Resilient (2) (13 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Doesn’t make it any less horrendous,” she teased.

“Okay, no more Kat-nip. I just love to see you all worked up, it’s so cute.”

“The woman of your dreams, you were saying…” She gave him her “get on with it” look and the hand gesture that went with it.

“Oh right, her name is Grace and I think I’m in love…” She smiled as he continued. Was there anything better than seeing someone in the falling in love stage?
She didn’t think so.

Chapter 13

“Hand me your two swim suits, please. Oh, and your goggles.” Katrine folded the requested clothing and tucked it into the side of Teddy’s suitcase. He was leaving for Hawaii in the morning.

“Let’s go over our check list.” Yes, she had a check list.

“We have swim suits, underwear, sunblock, pjs, sandals, aqua socks, clothes for evening, clothes for daytime, and a precious little linen suit for the ceremony.”

“Momma, please,” he pleaded with embarrassment.

“Sorry, it’s just so cute, you’re going to look so handsome.” She laid his cream colored suit into a garment bag and sighed. She was going to miss her little man. He hadn’t been away from her for more than a day or two since last summer, so seven days seemed like a lifetime.

“Don’t worry, Momma, I’ll miss you, too.” He came over and hugged her from behind, squeezing her middle tightly.

“Thanks, baby. Now how are you feeling about all of this? Are you okay?” She turned towards her son and grabbed his hands.

“I’m okay. It’s weird and all, but she’s nice and Dad seems real happy. He spends more time with me and I like that. Sorry, Momma, is that bad for me to say?”

“No, absolutely not. I was worried you were feeling sad about this and you shouldn’t. I’m glad he’s happy. And if this whole thing makes him an even better dad, then that’s wonderful. I’m happy too, okay?”

“Okay… Mom, I’m so excited about Hawaii! They’re even going to take me to see a live volcano!” They continued to pack and talk about all of the great things he would do on his trip. Katrine was happy when Teddy was. That was the only thing that mattered to her. It hurt a little to know that the man she’d spent so many years with was getting married to someone else. She let herself feel that, it was a natural emotion to have. It didn’t mean she wished they were still together. Somewhere along the way she’d shed that desire. Whether it was Xander or time, she wasn’t sure, maybe a little of both.

At least Dr. Ariel will get to visit her family.

She chuckled, thinking of David’s new wife running into the water to hug her mermaid siblings. Maybe one day that would get old, but not yet.

Katrine brushed Teddy’s thick sandy hair out of his face. She pulled up the covers and kissed him on the cheek.”You know I’m going to tuck you in until you go off to college, right?”

“I don’t mind.”

“Good, because no matter how old you get, I will always kiss you good night.”

“Momma, I’ll never get tired of that.” He kissed her back and they hugged.

I hope you never do, baby. I hope you never do…

Katrine was startled by a sudden knock on her door. She’d been wallowing all morning after Teddy left and was annoyed to be interrupted.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

“Well, I know you, sis. Teddy left this morning, so you’ve been sitting in your reading chair, sulking.” Maddie gave her a knowing look.

“Yah, okay, I was sulking a little. Come on in.”

Maddie gave her big sister a warm hug. “I’ve come to turn your frown upside down. It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon, let’s go enjoy a patio somewhere. Margaritas, anyone?”

“Oooh, ooh, me, me!” Katrine chirped, raising her hand.

“That’s what I thought. Now take off those ugly ass sweats and let’s go!”

“Okay, okay. I’m going, I’m going.” Katrine threw on a fitted green long-sleeved tee and her favorite jeans with the worn knees. Loose bun in the back and she was ready for patio time. What was it about alcohol and patios? It was just one of those things.

Katrine closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the sun warm her face. She was pretty sure Maddie was doing the same thing because their conversation had ceased. Their sun worshipping session was cut short by the waiter. But he had another round of frozen tequila goodness in his hand, so he went from bothersome to welcome guest.

“Dude, just in time. I’ve been licking the inside of my glass hoping to get some tequila residue.” Maddie grabbed the full glass and winked at their handsome young waiter. “Yah, Chad, if she goes too long between drinks she gets really bitchy and I’m trying to get my patio buzz going,” Katrine teased as he set the salt-rimmed glass in front of her. He always waited on them, so he was used to their cheekiness.

