ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (42 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 6

              When I got home, I felt numb. Could I believe him? Could I believe Emily would do that? Chloe and Liz told me to believe him but I needed some proof. I need to know for sure. And the only way to find out for sure?..

              Call Emily myself.

              I was able to track her down through a couple of friends from high school. I called her and she answered on the fifth ring, causing me to grow more nervous. “Hello?”

              “Hi,” I said. “Emily?”

              “Who is this?” She asked.

              “It’s Isabella. From high school.” I spoke softly and then waited. There was a long pause, the awkwardness increasing.

              “Oh. Wow. I don’t even know what to say.” she said.

              “How about doing some explaining? Because I saw Josh today, you know Joshua Bennett? And he told me a lot of things.”

              “Oh did he now?” She sighed. “Okay, Bella. I’m sorry. I just liked Josh so much; I thought I was in love with him. And I was so jealous of you. You were gorgeous and exciting and people loved you. You had a sexy body full of curves and I was a curveless stick. But yes, what Josh said is true. I blackmailed him because he refused every other way. He loved you, actually he still does.”

              I couldn’t believe this. Josh was telling the truth. “How do you know he still loves me?”

              “I talk to his sister, Hailey, every once in a while. We had a good friendship at one time. But Bella, please go be happy with Josh. I am sorry I was a crazy jealous bitch.”

              “Thank you, Emily. That’s all I needed to know. Take care.“

              “You too, Bells.” She whispered and I swear I heard her voice catch.

              I called Joshua and asked him to come over later. I had been thinking all day and I had decided what I wanted to do.

              He knocked on the door around 7pm, his arms full of wine, crackers, bread, cheese, and juicy grapes. I opened the door and smiled as his face lit up. He was truly gorgeous. All the old feelings came rushing back, rooting me to the spot.

              “Are you going to let me in, Bells? My arms are starting to shake.” He laughed and I stepped back.

              “Sorry.” I shook my head. “Thanks for bringing the wine and food. It looks delicious.”

              I was so hungry, I hadn’t eaten much today. My stomach had been in knots.

              “Let’s go sit in the living room; I set the table up already.”

              He followed me into the living room and we sat on the couch. He spread out the cheese, crackers, bread, and grapes. Everything had been cut already. I poured the wine and we both sat back. I could feel his gaze penetrating me.

              I turned to look at him and all I could think about was how bad I wanted him. I knew how good our sex was and I wanted him bad. All the feelings were stirring inside me.

              I still loved him. After all this time. I never had stopped.

              He leaned down close to my face. I forgot how handsome he was. I breathed in his smell, a scent I missed and craved for. He whispered in my ear, “You are one fine, fine woman. And I have never stopped loving you.”

              That was it, that was all it took and my lips found his. I had so much to tell him, so much to talk about, so much to define but it could wait, it could all wait.

              Our kiss was passionate, years of love and frustration pent up and coming out with a force neither of us could control. Our tongues found each other and swirled together, exploring as if we had never tasted each other before. I pulled back, gasping for air, my body on fire. Every inch of me wanted every inch of him.

              I pushed him back against the couch and straddled him. “Oh Josh. I have missed you so much.” I leaned in and kissed him as his hands began exploring. He ran up and down my back, my sides, and finally cupping my ass. I moaned against his mouth, his hands felt so good.

              “I missed you too, Bells. Don’t ever leave me again. I won’t be able to survive it.” He deepened the kiss even further and he began unbuttoning my blouse. I could feel his erection beneath his pants, rubbing my pussy. I rubbed myself against his erection and he moaned in response. He slid my blouse off and his hands moved down to my legs and up my long skirt. He kept running them up and down my legs, getting slightly higher each time. I couldn’t stop kissing his glorious mouth and I began rubbing even harder against him, feeling an orgasm build already.

              “Oh Bells, you are so sexy. I am dying to taste you and be inside you.”

              His words did wonders as shocks of pleasure ran through my body. I was coming already. “Oh Bella, so quick baby. We are far from over.”

