Resilient (2) (10 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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He rose above her, panting with exertion. Sweat beaded on his chest as he slammed into her body. She wrapped her legs around him, squeezing her thighs and digging her heels into his tight ass. The room was dark save the moonlight trickling in from the large window beside her bed. His face was in shadow but she could see the blue gleam from his eyes. Katrine threw her head back and screamed, her body quivering. As she came back to earth, she glanced up at the man who had satisfied her in ways she’d never thought possible. But his eyes, his eyes were no longer blue, but a deep, deep green. He leaned down and kissed her lips, then whispered,

“Katrine. My Katrine.”

Her eyes shot open. She was sweating and the sheets were tangled around her waist. She let out a deep breath, savoring the remaining tingles flowing to her thighs, but not enjoying the ache in her chest.

“Holy shit.” It had seemed so real and it had been going so well, until the color of her lover’s eyes had changed. She ran a hand over her face. He hadn’t made an appearance in her dreams for months. She wondered why it was happening again all of a sudden.

What? Because she was trying to move on? Well, that just sucked.

Stay out of my dreams, dick head!

She looked over at her clock. Thirty minutes until her alarm went off.

“Damn it!” She groaned, hitting the mattress with her hand.

She hated when that happened. Getting robbed of even five minutes, let alone thirty, just pissed her off. She huffed and threw back the covers. There was no way she would fall back to sleep.

The hot water on her back soothed her a bit, but this day was not getting off to a great start. Unwanted visitors interrupting a perfectly pleasant naughty dream and then waking up before the alarm clock. She decided an over-priced coffee and a banana walnut muffin were in order. That thought made her hustle through her washing process. She had to get Teddy and take him to school. Go to class, then work. She had a full day ahead. So thirty extra minutes would come in handy. That was a better way of looking at it.

The hair dryer hummed. She touched her lips with her free hand and smiled, remembering the evening she spent wrapped in Ian’s arms. And what muscular arms they were. He’d stayed a few hours and they had kissed and touched, and kissed some more. But they didn’t go beyond that. It was like they both had a silent agreement. They should treat this change in their relationship with care and delicacy. Katrine had no desire to rush the physical part, just in case. She didn’t regret crossing the line with Ian, who had become one of her best friends, but she was well aware of the ramifications if things went south.

They didn’t have the “what does this all mean” conversation, thankfully. Take it slow and play it by ear. That was what she was going to do. She hoped Ian was on the same page…

“Katrine, you going to lunch with us today?” Anita asked, plucking dead leaves off the plant on her desk.

“Sorry, I just got here about an hour ago and I have a lot of work to catch up on. Raincheck for tomorrow?”

“Sure thing, girl.”

Katrine sighed, wishing she could be anywhere but the office today. Usually she loved being at work, but she just felt restless. She grabbed her phone and sent Maddie a message to come over and eat with her and Teddy. She needed to get the details on her date and she had a few things to update her sis on as well. Her office line rang.

“Hello, Katrine MacNamara.”

“Yes, I was wondering if you could help me? I’m in need of an unusually beautiful woman to help me with an upcoming project.” The accent sounded slightly British, but a horrible imitation.

She grinned. “And what project would that be, sir?”

“I just wanted to market my…well, shit. I should have thought this out a little better.” They both laughed.

“You nut, what do you want and make it snappy. I’m a very busy person and I have many responsibilities.”

“Well, I just wanted to say that I can’t wait to have my mouth on you again and I can’t wait to touch that soft skin on your lower back. It’s driving me to distraction.” His voice was husky, but quiet, so he must have been at work as well. The blood rushed to her cheeks and other parts. “Hello, Katrine. You still there?”

“Yes, yes, I’m still here. Sorry, now you have me thoroughly distracted.”

“Good, now we’re even. The other reason for my call is to ask the birthday girl what she wanted to do to celebrate.”

“It’s not until Thursday, but you can start celebrating today if you like.” He laughed at her cheeky response. “No, really, I don’t want to make a big deal of it.
I’m meeting the girls on Thursday and Teddy and I are hanging Friday. That’s all I have planned.”

“Can you pencil me in for Saturday?”

“Sounds great.”

