Read Rough Attraction Online

Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

Rough Attraction (12 page)

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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“Pull through the gate. I’m coming down.” Darko hung up, instantly going to the wall and hit the codes that would signal the courtyard gates to open to let him in.

“Hey!” Pyotr called after him. Darko ground to a halt at the top of the stairs, turning to glance at his brother, just in time to catch the string of grapes Pyotr had tossed at him.

“First kiss has the most bearing.” Pyotr winked at him.

Darko tugged at his ear, giving his brother a sheepish look. “Sorry to say, but we’re well past the kissing. We’re up to fucking now.” He added a little wriggle to his brows playfully.

“You’re one move away from losing him right now for dragging him to a
reunion. You’re gonna need that sweet kiss to stay his ass.”

A deep grin melted over his face, “Thanks Pyotr.” He popped several of them in his mouth smiling when the sweet red flavor burst on his tongue. Then dashed down the stairs to catch his lover before he could escape.

“Did you teach all your brothers the tricks of sex?” Cliff asked from the table where he had been watching the wrestling match.

Maggie brushed past Cliff, her hand patting him on the back, “Yes, he did.” She spoke with a note of gleeful experience.

Pyotr conferred with a wicked gleam, none to shameful either.


Downstairs, Darko rushed out just as Maxum was getting out of his car. Darko couldn’t help but put on the brakes to take in the sharp image of the man and his shiny machine. He kept back a moment just enjoying the view with a wry smile all his own—
Damn if he didn’t love looking at that man
— like his machines, Maxum was built of precision lines. Muscles proportioned his body perfectly like an athlete not a body builder, exotic and unclassified. And always smoldering hot. “Another?” he finally stepped out toward him.

“I collect them.” Maxum’s answer was short, though it still held a note of sportive sarcasm. They both knew damn well he did.

“So what are you, rich or something?” Dark smirked at him.


“Or something.” Maxum eyed Darko tightly. He was two seconds from turning around and leaving, but the sight of Darko was too tempting to leave behind. His dark hair was tossed as if it’d never been brushed this morning. The muscles in his arms looked pumped like they did when the two of them would get rough and he had to wonder if his strange lover had been inside working out or tussling with another man. The notion alone agitated him.


Darko could see the dark displeasure in the man’s eyes, he approached cautiously directing his attention to the car Maxum had arrived in and now stood alongside. The Ford Tungsten GT. He’d seen one in a magazine before but it looked even more striking up close. He walked along its length, letting his fingertips glide along the curves.
He liked this one
. Sleek. Sexy. The smoky colored tungsten steel made it look mean like the man who drove it. Maxum for all his sleek and sexy exterior, looked like a man who could rule the world with his little finger— and Darko had it on first hand, the man could screw you to a wall with his dick.

It was likely, the only thing Maxum
afraid of, was
— but Darko had no intentions of letting his knight-in-shiny-tungsten-armor running away this time. He stopped with little more than one arms length between them, “So how many cars do you have anyways?”

Maxum shrugged, “Well, not nearly as many as say, some of the more famous collectors, but enough to need my own garage.”

“Garage?” Darko stepped in front of him now closing the space between them with a mischievous grin. “Garage space is always at a premium in New York. I wonder—” He tilted his head down then glanced at him from under predominant brows. “How much would you charge for a space?”

Maxum was still trying to hang on to his irritation, but he couldn’t stop himself from playing the game of banter with Darko, since they were both just so damn good at it. “A couple of blow jobs and several hard-fuckings a week at least.”

“Hmmm— that’s kinda expensive.” Darko brushed Maxum’s hip with his hand, “But, I think I can swing it. I’d have to probably put in extra hours, though.” He glanced around, but didn’t see an overnight bag with Maxum, which side-tracked his implications. “Where’s your bag?”

Maxum huffed then, “I’m not staying.” He retreated from Darko’s touch, but only enough to lean back against the mustang. “You see, when you mentioned you wanted me to spend the weekend with you, I figured you were luring me to some Astoria hidden treasure. Like maybe a bed-n-breakfast that just happened to be gay friendly.” He cocked his head with a suspicious expression. His eyes darted over the four-story house that loomed behind them. “This doesn’t look like a bed-n-breakfast.”

