Resilient (2) (33 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Your wife can keep the top spot, Gabe. I can’t play golf,” Katrine said, attempting to get poor William out of the hot seat. She wouldn’t judge him, to each his own.

They drank, sang, and laughed a lot. These guys were really down to earth and treated Katrine like one of the gang. They also laughed at her jokes, which showed an amazing sense of humor, in her opinion. Scott did end up being very charming and funny once the alcohol wore off. He had cut himself off at the beginning of the night. Xander was so relaxed around these guys, Katrine loved seeing this side of him. And of course the stories from their prep school days were hilarious and very insightful.

Xander and Scott had been quite popular with the students at the all girl’s private school across town, Scott with a few of the teachers, too. And there
been many a rager held at Xander’s place, and countless pranks. She also learned that Xander had spent a summer in Namibia building schools. Gabe may have brought it up to earn Xander points with her, but what Gabe didn’t realize was that he didn’t need any. Xander never mentioned his philanthropic endeavors. She loved that about him, his generosity was a private thing.

She would almost forget these guys were from affluent, wealthy families, then something would remind her. They talked about trips to Aspen and Europe. Rowing at their Ivy League schools. They weren’t obnoxious about it, it was just commonplace to them. Going surfing in Thailand was like she and Maddie going down to Austin for a live music fix. Different worlds, for sure.

They hugged good night and she promised the guys she’d be back soon. Gabe and William wanted to have them over for dinner, meet their wives and kids. “Hey, and bring Teddy.”

“Thanks, Will, that’s very kind of you. It was great meeting you all.”

“Wait, you don’t say ya’ll, either? Everything I thought I knew about Texas has been thwarted on this night,” William joked dramatically. It looked like a certain blue-blooded Yankee was a closet Texan-wannabe. Katrine laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Yawl have a good night.” She made sure to lay the accent on thick. William had a strange look on his face.

Yikes, I think I just gave him a chubby.

Attempt at humor…misfire.

Xander kissed her temple and held her close as they walked back to his car. He opened her door and stepped off the curb, pressing her against the car.

“You are the most amazing woman, did you know that?” he asked, kissing her gently on the mouth.

“I am? What did I do?”

“Nothing, just being you. I think the guys are completely under your spell. And I think Scott might be rubbing one out to your image as we speak. William, too, by the look on his face.”

“Eewww. Mental image, unwelcome.”

He rested his forehead to hers. “I love you. Do I say that too much?”

“Are you crazy? I’ll never get tired of hearing those words come out of that gorgeous, luscious, kissable mouth…Ever.”

He took that as an invitation and sealed his kissable mouth onto hers.

“I think you need to take me home, cowboy,” she drawled. His eyes went wide.

It looked like someone else had a thing for a slow southern drawl. She could work with that…

Chapter 33

Katrine awoke, feeling sore in all the right places. They had taken ‘ride ‘em cowboy’ to a whole new level the night before. She looked over and was disappointed to see the other side of the bed was empty. The bathroom door was open and the light was off, so he wasn’t in there. She sat up and gripped the white sheets to her chest. She was all kinds of naked. She had a hard time keeping her pj’s on whenever Xander was around. Although she didn’t feel hung over, the beer from the night before had a considerable affect on the current state of her mouth.


She rolled out of bed and grabbed a t-shirt. First order of business, de-funk mouth. She brushed twice and gargled for good measure.

“Awww, much better, but the Flock of Seagulls ‘do has got to go.”

The hot water pelting her back felt glorious. She closed her eyes and stood under the spray. A smile spread across her face when she felt fingers lightly caressing her spine.

“I was wondering when you were coming back.”

“If I knew I was missing shower time, I would have been back ten minutes ago. Sorry, I meant to get back in bed before you woke up.”

“That’s okay.” She turned off the water and he wrapped a fluffy towel around her. “I was surprised you were up before me, that never happens.”

“I woke up really early for some reason. I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I got some work done. Millie made us breakfast and I told her we’d eat outside, if that’s all right with you?”

