Resilient (2) (9 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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“Ian is a man of integrity. He would never do that to Amber.”

“Don’t play dumb. He would corn-hole integrity if it meant having a chance with you.”

“That worries me, I don’t want to him to ruin his chance at happiness just because I want to stick my tongue down his throat.”

“As usual you’re over-thinking it and not giving him enough credit. Don’t you think you’re worth the risk?”


“Even if you don’t, I know he does. Just relax, please. Oh, gotta go! My sweet hot chocolate just pulled up.” She sounded really excited.

“Okay, love you!”

Sweet hot chocolate, really? Interview my ass, she likes him.

Placing her phone on the table, Katrine sighed. She would always worry about her little sis, but she had to let it go. Katrine couldn’t guess the outcome when it came to Maddie’s love life, any more than she could her own.

Chapter 9

“I like a man who comes bearing wine,” Katrine said as Ian walked into her place.

“I thought it would increase my chances,” he said in a flirty voice.

“Chances of what, may I ask?”

You don’t need wine, buddy.

“Of getting to pick out the movie. If I have to watch one more period piece starring a pensive Keira Knightly, I’m going to throw up or grow boobs, whichever comes first,” he teased as he opened her kitchen drawers in search of a cork screw.

“Excuse me, your masculineship. I had no idea I was making your body emit estrogen from my movie choices. Please feel free to select whatever poorly scripted action flick you’d like. Trust me, I’m in no danger of sprouting balls.” She grabbed her glass of wine and he grabbed a beer. She liked that he always opened the bottles of wine for her, he knew she had an aversion to pulling corks. She also liked that he had a beer stash in the back of her fridge.

They watched a predictable yet entertaining shoot em’ up, which they made fun of the entire time. It was great. After their semi-awkward interactions at the party, Katrine wasn’t sure if she could go back to their usual routine. But after the day they’d had and movie night, it seemed normal. Well, almost.

“It’s getting late—I better head out,” Ian said as he pulled Katrine off the couch. “Thank you for spending the day with me. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”

“What, Amber isn’t entertaining?”

Ian paused as if he just remembered she existed.

Why the hell did I bring her up!

“Sure, she’s fun, I guess. But I don’t know…she just isn’t like you, ya know?” He stopped in the doorway to face her.

“Yeah, I think I do. I’m sorry, Ian. I don’t try to be awesome. It just happens.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Okay, well, sleep tight.”

“Yeah, you too,.” Katrine sighed silently. She was about to walk inside when he stopped and came striding back toward her. Her stomach triple flipped and her heart was pounding.

He’s coming back, he’s gonna…

“Forgot my phone.” He smiled and walked past her. Disappointment swept through her and tears threatened to surface. She felt so stupid that throwing up sounded like a good idea, no, not a good idea, a great idea.

“Okay, now I’m really leaving, good night…hey, what is it? What’s wrong?” He grabbed her shoulders, concern laced his voice.

Get an effing poker face, Katrine!

“Oh, it’s nothing, I just miss Teddy, that’s all.” She hated to pull the kid card, but desperate times…

He furrowed his brows and she was mentally crossing her fingers that he bought her feeble explanation.

“Do you want me to stay a bit longer? Are you feeling lonely?” The way he said it wasn’t pitying and that made her chest hurt.

“Could you get any sweeter? No, I’m fine. I guess the wine made me a bit weepy.”

He gave her one more examining look and pulled her into his chest for a hug. He put his mouth on the top of her head and whispered, “You are pretty awesome.” She smiled into his shirt, inhaling his clean smell. “You too.”

That time he really did leave.

The vacuum droned as Katrine made vertical tracks on her bedroom carpet. She was lost in thought. The day before had been perfect, so why did she feel so disappointed? The answer was obvious and she felt like she could’ve done something about it. Why hadn’t she just told him how she felt? And why did she think he would somehow get the hint or read her mind? Why did women think men could read between the lines? They never could and they never would. There’s a reason why the saying isn’t “a man’s intuition”, so she couldn’t fault Ian for being clueless. She vowed that she would tell him how she was feeling the very next time she saw him.