“Now enough with the yapping. I have to get back to work.,” Ian said sternly, but he was having a hard time keeping the smile out of his voice.

“You called me, you ass.”

“Yes, but you’re the one that just keeps talking and talking and talking. Okay, goodbye.” He abruptly hung up. She shook her head and snickered.

“What a nut.”

“Good night, Aunt Maddie.”

“Good night, little man,. I love you,” she said, tucking him in and kissing his forehead.

“Love you, too. Night, Momma, love you.”

“Night, sweet boy.” Katrine kissed him and turned out the light. As they walked out to the living room, Maddie hip checked her into the wall.

“Dude, what the hell?” Katrine whined as she lightly kicked her sister in the butt. Maddie turned back and stuck out her tongue. It was funny how they could morph into their child-like personas in a blink of an eye. It was fun to have someone you could be silly with, without judgement or teasing. Well, maybe a little teasing.

“You wash, I’ll dry,” Maddie said, taking her position beside the sink.

“Everything goes in the dishwasher, so what will you be drying?” Katrine said with her head cocked to the side.

“Hey, if there’s anything that needs to be dried, I’ll be here, as back up.

“Lazy ass!”

“Sorry, I’m tired. I just don’t have much energy today,” Maddie said in a “guess why I don’t” way, as she lifted her pinkie to the side of her mouth.

“These dishes can wait. Spill it, tramp!” Katrine pulled her sister by her hand and pushed her down into a seat. Then she walked over and poured them both a glass of wine.

“We need vino for this discussion.”

“Weeell, a lady doesn’t kiss and tell… but since I ain’t no lady, then I can tell you every pornographic detail.”

“Was he huge? Was he good? What, what?” Katrine was getting a bit worked up. She needed to get laid big time.

“He’s so kind and intelligent, he’s a really good listener and he enjoys traveling and music. He loves children and walks in the rain.”

“For god’s sake, get on with it!”

Maddie smiled, knowing she was yanking her sister’s chain hard and loving it. “Okay, the goods…oh, and it was good, very, very good.”

“How good?”

“You remember how you were all excited the time you had two O’s? I had three!”

“What? How is that even possible!”

“One before and two during. Oh my god! I didn’t think I would see my pupils again, they were rolled back so far. I mean, holy shit. His cock was as big as my forearm. You know I hate stereotypes, but holy shit. He measured up, and then some. The man is
. And more than that, he knows how to use it. I’ve had a few guys that think a big dick is all you need to please a gal and that is complete bullshit. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it helps.”

“So I take it the “interview” went well,” Katrine teased, doing the quotations with her fingers.

“Yes, he got hired on the spot… my G spot…holla!” Mads sang and Katrine snorted with laughter.

“So are you dating now or was it strictly a fluid exchange?”

“Yes, we’re going to have a go. I really do like him.” She smiled dreamily.

“Mads, that’s the best news. He seems like a great guy. Speaking of great guys, pardon the obvious segue into my life, but I have some news, too.” She took a sip of wine and continued. “Ian came over the other night and…”

“And what, and what?”

“He said he broke up with Amber because she knew he wanted me. Then his tongues fell into my mouth,” Katrine blurted quickly. Maddie clapped her hands and squealed, which was totally uncharacteristic.

“I knew it would happen eventually, yeah! I’m so glad, he’s so wonderful, sis. He’s so much better than…” She crossed her fingers and made an X. Refusing to say his name.

“Oh Mads, don’t hate Xander. He was good for me at the time and we had fun. I’m over it, I promise.” Besides the dream and the aching chest as a result. But she kept that tidbit to herself. Momentary resurgence, that was all.

“What evs, sis. I don’t have to like him or David. They both broke your heart, and for that, they are dead to me!”

“Easy there, Good Fellas. I get it. And don’t get all excited about Ian. He’s a very good friend and we’re taking a chance. It’s very dangerous territory, so we’re taking it slow. Okay?”

“O-kay.” Maddie pouted.

They finished the bottle and gossiped for another hour. Katrine had an early morning and Maddie had a full client list, so they reluctantly called it a night.
Later Katrine slipped under her covers and smiled. She was so happy for her sister and she really had a good feeling about this one. As for her own love life, she was on the fence, but that, was nothing new.

