Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (119 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter 7

              “Tiffany… can I talk to you about something that has been bothering me for a while?”  Crystal asked her friend as they were getting ready to go home.  The woman stopped and looked at the smaller girl with curiosity in her eyes.

              “What is it, luv?”

              “Well… I’ve missed my period for two months now…”  She whispered, looking down, feeling a little embarrassed.  Tiffany’s eyes grew large as she looked down at the girl’s stomach.  It still looked flat, but two months was a long time.  Could it be that she was indeed pregnant? 

              “Why haven’t you told anyone?” 

              “Well… I kept telling myself it was normal… you know, since I’m irregular… but now I think… well… you know.”  Tiffany sighed.  If she was pregnant, the manager would fire her the moment he got word.  Knowing Crystal’s situation, she would be without an income and probably without a home when she failed to pay rent.  Tiffany contemplated offering her a place to stay, but she had her own problems that could be exasperated with her presence in her home.

              “I’m sorry… but I have to get home.”  Tiffany said, looking down at her phone, seeing her boyfriend’s number on the screen.  She answered and walked out the door, the sound of angry words already coming out of her lips.  Crystal sat there alone in the dressing room feeling helpless.  What was she supposed to do if she was pregnant? 

              She was certain it was Scott’s, but would the fighter believe it was his?  For all he knew, she could have easily slept with a plethora of other men since their day together.  Crystal felt helpless as tears began to roll down her cheeks, trying to figure out what to do.

              Sighing, she finally made her way out of the club, finding a 24-hour pharmacy.  She browsed through the aisles until she found the pregnancy tests.  Grabbing one, she quickly paid and made her way home, this time free of creeps following her.  Once through the door, she took a deep breath knowing the result could change her life forever. 

              A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom, the plus sign embedded in her mind.  She was pregnant.  She couldn’t quite believe it at first, but then grew anxious as she pictured the collapse of her life.  She would surely lose her job and then would probably have to raise the child by herself.  She didn’t know if she could handle being a single parent, but at the same time, the thought of abortion horrified her. 

              She had to tell him.  It was her only option.  If she didn’t, she would never forgive herself.  Crystal didn’t know how he would react and this scared her, but at the same time, she knew there was no other choice. 


              The next morning, she walked over to
, her heart beating overtime in her nervousness.  She feared the worst and expected little good to come from this meeting, but if she kept this a secret, it would nag her until it destroyed her, so with that thought she made her way inside. 

              The woman at the counter looked at her a moment.  Crystal was not the kind of clientele
usually attracted.  “Hello… um, do you know if Scott Wayne is around?”  Her voice was timid as she asked the question.  The woman bit the edge of her pencil before getting up, sighing.

              “One moment.”  With that, the woman left, going through a set of double doors that led into the training area.  Crystal stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, when a man entered through the front door.  He looked to be a fighter as he already had his shorts on and a towel around his neck. 

              He eyed Crystal for a moment, a devilish grin on his lips as he walked up to her.  “What’s your name, pretty lady?”  He asked, pushing her until her back was up against the wall.  Crystal looked up at him for a moment, clutching her bag, as memories of the night she was terrorized by the group of men came back to her. 

              The man was about to lean forward and kiss her lips when a voice called out, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”  The husky voice floated to Crystal’s ears, catching her attention.  She looked to the left, seeing Scott standing there, looking slightly annoyed.  “Get out,” he commanded.  The other man, recognizing him as the fighter who had gone undefeated for 19 matches quickly high-tailed it out of there, not wanting to experience his one hit K.O. 

              “What are you doing here?”  Scott asked as he walked up to her, offering her his hand.  She placed her hand in his as he pulled her off the wall and into his chest, grinning down at her as her cheeks colored in red.  “You okay?”  He finally asked when she didn’t say a word.  If the man had hurt her, he would pay dearly for his crimes. 

              “I need to tell you something,” she said quickly, wringing her fingers together.  Scott noticed this nervousness and wondered what was going on. 

              “C’mon, let’s go outside,” he whispered, squeezing her hand and leading her to the parking lot.  Once outside he sat her down on his bike and waited for her to tell him what was on her mind.  Crystal, however, hesitated, wondering how she should phrase what she was about to tell him. 

              A million doubts and fears ran through her mind as she tried to predict his reaction.  Would he be angry?  Would he even believe her?  Would she be forced to raise this child by herself or even worse, give it up?  She bit her lip, her emotions threatening to choke her. 

              As this happened, Scott reached forward, his palm resting on her cheek, before looking into her eyes.  “Tell me.” 

              A pause.

“I’m pregnant.” 


Chapter 8

              Scott looked at her for a moment, disbelief on his face.  This had to be some sort of a trick.  He tried to think back to the day they had spent together.  Surely they had used protection, hadn’t they?  But at no point could he ever remember rolling a condom onto his member.  Sighing, he moved away, running his fingers through his hair, wondering what he should do. 