“Ladies, for you two, anything. Your food will be out in just a minute.”

“Thanks!” they both replied.

“He’s so cute, if I was ten years younger I would lick his residue,” Maddie said and took a nip of salt. Katrine chuckled and nodded.

“So how is the handsome lawyer treating you?” Katrine asked.

“Shawn is great and we’re having fun, a lot of fun. I don’t know. This time I’m not in a rush to get all serious like I usually am. He’s been hurt before and lord knows so have I. We just want to take it slow, but I gotta tell ya, sis, he’s something else.”

“Well, I think taking it slow is very wise. Why rush what will come in good time? If it’s meant to come, that is.”

“Oh, I come in good time, every time.” They laughed and high-fived as their huge plate of nachos made an appearance. Each chip had creamy black beans and a thick coat of mild white cheese. That was topped with small pieces of marinated steak and chicken fajita meat. Smiles spread across their faces and they mmmmd and yummmed.

“Okay, what we really need to talk about is your upcoming trip to paradise.” Maddie wiped her mouth and took a sip of water.

“What about it?”

“Trine, come on! This is a big deal. Ya know, trip with your new man. Possibility of sex and love and all of that…‘Looove…exciting and new. Come aboard, we’re expecting yooooouuuuu. The Love Boat. Da na na’,” Maddie sang loudly with her fork up to her mouth.

“Oh my god, you’re so crazy.” Katrine rolled her eyes and grinned. She didn’t care if other people were staring. She had built an immunity to her sister’s melodic shenanigans. “And we’re not going on a cruise, dumb ass.” Katrine tossed her napkin at Maddie’s head. “I know what you’re saying. You know we’re staying in the same room, which was a spur of the moment, hormone influenced idea. I don’t feel pressured, though. Ian will be okay with whatever happens. I mean, I’m sure he wants to have sex. What guy wouldn’t?” She took a sip of her drink. “I’m excited. It’ll be nice to go somewhere warm and relaxing. If I was at home I would just be thinking about the Hawaiian nuptials. This will be a very handsome distraction.”

“Blah blah blah, who the hell do you think you’re talking to, lady? You know if you’re going to have sex or not. Right here, right now. You know. So cut the shit and give up the goods.” Maddie crossed her arms over her ample chest and cocked her head to the side. Her two braids fell behind her shoulders.

“God, you are one pushy bitch…Okay. I will more than likely have sex with Ian. But if I have any reservations while I’m there, I’m pulling the brakes. Sex mucks things up if you’re not careful.”

“Ian is not like other guys. I think you aren’t completely sure about sex because you’re still on the fence about him. Please tell me this has nothing to do with the Park Avenue jack-hole!” Katrine must have taken longer than Maddie liked. “What? Are you fucking kidding me, Trine?” Maddie slammed her hand into her lap and let out an

“No, Mads, it isn’t about him, really, I rushed into sex with him because our affair was on a timer. Ian and I have all the time in the world, so there’s no need to rush it.” She scooped some guacamole onto her nacho and took a healthy bite.

“But admit it, you feel differently about Ian than you did the man-whore.”

“They are two different men with completely different circumstances, so no, it’s not the same.”

“Cryptic, much? You can dance around the issue all day and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But you do have to be honest with yourself. Are you over him or not? And even if you’re weren’t, would
you ever do anything about it?” Katrine shook her head and sighed. “Well, then your only choice is to move on… and spread your legs.”

“You were almost wise just then, almost…”

Sunday, Katrine spent the day getting waxed and buffed. She also purchased some new lace bra and panty sets. These were the final additions to her get-away wardrobe, which consisted of three string bikinis, four sun dresses, flip-flops, and strappy sandals.

No need to pack three days early, nerd.

Her type-A personality drove her to be organized. So she might not literally be packed yet, but she had already packed in her mind.
As she took the tags off her new lacy knickers, she thought about sleeping in the same bed with Ian and she became a bit nervous.

“Oh god, what if I snore!”

She always laughed when she read about how beautiful people looked in their sleep. The leading man will sit and stare at the woman sleeping, hair fanned out on the pillow, and compare her to an angel.