Chapter 10

“Well, girls, happy birthday to me,” Katrine said as she walked into the room, tossing a rectangular card in front of her friends. Jane thought drinking wine and painting things that would never see the light of day sounded like fun. Maybe it was just to try something different. Whatever the reason, the crew had gathered at Pinot and Paints to celebrate Katrine’s birthday. By the look on her face, it was obvious that they were going to need more wine.

Confused by her irritated tone Jane picked up the card. She read it and silently passed it to Paige. Around it went, ending in Charlie’s hands. “Mother fucker,” she snarled.

“I don’t think he meant for me to get it on my birthday, but it just seems like the final f-you in the whole marriage disintegration saga.”

“Why in God’s name did he send you an invitation? Did he think you would actually go?” Jane asked.

“No, I told him as much when he told me they’d set a date. Maybe he thought I wanted to put it in my “divorce is for losers” scrap book. I’ll put it right by the picture of me giving the thumbs up outside the courthouse. Who the hell knows.”

“Ohhhhh, a wedding in Hawaii, how splendid. I’ll send him a card, ‘Wishing you a lifetime of erectile disfunction,’” Maddie said sweetly. “That’s it, I want to know the next time he’s dropping off
Teddy and I want to be in the bushes. I’m going to jump that piece of shit!” Maddie growled.

“I got your back, Mads. I’ll bring the crowbar. Try scuba diving with a skull fracture, asshole,” Charlie spat.

“Thanks, girls. It warms my heart to have my very own goon squad. Let’s just drink lots of wine and paint something ugly.”

The leader of the “class,” a shaggy young fellow named Chase, told them they were going to be painting the Eiffel Tower. You were allowed to bring your own wine while they gave instructions how to complete your painting step by step. They were following along, but it seemed as though they were talking and drinking more than painting. Jane made sure they were to only ones booked for the night, which was probably a good thing, knowing their usual topics of conversation.

“Make the stroke broad, here at the bottom, ladies. That’s it, nice and smooth.”

“Is anyone else getting horny?” Jane giggled.

“Kind of, now that you mention it…Speaking of broad, I think I might have a case of Carlsbad Cavern crotch,” Paige said as she dipped her brush into the gray paint.“Whatever Paige. I’m sure Bryan doesn’t have any issues with your crotch, cavernous or otherwise,” Katrine said.

“Maybe not, but Bryan went downtown last night and I swear I heard an echo…I guess after pushing my kids out, I might need one of those vaginal tightening surgeries.”

“Well if you don’t get it tightened at least I know what to get Bryan for his birthday,” Jane said. “A miner’s hat!” She laughed. They all gave her a blank look. “You know, the ones with a light on the front.” They all groaned. “What? That’s gold, bitches.” She suddenly became very serious. “But it’s all worth it, right?” she asked, looking distressed.

“Oh, Janie, I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me. Yes, honey, it’s totally worth it. Every stretch mark, a cavernous vagina, all of it,” Paige said and she squeezed Jane’s hand.

“Worth both my saggy tits, darlin’,” Charlie added, giving her a hug.

“Worth the divorce and all the heartache in the world. Janie, it’s all worth it and it will happen, sweetie. I just know it.” They got up from their seats and surrounded Jane’s chair, smothering her in a group hug. They hoped the love and support, would ease the pain a little.

Maddie broke the hug and went back to her seat. “Paige, you seem to have sex with your husband waaaaay too often for a married chick. Your hubs must have a Dirk Diggler in his drawers.,” Maddie teased, finishing the frame of
her tower.

“Oh, it has nothing to do with him… I’m as horny as a teenage boy in a strip club. Soooo, basically I masturbate with his penis…Think dildo with legs.” They all
laughed loudly. Chase turned towards them and shook his head.

Yes, Picasso boy, you have your hands full with this crew.

Charlie examined her work and snorted. “And speaking of battery powered cocks…my painting looks like a checkered vibrator. Guys, I’ve followed the same steps you have. What the hell?
Fuck it!” She threw her paint brush on the table and swigged her vino. “This piece of shit is going to be my mother-in-law’s Christmas present.”

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