Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1)
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“So, Dex and Romeo will work with everyone to make sure everyone has a detail and when they want you guys to switch. It’s going to be a long few nights, but I don’t want to risk anyone in our family. Posts must be manned starting tomorrow.” I slam the gavel on the table, and everyone gets up from their chairs and start to make their way out of the doors.

Before I have a chance to stand up, E stops in front of Romeo and I. “Tina is a fucking loose cannon right now. I won’t risk her being in the same room as Trix and Blade. If she fuckin’ touches a hair on either of their heads I’ll fuckin’ kill her.” I watch him carefully. I’ve never seen E this fucking wound up. He’s typically the calm, cool, and collected one out of us all.

“You knew what you were doing when you fucked around with Trix.” I state.

“Yeah I fuckin’ know. I never meant it to mean anything, but it does. You and I both know that Tina is not the bitch for me. I only married her because she was pregnant and then a few months later she lost the baby, and leaving her wasn’t a good idea. Ever since I found out about having a son a week ago, I can’t think of anything else but them.”

“He’s eight months old.” Romeo states.

“You’ve known about him since Trix turned up pregnant. Just because you wanted to believe that he wasn’t yours all that time doesn’t mean shit to us. You haven’t done shit for that kid, and trust me, that will change. He’s our family and if you don’t take care of him, someone else will.” E doesn’t say anything at first, but I can see the look in his eye. He wants to challenge me.

“How the fuck would I have known that she was really carrying my kid? I wasn’t the only one fucking her. She’s a club whore.” He shakes his head and I hope to fuckin’ god he isn’t as stupid as he’s acting right now.

“She stopped fucking the brothers long before she became pregnant. Hell, she stayed the fuck away from here after I got her the other job. She only came around when you called her up. She’s only had eyes for you for longer than I can remember, E. You want to keep stringing her along, then I suggest you move the fuck on. I won’t let you hurt her or Blade any more than you already have.”

He doesn’t say anything, but he does look at Romeo, who has the same expression on his face that I’m sure I have right now. I made Romeo aware of everything I was doing for Trixie, and he agreed with me on it. He liked her and wanted to see her do better. Plus, I think he might have a thing for her. He’s never said anything, but I see the way he watches her when no one else is looking.

“I won’t let anyone else touch her.” E barks out. Before I can stop Romeo, he pushes E against the wall, his forearm pressed tightly against his neck. I watch how it plays out because, honestly, I want to know how Romeo feels about her.

“You won’t have a fuckin’ choice.” Romeo growls. “You have an ol’ lady at home, and Trix sure as hell doesn’t deserve to be just a play thing to you. Let someone who actually gives a fuck about her have a chance to make her happy. All you fuckin’ do is make her cry.”

E pushes Romeo back and I can see something new in E’s eyes. He’s fucking pissed, but he also has that look that comes when someone threatens you. “You fuckin’ go near her, VP or not, I will end you. I won’t let you take her, or my son from me.” The both are staring each other down, neither of them giving up or showing any sign of walking away from this fight.

“Enough.” I demand. Neither of them looks at me and when I put my hands on their shoulders and squeeze, I finally get their attention. “Neither of you get a choice. Trix is the only one who gets to make the decision. I will not let you two fucking try and destroy each other. I need everyone working as a fucking team. We have more important shit to deal with right now."

Turning on my heel, I make my way out the door, and leave them to it.

When I make my way back to my room, I open the door and I’m surprised to see Harlyn still laying in my bed. Instead of trying to figure out what she’s going to do next, I just strip out of my clothes and let myself lay next to her. She may be gone in the morning, but I won’t let that destroy me. My men need me.

Pulling her naked body into mine, I breathe in her scent. She turns in my arms and places her mouth to my skin. Her lips linger over the place on my heart and I close my eyes, relishing in the feel of it.

“Stav.” Her quiet whisper brings my body to attention, and when I look down at her, I can see the hesitation in her eyes.


“Why do we continue to hurt each other?” Chills run up my spine and I don’t have an answer for her. “The whole two weeks I’ve been here, we’ve done nothing but fight, make up, fight, and fuck. That isn’t me. I don’t want to be that person. All I want is to go back to being the naïve girl you spent hours with. You told me things that I know for a fact you’ve never told anyone else.
I bared my soul to you.” Her voice trails off and I run my fingers over her cheek bone. The look on her face kills me.

“I want that too. I wish I could start over with you. I would have never subjected you to my lifestyle, and I sure as hell wouldn’t have let anything happen to you.” She stares at me, but doesn’t move or say a word. I have no clue what is running through her head right now, and that’s scares the fuck out of me.