Darko leaned in, pressing the man into the car and brushed his lips over Maxum’s. His voice dropping an octave, turning husky, “Well the bed is inside—” he licked out with his tongue to tease Maxum, “and it is definitely gay friendly.” And then Darko kissed him, a deep lingering embrace of his lips to deliver the taste of his tongue to the other man that was both sweet as the red grapes and intensely hungry. Darko shoved into him harder as he pushed past his lips, into the hot cavern of Maxum’s mouth, and inhaled him all at once. His tongue was everywhere, possessing, tasting— branding.


In an instant, Maxum’s body lit up, blood tingling and his arms coiled around Darko’s body, locking on. Darko’s fists clutched at his starched white shirt, grabbing the collar to pull him closer. Darko was everything he remembered— full of unrefined finesse. Power and steel, covered in hot, butter-soft leather. Insistent— and more. Never had a man’s kiss alone made Maxum want to throw down right where he stood and make love as he did with this man. Darko made him long to be closer to him in every way.

Maxum ran his hands down Darko’s body, feeling every bulge of his shoulders, every ripple of his chest. His palm flitted down the rippling six-pack— and kept descending.


, he dragged his hand over the other man’s erection. Darko hissed in a shocked breath, breaking the kiss, and hardened against Maxum’s touch.

Smiling, Maxum reached for his fly.

Darko groaned. “If you’re not planning on staying, we—”

Maxum palmed him again, silencing him with a squeeze around his trapped cock, and then flicked the button of his pants open. He pushed the zipper down, a bare rasp in the otherwise quiet. Maxum found Darko’s cock straining up passed the waistband of his briefs and he ran his thumb over the sensitive crest already leaking with pre-cum.

Darko’s head pressed against his with a deep surrendering huff, “Damn it, I love it when you touch me.” Darko groaned some more. He grabbed Maxum’s jacket up in his fists and started walking backwards towards the door, towing the man with him. He released him only long enough to fumble with the door handle behind him, got it open, and resumed the deep probing of their kiss, dragging Maxum into the house. They were no sooner through the doors into the downstairs rec room that Darko was pushing his jeans open, then dropped a hand on Maxum’s shoulder forcing him to his knees. “
I want you to suck me.” he demanded, with a low and throaty growl. Maxum didn’t hesitate giving him what he wanted. His tongue eagerly darted out and licked over the broad tip of his cock, whipping around the partially skinned mushroom cap of the swollen red gland. Maxum took him all the way in his mouth, surrounding the man’s cock with a tight suction of his cheeks while his tongue made vicious work over the sensitive nerves.

He drew out letting it pop free of his lips and replaced it with his fist stroking Darko from base to tip, sliding the foreskin down the shaft away from the gland, then moved in, running his mouth down the side of the throbbing shaft, up and down, over and over. His fingers groping over the engorged gland smearing the leaking precum as he did so. He leaned back just taking in the site of Darko’s erection now swathed in his saliva. Damned if the man didn’t have a gorgeous cock. A good eight or nine inches, thick and riveting with veins that pulsed with red blood. He pulled Darko’s stiff shaft down from his belly, sucking the mushroom cap into his lips. He gnawed at it tenderly before releasing it, letting it slap back to his belly. Darko groaned his hands slapping to the wall to steady himself. He could hear the strangled curse to keep back any commands just yet.

Maxum wanted so much more of the meal. Simeon was small in every way and actually didn’t like Maxum lavishing any attention on his cock other than a simple hand job and only then while he was shafting him from behind. Simeon for all his gloriously gay cliché wished he’d never had a dick at all but unwilling to undergo the sex change.

Maxum had no problems being a man that liked to fuck other men. Moreover, Darko was pure raw man that fed that desire like no other had ever done for him. He closed in, burying his nose in the shallow nest of black hairs that nestled around Darko’s cock, inhaling the musky scent of his body, definitely all man. He tucked down lower, licking over his balls sucking one in his mouth to roll over his tongue then the other, using his lips in a tight hold to pull at the tightening skin.


, god.” Darko let out a husky growl, letting his head drop back into the wall. Damn the man had a mouth and knew what to do with it. He sucked on him hard with an all-encompassing demand. When Maxum was done, Darko knew he’d be little else, but a melted pup, willingly surrendered to anything the man would demand from him after this.