Yes, good idea. I just hope I don’t see him for another decade.

She pulled the cord out of the wall and noticed her phone was ringing.

She smiled. “Hey, baby, when are you coming home? The weather is still nice today, so I was going to grill tonight.”

“Well, Momma, that’s why I’m calling. Can I stay one more night, please? Dad said no, that you would be upset, but I just wanted to double check.”

“Why do you want to stay so bad?” She was intrigued.

“Well, Keller, the kid next door, got this awesome new game and he wanted us to play it. Then we were gonna put sticks in hot dogs and cook them on his fire pit. Then we’re gonna cook smores.” He barely took a breath.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Put your dad on, please.”

“Katrine, I told him no. I wasn’t trying to take a night from you.”

“David, it’s fine, I appreciate it, really. Can you take him to school tomorrow or do I need to come and get him?”

“I have surgery, but Felicity can take him.”

I rather he hitchhike with a gang of bikers.

“No, no, that’s okay. I’ll get him. Just wash his uniform, please.”

“Not a problem, in fact, I think it’s already washed.”

No doubt the glorious Dr. Ariel washed it.

Surgeon, laundress, and lover of sea creatures.

She said goodnight to Teddy and told him to be in bed by 8:30. He groaned, but she was insistent. Her son was getting to the age where he was going to hang out with friends more often than with his parents. It made her a little sad, but such is life.

She remembered being in middle school. Being home with her parents had been considerably lower on her list of priorities than hanging with her girlfriends. Speaking of her parents, her mom had left two messages this weekend. She decided to make a quick call and studying would be the perfect excuse for conversation termination if her mom became too liberal with her tips on how to find a new man. Her mom meant well and she loved her to death, but she was a lot to take sometimes.

Turned out the call was quick, after all. Her mom just wanted to ask if she would bring Teddy out for a visit in June, it was his birthday. Katrine said she would check her schedule and get back to them. She and Maddie had taken Teddy up to Santa Fe for a visit over winter break. The snow covered mountains had been breathtaking.

She shook herself from her thoughts of mountain tops and pines and focused on her notes. Looking at the clock sometime later, she was shocked to see that two hours had passed. Katrine yawned and stretched, deciding that was enough for the night. She had several weeks until her mid-term exams. Never one to cram, she liked to cover a little bit at a time, then review the week before. It always garnered her straight A’s, so obviously this strategy worked for her.

The microwave dinged. She stood at her granite island and sipped the steaming mug of chicken and wild rice soup. She swayed to Ray Lamontagne’s seductive rasp as she washed her empty mug. Looking out the window, she wondered if she should read or call her sister, who hadn’t checked in yet. Katrine knew Maddie would phone when she was free to do so. Must have been one hell of a date.

“Maybe she’s too sore to reach the phone.” Katrine chuckled as she made her way to her reading chair.

The decade long reprieve she was hoping for ended up being more like an hour. Ian called to say how much fun he’d had the day before. When he found out Teddy didn’t come home, he said he was coming right over. She was second guessing her decision to bare her soul.

Exit resolve, enter cowardice.

“Okay, so maybe the
time I see him. Yah, sounds like a plan.”

Thirty minutes later she opened her door and there he was, looking delectable in faded jeans and a fitted black thermal. She smiled and ushered him in.

“You didn’t have to come over. I told you I was perfectly fine.”

“I know what you said, Katrine, but last night you were teary-eyed because you missed Teddy and then he stays one more night. I didn’t want you to be sad.”

Oh yeah, I did say that. Damn, that’s sweet. Even if it’s based on a total fabrication.

“Since you’re here,
The Maltese Falcon
is about to start on AMC. Care to join me?”
Ian nodded and rubbed his hands together, “Ooooh, I love Star Wars.”

Katrine furrowed her brows, confuse by his statement. Then the light bulb went on and she laughed, “
The Maltese Falcon
, not the Millennium Falcon, you nerd.”

“So what, no Chewbacca?”

