Resilient (2) (3 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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Not helping old lady image, will make sure to take my abacus to econ to solidify status.

As everyone packed up their belongings, Hayden leaned
towards Katrine and said in a low voice, “You haven’t changed your mind about having coffee with me, have you?” He smelled really nice, a mix of mild cologne and cold wind.

She grinned and stuffed her things into her bag. “No, I haven’t changed my mind,” she said without looking up.

“Good. I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”

Once they could casually break away from the rest of the group, they made their way to the coffee house on the north side of campus. It wasn’t a long walk, which was good because it was frigid. She ordered a regular coffee, two creams. No mocha-choco latte nonsense for her. Katrine was a purist when it came to java. If she was going to ingest 500 calories in liquid form it was going to be a margarita. He ordered a white chocolate something or other, but she wouldn’t hold it against him.

“Soooo, now what?” Katrine teased as she took a seat in a velvety overstuffed chair.

He chuckled. “Now we get to know each other a little better, how does that sound?”

“Well, I guess that’s okay, but I’m going to need the
Cliff’s Notes
version because I have to get to work.” She grinned.

“Wow, now that’s pressure. Let’s see…I’m a Taurus. I like long walks at sunset. I love babies and puppies. Oh, oh, and I build houses for the homeless. That’s me in a nutshell.”

“You totally wasted five minutes being a smart-ass…Well done.”

“Really, I just wanted to hang out with you. You seem like a cool person, I’m a cool person. You’re hot as hell and I’m hot as hell, it just seemed like an obvious pairing.” He smirked.

“Okay, so serious conversation is out of the question, that’s okay with me. I rate sarcastic sensibilities right up there with long walks at sunset and philanthropic endeavors.” Hayden had a great sense of humor and they bantered back and forth with ease. She got the impression he was a trust fund baby, but he didn’t come off entitled or snobby. He seemed to have a kind nature and a good head on his shoulders. Despite these attributes, Katrine could tell that he was going to be in the friend category by the time they made their way back to her car. He was handsome and fun, but younger and he acted as much. But flirting and enjoying the view were definitely still on the table.

“Thank you for the coffee, Hayden. It was nice getting to know you a little better. You’ll definitely make class more enjoyable.”

“I had a great time, too. Maybe we could do it again sometime?”

“Sure, I’d like that.” She gave him a quick hug and got into her car.

Teddy was out to eat with David tonight so Katrine didn’t go straight home after work. She pulled up in front of a red brick bungalow style house with two huge trees flanking the sidewalk. After ringing the doorbell and receiving no answer, she made her way around to the side gate. She knew he was home, his car was in the driveway. As she approached the fence, she heard the soft strumming of a guitar followed by a rich baritone. She smiled and decided to stay where she was, a silent voyeur at a private concert. He was by the pool in front of a small fire pit, head down in concentration. She was frozen in place for a few moments and felt gentle rumblings in her stomach. That had been happening more and more often in his presence.

“Damn it,” she said under her breath.

What the hell, Katrine?

She opened the gate as quietly as she could so not to disturb him, but the fiendish creaking of the black hinge gave her away. He stopped and looked over as she walked around the small pool. The whirring sound of the water was low and soothing.

“Sorry to sneak up on you like that, but there was no answer when I rang the door bell.”

“Hey, what a nice surprise. Come on in,” Ian said, patting the spot beside him as he set his guitar down. Katrine took a seat on the cold stone, thankful she wore wool fitted pants and her riding boots. He hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“That was really nice, Ian. I didn’t know you played.” She smiled, becoming shy for some reason.

Why are you being weird?

It’s just a guitar…A hot guy, who is just your friend, playing a guitar.

“Yes, well, if my career as an architect craps out, I always have my mediocre musical talent to fall back on.” Half of his mouth pulled up into a sly grin. He was wearing a red hoodie and his curls were slightly askew. He ran his hand through them a few times in an attempt to get them back under control.

“Well, I thought it was great and you have a beautiful voice,” she said, softly tugging at a string on a frayed piece of his jeans. “Well, sorry to barge in, but I was on my way home from work and I felt like coming over to see you,” she said with more gusto.

