Safe (11 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Safe
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Red solo cup in hand, Lauryn’s bubbly self introduced me to many of the same people she did the other night at the bar, but there was no way in hell I’d remember them all. I could admit her smile was contagious to everyone she came in contact with, and I felt myself falling into her trap. As for her staying with me the entire time at this welcome party, that wasn’t quite happening.

I knew she was the hostess and had lots of things to do, but not having her by me was making my insides quiver. I tried breathing through it, but that wasn’t much help. I just kept my chin up and went with it.

“Hey, Sadie is it?” I turned, bringing myself back to the present to see a striking man with light brown hair, green eyes, broad shoulders, and very handsome face trying to get my attention. I thought Lauryn said his name was Brad.

“Yep, that’s me,” I replied.

“I’m Brad, I met you earlier. Lauryn’s been at your side all night, so I haven’t had a chance to come and talk to you.” He smirked at me.

And so it went. I wasn’t dead … I knew when I was about to get hit on. While I knew I should be completely flattered, because he was very attractive; I just wasn’t.

“What’s up?”

“So, where are you from?” Brad said while not making eye contact with me, but scanning the area behind me. It almost seemed as if he was looking for someone, but whom?

“Up North.” I know, vague, but I really had no need to get to know this guy and his attention span was about as big as a gnat.

“What brings you down South?” Smiling at his north/south joke … I had to roll my eyes at that one.

“Just needed a change.” I couldn’t help but start to look around the crowd, too. Who was he looking for?

“I see. You have a man in your life?” Finally, I got eye contact. Wow … talk about not beating around the bush. Not that I didn’t like straightforwardness, I just liked to be the one dishing it out.

Before I could answer, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I swung around to lock eyes with a very handsome blue-eyed man. His instant megawatt smile had me following suit.

Without another thought, Landon was walking my way, our eyes glued to one another. “Hey Sadie.” He paused. “Brad.” Landon’s voice was very curt, but his smile never left me.

“Hey,” I whispered.

“Hey Land. Sadie and I were in the middle of something here,” Brad bit back.

Landon’s eyes turned questioning, but he must have read something in my eyes.

“Sorry Brad, but Sadie and I have some unfinished business. We’ll be back in a bit.”

Landon starting walking toward the open benches by the fire, with me following closely behind, giving Brad a small wave. I couldn’t help the relief that flooded me to be away from Brad. “Thanks Landon. I appreciate that.”

“No problem. Brad trying to put the moves on ya, huh?”

“You could say that, but his eye contact sucks. He kept looking at anything but me.” I watched as Landon looked down at his hands, but then back at me. It was only a brief moment, and if I wasn’t watching him so closely, I would have missed it. “He asked me in like the first five seconds of talking if I had a guy. He just came off strange.”

Landon busted out laughing. “Well, it is a good question to get the answer to.”

“Yeah. I’m sure it is.” My gaze went to the fire.

“I had a great time last night.”

“Me too.” I really did.

“What’s a sweet girl like you doing here in podunk Georgia?” I knew he was being sincere. I had avoided all these questions since arriving. I just couldn’t let him suck me in, which he was doing just by being near me. His smell was like an intoxicating drug invading my entire body. He smelled of leather, spice, and man—very dangerous combination.

“Just needed a change.” Looking around the fire, I saw that same woman from the other night glaring at me—Meg, I think he said. “Look, I can see the blonde over there is giving me the evil eye. You can go over and hang out with her.”

The smile instantly left his face. I watched as he looked over at the woman with a scowl on his face. His reaction took me off guard. I actually didn’t know what to do with it—be nervous, happy, scared—for some reason it baffled me and made me wonder about their history.

Turning, he smiled. “If you can deal with me for a bit, I’d like to sit here with you.”

Oh God, did I wish I could. His smile was going to kill me. The fire ripping through it was burning me alive just by being this close to him. After the previous night, I didn’t know how much more I could take.

I knew if I sat here longer with him I would have an inferno on my hands that I didn’t know if I could put out … and then what? How did I know for sure this man wasn’t like Rob? Nice and sweet now, great with his family, helpful … but in a few months, who knew. And those arms could probably crack a tree in half.