“No, Humphrey Bogart, but sometimes he’s just as hard to understand.”

“Is it bad that I’m turned on because you got my reference.”

“No,” she laughed. “Teddy had a year long obsession with all things Star Wars so I know everything about everything. What’s your excuse?”

“I have no excuse. I
in fact a geek. It’s just hidden beneath a handsome package.”

Oh yes it is.

She wondered about Amber being back in town, but he didn’t mention it so she sure as hell wasn’t going to.

“Well, have a seat. Geeks are always welcome on my couch, especially the handsome ones.” They smiled at each other. Then the smile dropped from his face and the way he was looking at her made her insides flutter. She turned and rushed into the kitchen, putting her hands on the edge of the island. Katrine gave herself a lecture about flirting with guys who have girlfriends, but that did little to cool the heat in her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shaking her head, she filled two glasses with water while the popcorn finished popping.

What could she do? Nothing except tell him how she was feeling, but that wasn’t going to happen. But, he knew something was up, she was sure if it. She resolved to act friendly, not flirty…like normal.

But our current state of normal is all kinds of effed up.

“Hey, we going to watch this or not?” Ian hollered from the living room.

“I’m coming, keep your metal bikini on!” He laughed and came into the kitchen. “Speaking of metal bikinis would you ever…” Ian wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.

“No and no—don’t even go there.” She marched back into the living room.

“I’m not getting any younger Ian! It’s starting and I need popcorn.”

“Is it bad that now I really want to watch Star Wars?” Ian asked, plopping onto the couch

“Yah, me too,” she admitted. “Get the DVD, I will.” Her Yoda impression was horrible, but it made him smile.

“God, I love when you talk geek, it’s so hot!” He threw his head back into the cushion.

She winked and left to find the movie.

Oh I’ll geek you, Ian. I’ll geek you all night long.

The next weekend Teddy had just left with some friends and Katrine was about to get some studying done. There was a knock at the door and Ian was once again standing on her welcome mat.

“You have the best timing. Now I have an excuse not to study. Come on in.”

But he didn’t, he stood in her doorway and she noticed him inhale deeply.

“Ian? You okay?”

“Not sure yet.”

She gave him a confused look. “What is it? Please, sweetie. Talk to me.”

“Amber and I…I mean we decided to…we broke up.”

“What? When?”

“A few hours ago.”

“Ian, I’m so sorry, come in here, please,” she pleaded, tugging on his shirt.

He let her pull him inside far enough to close the door, but then he stopped again, staring down at the woven rug beneath his feet.

“She asked me what I did all weekend. When I told her, she looked upset but didn’t say anything. All week she’s been acting distant and short. When I asked her what the deal was, she started shouting, saying she knew it.”

“Knew what?”
He moved towards her until their toes were touching, but didn’t look up. Ian slid his fingers into the belt loops of her pants. Still looking down at the floor, he gently pulled her into his body keeping hold of her jeans. He slowly raised his head and his deep blue eyes bored into hers. He leaned in towards her in what seemed like slow motion, until his lips brushed the side of her face. He placed his mouth against her ear and said, “You. She knew I wanted
you. What do you have to say about that, Katrine? How does that make you feel?” He kissed the top of her cheek bone and made his way down the line of her jaw. Katrine’s whole body was buzzing as she tilted her head. “Well, are you going to answer me?” he asked in a deep voice as his tongue slid along the top of her throat just below her jaw bone.

She couldn’t get her vocal cords to cooperate, so she answered him the only way she was able at that time. Her arms slid around his neck and she nudged his face with her nose, forcing him to meet her mouth with his. All the sexual tension that had been building exploded between them. Katrine couldn’t get close enough to his body and he couldn’t have been closer unless they shared the same skin. His breath and tongued was the only thing she wanted to taste for the rest of her days. His hands found the soft skin on her stomach and he slowly slid them upward until he was just under the silky fabric of her bra. She pushed into him, inviting him to touch whatever he wanted. Because she wanted him to, wanted his hands all over her. Their mouths didn’t separate for a second, but they still managed to find the couch…

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