“That sounds wonderful.”

“Then a dip in the pool?”

“Perfect. I guess I didn’t need to get a shower after all, but I was worried about meeting your dad with bed head.” Katrine grinned, pulling out her bathing suit and cover-up.

“They’re set to arrive at 2:00, so you’re safe for now. That gives us plenty of time to enjoy a swim and there’s somewhere I wanted to take you after breakfast.”

“Okay, can I wear this?”

“Yes, just put on some shoes.”

They ate huge macadamia nut pancakes on the terrace overlooking the pool. The sun was warm, but the humidity was still low. The weather was perfect for dining al fresco. She felt like the lady of the manor.

“So what do you have up your sleeve, Mr. Abbot?”

“What, no more Cowboy? Damn, I was enjoying that.” He laughed when she ducked her head a little, loving that she could still get embarrassed after the night they’d had. “Nothing up my sleeve. I just want you to meet someone.” Katrine was a little disappointed because she really wanted to have him all to herself a little bit longer. They were going to be surrounded by people soon enough.

“No pouts, you’ll love him, trust me.”

They made their way past the pool house and through a cluster of trees. She couldn’t believe there was more land back here.

“Wow, all of this is yours? How many acres do you have?”

“A little over three, we just needed a little extra room for this.” He pointed at a small clearing with a paddock and a building just beyond. She smiled. A paddock and stable could mean only one thing, horses. Well, one horse, to be exact.

The stable was small, but in excellent condition. The wood was dark green with white trim. She was sorry she’d worn flip flops, but she’d manage.

“I would like you to meet Figaro.”

Katrine crept towards the stall, straw crunching beneath her feet. Large dark brown ears twitched at her approach. Black eyes blinked, making his long lashes flutter. She stuck out her hand and let him sniff, then she gently stroked the white patch of fur on the center of his muzzle. His tail swished and he made a sound that sounded like he was enjoying the rub. She couldn’t get over how shiny his coat was. It looked like milk chocolate.

“He’s so beautiful, Xander. I didn’t know you had a horse.”

“He’s not my horse, really. Figaro’s mother, Madame B, was my mom’s horse. She died about five years ago. My mom loved horses, that’s the main reason they built a house here. It was one of the few spots that had enough land for her horse. Gregory comes every day and takes care of
him. I think my dad likes to keep horses around. Reminds him of Mom.” She smiled when she heard the names, Madame B and Figaro. His mom loved opera. His father really loved his late wife and still did, by the looks of it. She hoped one day he would find someone to love again.

“Wow, horses live that long?”

“If well taken care of, yes. Do you ride? And before you say it, I don’t think everyone from Texas can ride a horse.“

She laughed.
“I wasn’t going to say that, and no, I can’t ride. Or at least I’ve never tried. I do have this fantasy though…me and a gorgeous man ride off into the sunset and then make love under a tree.” She was a little surprised she’d shared. But the look on Xander’s face made her glad she had.

He ambled over to a set of cabinets on the wall and grabbed a large quilt. He took her hand and led her out of the stable. Katrine said a quiet goodbye to Figaro and trailed behind obediently.

They walked back to the cluster of trees they had passed before. Xander held one side of the blanket, popping it open into the air, then laying it down on the grass. “I thought we’d skip the riding off into the sunset part and go straight to the making love part.” He gave her a half, one dimple seductive grin. This was really her favorite part of the fantasy, anyway.

She kicked off her shoes and turned towards him, he pulled off his shirt. She loved the way his trunks hung well below his waist, revealing his muscled hips and the soft hair under his belly button. With care and gentle hands, Xander removed her cover and bikini.

The blanket was cool under her back. A bee buzzed somewhere nearby. The crisp scent of fresh cut grass hung in the breeze. He took his time, held her gaze. Raising their clasped hands above their heads, he kept his rhythm and pressed his chest against hers. The build was gradual, almost lazy in its approach. Katrine wanted to lift her hips to quicken the sensations, but she resisted, deciding to be patient. It would make the end that much sweeter. On rare occasions, reality proves to be better than the fantasy. Anyone can have sex, but to make love, really and truly, is to possess each other’s soul, if only for moment. As she gasped, looking into his vibrant eyes… he possessed hers.