              I moaned in response and his hands slipped under my skirt. One hand slide under my panties, finding my sweet, wet pussy. He slipped his fingers inside, rubbing the wet seam and folds. He sunk two fingers inside me and I cried out. “Bells, you are so wet. I can’t wait to taste your sweetness that I have missed so much.”

              “I want to taste you too. No man has made me come like you do.” I bit down on his neck, sucking him, pretending it was his cock. Suddenly, he swung me down onto the couch and his head was between my legs. He grinned up at me and then his tongue was on me, hot and swirling. He licked everywhere, inside and out, consuming my juices. I felt the familiar orgasm arise again. “I am going to come again, Josh. Oh God don’t stop.”

              He only licked and sucked harder. I came hard, my body trembling and my legs jerking in pleasure. I rode the wave and then another one came crashing through me again as Josh continued his tongue assault. His fingers were pumping inside me and my body and mind were exploding with pleasure. I screamed his name, my hands pulling at his hair.

              He leaned up and I started at his sexy body, running my fingers over his six pack. He was glistening with sweat and so fucking hot. Before he could stop me, I sat up, unbuckled his pants, and freed his erection. He was so long and stiff, just as I remembered. I rubbed the tip along my mouth, my cheek. I couldn’t wait to taste him.

              I slowly slide my tongue around the tip, teasing him. He was watching me, holding my hair in his hands. Fuck this was hot. I could explode again just doing this. I started sucking harder, taking him all the way into my mouth. I took him in and out, going faster and faster. He started thrusting, meeting my speed. He screamed my name as his warm liquid filled my mouth.

              “Bells, you are amazing.” He pushed me down onto the couch.

              “Fuck me, Josh. I want you inside me.” He smiled down at me.              

              “I have waited so long for this,” he said as he sunk inside me. He was slow at first, savoring us finally being back together. He made love to me, soft, slow, and sexy. We kissed and kissed. I orgasmed while calling out his name against his lips.

              Then he sped up. He slammed into me, all the passion, all the hurt, all the anger expelling out of us. He kept going and going until finally we both exploded around each other.

              We lay together for a while, savoring the moment. He sat up and pulled me up against him. “Holy shit, Isabella. That was absolutely fucking amazing. I never have sex with anyone else like that except you.”

              I nodded against his chest, unable to speak. I just orgasmed five times with the man I have always loved. I am so happy. I want to stay in this moment forever.


And so we did…well sort of.



              Josh moved in with me six months later. We took it slow at first, going on dates, catching up, falling in love all over again. I had always loved him as he had always loved me. But a lot of time had passed. So we got to know each other again, minds and bodies. The sex was amazing as it always had been. Liz and Chloe loved hearing the stories.

              I wondered what would have happened if I had just listened to Joshua all those years ago. He wanted to talk to me but I shut him out. I had been blinded by pain and a broken heart. But I still think fate has a way of playing out the way it should. We grew up and developed our lives, experienced other people while apart, and now we came back together to spend our lives together.

              Joshua was awesome at running a business. He had done most of the development of the liquor stores. His brother and sister more managed things while Joshua pretty much ran the show. He helped me fix up my business, giving me some tips to get more customers. He helped with the accounting aspect as well. My business began booming. I had to hire extra help.

              Things with Josh were perfect. Just like in high school but even better.

              And Emily? She spent her nights cleaning school toilets, divorced and miserable. Karma always wins in the end.


The End


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The Intern

Book One



Lexi Summers

The Intern

Book One

Chapter 1

“You’re a complete…, complete…” I screamed and couldn’t come up with the word I wanted to describe my boyfriend as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.

“Oh don’t be so melodramatic, Melissa,” Jason replied. “It didn’t mean anything to me.”

It was the comment that convinced me that the relationship with the man I was staring at was over.

“You fucking slept with her,” I raged as my emotions got the better of me. “That means something to me you lying, cheating bastard.”

“It’s not like we’re married or anything,” Jason muttered and shook his head. “And at least I could get my arms around her.”

The callous comment was the final straw.

“Fuck you,” I shouted and stormed out of his apartment.

