Resilient (2) (8 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Wish I had those emerald earrings right about now.” But her Mallarino gold chandeliers worked, too. She would more than likely never wear a pair of jewels like that again, but she was glad she had the opportunity for one night. Katrine shook her head and chuckled while slipping on her
taupe heels that exposed her ankle with a delicate strap. Grabbing her taupe clutch with a gold latch was the last order of business and she was ready. She looked classy and tall.

“Thank you, six inch heels!”

Hayden opened her car door, which was attached to a black Range Rover. Offering his hand, he helped her into the soft leather seat. They made pleasant small talk on the way to the gallery and he mentioned several times how amazing she looked. He seemed a little surprised, but in his defense she usually wore her glasses, hair in a clip, and jeans to class. He was getting the full-on glam treatment tonight.

“You clean up pretty well yourself, Hayden.” And he did, wearing a slate gray suit over a thin striped shirt, no tie. It was impeccably tailored and his cologne smelled crisp with a hint of pine. His blond hair was brushed back, but a small piece kept falling over his eye as he spoke. She found that very cute. The night was mild, so she decided to leave her cashmere wrap in the car. He offered her his arm and they entered the gallery.

The space was very sparse and industrial with the exposed pipes in the ceiling. Some of the walls were white plaster and some cement. There must have been close to fifty people milling about the small, brightly lit gallery. Hayden greeted various people as they made their way to grab a drink. She took a sip and was about to inquire after the artist when a tall, slender blonde bounced up to them.

“Hayden, you came!” she said, throwing her arms around her cousin.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss your big debut.”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it a debut, more like an over-priced show and tell.”

Katrine liked her immediately.

“Kimberly, this is Katrine. We’re in the grad program together.”

“Very nice to meet you, Katrine. Please call me Kim.”

“You too. Your work is amazing. Kim. Show and tell or not, you’re truly talented.” And she was, from what Katrine had seen so far. She worked in oils of vibrant colors, all varying subjects. The one she was admiring now was of a coastal landscape with cliffs covered in tall yellow grasses with angry seas below.

“Thank you. Most of my peers are into more modern interpretations, but I prefer landscapes. Travel is my other passion, so the places I visit are the source of my inspiration. This is the Western coast of Ireland,” Kimberly said with a spark in her eye.

“Well, whatever your inspiration, they are divine. I would hang them in my house.,” Katrine complimented. Kim smiled and took her by the arm, giving her a personal tour and description of each work. The like, was apparently mutual.

“Cuz, can I steal my date back, please.? My parents want to meet her.” Katrine flinched a little.

“Don’t worry. I told them we were just classmates, but they want to meet you anyway. Is that okay?”

“Sure, sorry. Knee jerk reaction.” She took his arm and they made their way over to a very elegant couple. His father was an older version of Hayden and his mother was a blond-haired beauty with a warm smile. Katrine found them to be lovely and wasn’t sure what Hayden’s problem was with them. Who knows what happened behind closed doors. Outward appearances were often bullshit., but her radar was picking up genuine kindness. Maybe Hayden was just a spoiled brat after all, creating drama for the sheer hell of it. Not her problem. He was cute and fun to be around, and that was the extent of their acquaintance. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t let him kiss her good night. He had a nice mouth and her lips were aching to be kissed. Her tongue felt thick and wet in her mouth from sheer anticipation.

She excused herself to find the ladies’ room. As she was drying her hands, her purse dinged.

What are you doing?

On a date, thank you very much.

What! With who??? Do I know this guy?

Chill, he’s the guy from my class.

The one who has the hots for you?

Yes, now let me get out of here. He’s gonna think I fell in. Don’t you have a girlfriend to woo?

She laughed and threw her phone back into her purse. Ian sounded a bit protective and that made her very happy. Maybe being a little unattainable worked both ways.

They made their finale rounds and hugged the lady of the hour, congratulating her again on her beautiful work. When they got back to the car, the fatigue set into her body. It had been a long week. When they pulled up to her place, Hayden opened the door for her once again and helped her out of the car. They walked up to her door and she just felt tired. The kiss she had been looking forward to could be right around the corner, only she wasn’t feeling it now, she just wanted to get into her bed. Hayden looked down at her.

