Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (121 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter Five-Randy

              What the hell was wrong with him anyway? He never lost control when it came to women. In life, in business and in damn near everything else yes, but never with a woman. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. She had damn near run out of the house to get away from him, maybe that was the frustrating part.

              No, the reality was he liked her, and more than in just a sexual way. He watched how she handled herself in business, and how sweet and wonderful she was with his mother and she had touched a spot deep down. Somehow he would have to find a way to shake this whole feeling altogether. Tomorrow, he would have this talk and figure out what to do with the property, and then he would steer clear of Jessie Sinclair. He knew nothing good could come of it. He was not the settling down type, he was a free spirit, and he liked his life just the way it was.

              He was still brooding over how he felt the next morning as he made his way into town. Maybe he was looking at the situation all wrong. Maybe what he needed to do was have sex with her and get her out of his system once and for all. It had worked before, no reason it wouldn’t this time too. He would have to see, have to decide how to present it to her.

              She was in her office this time, the boy leading him in once more. He watched her turn around as she spoke on her phone and lifting one finger to him to give her a second. He watched her intently as she handled someone, quite well actually, on the other end of the phone.

              She was dressed impeccably as usual. Her hair in a tight bun, and her outfit clinging to her frame. She was moving constantly, almost as if it were part of the conversation. He watched her as she moved, wanting to reach out and grab her as she passed by him, pacing back and forth. He could imagine how wonderful she would feel if he grabbed her and pulled her down onto his lap, making love right there in her office. He shook his head clearing his thoughts as he shifted uncomfortably in the chair. Like an idiotic schoolboy, he sighed.

              She hung up and spun around to face him. “Blakemore what can I do for you?”

              “So back to the formalities again are we?” He arched an eyebrow in her direction.

She crossed her arms defensively. “I think it’s the smartest thing, don’t you?”

“No.” He spoke the word with deadly calm.

She seemed flushed as she moved across the room to get a folder to give to him. “Here is what I found about your property Randy, nothing adds up. I am willing to help you figure it out, but that’s all.”

He took the folder, staring at her. “Why are you afraid of me Jessie, afraid of me touching you. I know you want it as much as I do, and that’s not me being arrogant. I just know the way you kissed me back last night, you can’t hide that.”

“I don’t want to get involved with anyone, can we just leave it at that, please?” She looked up at him.

Something was wrong, something bigger than just them. He knew whatever it was she meant it, and was sincere. He wouldn’t push her if she wasn’t ready. He ran a hand over his face, giving her a small smile.

“Ok Jessie, if that’s really what you want.” He watched her relax visibly and then began asking about her findings.

They worked on it for hours, finally breaking for a moment.

“Let’s go eat something Jessie.” Instead of waiting for her to find a reason to say no he grabbed his keys and held the door for her to follow him.

They made their way downstairs, stepping in the small lot on the side of the building. He watched her confused expression as he handed her a helmet.

“Oh no… I can’t ride that thing.” She pointed to his bike in protest.

He laughed, unable to hold it in. “Jessie, you need to let go a little. Come ride with me.” He felt a small win in the way she took his hand and he helped her settle in behind him. As they rode through town, he felt the pressure of her behind him, and it was good.

He pulled into a small restaurant by his place. Allowing her to jump off carefully. They dined on fresh fish tacos and they watched the locals playing games in the park. She laughed loudly as a kid ran over to pull a little girl's hair.

“Ooh, he’s gonna get it that one.” She laughed again.

“You should laugh more often Jessie, you're beautiful when you let go.” He almost hated himself for saying anything as she immediately sobered.

“We should go.” She stood to leave, and he followed her, the moment lost now.

He pulled her into another kiss as they were leaving, quick and easy he pulled away, looking into her eyes. “Tell me you don’t feel that Jessie; tell me you don’t want it as much as I do?”

“I can’t tell you that Randy because I feel things, but I just don’t want to be another one of those girls...” She trailed off

“One of what girls?” He frowned down at her.

“Randy’s girls, you know, like in school. I spent more than a few nights daydreaming about you. I don’t want to just be another girl.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m flattered that you think I have it like that Jessie, but I don’t. I don’t just sleep with everyone like apparently you think I do. I want you, that’s it. I think there is something here Jessie, something real. Not just some romp in the sack like you think I am always after”

He pulled the helmet on and jumped on the bike, heading back towards her office. He pulled up front and helped her off. “You know where I am Jessie, if you ever want to just relax and live for once, or better yet take a risk and open yourself up to me.” He pulled off angry at himself for getting so caught up in one woman.