              He was angry.  Just when his career had taken off, something like this had to happen.  With a child he couldn’t fight as he had, he couldn’t move away.  He pulled at his hair slightly, walking around the parking lot in circles, trying to sort through his own turmoil. 

              Crystal watched him, her hope of acceptance quickly drowning in his frustrations.  He was not happy.  Jumping off the bike, she started to walk away, tears streaking down her face.  Her life was now ruined. She would have to find some way to survive while also ensuring the survival of an infant.  The responsibility she was about to assume felt like an impossible weight on her shoulders. 

              As she was walking away, however, Scott grabbed her arm, his eyes almost angry.  “How do I know you aren’t lying?”  He questioned her, giving her an accusatory glance.  She could, after all, just be after the money and fame he was acquiring on his fast track to success.

              “Why the hell would I lie?”  She blurted out, suddenly breaking down, sobs wracking her body.  She ended up crying against his chest, not knowing what else to do.  Scott was shocked as the small girl pressed against him, her tears soaking through his shirt.  He frowned, realizing she was being sincere. 

              This was an unexpected turn of events.  But as he looked down at her, running his fingers through her long hair, he knew he couldn’t abandon her.  Certainly she had a hard life working as a dancer who lived in a minimally furnished apartment.  Leaning down, he gently kissed the top of her head, before rubbing her back gently.  “Don’t cry,” he whispered softly, trying to calm her down. 

              Crystal pulled away hearing his words, before looking up at him.  “Wh…what?”  By now her eyes were red-rimmed with tears.  Scott leaned down and kissed her lips hard, pulling her into him as his hands rested on her ass.  She was taken by surprise but felt her body reacting to him as it did on their first day together.  Soon she started to kiss him back, their tongues dancing together. 

              They kept kissing for a moment, the kiss intensifying before his hand slowly moved under her chin.  Breaking away from the kiss, he looked down at her, a small smile on his lips.  Crystal looked up at him confused.  Did this mean that he believed her? 

              “I was stupid to walk away from you…” 


              The sound of a baby laughing sounded through the house as the small toddler sat down on a high chair enjoying its food.  Crystal smiled at the sound as she continued to cook, making stir fry.  She hummed gently.  The baby stopped and listened to its mother before giggling with glee. 

              Soon, the front door opened.  “Where are my two beautiful girls?”  A rough voice rang out.  The baby’s eyes grew in excitement as she heard her father’s voice.  Walking into the room, he smiled seeing his girlfriend and daughter together.  He stepped forward quickly, kissing Crystal on the cheek, before grabbing the baby into his arms. 

              At first, it was shocking to see Scott’s once hardened demeanor soften instantly when he held his child at the hospital.  His daughter, Lily, was his pride and joy and to his surprise, he loved being a father and seeing his daughter’s face light up whenever he entered the room.  As for Crystal, she was just glad that for once in her life, she had a happy family.

              They now lived in New York City, the agent contracting Scott after all, when he won his 20
match.  He now had a wild fan base and impressed everyone with his one punch K.O.  They lived in a small, but cozy apartment together and were enjoying life, despite the drastic changes that had occurred within such a small period of time. 

              But now, everything was perfect.  The baby was sleeping in her crib and for once, the city of New York was quiet.  Taking this moment of bliss, Crystal rolled on top of her boyfriend, kissing him softly.  Her lips slowly moved from his, down to his neck, making him groan as his hands rested on her back. 

              “What are you doing?”  He asked, a grin on his lips as he saw the naughty expression on his girlfriend’s face.  Leaning forward, he kissed her collarbone, nibbling her skin gently.  “Mmm…”  Crystal moaned softly as she pressed herself into him. 

              “This time… let’s just have fun.”  Scott whispered, before rolling on a condom and pinning her to the bed, grinning down at her. 

              “What if I want baby number two?”  She asked, teasing him gently.  He chuckled a bit, before kissing her chest and lowering his hips.

              “In time… but first, there are other things we have to do.”  He explained, not yet engaging with her intimately.  Crystal tilted her head for a moment, wondering what he meant. 


              “Well… before baby number two, I want to marry you.”  He said suddenly, taking her by surprise.  She looked up at him in shock. 


              “As indisputable as the moans that will emerge from between your lips tonight, as certain as the love I have for you and Lily and as sure as I want you right now… do I need to continue?”  He asked, a smug look on his face. 

              She leaned forward, her lips lingered close to his.  “I love you.”  He smiled and closed the gap, kissing her tenderly, as he eased himself inside of her, eliciting a moan from between her lips.


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By: Laura Jane


Copyright 2016 by Laura Jane - All rights reserved.


