Resilient (2) (11 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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They all compared their paintings. Maddie and Katrine actually had very good outcomes. Their mother was a very talented artist so it must have rubbed off genetically. The rest were varying degrees of crappy.

“Guys, this has been so much fun. Thank you for a wonderful birthday.” Katrine hugged each of them. They each grabbed their paintings and headed for the door.

“What? The night’s still young, mini. This waste of time was just a precursor for the real action, sister!” Charlie hollared. Obviously she wasn’t a fan of Pinot and Paints, but the rest of the girls really enjoyed it despite the quality of the end product.

“Plus, Izzie just texted me. She just got back into town and wants to meet up,” Maddie added, knowing that would convince her sister.

“Okay, okay. I guess I could eat something.”

“Hey, you forgot this,” Paige said, holding up the wedding invitation.

“Let me have that.” Maddie snatched it and put it in her purse. They all gave her a questioning look. “What? I’m gonna wipe my ass with that later.”
Was she kidding? With Maddie you never knew.

“I saw something very disturbing at Target yesterday. What’s with the fancy patterns on pads these days?” Paige asked, stuffing a salsa covered chip in her mouth.

“Oh, I know! It’s like the research and development team said ‘okay, we added wings, now what.’” Katrine laughed.

“That’s like putting smiley faces on tampons, like it would make me any happier to be on the rag…‘I have cramps and I’m feeling bi-polar, but when I saw the little smiley face, I wanted to give the world a hug!’ Give me a fucking break. Like we need decoration down there. That’s a messy business and putting a pretty pattern doesn’t lessen the gross factor. In fact, it makes it worse. It’s like a paisley covered crime scene.,” Maddie bitched.

“That is disgusting,” Paige scowled.

“Yes totally disgusting… Speaking of crime scenes, my lower back probably looked like one last night,” Izzie said, furrowing her brows. They laughed at the segue.

“What?” Jane asked.

“The guy I hooked up with on my business trip pulled out, ripped off his condom, and came all over my back. I didn’t even know it was coming, no pun intended.”

“That is grotesque! A guy should always clear it with the participant before he gives a sperm spackling. That’s just disrespectful,” Charlie said seriously. Jane narrowly avoided spraying the table with the margarita in her mouth.

“Can we talk about something less depraved while we eat, please? I’m starting to lose my appetite,” Paige complained, even though she was the one that brought up pads int he first place.

Their dinner hit the table and Katrine couldn’t wait to dig into the ceviche she had ordered. She speared a huge slice of avocado and savored the creamy texture and the acidity from the fresh lime. Whatever the conversation, she hadn’t lost her appetite. She dove into the fish and scallops with enthusiasm.

“Okay, I have some topics I would like to discuss…One, Maddie had a date with Shawn, and two, Ian’s new girlfriend.,” Charlie said. Everyone seemed very interested in these items as well. Katrine quietly chewed her food and stayed silent. Should she let them in on what happened? She wasn’t sure, she kind of wanted to keep it to herself for now.

But these are my best friends.

They told each other everything. They might have some good advice, but did she want all of those opinions? Maddie took the cue and started to tell them a little about her date.

Thank you, Maddie! I owe ya one.

“So is he as sexy as he seems? That voice and those lips. Holy shit. I almost started dry humping his leg at the party,” Izzie said. Everyone else nodded. Shawn seemed to have acquired a little fan club.

“Yes, he is very sexy,” Maddie said, taking a bite of her dinner. Usually she spilt the beans about the guys she dated. Katrine knew this newfound stoicism meant her feelings for Shawn were different, or had the potential to be. Of course she told Katrine every detail, but with the girls she was keeping it close to the vest. Maddie had a little crew of her own, but she wasn’t sure that they knew, either. Maybe she didn’t want to jinx it.

“Is that all we get? What the hell, Maddie? I’ve been waiting all week for the deets!” Charlie yelled.

“Sorry, guys, not this time. Just know we had a great time and I’m going to see him again, okay?”

“Okay, sweetie. We get it,” Jane said, patting her hand.

“Okay? That was lame as fuck. Maybe we’ll get further with Ian’s new little girlfriend,” Charlie said, looking at Katrine.

