Semper Fi (22 page)

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Authors: Keira Andrews

BOOK: Semper Fi
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Cal took the sandpaper and stepped in closer. He kissed Jim’s neck, and Jim tilted his head eagerly, his hands dropping to Cal’s waist. Cal chuckled low in his throat. “You like that?”

Jim nodded, and Cal went back to kissing, pushing him against the sturdy worktable as he teased Jim’s tender skin. God, how he wanted to bend Jim over it and feel his heat. Make him moan and writhe.

He took a deep breath.
Slowly. Slowly.

“Can I ask you…”

“Hmm?” Cal sucked at the juncture of Jim’s neck and shoulder as he caressed his back through the thin undershirt.

“It’s…” Jim trailed off.

“Ask me anything.” Cal licked a bead of sweat from the hollow of Jim’s collarbone.

There was only silence for a long moment, and then Jim mumbled, “Does it really feel good to…” He trailed off.

Cal lifted his head. “What?”

Jim wouldn’t meet his eyes. “To…put things…

It took Cal a moment to understand what he was asking. He smiled widely. “Oh, yeah. It sure does.” He skimmed his palm over Jim’s ass. “When you’re ready I’ll show you how good it can be.”

“I watched you,” Jim blurted. His cheeks reddened. “A few nights after Mabel kicked you. I heard a noise and I went to make sure you were all right, and you were…”

“You were watching?” Cal thought back, remembering his open legs and his fingers twisting in his ass as he jerked his dick. His smile only grew wider, desire coiling in his belly.

“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have.” Jim shook his head. “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Cal bit back his frustration at Jim’s ever-present sense of shame. Kissing him softly, he wrapped Jim in his arms. “


“No buts about it.” He kissed him again, and then whispered in his ear. “Did you like it?”

Shivering, Jim nodded.

“Did watching me finger myself make you hard?”

Another jerky nod and strangled breath were Jim’s reply. Cal reached down, pressing the heel of his hand against Jim’s swelling cock. He rubbed through the denim. “How long did you watch?”

“Until you were done,” Jim mumbled.

A groan escaped Cal’s lips as he imagined Jim hard and wanting him, secretly watching. He met Jim’s mouth, plunging his tongue inside as he took his hand away and pushed his thigh between Jim’s. “Did you jerk yourself off after?”

His breath catching, Jim rocked his hips against Cal’s. He nodded.

They kissed again, panting into each other’s mouths as they ground their cocks together through their jeans. Pulling back, Cal put his finger to Jim’s lips. Jim opened his mouth and Cal dipped it inside. After a moment of hesitation, Jim sucked on it.

“Jesus, you’re a natural,” Cal muttered.

He pulled his hand away and slipped it down the back of Jim’s jeans, lightly caressing along his crack. When Jim tensed, Cal kissed him again slowly. “It’s okay. Relax. Trust me.”

Exhaling, Jim nodded. Eyes closed, he leaned into Cal, shuddering when Cal teased his hole. Cal wished he had some lubricant, but he wasn’t going anywhere at the moment, so they’d have to make do. Lifting his hand again, he spit on his fingertip before rubbing it into Jim’s opening. Jim was rock hard against him as Cal pushed the tip of his finger inside.

Kissing Jim’s neck again, Cal stroked gently with his free hand, up Jim’s side and across his back, keeping him relaxed as his body opened. Slowly and surely, Cal worked his way inside with his index finger. When he pulled it out, Jim gasped, frowning. Cal just smiled and unzipped Jim’s pants before turning him around to get a better angle. Cal pushed his finger in slowly as he kissed the back of Jim’s neck.

Jim was so tight and hot, and Cal moaned hoarsely, imagining his cock buried inside. The sound seemed to loosen something in Jim, and Cal inched his finger in farther. He began moving it slightly, and Jim pushed back as he braced his hands on the table and made needy little sounds in the back of his throat. Patiently, Cal went deeper, reaching around to rub Jim’s cock and pull it out of his drawers. He stroked it roughly and Jim rutted into his hand.

Then Cal crooked his finger, finding just the right spot, and Jim gasped, shuddering. Cal pressed the little gland again, and again, and again as he jerked Jim’s cock harder. Crying out, Jim came in a rush. His ass clamped down on Cal’s finger.