“Never apologize for that. You are welcome anytime, announced or otherwise. I’m sorry I didn’t hear the door. And I didn’t hear Ruby bark either… huh.” With that he got up and went into the house. After about five minutes he came back outside, followed by a red-headed companion.

“Poor old girl, she doesn’t hear very well anymore,” Ian said with love in his voice as he stroked the ears of his very large Irish Setter.

“Hey there, Ruby. Did your mean ole daddy wake you up?” Katrine nuzzled the soft warm fur of Ian’s four-legged confidant. She got a lick on the side of her cheek in response.

“Ruby, no licks. Sorry about that.”

“I don’t mind. Really I don’t, she’s so sweet. I just love her, so she can lick me anytime.” Katrine smiled over at Ian.

Ian cleared his throat. “Do you want something to drink? I have that cab you liked last time you were over.”

“That sounds perfect. Can we have it out here?”

“Of course we can. I’ll be right back.” Ruby faithfully followed Ian back inside. Ian had remodeled the entire house himself. It had hand-etched dark wood floors, oiled-rubbed bronze fixtures in the bathrooms. Stainless steel appliances in his modern kitchen. Landscape prints, he had taken himself covered the walls. The decor was simple and precise. Katrine loved it.

She took the glass from his hand. “Thank you.”

“You, are most welcome. So how was your day?”

“It was good. Class went well and work was fine.” She omitted the little detail about her coffee date. Why? Jury was still out on that one.

“So, Charlie’s having an anniversary party at her house Saturday and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me. She wanted me to invite you and it would be nice to ride together.”

“This Saturday?” he asked and Katrine nodded. “I actually have a date this Saturday, I’m sorry. I wish I would have known sooner.”


“Sorry, I meant to ask you last week, but I guess I waited too long.” There was double meaning in that statement.

“I didn’t know you were dating. Who’s the lucky girl?” Her voice sounded too bright and forced to her ears.

Why does that bother me so bad? Is he just supposed to wait around in case I want him to go somewhere with me?

Well, kind of.

“I was going to tell you about her, but I didn’t want to bring it up until I knew if we were going to keep seeing each other, to be honest. My boss set me up with his niece. Her name is Amber and she’s an interior designer. We’ve gone out a handful of times. I like her.” He stopped, like he was gauging her reaction. She kept her face neutral with an accepting smile on her face. It was all bullshit, of course.

He really likes her? I hate her already and Amber is a total stripper name.

She better treat him right or I will cut a bitch.

“That’s great, Ian, you deserve to be with someone nice. Why don’t you bring her to the party? I can catch a ride with Jane and Marcus.”

What! What are you doing? Don’t invite them to the party, you dumb ass.

Please say no, please say no, please say no.

“I’ll ask her. That sounds like fun.”

Katrine was smiling on the outside, but on the inside she felt like stabbing herself in the stomach, samurai style.

“Okay, great, I look forward to meeting her.”

The way I would look forward to getting my cooch curls pulled out with pliers.

“It’s getting late, so I better head home. I, believe it or not, have homework to do. Thank you for the wine, Ian.”

“My pleasure, anytime.” She gave him a hug and buried her nose into his chest for a brief moment. His sweatshirt smelled like smoke from the fire and fabric softener. He put his arms around her waist and gave her a quick squeeze.

Remove nose from chest and walk away.

“Good night, Ian.”

“Night, Katrine.” He had a weird look on his face. He knew her too well. She was painfully aware that her attempt at levity had failed miserably.

Just great!

She sat in her car and put her head on the steering wheel.


She pressed a name and put her phone up to her ear.

“He’s dating someone!”

“Who is?” Maddie asked.



“Exactly. Wait, why are you saying shit?” Katrine sighed as she pulled away from Ian’s house.

“Trine, I know you better than anyone. I could just tell.”

“Oh my god, is it that obvious?”