“What?” Katrine asked obtusely.

“Don’t what me. You know what,” Charlie said, pointing at her with her fork. “You know him best and he must have confided in you. Come on, don’t leave us hanging like Mads did.”

“Well, he only told me that she’s an interior designer and her uncle is Ian’s boss. She seemed really nice and he seemed to like her.”

Crap, why did I use past tense?

“Seemed to like her as in no longer does, or you’re not sure?” Paige inquired.

Katrine sat quietly, not sure how to answer.

“Trine, spill it. You know something, it’s written all over your face,” Izzie pushed. Katrine looked at Maddie, who just shrugged her shoulders. She was getting no help from that corner.

“Seemed as in they’re no longer dating.,” Katrine said.

Okay, that should do it…

“Aaaaaaand?… If it was just that, you wouldn’t be acting so cryptic. Oh MY GOD, did you two finally get together?” Charlie gasped. The rest of the girls were wide-eyed and expectant.

Damn Charlie and her psychotic, I mean psychic tendencies…

Katrine took a healthy drink. “Don’t get all excited, but yes, we may have crossed into more than a friend territory. We are taking it very slow, so don’t start planning my engagement party just yet. I know you, Jane, quit it!” Jane grinned sheepishly. That was exactly where her mind was going.

“Did you guys sleep together?” Paige asked. Of course that was what they were all wondering.

“No, just a little heavy petting,. I’m definitely not rushing into the physical this time. I’ve learned my lesson.”

“Don’t let
ruin your chances of something great. We all love Ian, he’s such a good guy and he adores you,” Izzie said. That was high praise coming from her. She didn’t compliment any guy very often. Only superficial things like “he was hot” or “he went down on me like a kamikaze. He was on a mission and didn’t care if he came out alive.” Direct quote.

“Guys, this is exactly why I was hesitant to tell you anything. Please, no pressure. if we decide to just be friends,.”

“You mean, if
decide,” Maddie added.

“Okay, if
decide to just be friends, then I don’t want you guys giving me a hard time. With that said, my feelings have been changing for him over the past month or so. And when he started dating someone, I don’t know, it changed something in me. I didn’t want him with anyone else. I felt jealous and that isn’t something you feel when it’s just a friend. So anyway, there it is.”

“Well, whatever it is, we’re glad you’re taking a chance again. It’s about time,.” Jane smiled and lifted her glass. They all clinked in the middle and Katrine felt relieved that the big announcement was done and wasn’t as bad as she though it would be.

Teddy and Katrine spent her birthday celebration going to the movies and then picking up dinner from their favorite pizza joint. After devouring the cheesy goodness, Teddy brought in a gift. He’d glued some of the shells he had collected at the beach last summer onto a frame. Inside was a picture of the two of them on the slopes of New Mexico. They were clad in their winter gear complete with large goggles, arms around each other. That was a wonderful day. Katrine blinked away tears when she pulled it from the bright purple bag.

“Teddy, it’s beautiful,. I think it’s my favorite present I’ve ever gotten. I love that we’re cold in the picture but the frame says summer.”

“Grams helped me glue the shells and I emailed Maddie the picture. She got it printed for me. But I paid for the picture and the frame, with my own money, I promise.” She hugged him with all of her might. “How did I get so lucky?”

He brought out a small chocolate covered cupcake with a candle stuck into the icing. He handed Katrine the lighter.

“Here, you better light it. Unless I’m old enough to play with fire now.”

“Very funny. You’ll never be old enough.” She lit the candle, Teddy sang off key, and she closed her eyes. A soft puff and the candle went out, the room engulfed in darkness. She felt his not so little arms around her shoulders.

“Momma, I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve it more than anyone.”

Tears flooded her eyes. “Baby, you’re my dream come true and this is the best birthday ever.”

What to wear, what to wear? This is kind of a big deal, right?

But only if I make it one, right? Right!

I’m cool as a cucumber baby! Okay, maybe more like a luke-warm soup.