There was no stopping the tears now although that was as much to do with his cruel parting shot as it was to the fact we just broke up. He probably didn’t even think it was over and more than likely expected me to come crawling back to him when I calmed down. I’d had enough of his games though and knew for sure that wasn’t going to happen. The relationship was always volatile and stormy right from the start, but catching him out in a lie that proved his infidelity was too much for me to take. He could go and fuck the skinny bitch he cheated on me with as much as he wanted for all I cared.

“Shit,” I cursed when I got out of the building to find it was pouring with rain.

With no umbrella for protection, I was soaked by the time I eventually got to my student accommodation and Bella stared at me when I walked through the door of the room we shared.

“Couldn’t you have just waited out the storm?” she asked.

The water running down from my soaked hair covered the evidence of the tears that were still rolling down my cheeks.

“No,” I replied. ‘”I split up with Jason and just wanted to get away from him, so I stormed out of his apartment into the rain and was soaked in seconds. My mind was all over the place, so I just kept walking.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that,” Bella said sympathetically then changed her mind. “Well, no I’m not really. He was an immature prick. I’m surprised you needed so long to notice it.”

I was unable to stop the sobs that suddenly came out.

“Go and have a shower before you catch your death of cold,” Bella said firmly as she got to her feet. “I’ll buy a bottle of wine and you can tell me all about it.”

I nodded my head and moved across to the door in the corner of the room to step in the small bathroom. Stripping off my wet clothes took away some of the chill of a bad evening and I tried to relax after switching on the hot water then getting under it. Jason’s nasty last comment kept running around in my head and I looked down at my naked body. I’d always been chubby since my early teens and never particularly worried about being a bigger girl. During my relationship with Jason, I tried to diet to please him because of his nagging about how it would be better if I was slimmer. In the end I liked my food too much and never lost any weight. Suddenly I was glad that was the case.

“Fuck trying to be something I’m not just to please a man,” I let out under my breath.

They could take me as they found me from now on and if they didn’t like my big, beautiful curves then they could take a running jump. I tilted my face up to let the jets of water pound down on it and the tears were stopped when I got out of the cubicle. I dried myself then secured the towel in place around my chest before leaving the bathroom to find something comfortable to wear. I was only just finished when Bella walked in through the door.

“Feeling better?” she asked.

“Yeah, a bit,” I replied.

She walked to the small closet in the corner of the room and opened it to find a couple of big plastic tumblers. Opening the bottle, she poured the wine then came to sit beside me on the sofa.

“Get that down you,” she said with a smile and handed over one of the tumblers before going on. “You’re better off without him.”

I let out a long sigh.

“Yeah,” I eventually replied. “The bastard cheated on me, which was bad enough. He was so blasé about it though, like it didn’t mean anything. Why is it boys will stick their cock in any wet hole they find?”

Bella laughed at the crude language before answering.

“When they get a hardon there’s no blood left in their head for their brain to function,” she joked. “They can’t help themselves and that goes double for an arrogant dick like Jason. If ever there is a guy that thinks he is God’s gift to the opposite sex, it’s him.”

“He even insulted me about my size,” I said.

“The stupid idiot has no class,” Bella commented before taking a drink. “You shouldn’t let what he says bother you. You’re far better off without him in your life.”

“I’m off men altogether,” I told my friend.

“Oh…, you shouldn’t let one useless waste of space put you off men for good,” Bella said and laughed. “They do have their uses.”

I shook my head as I joined in the laughter. The wine and company was making me feel a little better after the trauma of earlier in the evening, but I meant what I said about staying away from guys. It was coming up towards the summer break and I set my mind to just concentrating on my studies then going home to my parent’s farm to enjoy a break away from the city.

“Oh…,” Bella let out. “I bumped in to Professor Hamilton when I was out buying the wine. She asked if you could go and see her tomorrow after classes finish.”

“Why does she want to see me?”

Bella shrugged her shoulders.

“She just asked me to pass on the message, but didn’t say what it was about. You just have to go to her room after your last class of the day.”

My mind ticked over as to what Professor Hamilton wanted to see me about, but as the wine and chat flowed I put the meeting out of my mind.

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