Cal turned Jim’s head to kiss him messily as his own balls tightened. “Jesus, Jim. So good.” Cal freed his cock and jerked himself, his moan echoing off the rafters as he spilled over his fist.

Kissing tenderly, they caught their breath. As Cal gently pulled his finger out of Jim’s ass, he smiled. “That’s just a taste of what it can be.”

As the pleasure receded and reality returned, this was when Jim usually withdrew into himself. Cal tapped under Jim’s chin, focusing Jim’s gaze on him. “Don’t be sorry, all right?”

“All right.” Jim smiled and exhaled an uneven breath.

They kissed a last time and stepped away from each other to straighten their clothes and clean up. Cal ran a hand through his hair, smoothing it down. “I’ll go check on the kids while you finish up.”

“Thanks.” Jim’s hands were shaking as he picked up the sandpaper again.

At the door, Cal turned. “By the way, you can watch me anytime you like. In fact, I strongly encourage it.”

Jim’s warm laughter followed him into the night.

Cal was just finishing washing up and changing into a clean shirt and khakis when he heard Sophie barreling up the stairs. “Uncle Cal!” She skidded to a stop in the doorway of Cal’s room, her pigtails swaying.

“How was your last day of school?”

She grinned and thrust a piece of paper toward him. “Look at my report card.”

Cal unfolded the paper and scanned the rows of grades—A, A, A, A, A—except for one B-plus in geography. He whistled. “Beauty
brains, huh?”

She giggled. “Yep.”

Jim’s voice rang from downstairs. “Sophie! Set the table, please.”

“Come on, we’ll do it together.” Cal gave her a squeeze and they went down.

He found himself looking forward to their dinners around the kitchen table. After a hard day’s work outside, it was relaxing to sit down together and ask Sophie questions about school. Adam was talking more and more each day, and Cal wondered what kind of boy he’d grow up to be.

Jim swallowed a bite of the roast beef Mrs. O’Brien had prepared. “I spoke to your grandparents yesterday.”

“About what?” Sophie asked.

“Now that school’s over, we thought it would be nice for you and Adam to stay with them for a few days. Would you like that?”

Adam looked to his sister, waiting for her response.

Sophie nodded. “Grandpa said he’d take me fishing this summer!”

Adam nodded along. “Fishing.”

Jim chuckled and wiped a dribble of mashed potato from Adam’s chin. “Glad you’re in agreement.”

Anticipation sparked up Cal’s spine. “When are they going?”

“I’m driving them up tomorrow afternoon. Ron will bring them back on Sunday. It’ll give Mrs. O’Brien a few days off as well.”

“Sounds good.” Cal kept his tone casual despite his excitement at the thought of four days alone with Jim.

“Can I bring a suitcase, Daddy? I’ve never used a suitcase before.” Sophie’s face glowed.

“Sure.” Jim smiled at her, and then his gaze met Cal’s. They both looked away quickly, and Cal counted the hours until they’d be alone.

The next evening he waited under the waning sun, leaning against the paddock fence. He’d smoked six cigarettes, had two beers, and played fetch with Finnigan for more than an hour. He glanced at his watch again. Eight o’clock. Jim said he’d have dinner with the Sheltons and then drive back. Which meant he should be back any minute, since it was roughly a two-hour drive and they surely ate supper early on a dairy farm.

Finnigan barked, nudging Cal’s leg with a stick. Cal dutifully tossed it near the barn. The green paint was starting to peel off quite badly in some places, and Cal wondered if he could get some fresh paint in town as a surprise for Jim. Finnigan bounded back with the stick, but before he reached Cal, he dropped it and looked toward the lane with ears perked.

A moment later, Cal heard the rumble of the pickup, and he shuddered with anticipation. While Finnigan ran to greet his master, Cal leaned back against the fence and picked up his beer bottle, taking a long pull. He watched Jim climb out of the truck and crouch down to pet Finnigan before walking over to the paddock.

The setting sun cast a pink glow over the orchard into the distance, and Jim’s fair hair shone. Cal’s breath caught in his throat. “Everything go all right?” he asked.