As much as he wanted to divulge the man his meal, his own needs couldn’t withstand any longer. He threaded his fingers into Maxum’s hair loving the soft silkiness against the calluses of his hand. He let the contrast distract him a moment longer, up to the point when Maxum took him all the way in and his slit kissed the back of the man’s throat. Every ounce of air spilled from his longs at the moment and a wave of unexplained pleasure and urge crashed over his body, and exploded at the same time. “Oh fuck.” His hips curled forward and Maxum’s hands were suddenly locked onto his hips, pinning him in place.

“No damn it.” Darko gasped, his every breath rasped through his larynx as his body pulsed with more need. If he didn’t start fucking the man’s mouth, his knees were likely to go weak under him. He needed some control in this. Darko bucked, trying desperately to pick up a rhythm that sank him onto the Maxum’s throat, but the more he pushed, the tighter Maxum’s grip became, until he backed off all together. Darko’s near bursting cock slapped against his belly and he hissed wildly. Needing Maxum’s mouth back.

“If you want me to stay, you’ll have to endure my craving fetish. And right now I need to eat your cock.” Maxum growled.

Darko’s hands were instantly clamped around Maxum’s head curling into tight fists in his hair, forcing him to look up at him. Their eyes locked into one another like fiery demons fixated in a battle of carnal lust. Darko’s hips rocked slowly, purposely so his dick slid across Maxum’s face, back and forth. Caressing him with more of the leaking precum. The scent of sweet salt filled his senses, stoking the hunger inside him. Back and forth, the hard organ sawing over the man’s cheek then pressed against his lips and Darko let go of his hair. Splayed fingers reached down the back of his neck and over his shoulders, quaking with his teetering control.

Everything about Darko appealed to Maxum’s senses on a primitive, base level, and his own body hummed with awareness of it. He turned his freed head and sucked in the mushroom head of Darko’s cock. His eyes still on the man watching him. He sucked and gnawed on him until Darko’s eyes fluttered closed and his chin jutted up with tension. Hiding no expression that he was completely entrenched in his mouth and how could Maxum not give favor to such surrender to him.

He sucked him all the way in, wrapping him in a stormy sensation with his tongue, rolling and sucking hard over the full length if his shaft, bringing him all the way in, drawing off, only to suck him all the way in again.

He felt the tightening pulse in the heavy vein against his tongue, his own body responding with an equal pulsing in his ass, just imagining the engorged cock shafting into him, violently out of control, until he screamed with release.

Fists clenched into the shirt at his shoulder and locked on. Darko cried out, some deep guttural moan as he held Maxum tight, hips quaking and bucking forward involuntarily as Maxum’s mouth filled with the hot froth of semen. He swallowed the first shots down then pulled away letting the next splatter over his lips. He rolled and smeared them over the purple gland licking and sipping the last drops that spit from the slit.

Maxum wasn’t given much time to play with the messy pool of cum, when he felt Darko’s immensely strong arms yanking him up and immediately came over him with his mouth, licking over his lips and the icing of spunk. Just another somatic urge he liked from the man. Kissing after head. Sharing the taste of each other’s body. And nothing timid, Darko kissed with full on force before, during and after. His passions never falling weak except perhaps when Maxum was sucking him off.

“Dammit I want you fucking me right now.” Darko growled in his mouth just then, not even a fight for who was going to top the other. Darko’s dick, well sated now, wanted his ass ravaged and easily offered himself up for more of Maxum’s commands except a rap at the door drew the brakes on faster than a bucket of cold water. Maxum froze, coming to reality that he was in another person’s home, and was about to fuck this man before even meeting the host.


Another knock on the door, “
Hey. Stanislav just pulled in. Pyotr asked if you could put the brakes on long enough so that he can at least get them inside the house before Frannie pulls any of her shit.

Darko’s brother Trofim called from the other side.

Darko let out a long rumble and kissed Maxum drawing him up in his arms before answering. “Yeah. Though I don’t know how much good it’ll do.” Darko called back to the door. His eyes never leaving Maxum who was watching him, calculating. His eyes all business now, watching the numbers crunch and he was analyzing, weighing the gains.

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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