“I love you Stav, but I can’t be with someone who does what you do.” My whole world feels like it’s slipping through my fingers. I want to punch the fuckin’ wall in anger, and I want to slit my own damn throat for hurting her so badly.

Closing my eyes, I release her, and roll over to my back. I don’t have anything else to say. I know she won’t give me the time of day anyway. She’s made up her mind, and I’ll do my best to respect that.

Instead of sticking around, I get out of bed and pull my jeans back on. Making my way towards the door, I take one last look at her before pulling it open and walking through it. I’ve always known that she deserved better than me, but I could never give her up. She was an addiction and my savior, all in one nice little package.

Coming to my office, I open the door and slam it shut. Sinking into my chair, I think back to one of my favorite memories.

The wind is blowing through her dark hair as she walks towards me. It’s been a year since I claimed her, and I don’t regret it for one damn minute. She has on a tight pair of jeans and a tank that has the words Draconic Crimson in bright pink letters. She had them made for all the ol’ ladies and the whores. She wanted every woman that is part of this club to sport our logo, and I loved that.

She loves this club just as much as I do. Watching her walk towards me in those fuck me shoes she always has on give me a stiffy. I want to bend her ass over a damn chair and show her what she does to me, but I hold back. I always want everything between us to be fuckin’ amazing.

“Stav.” She purrs, running her finger down my chest.

“Give me a kiss.” I demand. She leans forward, licking her lips before she places her mouth on mine. Her tongue slips into my mouth and massages mine. Our kiss gets me hard as a rock and I pull her body towards mine. Her heels put her at just the right height for me.

“Take me shopping.” She bats her eyelashes at me and I can’t help but groan. I hate to shop. There is nothing worth spending fuckin’ hours upon hours at a store just to find nothing. I only shop at one place and they have all the shit I need.

“You know how I feel about that shit.” She gives me a pouty look and I almost give in.

“You promised.” She says this time. Wracking my brain, I try to think of when I would have promised her that. “The other night when I gave you that blow job in front of everyone. I told you I would only if you took me shopping.” She pulls away and crosses her arms. She gives me a look that’s a cross between frustration and lust.

“Fine.” I groan. “But first, I need you to take care of him.” I point down to my dick and her eyes scan over the bulge in my jeans. He’s begging for her touch and I know that she won’t say no to me. She wants it just as much as I do.

She closes the distance between us and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling our bodies together. I carry her to the first dark corner I can find. Lowering her to her feet, I press her into the wall. I pull her jeans down her legs and slide her panties to the side before pulling my dick out. Sliding into her sweet cunt, I fuck her hard against the wall until we both come.

By the time I pull the bike into the mall parking lot, I’m already regretting that fucking promise. The blow job was fucking amazing, but I would rather put a dull knife in my eye than shop with her. Cutting my engine, I help her off the bike and then secure her helmet. “Don’t look so pissed.” She giggles. She starts to walk off, but I grab her around the waist and pull her body back into mine.

“I am pissed. I hate shopping.” I nip at her earlobe and she just giggles.

Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I lead her towards that crowded fucking place that kids, teens, and adults alike go fucking crazy on shit that they probably don’t even need, or that is priced way too damn high. She leads me through at least a dozen stores before she finds anything that she’s even interested in.

The last store she drags me into is the lingerie store. Everything around us is lacey and see-through. Walking by a pair of panties that leave nothing to the imagination, I hold them up for her and she shakes her head at me. “Can you wear something like this?” I raise an eyebrow at her and she comes back over to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

“I’ll wear whatever you want to buy me.” I lean forward and press my lips to hers.

“My favorite words.” I pick out a few sexy little outfits for her, and when she’s done shopping for some of the things she wants for herself, we make our way towards the cash register. The woman behind it gives Harlyn a dirty look before running her eyes over me.

“You find everything you were looking for?” She drawls sweetly, pushing her chest out for me to see. I wrap my arm around Harlyn’s neck and pull her into me before she has a chance to say something.

“Yeah. I can’t wait to get her home so she can model it for me before it ends on my bedroom floor. If you know what I mean.” I wink at the girl, and she starts to blush. Harlyn pinches me and I take her mouth in a bruising kiss.

After I pay for everything, I grab the bag and wrap my arm around Harlyn, leading her out of the shop and towards the exit.

“Thank you for everything Stav.” She beams up at me.

“Anything for you baby.” I kiss her lips before I shove her shopping bags into my saddle bags and close them. Handing her the helmet, I watch her put it on before I straddle my bike, and wait for her to get on behind me. Her legs squeeze around my hips, and her arms wrap tightly around my waist.

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