Before I could make a break for it, I heard a familiar voice. Swinging my head around, I saw Renzo and Lukas walking our way.

Shit. No leaving now.

“Hey Sadie, how are ya?” Renzo was the first to speak.

“I’m good,” I said, shaking my solo cup in the air. This caused laughter. I wasn’t trying to be funny, but if it worked.

Lukas and Renzo sat on the bench next to us. “What do you want?” Landon’s brisk voice caught me. The brothers started laughing again. I guess I was outside this joke they had going on.

“Chill out,” Lukas cut.

“Sadie, yesterday was a blast … you liking Williamsfield yet?” Renzo said.

“So far, yeah.” My gaze focused on the fire. I looked up at Landon from underneath my lashes and smiled. I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking. I shouldn’t be flirting in any way with this man, but I was finding it hard to stop myself.

His megawatt smile in return had me thinking I was in serious trouble with this one. A little harmless flirting was okay … right? I could never let it lead to anything more than that.

I listened to the brother brigade talk about random things. I even jumped in a couple times, about the new action movie coming out, that I was dying to see. This surprised them, but whatever. I brushed it off.

We actually laughed as it was a replay of last night. I found myself laughing more tonight than last. I haven’t laughed this much in … I don’t even remember. All I knew was my cheeks hurt from all the smiling.

Most of the group made their way over to us and joined in on the conversation. I did a lot of smiling and nodding, but kept it together around all these strangers. They seemed like nice people, but looks could be deceiving.

“Hey Landon, you bring your guitar?” a guy whose name I couldn’t remember asked.


He actually started laughing and damn it if it wasn’t a heart pumping sound. “I’ll be back.” As he walked into the darkness, I couldn’t help but watching his tight ass in those jeans. Every step he took was mesmerizing.

“Sadie!” I shook my head.


“I asked if you liked what he plays, but you were too busy staring at my brother’s ass.” Renzo laughed, and I felt the hottest flush creep up me. Damn. I didn’t want to be obvious, but to hell if I wasn’t.

Ignoring his comment, I answered his question, “Yeah.” Looking back and forth between the brothers, I couldn’t deny they were totally handsome, but I could see a distinct difference between them and Landon.

The thought of Landon gave me chills and warmed me up at the same time. I didn’t get that with them.

Landon was coming our way carrying the same acoustic guitar I saw him use at the show. As he sat down next to me, he began tuning it.

Just like the night at the bar, he was captivating. As soon as his mouth opened to sing, my body caught on fire leaving a large pile of ash in its wake. His voice was smooth, deep, and flowed beautifully.

Landon knew tons of songs, from “Sweet Home Alabama” to the newest Luke Bryan song. The entire crowd was singing along with him, including myself, smiles plastered on our faces.

I didn’t miss the looks from Landon out of the corner of my eye or the smirk of his mouth, and I couldn’t help but return them. Looking around, I noticed that Lauryn was nowhere to be found. I needed to find her, and I kind of needed a break from all the testosterone and Landon.

As I stood up and brushed my pants, Landon’s singing stopped. “Where are you going?” Landon asked.

“I’m gonna go find Lauryn. I haven’t seen her in a while. I want to see if she needs help.” I turned, smiling at him.

“You’ll come back?” he asked.

“I’ll see what she needs me to do.”

“Okay. I’ll be here.” He began strumming the guitar again as I set off to find Lauryn.

With a small smile tugging my lips, I walked into the house looking for Lauryn. She was in the kitchen putting out even more food, chatting away with several people. She saw me coming toward her and parted from the people. “Hi! You having fun?”

“Yeah. You need some help?” God, please let her need help! I needed to do something that didn’t entail me being consumed by Landon.

“Nope, I’ve got everything. You go out and have fun! I saw you talk to Brad and Landon.”

Yeah … saw me talking since you left me. “I was just talking to them. I told you before I can’t get wrapped up in guys.”

“Well, you should be, at least with Landon. Brad, on the other hand, he’s no good. Now go on back outside.”