“Yeah. They didn’t want me to leave when it came time for it, but they’re settled now. It’ll be nice for them to spend some time with their grandparents. Nice for Lorraine and Ronald too.”

Cal could hardly keep still. “And nice for us.”

Jim nodded, his gaze intent as he stepped closer. “Yeah.” He leaned into Cal and brushed their lips together. Then he seemed to suddenly get nervous, and glanced around.

“It’s just us.” Cal smiled and called over his shoulder. “Mabel will keep our secret, won’t you, girl?”

They both looked at the cow, who stood near the edge of the paddock away from the horses, chewing lazily and regarding them with a dim expression.

Jim laughed. “I think we’re safe with Mabel. Finnigan will keep her in line. But I don’t know—the horses tend to tell tales.”

“Better give them a good story, then. C’mere.” Cal kissed him slowly, sliding his tongue into Jim’s mouth.

Jim kissed him back and they sighed into each other as the stars twinkled into sight. For long minutes they just kissed, their tongues exploring and sliding together, wet and deep. Cal’s skin tingled from head to toe, and he moaned into Jim’s mouth at the thought that they would have the whole night alone together, not to mention the next several days.

“Let’s go to bed,” Jim muttered, his voice gravelly.

“I thought we weren’t allowed to do anything in the house,” Cal teased.

Jim squeezed Cal’s cock through his trousers. “No rules this weekend.”

Cal could only nod, and they stumbled to the house, kissing and touching as they practically ran inside and kicked off their boots. Cal led the way upstairs, going straight to his room. Ann’s presence still lingered in Jim’s bedroom, and Cal wanted this to be a fresh start.

They peeled off their clothing with sharp movements, and Cal felt like a nervous teenager again. The rising moon shone through the gauzy curtains, and the desire that took hold as Cal looked at Jim’s naked flesh stole the breath from his lungs. Without another word, he dropped to his knees at Jim’s feet, swallowing Jim’s cock between his lips.

He could suck Jim for hours with the heavy heat of that shaft on his tongue, but tonight he needed more. He released Jim with a wet
, and Jim moaned at the loss, fingers grasping at Cal’s hair. Cal walked Jim to the bed, urging him onto his back. Straddling Jim’s hips, he bent over and they kissed.

Although he wanted nothing more than to impale himself on Jim’s hard cock, Cal took his time, kissing his way down Jim’s chest and licking his nipples.

Jim was practically vibrating. “Please, Cal. I need…”

Lifting his head, Cal smiled. “What?”

Jim pulled him up, kissing him hard. “You. I need you.”

Cal reached for the small jar of petroleum jelly he’d left on the side table. He knew Jim didn’t have any experience with men—hell, not much experience with women from the sound of it—so Cal took the lead. On his knees, he reached back with slick fingers and pushed one into his hole. His eyes fluttered.

Jim watched avidly as Cal worked himself open. Reaching up, Jim caressed Cal’s chest, teasing Cal’s nipples with his fingertips. “I love looking at you like this,” he murmured.

Excitement humming in his veins, Cal worked a second finger inside himself, and then a third. Then he couldn’t wait any longer and pulled out, scooping up more jelly to slick onto Jim’s proud cock. He edged forward on his knees, and positioned Jim at his hole.

Cal lowered himself, keeping steady as the head of Jim’s cock pushed against him. “Breathe,” he whispered. In the moonlight he could see that Jim was holding his breath.

Jim’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Cal lowered himself farther, Jim’s cock inching into the tight ring of muscle.

“Are you sure? It feels so tight.” He moaned. “
So good

Spreading his legs, Cal relaxed and slid down, the sweet friction as Jim filled him bringing a groan to his lips. “Wanted this for so long. Wanted you.” He couldn’t believe it was really happening.

Jim bucked up, his eyes dark with lust and lips parted. “It feels so good. I didn’t know…I didn’t think…”

His thighs flexing, Cal began to ride Jim’s cock, reveling in the burn and stretch as Jim filled him from root to tip. “God, Jim. Oh fuck.
” Obscenities tripped off Cal’s tongue, his cock jutting out as waves of pleasure washed over him, building the fire in his belly with each down stroke.

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