Really? How about tangled hair, crust in the eye, and open mouth with drool running down the side of your face?

“Ahhhh, just like an angel, yeah right. Oh well, if he’s sexually satisfied, maybe he’ll overlook the crust and drool.”

Mid-terms were last week, so Katrine would be more than ready for her vacation. She’d been well prepared, having attended the extra study sessions for both classes. Luckily her project at work was completed last week as well. It had gone well and her boss gave her the thumbs up to pitch it to their director. Katrine would do that tomorrow. It was her first lead on a project, so there was a lot riding on it. But she wasn’t nervous, in fact she felt completely confident. When it came to work, she always was.

“Very good, Katrine. I think based on what you have presented, this will be a successful approach. Well done. I have another meeting in ten minutes, so…” Nancy nodded to Katrine and left the small conference room. Katrine looked over at her manager, Grant. He gave her a pat on her shoulder. “Great work, Katrine. I had every faith that you could handle this project. And I know it was small potatoes, but that’s just how it’s done. Start small…work your way up from there.” He smiled as he smoothed his blond thinning hair down on the back of his head.

“Thanks, Grant. And again, thank you for the opportunity. I hope this is the first of many.” She stood up and waited for him to meet her at the door as they left.

“I’m sure it will be. I have plans for you, Katrine.”

“I’m your girl,” she said. She made her way back to her desk with a huge smile on her face.

At around 5:30, her co-workers Anita and Darren ambled into her cubicle. “So, Katrine, you’ve rain checked us like ten times in the last few months. You gonna finally grab a drink with us?” Dave asked.

“You know what—yes. My pitch to Nancy was kick ass, so I’m in the mood to celebrate.”

“I knew you’d do great,” Anita said with enthusiasm.

“Thanks, Anita. Let me just return a few emails then I’ll be ready to head out.” She turned back to her computer, but they didn’t move. She looked over her shoulder and gave them a curious look. “What?”

“Katrine, we know you. A few emails lead to an hour later.”

“Okay, okay, I’m done, let’s go.” Katrine shut down her computer and grabbed her purse. As they walked towards the doors, Jaimie called after them.

“Hey, guys. Where ya headed?”

“We’re going to Harry’s. Their Monday drink specials are awesome and they have free appetizers. You want to join us?” Darren asked eagerly. He had a little crush on their perky receptionist. Katrine bristled a bit. She was still a little put off from her obtrusive behavior a few weeks before, but pushed that feeling down. Jaimie was nice enough.

“You really don’t mind?”


“No, not at all,” Darren answered without so much as a glance in their direction. Katrine wasn’t sure how Anita felt about it, either. But she probably wasn’t thrilled, given the fact that she had a bit of a crush on Darren. Or at least that’s what Katrine had gathered by the way Anita acted around him. Jaimie smiled and grabbed her purse, excited to be included. That made Katrine feel a bit guilty. So she decided to give Jaimie the benefit of the doubt and keep all conversation as shallow and vague as possible. Guilty feeling or not, the girl had loose lip syndrome.

After one beer and some nibbles, Katrine decided to call it a night. Not only did she need to work on her project, she also wanted a break from the incessant interrogation treatment she’d been getting from Jaimie. Katrine hardly got a chance to talk to Anita and Darren, so they were bummed when she said her goodbyes.

“Sorry, guys. I’ll stay longer next time.” Anita rolled her eyes in Jaimie’s direction and Katrine winked. Guess she wasn’t the only one that was annoyed. As soon as Katrine left, Jaimie looked down at her phone and excused herself.

“Guys, I have to take care of something. Order me another round, would you?”

Obnoxiously large sun hat--check

E-reader loaded--check

Ready for vacation--check!

Katrine zipped her black rolling suitcase and double checked her purse for her passport. She secured a narrow teal and green striped scarf to her head, tying it behind her neck. It complemented the deep green silk tank and taupe petal pushers she was wearing. She chose her cork wedges with gold straps that criss-crossed over her foot. She wanted to be comfortable, but she always liked to dress up a bit when she flew. There was one more thing she had to grab, her straw beach bag. Now she was ready and just in time. She heard a knock and then the front door opened.

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