She wanted to look fantastic. One, she was now on the wrong side of 35, and two, it was their first date. Not counting the one last summer, but that seemed like another lifetime ago. No, she wasn’t counting that. Then she saw it, snug in the back of her closet, with the price tags still attached. It was red, fitted, and totally sexy. But would it be too much?

“Why the hell not?”

The dress fell just below her knees. It was sleeve-less with a high square neck. The material was soft and very thin. The deep red complimented her coloring, or lack there of. She decided on red slingback high heels and gold mesh earrings. She had a gold cuff that would look perfect. Hair up, with some soft, straight pieces loose on the side. She gave herself the ol’ once over and survey said…hottie.

They sat at a small table by the window, overlooking the lake. White linen contrasted the industrial interior of the restaurant. Boathouse was new, hip, and impossible to get a table. Ian had designed it, hence their prime table location. Katrine had heard amazing things about this place. Kelly Roy, the chef and owner, had spent the last ten years as sous chef for one of the best in NYC. She had since come back home and opened her own place. She wanted to combine innovative with southern favorites. The menu was eclectic and exciting.

“Have you decided yet? You’re gonna need like twenty more minutes, aren’t you?” Ian teased.

“I’m sorry, I can’t seem to make up my mind. I
narrowed it down to three, though.” She smiled at him and took a sip of her wine.

“Kelly has put together some special starters for us, so you have plenty of time. By the way, did I tell you how extraordinarily beautiful you look?” He grinned and a dark curl fell over his eye. He casually pushed it back and grabbed her hand.

“Only about ten times, but I’ve gotta say, it never gets old.” She smiled. “Ian, this place is amazing. You are so talented, but we knew this already.”

“Thank you. I’m pretty proud of it. Very rarely am I given free rein and this was one of those occasions.”

The owner came to the table just as a plate with bite-sized morsels was delivered. Paper-thin ahi tuna over diminutive slices of watermelon, mozzarella and basil with a drizzle of a balsamic reduction, and sliced asparagus over squares of sweet potato tempura with a light habanero cream sauce. Veronica gave them recommendations for their main courses. Katrine decided on salmon with a miso ginger glaze served with mashed buttered turnips and sauteed spinach. Ian ordered short ribs marinated in bourbon and coffee. It came with potato pancakes and broccolini. Everything was delicious. Katrine had to close her eyes with almost every single bite.

“I love to watch you eat,” Ian said, brushing his thumb tenderly over the inside of her wrist. She grinned shyly. That wasn’t the first time she’d heard that. She pushed that thought away and looked into his gorgeous face. The dark wavy hair, the ocean blue eyes, the full lips. And that fantastic tongue.

Yes, that’s better. Focus on the greatness in front of you.

“Can I give you your present now or do you want it later?”

“I thought dinner was my present. You didn’t have to get me anything else.”

But since you already did…

“Of course I did. But since I left the bag in the car, I guess I’ll give it to you when we leave, sorry about that.”

“Please don’t apologize. I can wait thirty minutes,” she said with nonchalance before sipping her wine.

Whadya get me? Whadya get me?

“I meant to give it to you here. I thought that would be more romantic than in my jeep.” Katrine grabbed his hand. “Ian, the fact that you even think about those things makes you romantic. Really, I’ll love it whether it’s delivered in a restaurant or in your car, okay?” He smiled, seeming convinced that she wasn’t let down. But now the wheels in her brain were doing some serious turning.

Why does he need a romantic setting? I hope he didn’t do something crazy.

Oh god what if he did?

“Katrine, stop. I can tell you’re in over-thinking mode. Don’t worry, okay?” She smiled, he knew her way too well. She needed to get some new moves if she was going to keep him on his toes. The chef came by one last time and they gushed about the meal, which had been superb. They thanked her profusely and then decided to leave. Ian pulled out Katrine’s chair and helped her with her coat. After he pulled the coat onto her shoulders, he snuck his hands inside and grabbed her waist with gentle hands. He dragged them back and buttoned her coat. Not once did he drop his gaze from her face. To the bystander it would seem casual, but it was an intimate moment that had her heart racing. Her stomach would be flip-flopping, if it wasn’t so full of food. They clasped their fingers and left.

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