Chapter Six- Jessie

              “Dammit.” She cursed under her breath. How dare he anyway. He must think she was crazy.

              Maybe he was right, maybe she did think too much, and never let herself relax. It had been years since she had been with anyone, and even then she had been so self-conscious she couldn’t relax enough to enjoy it. Perhaps she didn’t want to ruin her image of what they had in her dreams so long ago.

              She focused on work, it was something to keep her busy. To keep her from thinking about what he had said. Of course she knew where to find him. She knew more about him than he would probably like. She frowned glancing down at the papers in front of her, she rechecked it over and over and finally she smiled. She grabbed up the papers and shoved them in her bag, as she made her way downstairs.

              She thought about what she was going to do. She wanted to let go, to breath like he said. She had forgotten a long time ago how to enjoy anything. Instead, she had been so focused, too focused on life. She pulled up to his place in a rush, eager to share her news. She would do it, just let go and be with him. He was right, she had felt it, the tension between them and the fire they created when he touched her. She loved being around him, especially when he was with his mother. Maybe, just maybe he was right.

              She knocked twice, before the door swung open and Jessie found herself face to face with a leggy blonde.

              “Hey, there is Randy here?” She felt the sting as the blonde looked her over twice, smirking.

              “Nope, not today. Want me to leave a message for him?” She waited.

              “No just give him this please.” Jessie thrust the paperwork at the girl, turning to leave.

              She heard the door shut, and she let the tears fall as she climbed back into her car. She had been right to tell him no. He would have just hurt her as she predicted. People just don’t change, and she would always just be some girl who had a crush on him years ago. She put the car in drive and headed towards her apartment. She needed to sleep, and rethink everything she had taught herself over the last ten years.

              Showered and feeling better she climbed into the couch. She would be fine; she always had been. All she needed to do was to stay focused on what’s important. As long as she did that everything would be just fine. She had slipped this time, letting herself care about someone, especially Randy Blakemore. Flipping through the television, she settled on some show about reality television. It didn’t matter really; she wasn’t paying attention.

              The knock on the door was loud and it made her jump up from the couch. Who in the world? She made her way over to the door, carefully peering out of the peep hole in the door. She stood back, frowning, opening the door as she did.

              “What do you want Randy?” She felt the heat of his eyes rake over her body.

“Did we not cover this already earlier sweetheart?” He arched an eyebrow. He held up the envelope. “I got this, does this mean what I think?”

She swallowed dryly, he got it from the blonde of course. “Yes, the accounts were merged back when your father bought the adjoining land. By combining it you won’t have the additional issues with the taxation. It should fix most of your problem.”

“I can’t believe you found the problem Jessie. You have no idea whole amazing this is.” He moved to hug her, but she stepped away.

He frowned at her. “Why did you bring this to me Jessie, it could have waited?”

“I thought you’d want to know right away, that’s all. I have to get some rest.” She stammered and moved to shut the door.

“No you didn’t Jessie, don’t do that don’t lie to me.” He put his finger under her chin, lifting her head. “You really have no idea how beautiful you are do you?”

“Stop if Randy, I met your girlfriend, I’m not stupid.” She pushed his hand away.

“My What! My…. oh you mean Mary? Oh my God, she is like 20 years old Jessie. She works at the station and needed a place to crash her water pipe busted last night.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Give me some credit Jessie.” He was hurt and she felt bad instantly.

She looked up at him. “I’m sorry Randy, really. This is the problem. I’ll always be Messy Jessy, the fat kid who was invisible. I’ll always second guess everything.”

“Let me show you then Jessie.” He moved to kiss her again, this time she didn’t fight him, allowing him to invade her senses freely.
She felt the coolness of the air as he stripped her free of her clothing. His hands were everywhere at once. Touching kissing and feeling her. She felt the shift in control as he loved her with abandon. She let herself go completely. She felt his hands run down her hips and she looked up at him as he followed his hands with his lips. He managed to kick the door shut as he moved her, across the room and to her bed.

He left no skin untouched and moved with graceful movements despite the fever they had created between them. She felt him kiss a trail down her whole body. He started with her mouth nibbling his way down her neck and between the valley between her breasts. She wanted him more than anything right now, wanted to be free and relaxed with him. He climbed back up, once more nipping the skin as he went. She felt him dip lower and she felt the stubble of his chin brush against her most sensitive area. She opened up to him and he moved between her thighs. She moaned loudly as he plunged into her wet heat tasting and loving her. She gave over to the wonder of his touch and kiss, her body reacting in ways she had never felt before. He moved in circles over her flesh, giving her every bit as much as she could take. She climbed the peak more and more as his movements increased. She felt exposed to him as he spread her wider and wider still to be able to taste of her fully. Soon the sweet rush filled her body as she crested the ultimate peak of desire.