“I had a great time tonight, thank you for coming.”

“I had fun, too. Hayden, I…”

“I know, Katrine. It’s okay, I like being with you. You’re funny and smart, and of course hot as hell.” He smiled. “But I get it. It won’t be weird or anything. I enjoy your company. Could we still hang out every once in a while?”

“I’d like that.” She kissed him on the cheek, letting her mouth linger for just a moment. She opened her door and before she went in, she said, “And Hayden just for the record you’re pretty hot yourself.” He gave her a huge smile, nodded, and said his final goodnight.

At last she was in her bed, luxuriating in her soft sheets. It was only 10:30, but she was fried. Her phone rang and she groaned, but answered anyway when she saw who it was.

“Hey, you stalking me now?”

“Can’t a friend make sure you got home safely? That classmate could be a serial killer for all you know.”

“Ian, he’s not a serial killer. He’s a very nice young man and we had a nice time.”

“Nice time, I like you as a friend… or nice time, put your tongue down my throat?”

“That is none of your business.”

“That’s evasion and I will not be deterred.”

“What are you doing, anyway? Shouldn’t you have your tongue down your girlfriend’s throat, instead of worrying about mine?”


“I was just making sure you got home, no need to get hyper.”

“I am not getting hyper!”

“Okay, okay. Calm down. For your information, Amber is out of town this weekend. I’m all by my lonesome and thought we could hang out tonight. Little did I know you had a hot date.”

He sounded jealous and she loved it.

“So, I’ve been downgraded to back-up plan, huh?”

Pot, kettle on line one…

You know that’s not true. Can we hang out tomorrow? I haven’t spent time with you in weeks. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low sixties, a perfect day for a cruise in the jeep.”

“Teddy’s at his dad’s tomorrow, so that sounds really nice—you’re on.”

She fell asleep that night with butterflies in her stomach and a smile on her face. But she’d
worry about that later…

The forecast was correct. The weather was sunny and mild. She was eager to enjoy it because they were calling for snow the next week. That was Texas weather for you. That’s why they had the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, stick around. It’ll change tomorrow.”

Katrine put on a pair of worn jeans and a black scoop neck with long sleeves. She put on a little makeup and put her hair in a bun. It was nice, not having to impress him, but as she wiped her sweaty palms against her jeans, it hit her. She was nervous.

It’s official, I’m screwed.

As promised, he had taken the top off and she couldn’t keep the smile from her face. She just loved cruising around in his jeep. They hopped in and Ian turned the key.

“Maybe you should grab a jacket. I don’t want you to get cold.”

“I think I’ll be okay. I have long sleeves,” Katrine said, pulling the fabric to prove it.

“Okay, but I’ll put on the heater just on case.”

“Well, thank you.” She grinned at him. He was always taking care of her. He was just one of those thoughtful kind of people.

“Will you play that group I like so much?” Katrine asked.

“Which one?”

“I can’t ever remember the name, but it’s that group I love. The one you always play when we have the top down.”

“Oh, you mean Big Wreck. Here, I’ll pick a good one.” It started to play.

“Oooh, yes, I love this one. So dreamy.” She picked up his iPod and read the name of the song aloud. “I won’t forget next time.” Sunglasses on, good tunes in the air, destination unknown. It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon.

After driving around town for an hour, Ian pulled into the parking lot attached to one of their favorite joints. It had a laid back vibe, an eclectic menu, and cold beers. What’s not to like?

“You hungry?” he asked, like he already knew the answer.

“Oh, I guess I could eat a little something,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

“If you’re not, then we can just do something else.,” he teased as he put his hands back onto the keys still hanging from the ignition.

She grabbed his hand. “We both know I’m always hungry, so cut the bullshit, buddy.” She gave him a light push on his arm and hopped out, her mind already leafing through the menu. Now that she thought about all of the choices, her stomach growled. Moments later they were sipping beers on the sun-soaked patio. The air was cool but there wasn’t a stitch of wind, so with the heat lamps, they were almost toasty.