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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

Chapter One- Randy

Randall Blakemore was frustrated beyond measure. He leaned forward in his chair, frowning slightly as he ran a hand through his jet black hair. Everything would work itself out, as always. He simply didn’t like surprises. In fact, he didn’t like anyone messing with his business. He stood, stretching as he did, not missing the admiring glance from one of the moms passing his shop on their way to the park. Despite his frustration he gave her a wink, laughing to himself as he saw the blush rise up in her face.

              He made his way over to the front of the garage, taking in the scents of rubber and oil. This place was his and he wouldn’t give it up for anything at all. No matter what they said downtown. He frowned once more, he would have to go into town and clear up whatever issues they had dug up on him this time. It seemed almost like clockwork, every couple of years the suits in town would start waving around all their power by pushing him around. He would hold his ground and tell them once more he wasn’t selling the place, and eventually they would move on.

              This place was everything to him, the garage had been built from the ground up by his father and he had passed that on to him once he had started forgetting things. Now Randy ran it all, and loved every project he brought in. It had once been a small town business, but over time he had branched out and he was now well known in the racing business, always on hand to help with a little improvement on some designs they had. He was always an advisor, but his real dream was tied up under the heavy cargo tarp in the far building. He had planned out every inch of the car and within the year she would be ready to drive, and he would finally get his name on the map for his time and hard work. He was not your typical boss, always in the garage working right along with the guys and more than a little willing to take on a challenge. He had been in more than a couple of run ins with city hall and last time had landed him in jail for three days.

              No, his mother had been right, what he needed was a little finesse, but it was unlikely given his natural reaction to things. Hot tempered, she called it. He simply wanted what was right, and would accept nothing less. Walking towards the office, he saw Mary light up as he walked in. Sweet girl.

              “Hey Mary, listen I have to go into city hall on Wednesday… again.” He leaned into the door.

              “They certainly like you in that place.” She rolled her eyes and gave him a smile.

“Seems that way.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Just wanted to make sure Mark is here, he is the only other person who keeps the guys working and not just making cat calls at the girls headed to the park.”             

“You got it boss.” She blinked at him with a half-smile.             

She was all kinds of sweet, and too young, so he knew better than to encourage her flirting behavior. In a pink polka-dot dress her blond hair pulled up in a high-ponytail, she always gave him an open invitation. He knew she was barely 21, and the idea was not appealing to him in any way.

“Anyway, I am going to take mom to lunch, so James is here if you need anything.”

He left before he said anything to make her think he was interested. She had only been working there for two weeks, and she was a great employee, he just wanted to make sure she knew that’s all she was. He slid onto his Harley and made his way quickly towards his mother's small house in the boroughs. It was quaint and it suited her style, especially since his father had died 4 years ago. He made his way up the stairs and knocked twice, poking his head in after a moment.

“Mother, its Randall.” He moved inside the front foyer.

“Come in Randall, we were just waiting inside.” He heard her call out to him.

He should have known he was being set-up right away, but sadly he didn’t pick up on it right away. He walked into the room to find himself face to face with his mother and a small redhead. She was all business from head to toe. Her hair neatly pulled back into a bun and her A-line skirt and tight shirt fit her like a glove. There was something vaguely familiar about her. Even she seemed somewhat taken aback when he walked into the room, jumping to her feet.

“Randall!” His mother moved around the table to hug him, and give him a wink at the same time. He would address that later. He gave her a smile.

“Mother, did you forget we had a lunch date?” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a knowing look, despite the feigned look of surprise on her face.

“Oh, did we? Oh my how my mind wanders these days.” She gave him a sweet smile.   

“Does it now.” He murmured.

“Since you’re here Randall I’d like you to meet Jessica Sinclair. She just moved back into town.”

Jessica Sinclair, or Messy Jessie as she had been known 15 years prior was nothing like her former self. She had been chubby, with braces and very much a tomboy. No, this delicate creature was nothing as she had been.

She held out her hand to him. “Mr. Blakemore, it’s good to see you again, it’s been quite some time.” Her smile was tight and businesslike.

“Jessie, you certainly look different.” He gave her one of his smiles, but she simply nodded.

“Yes, I am certain I do. Mrs. Blakemore, it really was a nice surprise running into you in the market, but I really have to get going.” She hugged the older woman and nodded in his direction as she headed down the stairs.

“Oh ok dear, well, perhaps you can come by for dinner one night, I get awfully lonely.”

Jessie hesitated, “Sure, I would love that.” She turned to go once more.

“Wednesday, 7 o clock dear, I’ll make something special.” The older woman was still smiling as Jessie shut the front door behind her. He spun around to face his mother.

“Well, mother, I can see you are still doing your best to find me a wife?” He arched his eyebrows in her direction, and she gave him a sheepish smile in response.

He would be lying if he didn’t admit to himself that Jessie’s lack of response to his usually effective charms had unnerved him slightly. He wasn’t used to that… at all.

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