on her face. It wasn’t a friendly smile.

“Is that so?”

“You know it’s so. And if you fuck with my sister again, I’m going to shove a metal skewer up your pee hole.” Xander winced with a laugh.

“And while she’s doing that, I’ll be stapling your balls to your butt hole,” Charlie added. It was scary how she could threaten bodily harm while keeping a smile on her face, again a Southern thing.

“Duly noted, girls. I respect how protective you are of Katrine. If I blow this second chance I’ve been given, trust me, I’ll wield the skewer myself.” No smiles, this was a tougher crowd than he was used to. “Listen, there’s nothing I can say that will make up for what I did. My actions from this point forward will be proof of my sincerity and that can’t be rushed. But for Katrine’s sake, you should give me a chance. You know how she is. She always puts everyone’s happiness before her own. But I think just this once she’s trying to put herself first. I think it’s about time, don’t you?” The girls looked at each other, then nodded. “So can we put the skewers and the staplers away for the time being and call a truce?”



“Glad to hear it, and so are my penis, balls, and butt hole.” That earned a chuckle from the girls. Katrine came up and beamed. “Yeah! You guys are getting along. That makes me so happy.” She hugged Xander’s waist. The happiness on her face and the sweet relief in her voice struck a chord with them. They all smiled, and with a nod of the head, made a silent agreement to keep this conversation to themselves. They had one thing in common, their love and devotion for the petite beauty who held their hearts firmly in her grasp.

Chapter 28

“Guys, I have something to tell you.” The girls had broken away from their male counterparts once again. Well, besides Tristan, but his parts were always welcome.

“I’m getting my boobs done in two weeks,” Charlie declared. That statement garnered various responses.


“That’s great?”

“Oh my god!”

“What the fuck?”

Then when Charlie just shrugged her shoulders, Katrine asked,“What made you change your mind?”

“Well, when you get hit in the eye with your own nipple, it’s time to reconsider your options,” Charlie said with a serious look.

Again, various responses.



“Oh my god!”

“What the fuck?”

“Oh yes, my sexual mis-adventures continue… Imagine me getting taken from behind. Sorry, but the mental image in pertinent to the story…My chin falling to my chest and oh yeah, I’m just about to come and…
Tit in the eye. Needless to say, I lost my orgasm.” No one said a word. There was only stunned silence and horror-filled stares. Then Katrine’s shoulders started shaking and Maddie snorted. Soon the whole group started to lose it. Hilarity is usually contagious. It’s just one of those things.

“I’ve heard raw meat helps with a black eye. But I guess a dick’ll do in a pinch?” Maddie hooted, catching her breath just long enough to get the words out.

“So let me get this straight. You could’ve been sucking your own tits this whole time? I’d never leave the house!” Izzie threw in. Oh, they were starting to really laugh now. Charlie just stood there and took it. She would have done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.

“Sorry, we don’t mean to tease you about it, it’s a very sad story. That’s not something you forget. That mammary will haunt you forever.” Jane giggled. They all groaned. “What? Mammary-memory, get it? That is funny, hookers!”

“Okay, okay. Enough of the jokes, although we could go on all night. It’s just that comical, but what we need are the important details. Size, honey! Are you going small and subtle or look at me and my new melons?” Tristan asked. He wiggled back and forth with his hands up to his chest, like he was cupping big ones. They laughed.

“I think I’m going somewhere in between. I’m tall, so I think I can pull off small C’s, right?”

“Totally, you’re going to be smokin’ hot, girl! I can’t wait to help you pick out your ‘new boobs’ wardrobe,” Katrine said.

“Yes, lots of v-necks and tight dresses,” Paige added.

“So has Michael already mapped out your sexual payment plan?” Maddie teased.

“Ugh! Yes. He keeps talking about all of the fun things they can do together.” Charlie rolled her eyes.

“They?” Jane asked.

“Yes. He refers to my new boobs, the ones I don’t even have yet, as
. It’s like I’m not even in the room.”

“I’m sure once they lose the new boob smell then he’ll go back to normal,” Tristan offered.

“One can only hope. You guys might not see me for a while. After my recovery he might tie me to the bed for a few weeks,” Charlie said with a shiver.

“Just make sure he paces himself. I’ve heard of men almost suffocating in their wives’ new rack,” Izzie joked, eyebrow raised.

“Oh, but what a way to go!” Tristan hollered. They laughed hard on that one, there may have been some snorting.

The cake was wheeled out towards the end of the night. It was a huge three tier cake iced in lavender and pale greens. The candles sizzled like sparklers, adding to the already festive atmosphere. Charlie smiled and kissed her husband’s cheek. The obvious delight in her eyes was
priceless. They sang and cheered loudly. Tristan whistled. Xander held Katrine from behind and she leaned back into his chest. She was thinking how amazing this night had been, then she noticed someone staring at her from the other side of the tent. She hadn’t realized he was here tonight, too wrapped up in her own good time.

She smiled at him, but it was not returned. Is fact, Ian turned around and walked away. Had he watched her the whole night? Laughing with her friends and kissing Xander? Her stomach rolled. Seeing her with Xander must have been a slap in the face he’d not expected. Her heart went out to him, the little piece that was still and would forever be his.

“You okay?” Xander whispered. He must have felt her tense and seen the reason. She turned into his arms. “I will be, as long as long as I have you.”

“You have me, Katrine…completely.”

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