“Maddie says she can’t meet us. She was being very cryptic as to why. Hmmm, I’ll bet she’s has a date with Shawn.”

“Who’s he? I thought she was seeing some dude named Wes.,” Ian said, looking confused as he set his menu to the side. “What are you getting?” Katrine had been looking at the menu for ten minutes and she was still torn between the eggplant and mozzarella sandwich or the Asian chicken salad. The waitress came and asked if they had decided. Ian looked at Katrine. “You ready yet? Or do you need more time? I’m in no hurry.”

“Yes—I mean yes, I’m ready. I think I’ll go with the fish tacos.” Last minute substitution. Ian ordered a fully loaded burger with seasoned sweet potato fries.

Mmmm, that’s sounds good, too

“I see that gleam in your eye. You’re already fantasizing about my food, aren’t you?”

She put a hand on her chest and gave him her best “what, I’m totally innocent” look.

Damn. He’s figured out my food sampling tactics.

Give up the goods, Ian. Your burger is mine!

Don’t even think about it.” But he smiled, knowing he would share with her. “So you were saying about Maddie’s latest conquest.”

“Oh, right. Wes is history. Seemed a nice enough guy, but he was a talented deadbeat, as per her usual. This new gent, however, is a lawyer.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Is he the same one who was at Charlie’s party?”

“One and the same.”

“Damn. Even I thought he was hot,” Ian joked. “No, seriously, he was a good looking dude. He seemed nice too, so I wish her luck.”

“Me too.” The waitress set a plate in front of Katrine, which ceased any further dialogue. Three corn tortillas were stuffed with blackened tilapia and smothered with chipotle cole slaw and pickled jalapeños. Black beans sprinkled with
queso fresco
and seasoned rice took up the remaining real-estate of her large white platter. Ian’s plate was teeming with sweet potato waffle fries and a burger as big as her head. Too much food for even four people to eat, but they would do their best. He grabbed his burger and offered her the first bite, which she refused; she wasn’t that bad. Best to wait until his stomach was starting to get full. That was the best time for plate poaching.

Katrine hadn’t had a gluttonous afternoon like that in ages. She almost waddled to the car, she was just that stuffed. Closing her eyes, she let her head drop back against the seat, allowing the wind full access to her face. They stopped at a light and she felt the tips of his fingers tuck an errant piece of hair behind her ear. She looked at him and smiled. The urge to nuzzle into his hand was overwhelming. That one brief touch was tender and her heart skipped. As comfortable as the afternoon had been, like old times really, there was a slight undercurrent of something. Was it sexual tension? She wasn’t quite sure, but whatever
was, it was delicious and she hoped it would last. She found it interesting that he hadn’t mentioned Amber all day. Interesting meaning awesome. She was glad she didn’t have to fake enthusiasm at their blossoming relationship.

“Do you want to come in and hang out for a bit?” Her voice sounded a little shy. She was nervous about what might happen once they were alone in her apartment.

He’s seeing someone, so stop it.

“Let me go let Ruby out and then I’ll be back.”

“Okay, sounds good. I’ll see you in a few.” She waved and ran up the stairs to the entrance of her building. She kicked her shoes into the closet and ripped off her clothes. They smelled of wind and a little like beans, since she had spilt a few on her shirt. She brushed her hair, teeth, and fixed her raccoon eyes that were a result of the breezy drive. She had just enough time for a quick phone call.

“Hey, Mads, good luck on your date.”

“It’s not a date, it’s an interview to assess future dating potential.”

“Well, interview, hot sex, whatever occurs. Good luck and have fun.”

“I will. Did you and Ian have fun today?”

“Yes, I ate way too much, but it was fun. He went home to take care of Ruby and then he’s coming back to hang.”

“Uh huh, hang, riiiiigggght,” Maddie said in her spot on Dr. Evil voice.

“He has a girlfriend, Maddie.”

“Like that matters, Katrine.”

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