ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (44 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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We were almost at the end of the hallway when a door was opened and I walked in a room expecting to see Conrad Reed. The place appeared empty, however, and it was only after a few seconds that I saw there were French doors leading out to a large stone terrace. It was there that I got my first look at what I hoped was going to be my boss for a four week internship and my nerves flared. There was something more to my reaction though when he stood and turned to greet me.

The flicker of excitement was unexpected as dark brown eyes met mine and a perfect smile lit up on Conrad’s face. I’d never really taken much notice of his appearance when we were discussing him in class, but I certainly was now. His black hair was swept to a tidy side shade and the crisp white shirt he was wearing did nothing to conceal what was obviously a muscular physique. He wasn’t wearing a tie and the top two buttons were undone to give a tantalizing glimpse of his chest, but I tried my best not to stare as I walked up to him.

“You found the place,” he said.

“Yes,” I answered. “You have a beautiful home.”

The tingle of anticipation came over me when he held out his hand and there was no stopping the shivers that raced down my spine as we shook.

“Take a seat,” he said and kept hold of my hand as he led me to one.

I was conscious again of the way the hem of my black dress slid up my chubby thighs when I sat down and tried to pull it lower. It was only when I glanced up that I realized Conrad was watching me and the flush of red warmth spread across my face. I found myself slightly intimidated at being so close to a handsome, confident alpha male when he sat on the chair right next to me and I couldn’t help noticing his glances down towards me legs.

“Would you like some wine?” he asked.

It was the last question I expected at an interview and I wondered if it was a test. He lifted the bottle and poured some more in his own glass before glancing at me.

“Umm…, sure,” I replied.

He filled a glass then picked it up to hand it to me. I was aware of our fingers brushing together as I took it and the red on my face grew stronger.

“This is what I like to do at the end of the day when I’m at home,” Conrad went on.

“The grounds of this place are lovely,” I said as I looked across an expanse of lawn, flowers and trees.

“It’s a good way to relax,” he said and picked up his glass.

I did the same to take a drink and sneaked glances at him while he gazed out across the grass. Not that I’d been to many interviews, but it was getting off to a start that surprised me to say the least.

“How long have you lived here?” I asked.

“I’ve owned this place for around four years,” he replied. “I’d really like to spend more time here, but work takes me away a lot.”

“Mrs. Samuels said you were about to leave for a couple of weeks.”

He nodded his head before enjoying another sip of wine then putting his glass down.

“I have meetings set up with clients and will be visiting some of our other offices. That’s why I wanted to meet you first, especially when I saw the photo you sent. So, what course are you taking at college.”

His comment about wanting to meet me when he saw my picture flashed through my mind, but I didn’t really get the chance to think about what it meant as I concentrated on speaking.

“Business studies,” I answered. “It’s a four year course and I’m just about at the end of my third.”

“And how are you getting on with the work?”

“Fine,” I replied. “I’ve maintained a position in the top five percent of my class and I’m not planning on that changing. We’ve done plenty of case studies this year and Reed Commerce is one of them, so I know a little about the company. It’s one I would definitely like to work for.”

“You sound impressed,” he said and laughed.

“It’s an amazing story the way you’ve built it up to be one of the most profitable and successful media companies around.”

“Hard work,” Conrad said. “And some good fortune as well, I have to admit, to be in the right place at the right time to pick up influential clients.”

“I think the hard work has been more of a factor,” I told him.

“I expect it from all my employees,” he replied.

“You’ll definitely get it from me.”

“Yes,” he said as he stared at me and paused before going on. “I do believe I would get what I want from you.”

His intense gaze was unnerving and as I held it my pulse quickened. The implications of his comment seemed to be about more than just work, but I shrugged it off as a silly idea. That a wealthy, successful businessman would be interested in a twenty year old chubby college girl seemed absurd. Conrad Reed could probably have his pick of the most beautiful women around, but it didn’t stop me wondering just what was going through his mind as we stared at each other. The moment was broken by the sound of another voice.

“There’s a call for you Mr. Reed.”

I looked to see the man that met me on my arrival standing just inside the French doors.

“Excuse me,” Conrad said.

He got up to walk inside and I picked up the wine to take a drink as I stared out over the grounds. I certainly wasn’t being interviewed in the way I expected, but I already knew that I really wanted to work for Reed Commerce or, more to the point, for Conrad Reed. It was crazy to think that anything might happen between us, but I couldn’t stop that very thought popping in my head.

His comments about wanting to meet me when he saw my picture and that I would give him what he wanted were enticing, but there was no way of knowing if he was talking solely about work…, or something on a more personal basis. I remembered my recent break up and swearing off men to concentrate on my studies. I knew that I would go back on that when it came to Conrad Reed. He certainly enjoyed looking at my legs as I was trying to pull the hem of my dress down and the other glances I noticed him casting in my direction seemed to show that he liked what he was looking at.

“I’m afraid business has intruded,” he said with a rueful smile when he returned. “I have some urgent work that needs to be completed for a client tonight.”

“Oh…,” I let out and my disappointment welled up that the evening was being cut short. It disappeared quickly when he went on speaking.

“Perhaps we could meet tomorrow,” Conrad said.

“Sure,” I said a bit too eagerly and saw the smile on his face. It didn’t stop me going on. “I could come here tomorrow.”

He shook his head.

“I have a dinner meeting with a client in the Lindsay Hotel,” he said. “Do you know it?”

“No,” I said. “But I can find it.”