Xander was laying on a lounge chair soaking up the sun. Katrine floated in the center of the pool. The cold water was helping clear her mind. Making love to Xander under a canopy of trees, had been amazing. But it almost felt like a dream, like this was all a dream. This wasn’t real life, was it? She was most likely over-thinking things, but she had the nagging sensation that this bliss was not sustainable. It was as if she was living out a novel that would soon come to an end. She loved him and she knew he loved her in return, but there was something strange, it was just too good. This candy land existence was not her reality.
She wondered if Xander had the same thoughts.

It was strange. She could see him in her future, but the details were hazy. How did he fit into her long term? Someone would have to give up something. What was she willing to give up for him? Was he willing to give up anything for her?
No answers, only a multitude of questions. She’d think about that later. She needed to focus on the task at hand…getting through tonight’s party.

Alexander Abbot, Sr., had arrived just after they finished their swim. He stood at the edge of the pool wearing tan slacks and a black polo style shirt. She was trying to figure out how to get over to her towel and cover-up without him seeing her. That wasn’t going to happen. She looked like a drowned rat most likely, but shook his hand like she was wearing a business suit. Alexander Abbot was tall, fit, and very handsome. Tanned face, cleanly shaven. His eyes were more hazel than green. His salty hair was neatly brushed to the side. He was cordial, not overly warm, but not indifferent, either. He told her to make herself at home. He asked Xander to meet him in his office to go over the final details for the party. Xander nodded and that was that. His grandfather had gone right to his room for a nap. So she had yet to see the birthday boy.

Katrine slipped on her shoes and stood in front of the mirror. Her off one shoulder dress gathered at the waist, falling straight down, hitting her ankle. The white material made her bronzed skin glow and she thought it was very flattering. Her jewelry was gold. She had no idea what the women around here wore. She hoped it mirrored the runways of NYC, because Tristan, who goes to fashion week every year, assured her that her clothes were en vogue. She wore her hair down in carmel waves and her makeup was natural except the light eyeliner, she hoped it would draw attention to her eyes. The scar on her cheek bone that was once puffy and red was now flesh colored and flat. When she wore foundation, it was hardly noticeable. That wasn’t the only physical reminder of her accident; she’d been lucky, so she would take the scars.

The party was going to be held in the clearing beside the pool and the main house. The fact that she would be walking on grass made her leave the heels at home. Her wedges were dressy and more importantly, wide enough that she would be able to handle any terrain. Xander was already down helping with the party, so she would have to enter alone. He’d offered to come escort her, but she had turned him down, insisting that he was needed elsewhere. She was now regretting that decision. The good news was that it was early and only a few of the guests had arrived.

Katrine had the sinking suspicion that she was going to be the bearded lady tonight. Everyone would want to see the girl that finally “snagged” Xander. It would be moderately uncomfortable and severely unnerving. But she could handle it. She had to handle it. What was her alternative? Hiding in the bathroom?

So with shoulders squared and confidence shield in place, she was ready.

Let’s do this

Chapter 34

Katrine made her way down the staircase, the tall windowed doors to the terrace were open, leaving an expansive opening. There were people in black and white uniforms milling about, setting out flowers, rubbing cloth across water glasses. The china clicked and the glassware pinged. The party was about to start and the staff was working furiously. The tables and chairs were draped in white. It reminded her of a wedding reception. It was lovely, but it didn’t scream 91 year old man birthday party to her, but she wasn’t sure what did.

The sun was setting, but the humidity still hung thick in the air. There was a slender woman in the corner playing the harp, her long fingers caressing the strings. The music was beautiful, but all Katrine could think of was how hot the harpist must be in that long black dress, as a single bead of sweat trickled down Katrine’s spine.

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