“No, not really, it was gradual, for sure… Listen, you two have been spending tons of time together for months and you’d have to be asexual to stay immune to him forever. He’s amazing and he cares about you. He basically gave you an open invitation to date. If you told him how you felt, he would drop that other girl like a clingy virgin.”

“I can’t do that, it isn’t fair. I feel like I’ve been keeping him to myself, just in case. He doesn’t deserve that and I won’t do it anymore. He’s free to date whomever he wants and it’s not my place to be anything but supportive. I even went on a date today. I’m such an effing hypocrite!”

“Dude, you had coffee with the guy. Don’t be so hard on yourself. And I think you’re wrong on this one. I think he’s been biding his time until you came around. Remember what he did for you at Christmas? That isn’t strictly guy friend behavior.”

Katrine smiled when she pictured the small pine tree strung with white lights he had snuck onto her back patio. One day, in passing, she’d mentioned her love of Christmas lights. He’d remembered. He’d wanted her to be able to look out her kitchen window and enjoy the soft glow while she cooked dinner. That was one of many thoughtful gestures.

“Well, maybe you’re right, but I still don’t feel good saying anything while he’s seeing someone. Oh GOD! He’s probably slept with her.” The thought made her nauseated.

“It’s a distinct possibility… he’s gorgeous, and thoughtful, and funny, and smart. Need I go on?”

“Okay, Mads, I get it. You’re his biggest fan and I, the monumental dumb ass, waited too long. Now he’s going to bring her to Charlie’s.”

“Why in fuck’s name would he do that?”

“Um, because I’m a complete idiot and invited them… I was attempting to seem unaffected by his news.”

“Wow, this should be en-ter-tain-ing.” Maddie said in a sing-song voice.

“Yes, an absolute riot. Bye,” Katrine huffed and ended the call.

Chapter 4

Katrine scanned the restaurant. She removed her wool camel trench coat, revealing a chocolate brown pant suit and silk ivory button up shirt. She spotted her date towards the back of the Asian noodle joint were they were going to eat lunch. Waving, she made her way over.

“Well, hello, gorgeous,” Tristan crooned, kissing her cheek.

“Hello to you, my handsome friend.” He looked dashing in his fitted gray turtle neck sweater. His legs were crossed and she could see he was wearing black slacks.

“Wow, you look hot. Why so dressed up? I know it’s not for my benefit. You usually don’t waste slacks on a vagina wielding companion.”

“No, not usually, but I knew you would have your work clothes on and I didn’t want to look like a slob. I can’t let you garner all of the attention, now can I.?”

“Okay, that sounds about right,” she said with a wink, grabbing his hand. “It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you!”

“You too, my love. You need to come in for a coif. I’m trying out these new organic products that I know you’ll love.”

“I have an appointment next Saturday, as a matter of fact… Hey, I’m sorry you can’t make Charlie’s tomorrow.”

“Me too. She throws the most divine parties. But I can’t cancel my Miami trip, it’s been on the books for months. And there’s a tasty little Puerto Rican lad that would be absolutely broken hearted if I cancelled.” Tristan wiggled his eyebrows as he sipped his hot tea, then picked up the menu. He decided on the spicy Singapore street noodles and Katrine, the glass noodle soup with shrimp.

“So fill me in. How was your first week of school? And more importantly, have you taken your loins off hiatus, because baby girl, it is time!”

She laughed. “Econ’s a snooze, but I really enjoy my marketing class. You’ll be glad to know that the TA is a total hottie and I have a very fortunate looking bloke in my project group. So although my loins are still on hiatus, I’m enjoying the visual stimulation profoundly.”

“Oh well, at least that’s a start. Onward and upward, as they say. Speaking of hotties, how’s our handsome friend Ian doing?”

“He’s good. I just saw him the other night. He’s actually seeing someone and he seems to really like her.”

“Uh huh, and how do we feel about that little development?”

“Oh, I think it’s great. I’m really happy for him.”

“That is utter manure. You are the worst liar on the planet, Katrine. Out with it!” She was saved by the spring rolls and her steaming bowl of yumminess. But her reprieve was short lived. Tristan was twirling noodles onto his chop sticks with a head tilt and a stare.

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