“Great,” he said. “The meeting should be over by nine, so if you wait for me in the lobby bar we can carry on with your interview.”

“Sure, I’ll be there,” I said as I got to my feet.

We walked inside and the tingle of anticipation was there when we shook hands then parted company. The sense that I was about to embark on a new adventure was in my head when I followed the elderly man to the front door.

“The gate is unlocked,” he told me when I walked out. “Please ensure it is closed properly when you leave.”

“I will,” I said and walked down the driveway to leave.

Chapter 4

Getting to sleep that evening wasn’t easy, with images of Conrad Reed constantly playing on my mind. I tried to drive away the idea that he was interested in me, but it clung on nevertheless and was still there when I finished my classes the following day. Time dragged as I tried to fill in the hours until nine. There was no doubt in my mind what I was going to wear and I heard Bella’s comment when I put the black dress on.

“Another interview?” she asked.

“Same one,” I told her. “It got cut short last night and I need to go again tonight.”

“Are you sure the guy didn’t just like you in that dress and wanted to see more,” Bella teased.

I made a face at her as I walked to the bathroom, but was hoping she’d hit on a truth. Getting the brush out of the cabinet, I ran it through my hair and on this occasion decided to put on some makeup. It didn’t go unnoticed and Bella’s cheeky whistle was loud.

“Looking even sexier tonight,” she said. “Are you sure this isn’t a date.”

“Shut up,” I scolded her good naturedly. “I’ll see you later.”

Walking out of the dorm building, I made my way in the direction of the bus stop to catch a ride. My gaze remained on the passing cityscape during the journey to try and keep my mind off the upcoming meeting, but the nearer I got to the hotel the more my nerves began to jangle. It was fifteen minutes before nine when I walked through the door and looked around. Arriving early was deliberate on my part to get myself settled and ready, but I wasn’t given the chance to do that. I saw Conrad sitting on a stool at the long serving counter the second I walked in the lobby bar.

He seemed to sense my approach and turned before I got to him. My heart flipped when he smiled and I knew I was in trouble. I really did want to get the internship to give me a chance to work for Reed Commerce, but I wanted to get to know Conrad Reed even more. The way his gaze roamed over my ample figure revealed that he might have more in mind for me than just an internship.

“I thought your meeting wasn’t over until nine,” I said when I got to him.

“I got my business finished,” he said. “What would you like to drink?”

“Just a glass of wine please,” I answered.

He motioned to the stool next to him and I got up on it as he ordered the drinks. I made no attempt to ease the hem of my dress down when it hitched up and there was no mistaking the appreciative look that Conrad threw at my legs. It was him that started the conversation when the drinks were served.

“So…, what’s your background?”

“My parents own a farm,” I answered. “I grew up helping them out on that and went to the local school.”

“Will you return there after college?” Conrad asked.

I smiled as I shook my head.

“My older brother is more the farmer than me,” I replied. “He’ll likely take the place over when my parents give it up. My plan was always to go to college and my results were good enough at school to let me do that. I’ll try to get a job in the city when I finish my studies. I like visiting my family on the farm, but have no ambition to work there.”

“You sound like you have it planned out,” Conrad said with a smile.

“I have ideas of the way I’d like to go,” I replied. “Whether they work out is another thing altogether.”

“Not that I mean to get personal,” he went on. “But do they include a boyfriend?”

The question caught me slightly off guard and I was quiet for a second before answering.

“Not really,” I told him. “I just had a bad breakup with someone and have no plans to get involved, so I won’t let men interfere with work.”

“He must be a fool,” Conrad went on. “To let you go I mean.”

“Yeah, well tell him that,” I replied. “He decided that cheating with a thinner girl was a good idea.”

“He’s definitely a massive fool then,” Conrad said. “You have a gorgeous figure.”

The breath stuck in my throat as I glanced at him. The comment was a definite sign that his preference was for bigger girls.

“Thanks,” I said. “I’m not sure my ex-boyfriend shared your opinion.”

“It’s his loss,” he replied. “I wouldn’t have let you go.”

There was a rising tension between us that I couldn’t ignore. Our eyes met and there was no stopping my heartbeat racing faster. The question came out before I could stop it.

“Do you like bigger girls?”

“Let’s just say that their curves are far nicer than skinny model-type girls,” he replied.

Another question popped in my head and I hesitated to ask it. I knew that I would be putting myself in trouble if I did, but in the end the lure of knowing the answer was too much to resist.

“Is that why you invited me to the hotel tonight?”

“Do I have to answer that honestly?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Then…, yes, it was part of the reason I asked you here,” he admitted. “I liked the photo you sent to Mrs. Samuels and was certainly impressed when you turned up at my home last night.”

“Impressed with what?” I asked.

“You seemed switched on and bright…, and you really do have a gorgeous figure.”

The compliment brought a warmth to my face as my cheeks flushed red, but it was nice to hear and I wanted more. I was with a man that liked me for what I was and I wanted that in my life. The thought came in my head that it might just be a line, but I brushed it aside quickly. I’d spent the evening before dreaming about what it would be like to be with Conrad Reed and was getting the distinct impression that the opportunity to find out was there if I wanted it.

“Are you staying here tonight?” I asked.

“Yes, I have a room for the night,” Conrad answered. “We could have a drink up there if you want?”

It was the moment of truth and I needed to make up my mind. I was sure he booked a room with the intention of inviting me up to it, but the thought of that just excited me. It turned out that making a decision wasn’t difficult for me to do and I hesitated for no more than a brief second before answering.

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