“Randy, Please… I can’t.” She looked down at him, still moving still tasting her.

He smiled at her as he moved once more trailing kisses along her thighs. She felt his hands under her gripping her tightly as he lifted her off the bed. He dropped a sweet kiss on her there once more before he positioned himself to enter her slowly. The feeling was heavenly as he stretched her to accommodate his size. He moved slowly and carefully to ease into her over and over again. Neither of them knew what to expect, or how to react both feeling this loving in a new way, unlike ever before.  She watched his face as he moved slowly and achingly, taking his sweet time in his movements. Her body was climbing once more and she wanted all of him. She moved her hips up to meet his and she felt his body shudder slightly. The tempo increased as he put her hips back down on the bed and pressed the length of him on her body. Her knees were by her head now as he leaned forward flicking his tongue over her nipples jutting into the air.  She moaned as he suckled on one and then the other as he pushed into her, their hips grinding together. He was eager in his movements as he pushed into her over and over now, pushing and pulling. She wanted to feel his desire and know he wanted her. She looked up at him as she crested another wave...

“Jessie…” he hissed out her name and leaned down to kiss her as they both hit the glorious peak together.

He groaned loudly, finding release. He held her there, neither of them moving. His body was too heavy but she wanted it, wanted the closeness of him on her. She felt him roll off of her and onto the bed. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of him still.  The coolness of the air rushed in as he moved to situate himself behind her. She closed her eyes once more letting herself enjoy the feel of him there.  She knew he would want to talk; she knew it was necessary. For now, though she just wanted him there.

They both stayed that way for hours, drifting in and out of sleep, often shifting to meld into the other. It was the most natural thing in the world to be there in those moments with him. Everything they had experienced had been unlike anything she had ever done, and she knew she was in deep, deeper than she should have ever allowed herself to get. She woke, the sun streaming into the room. She felt the spot where he had been last, wondering if he had disappeared in the fog of the night. She made her way into the kitchen, casually throwing on a robe as she went.

She found him there, on the phone. She moved to sit at the bar across from him, frowning. Finally, he hung up.

“Hello there sleepyhead. I was just telling my mother the good news.”

“Oh, I’m sure she is happy about that. No more annoying letters on her door.” She accepted the offered cup of coffee he had made. He was obviously good at making himself at home.

“Oh, no I didn’t even think to tell her about that.” He took a long sip of the hot brew.

She frowned, lost. “What are you talking about then, what did you tell her?”

“Oh, I was telling her that she won. I give up I will finally get married and give her grandchildren.” He went on to sipping his coffee.

“What!?” She was locked in place, unable to move.

“Oh well, yes, I guess I should have asked you first, but given the night we had….”

She was still frozen. “I don’t understand?”

He gave an exaggerated sigh. “Truth is Jessie I lied to you. Now before you get crazy on me, I didn’t know it was a lie at the time. I told you I wanted you, wanted you to come have fun with me, let go and all that. Well the fact of the matter is I am in love with you Jessie Sinclair, there is no other way to explain it… What we have, I’ve never felt before and I won’t give you up, no matter what. I know your stubborn, but I would really just love a yes to my proposal. I mean I’ll work for it if you really want me too, but just so you know, I will win.” He gave her a rakish grin.

“Proposal.” She choked out.

“Oh yes, that.” He stood managing to pull the small box out as he went. “I had this, it was my mothers. I told her I had some deep feelings about you and she gave it to me. She wore it every day of my life, it was her ring with my father. She is at peace about it, and wanted me to give it to you. See Jessie I was planning to come tell you I lied, long before we ever made love.  Knew I felt something more, much more before now. I was just a coward. You worry about being Messy Jessie the rest of your life but me, well I like you the way you are right now more than any other time. No makeup, hair down and smiling like that at me.”

He opened the box, the clear diamond shining. “Jessie, will you marry me, and be happy with me the rest of your life?”

She let the tears spill down her face as her heart exploded in joy. “Yes, yes.” She felt him pick her up, spinning her around.

“We will have to work on the living arrangements though. I love the view, but no way am I living in the city sweetheart.”

She giggled. “I think we can work something out.” She tipped her head up, welcoming his kiss once more.


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