I looked at her inquisitively. “Why is Brad so bad? Not that I don’t agree with you, just curious.” More than curious actually.

Lauryn looked out the sliding glass door. Following her gaze, my eyes met with the beautiful blue ones that mesmerized me earlier, that same smile playing on his lips.

With a quick smirk back, I turned back to Lauryn. “You gonna tell me about Brad?”

“It’s a bit of a story. Some other time. Now go out there. Someone’s waiting for you.”

I could feel Landon’s eyes burning holes in the back of my head. He must have left the fire and followed me. Filling up my cup, I avoided the sliding glass door. I just needed a little break. I instead went out through the garage. Sneaky, I know, but I needed to keep my distance from him.

I looked and saw the beautiful lake and began walking toward it. The chairs on the dock lent a perfect spot for me to get some down time. I needed to gather my thoughts and figure out my next moves in this new life.

The moonlight made the water look so calm and peaceful. It was breathtaking, like one of those pictures that you hang up on your wall, although this was real life. This scene would make that awesome picture. The light ripples of the water made the most peaceful sound.

Closing my eyes, I felt the cool Georgia breeze across my skin. Now don’t get me wrong, it was hot here, but the breeze was nice. I was lost in the calm of my surroundings.

While I enjoyed talking and singing, I still didn’t know anyone here. They sure as hell didn’t know my past, and I wasn’t going to tell that.


Jumping up, I twirled, tripping over my feet toward the edge of the dock. I felt strong hands grip my arms, and my instinct was to pull away, but when I tried they pulled harder until my face was smashing into a very hard chest with a smell that I instantly recognized. Even recognizing the scent, I started fighting and pushing, but got nowhere.

“Sadie, it’s me, Landon. It’s okay.” My mind didn’t register what my body was doing. It began to calm, while my mind was in flight mode.

After a moment of relaxing into him, he let go of me, and I instantly pulled away from him. “You scared the shit out of me!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Are you okay?” His voice was laced with concern for me. I could pretend this didn’t make me happy, but that would be another lie to add to the pile.

“I’m fine. Just give me a minute.” I sat back in the chair, willing my body to fully calm down. It wasn’t working so well, but I felt my heart and breathing begin to minimally slow.

Landon took the other chair on the opposite side of me. Glancing over at him, he was staring at the water. I could only imagine what was going through his mind—hopefully that I was a crazy nut, and he’d do his best to stay away.

After quite a long silence, he must not have been able to take it anymore. “I’m sorry I scared you,” he whispered.

“I know you didn’t mean to. I’m just a little jumpy being in a new place and all.” This wasn’t a lie; any sound had me on edge. I knew Rob didn’t know where I was, but the thought of him lurking was never far from the back of my mind.

“I shouldn’t have snuck up on you. I should have coughed or made a noise or something. You looked so peaceful though.”

I looked into his eyes. “It is very peaceful out here. Almost like the entire world doesn’t exist.”

“I can see that. You don’t have a place like this where you’re from?”

“Not in my backyard.” I smiled at him. His heart-stopping smile followed. Shit. Looking away quickly, I knew I should get away, but my body wasn’t cooperating.

“Can we play a game?”

Looking at Landon, he must have noticed my apprehension.

“Just a little getting to know you. We’re always around people and never get a chance to get to know each other.”

“So why a game?” I asked.

“The other night you just seemed more at ease when things were fun. I thought this might be fun.”

“Sure. What game?”

“I’ll say a word and you say the first word that pops in your head.”






“Why is that?” Landon asked.

“Dead.” I kept with the one word answers. I didn’t want to go into detail.


“Four-wheeling.” Landon smiled at me.



“Who’s Macy?” Landon asked.

“My best friend from home. Wait … this isn’t part of it. You’re only supposed to say a word not ask me a question after.” I began to feel a bit more comfortable. These words weren’t so hard to answer.

“Sorry. Okay … Miss.”

“Seth.” I saw the question in his eyes that he wanted to ask. “My brother.” I smiled. I knew there would be more to that question.





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